Friday, October 16, 2020


 From DOE:

Reporting Instructions for Election Day: Select School-Based Staff

School buildings across the city will be used as polling sites on Election Day, November 3. To support health and safety measures, all DOE school-based staff will work remotely on Election Day, except school safety agents, food service personnel, and custodial and facilities staff, who must still report to their schools for in-person work; DOE meal hubs will remain open. Charter schools and community-based organization (CBO) programs follow their own schedule, and may still report to school buildings. 

Since November 3 is an instructional day for students, pedagogical and supervisory staff should continue to perform their educational duties remotely. Staff without instructional or related duties that can be performed remotely may support with students and/or family outreach, or be assigned to complete mandatory trainings and/or professional learning webinars. Some examples include:

Complete Annual Bloodborne Pathogens Compliance Procedures, as announced in the September 10 edition of Principals Digest.

Mandatory Webinar about Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policies, as announced in the October 9 edition of Principals Digest;

Professional learning regarding school culture climate, such as the Trauma-Informed Care professional learning series, as announced in the October 15 edition of Principals Digest. 

For questions, contact your BCO HR director.


  1. Only 15% of student COVID test consent forms are in, and the mayor’s senior advisor for public health, in response to this stat, said testing is not “a first, second, or third line of defense” because it is “just a snapshot of the effectiveness of our measures.” What.

  2. The substitutes stay home and will not get paid for the day. Convenient to forget about the substitutes when it comes to reaping benefits of this remote/ blended arrangement.

  3. csa just got approval to also work remotely that day. oddly they have no agreement for admin and d37 working remotely when staff and students are remote, therefor they are required to go into empty buildings. So this is another reason why some principals are pushing back against allowing all remote teachers to work from home, if they have to come in, so do you.

    1. Lol. When we make what the principals make then they can bitch about us not coming in. Until then they can put can in it.

    2. Agreed Anonymous �� 2:54 when �� we are making the big bucks like them lol �� otherwise screw them

  4. So awesome to earn 150K salary (including per session & summer school). This school year is over. LUVVVVVIN' IT!

  5. If there are no more snow days cant they cut the year by 2-3 days? Just another uft oversight, right dues payers?

  6. If snow days are cancelled, then where’s my shorter work year? Since we don’t need the absent days anymore, cause they workin days, well, where are they

    ? Or is there a ginormous pay raise coming our way for more work time?

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    and 5 others
    You got it. 4 CAR days.
    is full of shit when they say they're "fighting" in arbitration for compensation.

    Actually, UFT leadership is just full of shit.
    Peter Zucker
    Mulgrew gave two different answers about that. In DA he gave answer but he said at end”we’re getting around to it” yesterday was asked about it with another question and didn’t answer.

  7. 4:31 has gotta be a Unity supporter. Rub it in our faces how you sin't do shit and make all kinds of money. Teachers like that give us all a bad reputation and they give unions a bad name.

  8. It's not like the suburbs where we get the days off in late spring if we don't use them. They are just reserve days, we don't use them we lose them. Even if thought we didn't use any of the days the last two years, we didn't get free days at the end of the year, so it doesn't make a difference. Snow days are just work days now.

  9. So, I already did the BBP mandatory but struggling to "get to" the 7 hour Trauma Training.
    Election Day we are now Teaching Remotely.
    My school offered BBP only as a PD option, the one that we mostly have already completed.

    We are all expected to teach and be damned about time for 7 hour trauma training. So, teach it is, don't have time outside workday to do a 7 hour trauma training. Oh Well!

  10. To those of you who knock atrs and say they are not real educators or damaged goods, they have gotten the last laugh.

    No lesson plans, being ‘adult in room’ or lunch duty for 2 kids.

    I’m an ATR and I’m loving life this year.

  11. and the ATRs are probably paid almost twice the new teachers and do less than half the work they do. The young teachers are the ones being played the fools.

  12. @8:09 - where has anyone knocked ATRs - certainly not a majority opinion on here. I've seen most people say that ATRs should be picked up, and say that they got a bad rap for standing up for themselves. You're the one suggesting that you're not a real educator by crowing that you don't write lesson plans and are only babysitting 2 kids at a time.

  13. Who the fuck would waste time writing lesson plans in a fraudulent and corrupt system? Why bother?

  14. I have been an atr for the last eight years and in the system for 18 years. I think we have gotten more respect in the last couple of years because teachers realize that we can work and anyone can become an atr. With this covid its been a little more comfortable than a classroom teacher last year and this year but by no means do we do nothing. Less stress than teachers but always have to be on the lookout. Principals dont like us and will write us up any chance they get. You play the game and within reason do what principals want and your ok.The young teachers are not fools. There great teachers with energy and are more helpful to us than senior teachers. The problem is when your not tenure the principals use them.They need better leadership from their union reps but dont get it because the reps are in their principals back pocket.

  15. 9:21--
    I work on improving my lesson plans every year, especially this one! Yes, I rant and rave about de Blasio being the worst mayor in my lifetime, the Chancellor being delusional, and Mulgrew is nothing but a weasel. That does not preclude me from doing my best for my students. They are children. They should not suffer because a teacher is unhappy with the conditions of the union contracts or city mandates. I will work as hard for them as I would want anyone else to work for my children. That includes the time and effort it takes to plan and modify lessons/activities to give them the best opportunities for future success. My plans may not be the best, and most kids don't return the effort, but you can be damn sure any teacher that works hard for his/her students has integrity. This noble profession demands it.

  16. The is not a noble profession. What school are you in? When you give a hw assignment, how many do it?

  17. 632,

    This isn’t even a profession. We are babysitters with advanced degrees.

    About 15 years ago, a colleague told an AP,”Why even waste my time writing a homework assignment on the board when nobody hands it in?” At the time, I was flabbergasted, but she was right in feeling that way.

    I don’t regret getting into the doe, but I fully grasp what the doe is and I have to accept it to live a happy life outside of the doe.

    Heck, acceptance has made me happier at work. I can bs with the nice kids, maybe they learn something every now and again and I hang with colleagues I enjoy. It’s not so bad.

    To the ass kissers and the holier than thou ones, knock yourselves out. In 5 years, you will be 30, making more money and less valuable in the eyes of admin.

    Also, to the kids who curse at me, keep doing it! The stories of how miserable those few kids are make for great stories at parties and sometimes I learn some new slurs that I know never to use in my personal life so it’s educational for me as well! Plus, not being upset by the cursing or slurs thrown my way by those few miserable kids upsets them more than by getting mad. My favorite comeback usually is,”I’m sorry you are not happy with yourself. I hope you find the happiness you are seeking.” This gets a laugh and occasionally, the kid storms out of the door and I can teach those who care.

  18. FWIW,
    I'm past 50 and 23+ years and continue to work hard for students, who, as I mentioned above in my 2:30 post, many don't return the effort. I don't kiss ass. I'm no better than anyone else. But I do have a work ethic that pushes me to do my best despite the kids who don't do hw, who curse at me, never come to school or come to school high, and a system that has failed me etc. I've also had enough moments over the years with former students that have taught me to never underestimate the impact of a teacher, including one failing kid who barely attended school bc of useless parents telling me in a chance encounter later in life that something I said in class once changed his life and now he had a steady job and his own apartment with plans to go to college. I couldn't take credit for his success, the choice was his, but it felt good to know I nudged him the right direction. If a teacher is there for the paycheck on a path of least resistance, fine, and I can't wait to retire, but I want to retire with pride.


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