Sunday, October 11, 2020


I continue to be suspicious by how quickly the UFT and the City were able to come to an agreement to delay payment for work we did up to 11 years ago that was due to be paid this week. Half of that money will not come until the end of this month and the other half will have to wait until the end of July 2021 to be received. The delay will be almost twelve years by then from the time we did some of the work.

No other city union has agreed to postpone their back pay. If the UFT said to Mayor de Blasio, "Go ahead, make my day," when the mayor tried to withhold money the city owed us, the city would have had to back down. There would be consequences for the city's credit rating if the city refused to pay one of its bills. In court, we could demand interest. We would have had a very strong case.

Michael Mulgrew is trying to say that independent Arbitrator Martin Scheinman made the decision to split the lump sum payments due this month in half.

 Mulgrew stated on Friday:

An independent arbitrator has overturned the city’s attempt to avoid paying the final lump-sum payments for wages you earned going back to 2009 and 2010.

The arbitrator has ordered the city to pay half of the money owed now and the other half next July.

The arbitrator ordered nothing. Arbitrator Scheinman's own words:

I implored and pressured the parties to explore a possible resolution to this matter. 

The parties then negotiated a deal and asked Scheinman to write it up as a "consent award."

For those seeking legalize wording:

Consent Award – Usually the parties have reached a settlement and agreed to terms which are then incorporated into an award which can be enforced similar to a Judgment by consent. 

Why is this important?

I am sick and tired of being deceived by Michael Mulgrew, who is now trying to deflect blame to an arbitrator for a deal that Mulgrew himself was present at the hearing to negotiate and the UFT President agreed to. Mulgrew is either the architect or enabler of much of the disastrous and often deadly Department of Education policies and practices that have been implemented in the NYC schools since March. He needs to finally be held accountable now.

For those interested in reading the consent award, it's all there and we copied it below as it will sooner or later probably disappear from the UFT website.




  1. Now that the 2014 contract has been changed again, with no member input, let us review...

    12 years of retro with no interest
    10% over 7.5 years, averaging 1.3% raise per year, pathetic on every level.
    Contract extended twice, with no member input
    Extended 1 month to pay retirees, because the city and uft didn't know retirees would have to be paid
    Extended 3.5 months so we could pay for our own PPL, which many of us didn't need or want.
    Working conditions have continued to deteriorate
    Buildings are still unsafe
    UFT dues continue to rise
    The Dow Jones on November 1, 2009----9,712
    May 1, 2014----16,558
    July 2021----?
    How is that going to be made up?
    It won't be.
    I hope the chancellor can scrape by on $350,000 a year and I hope Mr. Mulgrew can scrape by on $300,000 plus expenses. I'm glad Mr. Mulgrew declares this unfair and does nothing else to rectify it. But remember, we stick together. What a fraud. I know, the DOE appreciates us. I'm so glad the mayor gave his wife $1.8 billion to flush down the toilet.

    How this is ok with anybody is beyond me. Somehow, the 2014 deal keeps getting worse. Another year of waiting with no interest. 12 years. This is another favor we do while we get nothing in return. By the way, trs, uft, doe still closed while we go on infected trains and buses to get to infected buildings while there are no students in those buildings.

  2. Of course we agreed, the city had no leg to stand on. The agreement was October 2020. We did them a nother free favor. And we paid for it.

  3. I have been a teacher for 15 yeas and have been owed wages for days worked for 12 of them. Stupid me for sticking around so long.

  4. Thank you James for providing us with the truth when our own union seeks to deceive us. It's clear as day that the arbitrator merely signed off on this agreement. We can also guess this was the plan as the whole time. Mulgrew is no champion. Rather, he is a chump, and a liar that continues to deceive us when we need his leadership the most. I did notice that there was another provision guaranteeing no lay offs should the city receive 5 Billion in funding. At least we can can look forward to that...

  5. Are there hidden tricks to punish opt-outers in these agreements? Unity has to worry about huge amount of members to opt out in the coming June 2021, if there are no negative consequences to opt out with $1600 saving.

  6. There should be layoffs. It would get rid of a lot of those newbies who contribute to the destruction of the doe by always doing what administrators want and pass kids so graduation rates look good. They should get punished for deceiving the kids.

  7. Is it true they eliminated lead teacher positions? That was actually a smart move since the lead teachers really didn't do anything to get paid more.

  8. I noticed the more militant CSA asked to attend the hearing and were denied. Their retro payment is due in February. I don't think they will wait ten months for half of their money. Let's see. This bullshit only applied to the always ready to concede UFT.


  10. This is why I ‘fake it until I make it’ and don’t give my top effort. What’s the point?

    It’s Sunday, I brought no work home and Tuesday, I’ll go in and put together a last minute bs lesson

    Make this job work for you.

    Where else can we make 6 figures and be able to not work that hard?

    The kids don’t care, admins don’t care, and the doe doesn’t care.

    I care(about TDA, pension, benefits, time off and staying in good health).

    1. @4:38... I always show your posts to people. They are always stunned that you are a teacher. You and I both know that you're not an educator. Did the system break you down this much? I give you this: you are proud enough to tell the truth. If you were my child's teacher you wouldn't be for long.

    2. Do you blame the guy? Look what's going on.

    3. This is a fake post because teachers do care. If the person was real they wouldn't post here because....they don't care. Don't buy it.

    4. You need a sabbatical LOL.

  11. Wow!I am speechless!cant we get rid of him for this deceit?why wouldnt they just come straight and say they are negotiating?it would still be wrong to wait for the money, but the lying and deceit by our union leadership proven in b/w is beyond words.would the teacher paper accept the truth for publication so everyone can see what a liar and fraud he is?? Mb maybe the media, but I get nobody will risk their life to speak the truth, and can you blame them?
    If u watch the video, u see he isnt mad or shocked.he was well rested.this is really horrible...

  12. Mulgrew just did a poor job negotiating this DeBlasio 2014 contract and pushing it down the throats of his members that were anxious for raises and retro after several years of Bloomberg threats. Mulgrew touted that $1000 immediate bonus as a carrot to accept the contract along with all the other union propaganda. But it was just inexcusable that a union leader should recommend to its membership that they settle for a 6 year period of retro–which included one year of 0%. And the membership said yes, unanimously—as usual.
    By the way for what its worth, this arbitrator, Scheinman -was probably the same one that decided that the 100% lump sum retro- (the city claimed only 75% of funding was available AFTER the contract was ratified) finally be paid out to the June 30, 2014 retirees—after a 8 month delay. Mulgrew promised the full retro would be issued in the Fall of 2014. This decision also resulted in a costly 6 week delay in one of the raises of the 2014 contract —which was used actually used to pay for the full 100% retro to the 7000 or so June 30, 2014 retirees.

