Tuesday, September 01, 2020


 The start of school will be delayed. Details will follow:

• Staff will report Sept 8

• Sept 10,11, 14 and 15 dedicated for teacher preparation

• Sept 16,17,18– 3 day transitional period – instruction to begin remotely (period for students to meet their online teachers)

• Sept 21 – school buildings open full strength for blended learning

Mulgrew at de Blasio presser: NYC has most aggressive policies and strongest safeguards of any school system in the USA.

DeBlasio: Monthly medical monitoring program in every school. Sample number of COVID-19 tests in each school. Program is mandatory. Health experts worked with UFT health experts. Random testing. 

Doctor adds 10-20% tested.

From DOE:

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Important Dates

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 

•School staff report to schools-To prepare for blended and remote learning. No students will report to school in person until Monday September 21st. 

Wednesday, September 16, Thursday, September 17, and Friday September 18, 2020 

•Instructional Orientation on line

•All students will

Reconnect to their school community

Learn the health and safety procedures

Check technical connectivity

Have wellness checks with their teachers and guidance staff

Monday, September 21, 2020 

•All schools will begin full-day teaching and learning

•All schools will begin full-day teaching and learning

•Students in blended learning (combination of in-person and remote) will begin to report to buildings, depending on their in-person schedule

•Students in 100% remote learning will all begin full-day learning



  1. Watching the Mayor's presser right now with Carranza and heads of UFT, CSA and DC37.
    The union heads look beaten and sheepish.

  2. I just want to know what we have up.

    The 4 days we were credited for spring break?
    Extended school year?


  3. Now we know why they didn't release the calendar...

  4. How the fuck is a test each month safe for anybody?

  5. If you read


    and still want to pay dues to this corrupt entity, i cant help you.

  6. Monthly test, that students could refuse?

    Mulgrew is a great negotiator.

  7. They sold us out. Are you surprised?

  8. Hey
    who did you make this deal for? Because you still haven’t asked the rank and file what we think. Once.

    This is rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. You know it.

  9. • Staff will report Sept 8
    • Sept 10,11, 14 and 15 dedicated for teacher preparation
    • Sept 16,17,18– 3 day transitional period – instruction to begin remotely (period for teachers to meet their online teachers)
    • Sept 21 – school buildings open full strength for blended learning
    • Oct 1 – beginning and recurring each moth random sample of 10-20% of student and staff population

  10. Delayed start is Sept. 21st for students only.
    Teachers are still due back next week.
    Strike is off.

  11. This is a disgrace. How some of you can defend them, I will never understand, they just completely lied to us for weeks, made absolutely zero changes for the better, and then paraded out there like great friends, as we go into the famous petri dish, as they can stay safe. But pay dues...That is the line, right James?

  12. Mayor was honest, Mulgrew lied. Strike was never on the table.

    At the end of the day, the @NYCMayorsOffice was the only character in the whole drama who had been open and honest over the past 24 hours.

    1. @11:37 pm
      You're probably right. Diblahsio's Freudian slip yesterday was the best giveaway.

  13. this doesn't address the full safety demands UFT pushed, nor the logistical, health and funding issues that are still making this school reopening plan unsafe. We encourage school chapters to continue organizing: this fight is far from over to keep students, educators, families, and all New Yorkers safe.

  14. My question is what are we giving up?

  15. We can finally breathe! Not only do we have time to prepare, but it sounds as if safety demands will be met. We don’t have to worry about striking or layoffs. The time to prepare is key-looking at curriculum, getting schedules, meeting the remote teachers, etc....much more smoother than just starting sept 10th. This is a good thing. Let’s be positive! Everyone have a great year, take each day as it comes.....things are out of our control. At least we will have time to fix schedules, get parents organized, etc....this is a very good thing. Though there will
    Be some parts that don’t go well, it will be much much smoother than starting with kids the week of the 10th.

    1. Teach NY is unreal. Oh yay it’s pushed back 2 weeks. Are you serious. Nothing will change in 2 weeks and at that point will the Mulgrew major a real stand or say all is good? My bet is on the latter. This is ridiculous.

