Sunday, September 06, 2020


Here is a video from Dena Blizzard who just might be the next Chancellor after this. I had a good laugh. I hope you will too.

My favorite part is the Poop Brown Cohort and of course the survey on surveys.

We will get very serious again and should have more concerning what to do about the opening on Tuesday. I heard of a school already going all remote. For now, please follow the instructions from yesterday's post and know your rights if you have any COVID-19 symptoms.


  1. Thanks James for some levity.
    I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day.
    Great day for a family BBQ or movie and early dinner in NJ.

  2. Professor collapses and dies in front of virtual class amid COVID-19 symptoms
    By Yaron SteinbuchSeptember 7, 2020 | 6:48am

  3. Upstate NY school district delays start after 90 staffers go on COVID-19-tied leave
    By Kenneth GargerSeptember 6, 2020 | 9:06pm |

  4. COVID's youth fatality risk might be "low" but the long-term-illness risk to young ppl's hearts and lungs could be as serious as the mortality risk to old ppl.

    The let-'er-rippers are asking young Americans to play craps with their internal organs.

  5. "I wouldn’t want my pandemic plan to be, Let’s have hundreds of thousands of young people with lifelong illnesses. I wouldn’t want to tell 30-to-50-year-olds that we’ve signed them up for a high risk of heart disease and chronic organ damage.”

  6. COVID-19 presents an array of health challenges that are serious, if not imminently fatal. The disease occasionally sends people’s immune system into a frenzy, wreaking havoc on their internal organs. Several studies of asymptomatic patients revealed that more than half of them had lung abnormalities. A March study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that 7 to 20 percent of sick patients showed heart damage associated with COVID-19.

    As my colleague Ed Yong explained, many COVID-19 patients experience protracted illness. These “long-haulers” suffer from a diabolical grab bag of symptoms, including chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, unrelenting fevers, gastrointestinal problems, lost sense of smell, hallucinations, short-term-memory loss, bulging veins, bruising, gynecological problems, and an erratic heartbeat. And according to the neuroscientist David Putrino, chronic patients are typically young (the average age in his survey is 44), female, and formerly healthy.

  7. This is hysterical! Good luck tomorrow everyone! May everyone have a happy and successful school year. Let’s do the best with what we got. This is going to be one wild ride.

  8. Off to a good start, right Mulgrew.
    So my students who requested devices have either a) heard nothing from the DOE or b) been directed to my principal(?).

    Just, you know, thinking this could be a big deal since 75% of all learning will be remote

  9. It's funny because it's true, however the marginalization of Truth through satire must be viewed as sacrosanct and inauthentic. These times call for actual genuine and trustworthy people. Unafraid to speak Truth to power.

  10. This Labor Day, 1,800 individual
    chapters are working to make sense of unclear building inspection reports, supplies, and if it's safe to return to school conditions TOMORROW, while our union
    , who made this top-down deal, has been silent this weekend

  11. Get ready...N.J. coronavirus transmission rate increases for 10th day. Officials report 344 new cases, 2 deaths.

  12. I’m very concerned about the future implications of NYC teachers reporting tomorrow in the absence of information about building ventilation and other incomplete safety measures. The
    UFT needs to talk to members TODAY about supporting us and holding the DOE accountable. Now

  13. Too bad our union
    over its own teachers and members this Labor Day. Their deal is forcing members into uncertain school conditions tomorrow, and it's shameful

  14. A NYC teacher : “Our mayor, our governor and our union president should all be ashamed of themselves. They won’t be, but they should.”

  15. Happy Labor Day,
    ! “We will have all results posted online by September 4th” (6:55) Today is the 7th. No Ventilation Action Team reports.

  16. Asynchronous Remote Learning Is The Most Humane Way To Teach This School Year
    Zak RingelsteinContributor
    Founder of Zigazoo & UClass (exited). Forbes 30u30. Teachers College.

    1. Ugh no way. Nobody learns from just posting a task. If people are remote, there HAS to be live interaction for most of the day....

  17. Mulgrew sent an email, wished us luck. feel better?

  18. Safe?

    HOLIDAY #COVID UPDATE: Where do things stand?