  13. Are there hidden tricks to deal with opt-outers?

    Nothing hidden here. Nothing any fool can't see. It's the same old game, the mayor, who believes in big government and progressive spending, increases the size of the government by hiring more city workers who pay more dues to the unions who bilk the members out of money. The twist is that the city, a boy crying wolf (read broke), doesn't cry wolf (broke) again, because this time the wolf is truly at the door. So the arrangement to hire more city workers who pay more dues to unions is more insidious than usual because the expansion of government workers and thus the expansion of dues paying members puts the future of incomes and pensions and benefits of all workers at greater risk and we see the consequences immediately: the teachers have to wait again to get their back pay. While the union continues to collect dues, and even adds to its membership, the workers don't get paid. A good deal for the city and the unions and a bad deal for the workers. This wasn't done to offset the losses from opt-outers or future opt-outers but is business as usual in NY union politics. Expect more of the same. What will they take next? Well, the plan thus far is to add workers who pay dues and squeeze the workers of income and benefits. But the shit hasn't actually hit the fan yet. When it does, the so-called Blue Wave won't protect us. Out Pensions and TDA, health benefits are next. The City's return fell short of the ambitious goal of 7%, so they need to add more money to pot they haven't got. They will sell our dinner to buy us lunch. This is how it works. All we can do is pay and and pay. Or not.

    I've decided to opt out because the game has gotten so corrupt it's like I'm loading the gun for them to shoot me.

  14. Somebody tell Arthur Goldstein, he thinks this is a conspiracy theory - but Trump becoming king and reinstating slavery is fact.

  15. Question for Mulgrew: Are we expected to pay a share of our retro to our union coffer's 2x as a result of another unfair agreement without membership input?
    Remember we have waited 11 years with no interest and now 12 years to be made whole. I think it only fair to relieve membership the cost of paying additional union dues at all.
    You say we must take care of each other, right ?
    Relief of additional union dues is a good place to start, our union should share the pain. (previously, our union did not double dip until rounds of retro over 11 years, we already have paid our dues honorably for over a decade)

    James, Another thing that has me bothered about this M.O.A. is the language on pg. 6, para. 4 and continued on pg. 7. Talking about guaranteed no layoff clause for certain dues paying titles through June, 2021. Am I reading this correctly, is the document saying unless termination for poor performance? We all know about games, could this language be a ruse to go after those who cost the most? What about those employer as paraprofessionals who do not hold any license? The language is a bit worrisome. If you would, take a look and share your insight and yes, we know you are not an attorney.

  16. If you thunk mulgrew is doing us any favors, you are a damn fool.

  17. Shelley 4:54, you are an eye opener!so now we know why all these newbies were hired despite cries of broke!I never real ou zed how adding members would weaken us and strengthen us.this is sinister indeed!mulgrew isnt a dumb pu...y.He is paid off to play this game! Reminds me of the movie Antz.what we do is for the colony??this is scarier by the day.i feel like I will never be able to afford never know what u will be asked to pay for.what is an immediate remedy to get this traitor out??people who dont read this blog will not realize how he is playing us and throwing us to the wolves.
    They could have had discussions about compromise earlier and avoided the tda mess and last min do we know our paycheck is safe?what about our pension funds?

  18. Ok, so after this...
    Opt out?
    Walk out?
    Fail health screening?
    Remote black out?
    Actually enforce a grading policy and stop giving fake grades?
    Actually enforce the contract?
    Or nothing?

  19. @4:38 is just an example of most of the teachers' mindsets here. They should furlough every teacher making 95k+. Most of the older teachers don't really harness their experience and are just there to count years, TDA money, and a secure salary. We can save so much money if we get rid of the boomers.

    1. @7:31 pm.... i disagree with you. I think @4:38 is an example of someone who has a poor work ethic, questionable character and low confidence. It seems as if the DOE stripped @4:38 of their confidence, character and voice. It seems like the DOE was able to break @4:38 down to an outdated computer. It's sad. I don't think it's an age problem because I know too many young teachers who have allowed the DOE to strip them down too. Like anything else, you have to stand for what's right, all of the time. Even when nobody is watching. The pandemic has pulled back the curtains on EVERYTHANGGGG.

    2. Hope YOUR retirement is intact. I taught 25 years. We'll see if the younger teachers get treated fairly. I know they won't be. This is the destruction of our children.

  20. Try to give Michael Mulgrew the benefit of the doubt, but the man is a liar.

  21. @ 6:39 - Not the same person, but I did the same, except the prep for Tuesday. I'll never do work at home ever again. Spring 2020 and events since have shown me the work and effort I did for the past 15+ years aren't worth a damn. My kids, my family should have my time, not a city that treats me like trash, doesn't respect me and doesn't fulfill its contracts.

    I won't be a sucker anymore. My life is 100% better since getting off the 24/7 teacher life to the 8-3 teacher life. Papers can wait, email can wait, admin can wait. I'm not on call 24/7 and i'm certainly not paid like it.

    1. @7:39 pm... I can appreciate not making the career, your life. That's never okay--even at an ideal situation. 24/7 isn't sustainable. We have to learn how to balance doing our job HONESTLY during 8-3. The DOE and UFT have treated educators poorly for DECADES. By many of the posts, it seems as if March qas was the "wake up" for far too many. The moment we started working 24/7; passing students who shouldn't pass, accepting the destruction of the school environment via the discipline code is when we lost control of OUR PROFESSION. So many gave up and this opened the gate for the DOE to say, "hey, these teachers are not even really teaching anyway. We are paying them gobs of money to help us run our diploma mills. They should shut up and take it. We can replace them anytime we want (ATR) and hire newbies who will jump even hire for us". We have power. If everyone in a school refused to pass everyone and reported all discipline infractions..the DOE will start trembling. Taking out your disappointment on ALL students is just nasty.

  22. If broke you can't hire 10,000 more teachers and give out of state nurses 200k in salary and benefits. Stop with the furlough bullshit.

  23. 4:38 here.

    Wow! Being told I’m not a ‘real educator’. That one hurts.

    For the record, the system didn’t break me down. I just decided to enjoy my life and what will come as a shock to some people on here is that the students and administrators actually like me.

    I show up, I have a lesson prepared, I know everyone’s name and I dress nicely.

    I’ll be honest. I’m a mediocre teacher on a great day, but I’m a damn good employee.

    In doe world in the year 2020, that is more important.

    The days of being a ‘real teacher’ or a ‘dedicated educator’ are done.

    Here is the truth. If you are ‘hard’ on the wrong kid and they hatch up complaints against you, then you are pond scum and will probably be part of a 3020 hearing. Trust me, I have seen this happen.

    If you disagree or present a dissenting opinion to a supervisor and they feel you were showing them up, you may have problems.

    Who needs that?

    To all the ‘real teachers’ or ‘educators’ who are on the horn texting, making calls to numbers that are not working or sending out emails that won’t be read, better you than me.

    There is more to life than this.

    This is not a career. Sorry. It’s day to day survival. Our main job is to keep our jobs and not have a 3020 hearing.

    I hope everyone is well and all of your friends and family are well also!

    Oh, and for the record, I’m not a boomer. I am in my early 50’s.

    I’m going to crack a nice cold beer open and watch some football and cry myself to sleep after being called ‘not a real teacher’ and that I’m not an educator. This hurts me to the core. Haha.

    1. @4:38... I didn't think it would offend you. Why would it? It's exactly how you described yourself in your post. Continue living your best life. If You like it, I love it.

      PS. Kids and puppies love EVERYONE. I will say it again, you couldn't teach my child or any family member. Enjoy your beer

    2. @4:38 -- Most of the people replying negatively to you have no idea where your head is at. The entire profession is a joke. You know that. I know that. You have to shmooze everyone, from students, to colleagues, parents and administrators.