  16. 12 years a slave under Bloomberg - Mulgrew - silence. Mulgrew - 2014 contract agrees to subpar contract, decade long interest free loan, separate and unequal treatment for ATRs. Mulgrew - 3/17,18 and 19 - silence. Mulgrew 8/31 Ex. Board - outright lies to all. Mulgrew is the problem and the rank and file have the answer. Throw the bum out! Vote no confidence in Mulgrew.

  17. I find it interesting that there was no talk or mention of layoffs in this "deal".

    They're just kicking the can down the road. I don't expect even this plan to work.

  18. But this is what you were all ready to strike for... testing! Did you understand the demand? No, you did not. The Demand was not for all Remote; it was for testing. You all were ready to strike & risk fines for testing. READ! Mulgrew delivered a on Mandatory testing promise. s
    Virus is under 2% currently -City says schools close again @ 3% infection rate, Gov says 5%. Once schools open, numbers will shoot up. If you socially distance, wear PPE, 2 masks, a face shield, Hazmat suit/ Coveralls ( take off b4 u enter your house, take a shower/ wash hair as soon as you come home from work, everything goes into a laundry bag, do not bring work home) get a FLU shot & Pneumonia Shot: we will MOST LIKELY NOT get sick.
    If this virus threat is real, Schools will close AGAIN! The city's plan will fail!
    Majority of parents will choose remote cause kids won't want to go to school under these conditions. JUST ENTRY ALONE WILL BE A COMPLETE DEBACLE! Be happy you did not strike over a plan that will blow up in Deblasio's face. Today, the Mayor and UFT made teachers sound like willing public servants just like NYPD, FDNY, EMS, CORRECTION, POSTAL and bunch other people who have to work for a living.
    Mulgrew just saved you from becoming a public laughing stock.

  19. Its over. Those against the strike warned everyone. Striking had no leverage. How do you negotiate from wanting 100% mandatory testing to 10-20% random?

    Cant wait to read Cuomo's book on handling the pandemic followed by Mulgrew's how to negotiate in a pandemic. Y

  20. I feel like many people here will never be happy no matter what decision would have been made. Yes, there are still questions but these will hopefully be addressed sooner than later. This is an alternate to what most people were complaining about. Make the best of it and try to make this work. Even this may not be final since covid has changed plans numerous times. We should try our best with the situation as it is for the moment.

  21. 11:47. Things shouldn’t be out of our control. We are a union with a huge membership. We haven’t had the chance to vote on a single decision. The union officials making the decisions are not in the classroom. Your post is very idealistic. Senior teachers know better than to trust the union or DOE.

  22. Here's my prediction to make up for the days:
    Instructional orientation 9/16-9/18 will count as school days
    Election Day and Brooklyn/Queens Day will be school days to make up for no classes on 9/10-9/11
    There won't be a make up for 9/14 or 9/15...instead we'll have exactly 180 days and snow days will mean livestreaming from home

    Let's see if I'm right.

  23. Teach NY-good thing? No testing before entering a building-good?
    Yes, we don't have to worry about striking-yes, layoffs-maybe.

    We just have to worry about DYING OR CARRYING THE VIRUS TO OUR LOVED ONES. I work in a school building that 8 staff members brought the virus HOME TO A PARENT AND THAT PARENT DIED! One after the other in Early April/Late March we have a staff member lose a parent.
    Teachers, paras all lost a parent on the same day/day after. This virus was caught in school and brought home.

    Many students lost grandparents and family members who live with them.

    Must be nice that you did not experience anything like this in your school community.

  24. I hope every honest truth living educator will resist being coerced. What consolation is everything g is out of our control. You can control your mind, right?

  25. I think this was a strategic face saving choice by Mulgrew.
    The blending learning plan will be a fiasco because of staffing shortages. Many students won’t attend class in person and only sporadically online.