    “We have an equivalent amount, if not more infection, heading into Labor Day right now,”
    @ScottGottliebMD tells @jdickerson

    “And we’re heading into a more difficult season.”

  19. What is the first amendment?

  20. So, the next 9 days are considered PD days. Therefore, we must be in the buildings 6 hours and 50 minutes for PD. How much PD can we do in person in small groups?

    This is all so stupid.

    I am calling my doctor tomorrow to make an appointment for medical accommodation.

  21. School districts upstate NY are starting entirely remote and in NYC, where the risks are much greater for everyone,
    are doing exactly what they did in March, protecting “business as usual” and waving biological warfare on poor and working class.

  22. It’s 3:50 pm on September 7. Still No safety report provided on my school

  23. Don't worry.. Out of all these pd days, teachers will be given 9 hours total to set up virtual classrooms. The rest will be training, pd, safety meetings, and new prodocol training. Can't wait!

  24. There’s something seriously wrong with TeachNY and it’s worse than Covid19.

    1. Ha. You’re the typical negative teacher that is probably toxic to the building. Not sure why having a positive take on things is considered bad.

  25. Channel 7 News ( via their Accuweather site) just showed a report with a listing of at least 10 schools which are closed till at least Sept 21 due to ventilation issues—and all assigned staff will work remotely. How many other schools are still out there which also are not safe?

  26. UFT does not care if teachers get sick or die.

    They care only about the leadership's power, perks and privileges.

    My CL has spent her entire weekend communicating with @UFT and admins for my colleagues to do PD remotely tomorrow in the absence of ventilation reports and they have finally put in writing that we are to report. They are not here for us.

  27. Keep listening to uft. Vote unity, vote dem, vote de blasio...Like it so far?

  28. I just emailed my principal, told him i cant pass the health screening because I have chills. I will be out for 10 days.

  29. I really feel sick in my stomach, I think anxiety and discomfort traveling with covid around. This entire summer has been one filled with doubt, anxiety &unease. Tomorrow, the
    NYCMayor NYGovCuomo DOEChancellor & UFT are forcing us back in unsafe buildings &working conditions.

    If it wasn’t so depressing I’d be laughing at the fact that they call themselves “leaders.”


  30. Eliza Shapiro
    NYC has finished ventilation inspections for all ~1400 buildings. The city will close 10 buildings, affecting about 20 schools. Kids will still attend school in person if they choose in alternate sites.



    - PS 45 - Horace E. Greene School
    - PS 45 - Horace E. Greene School (Annex Building)
    - The Maxine Greene HS for Imaginative Inquiry, Urban Assembly School for Media Studies, High School for Law, Advocacy and Community Justice, High School of Arts and Technology Manhattan / Hunter Science High School Special Music School
    - P.S. M721 - Manhattan Occupational Training Center, Harvest Collegiate High School
    - Leadership & Public Service High School
    - P.S. Q222 - Fire Fighter Christopher A. Santora School
    - The Riverview School, P.S. 110
    - P.S. M094, Sixth Avenue Elementary School
    - Success Academy Charter School - Harlem 1, Success Academy Charter School - Harlem 3, Manhattan Academy for Arts & Language, Murray Hill Academy, Unity Center for Urban Technologies
    - High School of Economics and Finance

  32. NYC teachers ask judge to let them work from home due to COVID-19 concerns

    Remember when there were 15 cases in the US. Now over 6 million.

    Remember when we reached 100 dead. Now almost 200,000.

  33. Those 10 cant open...Yet probably every single school has not completed the checklist. If any of you show up tomorrow, you are idiots. Show them when students report there will be no teachers. call in sick.

  34. My life is not valued. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to teach remotely? If I have a doctor’s note, doesn’t he know best? I’ve been denied three times for an accommodation. No one can help.

    I deserve the same chance to do my job SAFELY. If some of us can teach safely, ALL of us should be given that option. I feel punished, I feel less-than. I have an affliction that’s not on “the list.” I’m VENTING. Don’t make me feel worse, please. PLEASE. I’m so upset.

  35. Same as 528. Any symptom, can not enter building for 10 days. I feel nauseous.

  36. I definitely enjoyed my Labor Day knowing I would no longer be an educator for such a corrupt institution.


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