      You have to be likable. Real data and record keeping will bring the administration down on one's head. We all know those teachers who are sub par, but kiss butt, and are made to look like Danielson's was modeled from their just oh so awesome lessons and classroom environment.

      You piss an administrator off and they're in your class a day or two later, with a MacBook, pecking away a mile per minute. Full game face mode, as if this is life or death. Then it's time to pretend during a post observation conference that you are open to all of the feedback from that "atrocious lesson".

      Then the same administrators conduct PD while using foul language, taking personal phone calls, and speaking about politics while the lackeys all laugh along with them out of fear. They finally catch themselves when they look my way, see a square jawed 6'.1" muscular white male, staring blankly at them in silence, then say, "Oh let me stop. Some people here obviously vote the other way." I'm a life long Dem. They're idiots. I'm just remaining quiet so we can leave on time. Then the new kid asks a million questions and causes us to miss a train or ferry. There goes another 30 minutes of my life to the DOE.

      You hit the nail on the head. Perfect that work/life balance. I used to stay up through the night to finish lessons, unit plans and curriculum maps, until the sun came up. Grades, parental outreach logs, HW's, papers, etc. I have a wife and five children to think about.

      I ran an experiment. What if I just started to take shortcuts and didn't do all of this work? I stopped contributing at PD. Minimum input. I spoke like Mr. Rogers to students. A very soft tone. I shut my mouth around colleagues to the point of them asking me what's wrong lately. "Nothing. How about you? How's everything?" Big smiles. There's always some Golden child in that bunch who reports back to the administration.

      By the way, any of us could have become administrators. I was offered AP positions when I was the cat's meow. Who wanted that? To me, real leadership takes place in the classroom. You have to teach to do that.

      I called very few parents. I refused to work at home. I stopped complaining about work at back yard gatherings. I stopped thinking about how anxiousl work made me. I did switch my style to what Danielson's looks for with student based discussion. I wound up facilitating Socratic based discussions more than I ever had. The students enjoyed our "rap sessions" more than my prior year's lessons. Teens were happy. They spread the word to the boss. They come in with their MacBooks, minus the game face, great post observations, the year ends, after I skated the entire time, then my first Highly Effective since Danielson's was implemented. All HE's after that until I bailed at age 55.

      Some of you folks need to take a step back and stop working so hard. You may just bump your ratings up. Give it a shot. You never know. I know that some subject areas are tough to step back from but you have to think about yourselves first.

  24. So, It was a stunt. I mean the video Mulgrew staged and said there were in for another fight, that is what we do, that the UFT is going to arbitration because we are int this together. Well, Mulgrew was lying throughout, but to his credit he managed to keep a straight face and not break out laughing hysterically. Here is the link:


    So Mulgrew did not fight, he did not go to arbitration, Mulgrew folded like the cheap shit suit that he is.

    The agreement was a a consent agreement with the arbitrator present to sign off on what the UFT agreed to with NY City. This is not a fight, it is not arbitration and we did not get the money they owe us now on October 15th.

    So remember it is always Mulgrew taking care of himself and his Unity cronies.
    What a liar!

    My attitude is that the UFT is freeloading on me. I am not freeloading on them.
    I am 100% sure that I will not pay dues after I opt out during the June opt out period.
    I hope I am not the only one who feels betrayed.

    As far as Mulgrew is concerned, it is really all about taking care of himself and his cronies in the Unity Party at the expense of the rank and file.

    It is absolutely necessary for me to end this very sick co-dependency with the UFT.
    I am cutting them off. I will never pay dues again. I will not be fre-loaded by the UFT ever again.

  25. 7:32pm Really! Who are you to pass judgement on others? What makes you so special? If you think "@4:38 is the mindset of MOST people here" then don't bother entertaining yourself. Please do share, What are your special super powers that make you so great? Who is the "WE" in the "can save so much money if WE get rid of the boomers"?
    Maybe one day you'll understand if you ever even make it 20 years.

  26. 7:32pm Really! Who are you to pass judgement on others? What makes you so special? If you think "@4:38 is the mindset of MOST people here" then don't bother entertaining yourself. Please do share, What are your special super powers that make you so great? Who is the "WE" in the "can save so much money if WE get rid of the boomers"?
    Maybe one day you'll understand if you ever even make it 20 years.

  27. When the doe and uft pull all this bullshit, grade fraud, no rules, no retro, uft fraud and corruption...Of course we dont give a shit.

  28. 7:39,

    I completely agree with you on the 24/7 thing.

    We are not emergency room doctors or nurses. We are school teachers.

    Honestly, after 2:25 these days, I am focused on getting home and getting my workout in.

    To those who work 24/7, all your are doing is making your colleagues look bad.

    Please get a life! Lol.

  29. One side is saying get rid of the newbies, the other is saying get rid of the boomers, the main post is accusing the UFT head of being the architect of the deadly policies - BUT we are united enough to go up against the machine. NOT.

  30. I think all teachers enter the profession thinking they are going to be the teacher that is going to change everything, but really we don't change much. Once in a while we have a profound effect on a student, but most just forget about us. Seriously, how many of you have contacted your old teachers even the ones you loved? Very few students keep in touch with us and if they do it's through email or facebook and it's usually only a year or two after they graduate. Also teaching was much more enjoyable years ago when you didn't have curriculum shoved down your throat, abusive administrators who use the ATR pool as a threat, useless common core standards, little if any seniority rights, and the pathetic Danielson Rubric. The money is really our only saving grace now. That's why many people were pissed about the deferment.

    1. Well said. I stay in touch with one of my JHS teachers. I was a horrible student. He never gave up on me. He played handball with us after school. I retired last year. He's still on the courts, beating everyone while in his mid 70's. It's so odd to play him while both of us are now retired members.

      He still laughs as he cuts the ball all over the court. I often ask him about certain teachers. He sends them my regards. There have been times when he handed his flip phone to me so that I can speak to one. "Still have that beautiful red hair? No. Yes, I remember you telling me you couldn't get that color from a bottle. West Palm? Let me not run the long distance bill up Mrs. Kaplan." That generation falls for it every time. There are times that I can't tell them quickly enough that I'm joking before they hang up. I had bright red hair. They all remember me. "That's nice. We all thought that you would wind up in jail." "Thanks Mrs. Cohen. Central Booking doesn't count, so there. Nice speaking to you."

      19 serving 3! I can't believe I only have 3 points. Serve!

  31. I wish they were this mad when they voted for this in 2014. Or when they were sent into infected buildings. Or when they get abused daily.

  32. These people who can't agree on anything agreed on three pages of legalize in about five minutes.No way. What a scam.

  33. 8:46. 7:32 will not appreciate it until he is in for 20 years and has listened to his 1000th mind numbing pd. 7:32 just remember if we get let go at 20 so will you one day. Once you make a concession once you never get it back

  34. Since my body is used to waking up early, reading some of the comments has been interesting.

    After doing this job for around a quarter of a century, the one thing I have learned for sure and have definitely gotten better at is that it is not a good idea to cast aspersions at others in the profession. For example, calling out the character of others or calling them names or questioning whether or not they are a legit educator can only create divisiveness. Until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes(especially working in the doe) it is better to be courteous to others and to be warm and friendly rather than call names.