    Considering that student programs are often messed up in the best of times, does anyone really think the DOE and their thuggish Principal’s Academy administrators will get this right? It simply will not work. Let me qualify that, it might work if your school leaders are competent. That’s a pretty tall order from what I’ve seen around the city.

    This now puts the ball in the mayor’s court to do it right. I can see why people might consider this agreement to be a sell-out, but I’m not ready to make that judgement yet.

  26. Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

    We won't be fooled again.

    No more dues to the UFT.

    "It is not a person's duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and . . . not to give it practically his support."

    Henry David Thoreau

  27. Replies
    1. You’re so lucky, lol. Enjoy the well-deserved pension :-)

  28. @UFT Any truth to the rumor that we're getting the 2020-2021 NYCDOE schedule in time to start 2021-2022?

  29. Still eating in class.

    Teachers are still sharing printers, computers, lounge, fridge

    No real testing program

  30. I assume all teachers with medical Waivers will not be entering the school on the 8th— so schools will have to run all the meetings remotely so why should teachers have to come into school for the meetings?

  31. Mulgrew is a real lowlife. This is an all time scam. Completely throwing safety out the window.

  32. Isn't this technically a new contract or addendum to our contract that wasn't approved? What did we give up?

  33. I think 12:07 makes very valid points. Right on target.

    But I still find it suspicious that there was no mention of the layoffs in today's deal, which makes it seem like it will be a thorny issue in 2 weeks time.

  34. The layoffs are a big issue. Doesn't he think these people have a right to know if they may be laid off?

  35. 12:07 "READ! Mulgrew delivered a on Mandatory testing promise."
    No, he failed with even that "promise", which was that every student and staff member must be tested before entering any school building. Instead sometime during each month 10% will be tested. Staff that refuse to comply with whatever terms for this were agreed upon will be placed on unpaid leave.

    What did we get? Nothing as far as I can tell. The random testing was already going to be in place prior to this agreement.

    Delayed school openings for teachers? No. They can't figure out how to program any schools, the hybrid remote teachers will be substitutes and CUNY students who haven't yet been "hired" by the DOE since Principals need to submit how many they will need.

    So we're getting nothing. What are we losing? How will the Shady Ones sugar coat and disguise these loses?

    Here is another MoA which no one voted on!
    No taxation/dues without representation!

  36. DiBlasio called the bluff. Where are you on thus Mr. Eternal?

  37. They might want staff in the buildings to figure out who is going to be part of the BRT, and go over the daily practices when students are in the building.

    I wonder... Who is going to 'volunteer' / 'be designated' to be part of the BRT?

    Also, where are the reports from the UFT and DOE building inspections? General public should have access to both. Which schools and which classrooms within each building are or are not safe according to UFT and to the DOE?


    Some of the text:

    The safety and security of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. NYCDOE regularly assesses existing systems for effectiveness and makes revisions as necessary, specifically aligned to any current conditions. A vital component of emergency readiness, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, is the Building Response Team (BRT).  While the principal leads the school in ensuring compliance with the NYCDOE reopening plan, the BRT is a school-based team that is activated to manage health and safety incidents or emergencies.   The BRT will be responsible for managing and supporting the school’s response to any incidents related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes collaborating with the principal to plan and execute morning entry plans. Schools and campuses must identify individual staff members to become BRT members, who receive training in order to perform their duties. As schools prepare for reopening, the principal and the Building Response Team (BRT) receive training around enhanced COVID-19 response protocols. This training will cover the COVID-19 School Health Policy including the identification and utilization of Isolation Rooms as well as protocols to follow when there is a suspected case or a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school building.

  38. At some point you need to actually go to work. 2 weeks to slow the spread turned into 6 months. Glad we're not striking.

    By the way, this is what you who clamored for testing asked for.
    That ought to be a joy. The MRSA swab is bad enough. Glad I got out of the City and my kids aren't subjected to that.

  39. How many positive cases as a result of 9 days of PD? Some schools will probably have to shut just as a result of this PD. Let the games begin. Just wait, we will be remote very soon.


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