    Today, people have so much going on that maybe personal issues can impact a person’s mindset.

    I hope that we can come together one day as a profession and stop with the name calling.

    Enjoy the holiday!

  35. It's not easy to separate the politics of the decision to bilk the teachers out of their money from the economics, but it doesn't take a PhD in economics to see that paying the teachers their money is better for the economy.

    The economy, even the hardest hit parts of it in the hardest hit states and cities like ours is in rapid recovery. From the bottom of the pandemic depression we are seeing a V-recovery led by consumer spending. Trump and the democrats in Washington sent unprecedented stimulus to consumers in the form of supercharged unemployment and stimulus checks. Contrary to the false divisions trotted out here on this blog, the Boomers and Millennials are actually, through the Invisible Hand, both contributing to the V-recovery. What happened to all that money the governments handed out? At first people saved, but after the pandemic peaked, the Boomers began to spend it to improve their living/working conditions. Working remote, the Boomers expanded their homes, added office space and space for learning and entertainment. The Millennials, tiring of City life before the Pandemic, purchased homes and did what American do when they purchase homes, filled them with stuff from Home Depot and Amazon. The hardest hit sector of the economy, service providers, stuff like hotels and travel and restaurants and theaters are struggling still, and some of this sector is lost and will not recover. Restaurants in NYC and the jobs in this sector will never recover. But some of the loss could have been offset by giving teachers their money because teachers, be they Boomers or Millennials, are like everyone else, they spend, and are part of the pent up demand that is driving the V-recovery. Not giving them the money is corrupt politics sure, and it's stupid economics too.

    1. I was born in 1964. I just checked which years qualify one as a Boomer. I used to call people Boomers. I just realized that the Boomer period ends in 1964. Thus, I am now offended by you young Whippersnappers.

  36. I have worked other jobs in my life as side jobs and can honestly say that the petty nonsense between teachers is worse than other jobs in my opinion. For some reason, some teachers have a bloated sense of self importance. I don’t know why this is. Teaching is a job. It is not a calling. It is not 24/7. It definitely should not be putting down others in the profession or name calling. Honestly, I have worked in restaurants delivering food(I still do that on the side), I have worked in stores(Home Depot and Walmart), I have worked in warehouses and I have worked part time as an airport driver. Only in teaching have I seen people taking pleasure at the mid-fortune of others. It’s sad. This is not a sales industry where you make more money if you sell more. We should work as one and not put old back young, new vs veterans, or question who should and shouldn’t be in the job.

    One of my friends was a truck driver and switched into teaching. He always said he was much happier doing that job than teaching bc of the petty ways of some(not all) teachers.

    Come on, guys! Let’s do better.

  37. 438 is right. I always laugh when a comeback to a 438 is “you would never teach my kids”. Like your kids are so great and someone is just dying to teach them. Parents, citizens let politicians and csa members scapegoat and blame teachers for all of society’s failures. Teachers have been unfairly rated and targeted and yet colleagues blame teachers who are savvy enough to work the corrupt system. I too stopped driving myself crazy. I’m an 8-3 teacher who puts in a couple extra hours during the week and never works weekends. I started this 5 years ago and am much happier for it. My family, friends, my real life has great rewards. My work life, not so much. Sure I care about the kids.....the kids who care about their education. Part of my no longer going crazy is focusing only on the kids who want to learn. That basically cut my class in half before Covid. Those good kids get more attention and the others are getting what they want too.... just to be left alone on their phones or to nap. If you’re outraged, force a change in discipline code so a teacher has real authority in his/her classroom before you lecture the 438s out there. I’m not getting aggravated because kids who don’t want to learn get to take up space while the progressive mayor and chancellor lie about everything. I learned how to be a master player in the game called nyc doe just like 438.

    1. @7:37 am... sooooo you're not outraged? Look, 4:38 laid out being happy at gaming the system. 4:38 isn't upset by what I said because I am saying what they said. If you are like 438, so be it. I don't get why you are in your feelings when your mediocrity is called out. Would you like a mediocre doctor? Mediocre housing? Mediocre relationship? How about a mediocre teacher who teaches your children? Why get upset and/or indignant if ones stated mediocracy is addressed. Look, a strong work ethic isn't important to everyone. Nobody is talking about working until you drop dead of a heart attack or taking work home,etc. Just do a good friggin job.

  38. The NYC DOE is all a political game. The people at the DOE and those who lead the UFT do not care about the schools, the students, or you. Everything they do is to benefit themselves. I am not sure if they understand or even care about the destruction they are causing to NYC or to the school system.

    I do think there is some legitimacy to everything people post here. Although, I would never want self-professed lazy ass people as my child's teacher, they are not wrong by saying that to survive, in good physical and mental health, you have to learn to play the game.

    The do-nothing teachers in my school, those who say the right things but do nothing, go along with administration, show videos and consider that teaching, pass everyone with wonderful grades, kiss the backsides of every administrator, etc. do get the perks. Their ratings are phenomenal and their per session is in the tens of thousands. Even now, during CoVid, they are raking in the per session. It really is nuts but sadly, true.

    1. @8;02 am... I wholeheartedly agree with your first paragraph. I've been saying it for sometime.However, our problem is that we are playing a game designed by the doe. They created the playbook and their playbook has created: azz kissers. The do-nothings. The pushbackers (they tend to become ATRs). Isn't time to do something else? Folks aren't tired of playing the game? If we are going to play the game then how can we be upset by the game? It's a game move, right?

  39. 438 here. I’ll take the bait. Who says I would want to ‘teach’ anyone’s kids if they feel I’m not worthy or lack self confident traits?

    As a previous post stated, and I concur with the post at 737, I have decided that my family, friends and my hobbies merit my mental energy and enthusiasm and the doe does not warrant my energy. Hey, I wish it were different, but it isn’t.

    We have all had the students like 737 has mentioned. Why should I give these students the time of day?

    I’m in a low income urban area. What the nice kids really need is someone who is nice to them back. That I can do and most of us can do.

    There is a saying about how in a decade the kids won’t recall what you taught them, but they will remember how you treated them. I subscribe to this.

    If a few of you want to call out my work ethic or confidence level Or say I’m not an educator because I won’t get in a kid’s face for a phone or because I don’t want to confront administrators, go right ahead.

    Truthfully, I wish everyone in the doe health and happiness because I have seen how vindictive this system can be.

    You have to play the game.

    Health, happiness and love to all!

  40. I started making 39,000 19 years ago coming in year 2002 it went from 31,000 to 39,000.

    Now that I make 106,000 plus before coaching and per session I paid my dues literally to union (30,000), the DOE, and to all my former students I worked tirelessly for. Been in the same school for 19 years in South Bronx. Luckily, I have great admin otherwise I would be targeted. THis is game of thrones DOE style every year now is surviving and advancing like it was march madness. Anyone here teaching 7 years or less talking yaya haven not even come close to paying dues and your opinion is shit.
    Only good news is we should ALL be woke to the madness of the UFT and DOE and we all have to take a real stand not just whine here and vent.

  41. The true cost of arbitration. – M. Leblond
    The purpose of this post is to fully review the true costs of NYC’s betrayal of our contract to our lives. The costs are far greater than most realize. The long-term damage is in the millions to our members. This breakdown will look it these costs chronologically. I’ve posted it in several groups to reach as many UFT as possible. Feel free to share with fellow teachers.
    First: I don’t know if the UFT and city agreed to a deal or it was the arbitrators decision, but if this was agreed to by our union, that’s simply unacceptable and negligent. On to the analysis.
    10/15/2020 – The Missed Payment. Many changed their TDA to shelter this money from taxes and boost their retirement. Obviously, this benefit is lost, but bills that are missed, unpaid or not fully paid will cost interest, fees and credit score damage. Not everyone has this issue, but the majority of folks do. This will cost UFT members in the long run. The losses to our TDA will compound over time.
    As an example, at fixed rate of returns, our TDA’s will reduced thousands over the life our employment. $1,000 dollars added to your TDA at 7% will lose at least $70 in growth in one year, those who already have significant money in the TDA lose even more. It impacts everyone differently, but the more you have in your TDA, the more you lose. Compounded over the next 15 years, people will lose tens of thousands of dollars. Other investments that are lost (IRA’s, real estate, precious metals) could lose even more over a lifetime. Stocks, silver and gold have risen substantially this year.
    10/31/2020 – Half our money. We can no longer change our TDA for this check meaning the city, state(s) and federal government will feast on our retro. NYC will claw back millions from its employees. The lost money to taxes again limits our personal debt repayment hurting every member. Money that could be invested is lost, harming our retirements. This is a blatant assault on our money, union and individuals. The money lost here hurts the most since we have no opportunity to protect it.
    11/3/2020 – The election. This is hypothetical, but consider it. A change in administrations could lead to tax changes. Tax could stay the same, they could go up. This goes for all levels of government. City, state and/or federal taxes go up for our next retro check in 2021. This could impact some members more than others, especially veteran staff with higher salaries.
    5/2021 – 3% raise guaranteed. I’ll believe it when I see it. What are the penalties if the city doesn’t do this?
    7/2021 – The rest of our retro (maybe) – We receive the rest of our retro payment, 9 months delayed (I’ll believe it when I see it). No interest is paid on this, so it’s a loss. 9 months of growth on our TDA’s, IRA’s, etc. is huge. It impacts retirement and wealth building. This is the same as the Missed Payment impact again. If the city defaults here, aside from more arbitration, we have no leverage to get it with school out. Like the raise, what are the penalties if the city doesn’t pay us?
    The whole situation is a failure for our union. We lost in every possible way. This is the third major loss in 2020, the April break, reopening and now our retro. Only the UFT and its members were penalized. NYC suffers no penalty for this action.
    The major takeaway from this is clear. The UFT can never accept delayed payments or raises in any future contract. The city does not act in good faith and cannot be trusted to do so ever again. Our leadership must be more willing to take action to protect our members. We need to push for a repeal of the Taylor Laws. This must be priority #1.

  42. I have a very difficult time listening tofinancial analysis from someone who claims not to know whether the arbitrator or Mulgrew decided this. Clearly, Mulgrew agreed to it. Can the commenter read?

  43. If you can remember it was maybee two or three months ago that mulgrew said they were working out a deal to avoid layoffs. These people must be the worst deal people in the world. Fuck the senior people who earned this pay. Stretch it another year. This is union leadership. We need a union but not this leadership.

  44. All promises are off in a fiscal emergency. We have all just gotten a peek at the nose of this oncoming freight train.

  45. Screw you young people who messed up the whole system by kissing all the adminstrators' butts.

  46. Is this the doe, uft, trs policy too? NYT INTERNAL EMAIL: "July 6, 2021 is now the earliest date we will require people to return to any of our offices worldwide. Though we had hoped to begin a broader return to the office in the new year, it’s clear that the continued uncertainty…has kept such a move out of reach"

  47. Opt out. How many boycotts when we fall back and let our money speak for us has been successful? I tell you 100%. Nothing will change untill we let out Dues speak for us.

    So what now? MyCL has a Delegate Assembly this week. Says the only phone calls that get thru are ones that praise Mulgrew. We've been sold out since March. He's going to let us die. What is our recourse? Labor relations board? AFT? What? I'm telling you he's going to bleed us dry

  48. Screw you Gen X and Boomers who get paid 2x as much and do 4x as less.

  49. I am a younger teacher as well (super young - graduated form college young). I don't bring work home either. In all honestly, I always wanted to be a teacher, but my senior of college, I didn't care for it much.

    You see, I interned at various schools through undergrad before student teaching and realized that teaching is so much different than what it was when I was younger and a student in the DOE. The only reason I finished student teaching and went through with my initial certification is because at that point I had invested my entire undergrad and money to getting certified.

    Now I am just teaching to make some money so that I can go back to school debt free and study something that actually not only challenges me, but I enjoy as well.

    This is a job. At the end of the day, education isn't what it used to be. The kids that want to fail will fail. Nothing you do will convince them otherwise. No amount of phone calls home with change their mind.

    I burnt out my first year and told myself there is no way in hell I am willing to give up work-life balance for kids that don't care. I teach, I come prepared with my lesson plans, I respect the students. However, once I put in my eight hours, I am done. I work an hour in the morning before going to work, half an hour after the end of the school day and that is it.

    I am not in teaching for the long run. This is my second year teaching. I don't care to get tenure. I don't care to be a lifelong teacher. This is a temporary stop for me while I figure out what to do next, post teaching.

    The job is just not for me. It isn't something I can myself being satisfied with doing my entire life. The breaks are nice. The benefits are as well. But, it isn't what I see myself doing for a long time. It took a while for me to come to terms with that, but once I did, my life has been much better. I don't care to impress anyone. I give my best and that's it. Like it, leave it. I'm not scared of any admin. not being impressed by me. If they aren't, I'll play the game and that is that. But, I don't care to get tenure so my attitude might be different from other young teachers - I don't want to teach for long.

    As a daughter of immigrants who never graduated high school, I really respect education. I love school and I love learning. However, the DOE is not about any of that. That is why we have so few students that graduate college ready and so many students who drop out because they can't keep up with the pace of work.

    If the DOE was actually successful in educating children, we wouldn't have such horrible numbers when it comes to college readiness or post-grad success.

    Anyway, to all the teachers who have succeeded in achieving work-life balance, good for you. Don't feel bad that others are telling you that you're mediocre for doing so. My friends who work in other sectors have a clear separation of life and work. They don't make their career their life and they don't emotionally invest themselves as I see so many teachers do.

    My school is actually closed for two weeks because of us being in proximity to a hotspot (I think we are in a hotspot). There are teachers that still come to the school building. I'm sorry, what are you trying to prove by coming to the building when we are in a hotspot? The kids are home, who are you trying to show off too? I had the virus, couldn't breathe at all. I had symptoms of loss of smell and taste for months after. I'm not about to go back to the building if I know I can stay home for two weeks.

    Stay safe and remember, you are the kids teacher. Not their parent, not bender of future and time. Do your best, but when you're home, take care of yourself and your family. When I was bring home work, it really strained my relationship with my family and loved ones. It's not worth it, trust me. Once that relationship is strained, it takes a lot to build it back up.

    1. @11:49 am. Glad that you beat Covid. After reading your post and the posts of others I see that many are in agreement that folks shouldn't make teaching 24/7 and how after a year or two of teaching they experienced burn out. Let me say that NO JOB SHOULD BE 24/7. There should always be a balance. However when someone calls THEMSELVES mediocre and "fake it until they make it", etc i think about the kids. You mentioned your parents story. I bet they wanted the best education for you. I respect that so much. Education is the key to change the economic trajectory for many families. So when I say i wouldn't want 448 to teach my child, I mean it. Why? I think of people like your parents and my parents (from sc) and other parents who may not know the correct questions to ask their child's teacher or how to recognize a quality education. They are TRUSTING that the diploma is the stepping stone to college and a different lifestyle. So when I hear someone say they play the game, it upsets me. You see it. The graduation rate is high, the college graduation rate is low. WTF? I will NEVER be okay with it. My parents, your parents, all parents deserve to be treated with respect. So yes, 448 is Not someone I want to be around anyone i care about. Now work/balance is a different topic. I wish you the best.

  50. You know what is funny? Mulgoon seems to think that we as the rank and file would not find out that this "deal" was a complete sham and that we would never have proof via the arbitration hearing ruling. Did he really think that this info would not come out? Thank god for blogs like this and that the internet exists. Mulgoon seems to believe that we are all living in 1994 and are not able to find out the realities of his shitty scams. He is a fraud and he has now been exposed. Let's all hope we can vote out the Unity machine in the next election.

  51. I want my sick days from Spring break and I want 1 sick day for every month delay and that is letting them off way too easy but the fact that the city tried to pull this off in such a sneaky disrespectful way is insult to injury. Mayor needs to publicly apologize and explain that our delayed retro is bailing the city out. The President won't bail out the city, Albany won't bail out the city, but the Teachers of this city are lending the economic engine of the country a 500 million dollar interest free loan! Mayor needs to say: Thank you teachers for this loan. Additionally as a small miniscule thank you every active Uft member will receive one sick day in your Car until you have receive the rest of your payment. I am writing every city elected official and ed beat reporter regarding this economic bailout. The media branded us as public enemy for decades, time to spin this injury to our benefit. Just one more way Mulgrew fails, can't even spin the story! Mulgrew is an absolute moron. Take some kind of action besides reading this great blog.

  52. 11:37. I started at 19,000. Even adjusted for inflation you started at much more. The reason for this is people before you gave up concessions for raises. I wish we hadn’t but we did. I am gonna be honest and fair and admit o voted for those contracts because I needed the money. If I knew then what I know now I never would have voted for any of them. The money wasn’t worth it. And btw many of the veteran teachers work just as hard as the new teachers in my building. Let’s not generalize. I willl say the younger teachers have to kiss a lot more ass to get tenure but it has always been like that to some extent. It’s worse now but I have been in for 20years and everyone earns their dues.

  53. Screw you millenials who get all their lessons off the internet and only remain in the teaching profession for 5 years. You're just jealous because you are in the shitty tier 6 plan. Don't give us the sour grapes.

  54. To the newbies, shut up. You can't teach. No one should start at 60000. Shift the money to the middle. First, savings should be cut starting salaries back down to 39,000. Also, salaries should be capped at 130,000 for career teachers.

    1. What are you a total dope ? Teachers should earn 200 thousand dollars for work we do. I never heard of a moron wanting to cap salary in his profession. By the way insects eat their young. Pay high pay to attract quality educators and keep them.

  55. IMO, those of you who are "faking it until you make it,etc" are just as bad as the so-called "ass kissing" youngsters. Someone said "gotta play the game". Well dont you think that the DOE/UFT just outplayed you? You're playing their game by their rules and they are cheaters. They have been for awhile. Divide and conquer is part of their gameplay. The cracks are already forming between seasoned and newbies. I guess folks will just go back to work and make their ahem "millions" and/or kiss butt so that admin will leave you alone. I get it: You're playing the game and the DOE/UFT are playing the game. Maybe when you really get sick and tired of the BS and are ready to teach people how to treat you, you will do differently. Game. Set. Match. Just my observation. Good luck.

  56. Just for further outrage to get your blood pumping on a cold and rainy day :

  57. Bronx ATR, The crap in the Post from the far right Manhattan Institute is pure garbage. These people don't want us to have pensions or benefits. Nobody who is reasonable takes them very seriously.

  58. Remeber this, the city was shocked we took such a stupid deal in 2014.
    The key was Mr. Mulgrew’s willingness, while also accepting raises totaling just 10 percent over the final seven years of a record nine-year contract, to stretch out the back-pay disbursement beyond the contract’s duration.
    Traditionally, the first employee paychecks after a contract is ratified are used to implement whichever raises have already taken effect, and the second check is when the back pay shows up. Mr. Mulgrew agreed to defer a large amount of the money—which for senior UFT members approached $55,000 apiece—so that the final 75 percent would be paid in three equal chunks in October 2018, 2019 and 2020. Because health care costs are outpacing pension payments, Linn negotiated new terms with union leaders that saved the city an estimated $3.4 billion.

  59. Anybody catch the comments Goldstein's recent post where he shills for Mulgrew by stating anyone who thinks the arbitrator's "decision" on our retro was a pre arranged deal, which is just common sense, is engaging in conspiracy theories? He has all the credibility now of Mulgrew, which is to say not very much.

  60. Anybody catch the comments in A. Goldstein's recent post where he shills for Mulgrew by stating that anyone who thinks that the arbitrator's "decision" on our retro was a pre arranged deal, which is pretty clearly the case, is engaging in conspiracy theories? Now he's got as much credibility as Mulgrew, which is not very much.

  61. At least we know how to use the internet. LOL!!!

  62. Oh no! Arnie! They are gunning for you!!!
    Love you brother!
    Semper Fi!

  63. I am just so amazingly outraged at the UFT and NYC DOE. I would not even have minded as much if they actually walked in and insisted the arbitrator make a decision! But they delayed my money for another year(the second pay roll of July)! I've paid at least $30,000 in UFT dues and I strongly feel they used the majority of that money just to hang on to power by paying their minions(like Mulgrew's girlfriend and now wife).

    I have watched as we have given back time, our 8.25% on the TDA, the retirement got worse, the salaries have degraded because our raises are sub-inflation, I pay thousands in medical more a year, and I supported the UFT, financially and actively. I AM DONE!

    George Carlin said he didn't vote for two reasons, one because it truly didn't matter- this country was bought and paid for long ago- and two because if you do vote you are part of the system and responsible for who gets elected. This is the same reason I cannot justify paying dues. I cannot be part of the system. There is real opposition that could possibly win against the Unity machine and I do not want to contribute a dollar, dime, or penny to the salaries of the people I despise who run this union! It is not about the money, I donated more than our dues to causes I support-I could not live with myself paying a dime for this treatment!

    I have already ended my dues in July they stopped. Come up with a cause or need some money for a lawsuit against the UFT or DOE? I'll gladly donate to where I think my money will be used well and where I would feel good about its direction.

    Never let anyone give you some BS about our medical benefits or drugs coming from our dues! The city gives the money to the UFT for our benefits and millions just to administer the money. The UFT would save us millions if they outsourced the administration of it, but Unity hacks are given jobs they could not possibly qualify for in private business and they do badly at!

  64. Queens Native,you are right.not even a thank you!but then again, who would accept it after the shady way he did things.
    And I agree with the other person's comments.we dont cut and paste lessons.pre internet, you actually had to THINK AND MAKE THINGS. We had to pass an interview from the defunct Board of Examiners.we had to WORK.all the kiss asked dont get observed and receive highly effective. While literally sitting with their back to students, feet on table, drinking coffee.yes, I actually saw this! Our experience is not valued.when I was new, I welcomed opportunities to, the newbies scorn us.i admit, many of us need tech help, but we have valuable experience.this is all a shit show, sadly, bec the kids suffer.the job is stressful enough without childish.

    Covid testers have appeared..

  65. 3:12: yes, you have us beat on tech skills, but can you actually plan a lesson?you depend on that.without internet. You would fail miserably.

  66. @2:10, Yeah, I saw it. He has his blinkers on. His ego is getting stroked by Mulgrew and friends. He’s a big disappointment, but everyone owes him a debt of gratitude - he takes notes at those horrendous UFT meetings. Can you imagine in this day and age with all our technology that the UFT refuses to tape, broadcast or do anything to share those meetings with the rank and file? I truly believe that Unity saw Arthur as a threat and assimilated him. His enormous ego was and is his preexisting condition and he is now part of an organization, with a leader, that is almost exactly akin to the picture he paints of Trump and the Republican Party. I’m staying away from these blogs (no offense intended towards this one) for awhile, but reading most of these blogs is really no different than watching Fox News (yes, Arthur, you are in the Fox News category) or CNN - except it’s downtrodden teachers vs. Unity, Mulgrew, deBlasio and Carranza.

  67. On what planet is experience not valued? Who doesn't like a new late model vehicle? There is beauty in both. Instead of debating who is better, discuss how you can take back your profession. What is one thing you can agree on--as a single striking hit--that will tell the DOE that we are in control. One thing. The fighting about who's better (older/newer) is beneficial to the DOE. Divide and conquer. Pitting staff against staff. Stay WOKE. I.e. Keep your eyes on the real Bullsh%/er

  68. Labor arbitrator...

    Lucrative profession!

  69. $3,200 a day is not a bad wage for Mr Scheinman. I don't blame him. This is on Mulgrew.

  70. 3:12: Illogical comment from either a newbie or an administrator. If we didn't know how to use the internet, how could we write on a blog?

  71. 5:11: Today, it's the less you know and the least they can pay you. I remember when I only had one or two years teaching experience, I used to get interview requests a few times a month. Since I've been an ATR for 2+ years I've only gotten 2 interviews, and I was probably just interviewed so they can say they interviewed people. I was never even considered.

    1. @5:57's their loss. Anyone who thinks they are better than, simply based on age is a fool. I was an ATR...maybe the staff presumed the worst about my skills. I always say, "i can show you better than i can tell you". I can hold my own against anyone. The divisiveness on here is crazy but I'm not surprised. People always want something to latch on to when their sense of normalcy is challenged/disrupted/shaken.

  72. I agree with waiting it would be better if the newbies and seasoned teachers could get along. I contract with a non tenured ISS teacher and he works his ass off. Most of the new teachers do. And most of the seasoned teachers do. But I will say when the union focuses on family leave just for new parents the UNION is dividing us at that point. Why not fight for family leave for new pArents and people taking care of elderly parents or older children. When they fight for a benefit that only benefits a small section of the union and then millennial son here tell us we should get furloughed first because we make more it’s hard not to take that personal. When I started I had respect for the seasoned teachers and learned from them. I don’t see that deference as much in the millennial generation. Technological savvy is not all that is required to be a good teacher. There is a lot more to it than that

  73. You think all this is bad for teachers what about the sub teachers and paras who worked at the REC centers and had most of their paychecks incorrect on a week to week basis and Michael Mulgrew was sent an email that he didn't, wouldn't, or couldn't address but just passed on to another union person who cared about as much as Mulgrew did. We are the glue that holds it together for countless schools and the union doesn't represent us in any shape form or fashion but they never miss a payroll for deducting our dues. They told us to put in a grievance for any payroll discrepancies in September and now it's October and no one knows or cares to tell us who this grievance should be fled with. We NEVER received any hazard pay just an appreciation email until 7 months after the REC closed. So I am not surprised Michael Mulgrew and the union sold the teachers whom are part of the essential worker platform out to dry.

  74. @waitingforsupport - not sure if this falls under "taking back the profession", but one thing I would add as zero tolerance is phones in class. I'm looking at some of the comments, and one person said something about being viewed as a bad teacher if she doesn't get in a kid's face over a phone. What?? I forgot that was a thing - my school takes phones at the door and they get them back at the end of the day. If a student needs to call a parent during the day they go to the office. Teachers should not be subjected to being recorded or having a daily battle over phones. The UFT should lead that battle. How in the world was that even allowed, and how is it that a few years in some schools don't have a plan for collecting phones?

    1. @tom absolutely. We (educators) are at the frontline man. The staff should come up with non-friggin negotiables to present to admin and stick to it. If we don't stick together moving forward, you'd better start looking for the door. Someone mentioned a strike was a missed opportunity. Well there are always going to be opportunities. It's what you do as ONE that will tell the DOE how serious you are about not taking their bullsh%/ anymore. As ONE. ONE MIC. NOT YOUNG v SEASONED. That sh^= is lame. Lol

  75. Tom,

    A school taking phones away is the exception and not the rule.

    Memo to the new teachers: don’t take a phone from a kid. You will lose and get yourself in a jam. I’ve seen it happen.

    These days, with so few kids in school, if a kid is on his or her phone and they are hiding it, I won’t say a word.

    In normal times, I’ll ask them to put the phone away and if it is a problematic student, I’ll document the time I asked just in case I am called to the carpet and the kid says,’he never told me to put it away.’ I can always point to my book and it states that I asked and the kid ignored me.

    What else can I do? When you think about it all, it’s somewhat comical. Only in the doe can kids ignore adults, show up late with an egg sandwich and an Arizona iced tea and if you tell them to put it away, then you get cursed at and you’re wrong.

    It’s just easier to ask politely, get ignored and move on with your lesson.

  76. Waiting for support,

    I applaud the never say die attitude.

    Either you are truly dedicated, crazy, or just have no life outside of the job. Just kidding.

    What I will disagree on is that if administration doesn’t back up the staff, then making a list of demands are only worth as much as the paper that it is written on(nothing).

    The point I think the diehards miss on is that it is so hard to stay on top of the administration. I’ll admit that when I leave at the end of the day, I don’t think about the job until the next day. I need the mental break at the end of the day. The shrewd admins are always thinking of ways to annoy the ones who want change.

    It’s tough.

    I hope everyone does well in the job, keeps the job and makes positive impact as well as stays out of the firing line.

    It’s a tough balancing act lol

    1. @9:27 pm...I'm a little bit crazy and have a strong work ethic. I never worked outside my normal work hours. However when i was at work, I earned my salary. I am about respect for myself the students their family and the profession. I take care of my mental and physical health first. Its a job. A career. However folks are getting it twisted. Just because you do a bang up job during work hours doesn't mean you don't have a life after work. We're professionals right? So teaching during the hours of school is teaching. Now kissing arce is work. Pretending that I am teaching when i really am not is work. Did admin come for me? hell yes. Did i survive? Is my integrity and self dignity intact? Yep. You said it, it's balance. What it shouldn't be is ruining dreams and opportunities because it's the only way for you to keep your sanity and balance. Come on now. Let's be honest.

  77. I don’t know. I feel there is an art to playing the doe game.

    Actually, I moved my family out of queens into the suburbs bc of what I have seen as a doe employee.

    In life, you have to pick your battles.

    I have used the TDA and taken loans and it was a struggle with purchasing a house etc and making the payment affordable.

    Therefore, I would rather focus my mental energy on my family and not the doe.

    The doe does not reward hard work. Trust me. It does not reward mediocrity, but you are punished less for being rank and file than a squeaky wheel.

    To all of those who fight the good fight, I applaud you. However, I have seen years taken off of people’s lives from the stress that can be caused from the job.

    If having years taken off of your life is a price you want to pay, that’s your choice.

    It’s not worth it to me.

    There is more to life than the doe. Life is beautiful.

    If I have to sacrifice satisfaction at work as a doe teacher to be present and woke for my family, then I’ll do that. And I’ll do that with zero regrets.

    1. The game continues:DOE AND UFT 100 Points. Educators 3. Lol.
      So let's move on from being upset about the job. You can't have your cake and eat it. You're trying to survive. The City is trying to survive. Good luck.

  78. I don’t consider ignoring kids who tell teachers to fuck off when asked to work and focusing on kids who want to learn mediocre. I consider it the most efficient and effective way to ensure that good hardworking kids get an education. Nyc progressives first gave all the power to bad kids in schools and we’ve seen it now pour into nyc streets during the riots. Progressives are mediocre. They set the stage for the fuck you mentality too many students display as they rob good kids of an education with their rude, and often violent fuck you behavior.

  79. 715,

    You are so right on!

    To hell with the kids who yell slurs at adults or who ruin the education for the well behaved kids.

    They can rot. I do not care about their ‘issues’ or how ‘hard’ they have it. I didn’t screw up their lives. Lol.

    I’ll be polite to them, say good morning etc, but will seat them close to the door as to make it easier for them to walk out of the room(hint hint). Some colleagues flat out tell these kids,’if you don’t show up to class, I won’t report you for cutting.’ Haha

    If administration wants to push them to the next grade or change report card grades, so be it.

    Just let me work with the kids who want to be there and I’m fine.

  80. YOu are all suckers unless you are PE and guidance, core classroom teachers cannot last 15-20 they might as well do their time at Rikers lol.

    Not many of you here even teach in the South Bronx, 19 years in the same school, that's a lost art and very hard to find.

  81. Let's try this again @ 715 and 744 am,
    @438 isn't differentiating between kids. 438 is talking about simply collecting a check and faking it. Period. In other words Damn the kids. All students will get mediocre from 438. All those statements and beliefs you expressed above isn't new. Hell, the DOE/UFT have pretty much expressed the same feelings towards ALL educators:
    1. They dont care about your issues or how hard you have it in class. Hell, it's not their fault you don't speak up or tell them no. You can walk into the school building and potentially get Covid for all they care. You too can rot in hell.
    2. They are polite to you.
    3. They even seat YOU close to the door and hope you walk your ARCE out so they can replace you with a newbie.
    4. If the DOE wants to keep our money for 14 years, so be it. Mulgrew is getting HIS money.
    You and 438 are talking about 2 different scenarios but the DOE/UFT are NOT.

  82. What can this independent caucus do to put pressure on the UFT and impress upon Mr. Mulgrew we want our money. This hearkens back to Sandy Feldman [may she rest in peace] when we received 4 months of back pay and she negotiated away the other 15 months we were owed. Randi Weingarten was no better-- and now Ms. Weingarten as the AFT President, back last Summer, as we were [and still are] in the middle the pandemic, agreed with Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVoss, that all students must return to in-person instruction. It would be nice if UFT leadership actually spoke for us instead of against us.

  83. 7:44:I can totally relate after working with emotionally challenged d75 is easy to get bitter.but to not care about their issues seems callous and contrary to our mission.many of our kids never had a fighting chance through no fault of their own.thankfully. I had caring teachers who made a world of difference.i hated the mean ones.wouldnt it be fulfilling to take a kid or two under your wing and make a difference?sometimes we are all they have.not everyone was born with a silver spoon.we are one people.we got put lot by fate only.i would not want a teacher who didnt give two shits.if you are burned out, I wish you healing.i hate doe never know how a person can make a maya angelou's I know why the caged bird sings and the story of Ruby Bridges.

    1. @12:40... unfortunately the same "not my problem. Not my business" attitude is prevalent. The UFT/DOE displays it alll the time Since March posters have been livid, shocked, disappointed,etc by the lack of support given by the UFT/DOE. What goes around comes around. Stay safe.

  84. Shoot,

    I wish the work I received from kids was mediocre. That would be a couple hundred notches up from what I usually receive(nothing).

  85. 1240,

    I really think you are mis-interpreting what 744 was saying. The comments posted state that this teacher is polite to everyone. However, to the ones that have some serious emotional issues, it is not our job as classroom teachers to ‘fix’ these issues. Last I checked, we are not social workers, counselors or miracle workers.

    I will be friendly to everyone, but I will not get involved or really want to know what some of the kids have going on in their personal lives. Quite frankly, it’s none of my business and my personal life is none of anyone else’s business.

    After reading the post of 744, I don’t feel this person is burnt. They are just not going to go out of their way or give attention to those few students who are negative attention seekers. I cannot fault this person.

    1. @1:24 pm...the DOE didn't hire 744 for politeness. I've seen adults in many schools who are friendly, playful, "nice" and polite to ALL of the students (hardworking students and those who don't even try) but i don't know if they can teach. They probably can but the gameplay is on front street. Ps I'm not talking about 24/7 burn out.

  86. Now the city comptroller comes out and says that Revenue Loss was less than feared. Down only 1.2 billion from last year!

    So, do they just expect the teachers to lend money they are owed to cut that SMALL gap? Money that has been owed for 10 plus years mind you. This is theft plain and simple, only way to make this even kind of right is if interest is added to the payment next July at a nice clip. What a total sham!

    1. Yes, they expect us to simply wait and continue working. Because we are stupid and keep paying dues.

    2. They probably think if they are nice to us (1/2 is better than zero) we will be okay. Some people claim it works.

  87. @4:45 - you're not getting paid to work? Some people have said they're getting paid $125,000 to chill in their bedroom.

  88. Some remote paras never sign o. Or say hello and walk was actually laying across his bed!teachers work, remote paras paid to do nothing.

  89. @8:49 really? All remote paras? That's amazing

  90. ATRs have gotten paid top dollar to do almost nothing for years.

  91. Let’s have some fun.

    Maybe the diehards who claim they have the strong work ethic are really the ones playing us all. If you have to pat yourself on the back, don’t you really have low confidence and are just seeking the approval of others bc something is lacking?

    After all, some may say that ‘kids and puppies like everyone’.

    Just something to ponder. I can see the blood pressure of some rising in 3, 2, 1...............

  92. @4:03 am says the person posting at ahem 4:03am. By the way the only person patting themselves on the back is @438pm for "faking it". Get some rest.

  93. Early bird catches the worm


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