Tuesday, October 06, 2020


I saw that there was actually some noise made on Twitter about decertifying the UFT as the NYC teachers' bargaining agent and then starting over with a real union. A union that actually represents and strongly defends teachers. 

Okay, this is not quite a movement at this point but you gotta start somewhere. We'll say it yet again that we would happy to help any pro-union group that is looking to fix the UFT or replace it with another union.

The right decision that is being refered to in the first tweet below is Mayor de Blasio's move to close schools in certain hotspot zip codes.  We should close buildings citywide so we do our best to prevent the probable second wave of COVID-19.  I only can hope that more and more teachers have had enough of Michael Mulgrew and his stalling and instead want a strong union whose primary goal is to defend its members and public education rather than looking out for itself and its dues.

I do not know these two UFTer but would certainly like to. We are covered under NYS PERB law, not the NLRB but the sentiment here is in the right place.


  1. Ok, you have my vote. Need about 50k more.

  2. UFT elections have consequences.

  3. The first step in a journey is often the hardest. James what is the beginning process? Is it a petition or is it more formal than that to force a decertification vote? If it is a simple as a petition why not start it and see how many you get. Even 500 or 1000 is a start

  4. I'm in and I could bring about 50 from my school.

  5. Let's be blunt here. We are the problem. A post about some latest Mulgrew bullshit gets 100 comments. People talking about reforming the UFT gets like 2. Nobody beyond a couple of people will do shit to make things change by decertifying. Look in the mirror if you want to know where the problem is. Teachers who read here should know better.

  6. Ok 805, so just opt out. That is quite simple.

  7. The idiots are the FB page right now if they are getting interest on the retro. The dumbest in NY. Wonder why we are screwed. That's why I stopped hoping and stopped paying.

  8. Staff members lets realize that Mulgrew is a local NYC guy and he has fought for us time and time again. Since Mulgrew took office he has had to deal with bloomberg, diblasio, cuomo and the doe.....Anyone would struggle having to deal with these individuals and Mulgrew has given his all people....I listened to Mulgrew this Summer and He sounded like a person frustrated and its really all because of who he has to deal with.

    1. @8:58... you listened to Mulgrew this summer and he sounded like a frustrated person. So according to you, Mulgrew is frustrated, is struggling and has given his best. Taking all of your points into consideration, I continue to be convinced that this isn't the job for him. Where do I sign my name to vote no confidence and/or decertifying? JC is the poster who asked about how to decertify. They are putting they are all about the doing. I love it. Power to the people.

  9. I have no desire to opt out but hearing an apologist for Mulgrew call every betrayal something that he was forced into motivates me to want to wake teachers up.

  10. Mulgrew is an overpaid sellout. What other school system in a big city is open during a pandemic? None.

  11. Sounds like bunch of unhappy dues payers who will continue to do nothing.

  12. Let us see if anything changes. I bet not, based on history.

  13. Waiting for support I would to see you work or deal with bloomberg, diblasio or the doe for that matter....they are stubborn and selfish.....how would you deal with them and what would you do differently then Mulgrew has done?

    1. @10:33 am...i have worked for Bloomberg Diblahsio and the DOE. All educators have, as employees of city government. What would i do if i were elected president of the uft? I'd protect the workers. I'd raise hell. I would push back against the bs. Id get the parents on our side by telling them about the bullsh%$ the city wants us to do in order to provide their children with a worthless diploma. I would be a nightmare for doe and a protector of my union members. I would surround myself with warriors who would go into schools to protect educators. My main focus wouldn't be to be a friend to the doe. My main focus would be to ensure that the teaching profession is respected and that everyone understands that we are not babysitters but professionals who are experienced in preparing children for the next stage in life: adulthood. My "problem" has always been that I don't scare easily. I ALWAYS try to do the right thing. I can't stand people who abuse/neglect/trick children and their caregivers. I really despise people who are paid to do a job but don't do it correctly. So yeah, Mulgrew is not cut out for this assignment.

  14. Quick, alert Mulgrew...BOSTON (AP) — The city of Boston says it's suspending the reopening of public schools after coronavirus infections surged past 4%.

  15. Be Brave. Do Something.
    Walk Out
    Opt out

  16. our school 90 percent remote 10 percent blended.....what do you do with that?

  17. Another happy uft dues payer...I’m on medical accommodation. I had my second panic attack of the school year today and needed to use my inhaler because I almost passed out. I’m beyond enraged. I have never thought about quitting as much as I have this year. And it has NOTHING to do with the kids.

  18. Opt out
    Walk Out

  19. A new union won't be good just because it is new.

  20. DOE tracing process is a joke. Keep your kids at home so you won't be part of this political mess.

  21. We know this union sucks. Might as well give it a chance. I have nothing to lose.

  22. You are quite correct 5:23, there is no guarantee a new union will be better. However, if that new union is organized from the grassroots, it will be more democratic and will almost certainly do a better job of representing teachers than the UFT. I wouldn't even consider it if I didn't think that was true.

  23. If we judge by the information we get on this blog compared to the self-serving emails from Mulgrew, we know a new union would do a better job if the teachers supported it.

  24. A new union wouldn’t be good just because it is new. That is one of the most ill informed statements I have ever read on here. How do you know that?

    Waiting for support 4:06 I disagree with some of your politics but the 4:06 post was one of the best things I have ever read on here

  25. Yes we could elect a union that is actually worse. HOw do they feel about fair student funding? The Danielson rubric? Closing schools? Vengeful administrators? The leadership academy? The ATR pool? Mayoral Control? Etc. etc...

  26. Who would've seen this coming? Everybody.

    Using the Governor’s maps, there are 124 schools (spread over 153 locations) that fall in the red and orange zones. These schools will close and go fully remote. This list includes the 91 original schools, plus 33 additional schools

  27. @8:58, You keep saying the same thing about Mulgrew. He’s just a regular New York guy. So is deBlasio, Cuomo, and Bloomberg. What could Mulgrew do? The first thing is learn some Negotiating skills. Start with a garage sale or flea market. Don’t believe everything you’re told. Like when deBlasio said the city was broke in 2014 and Mulgrew agreed to the worst contract in UFT history, in which we will finally be receiving our last payment of our interest free loan. He could’ve gone to the city comptroller or just read the financials that he is privy to. But no, he went to the rank-and-file and explained that this was the best we could get and otherwise we would go to the back of the line because the city was broke. The city was richer than it had ever been before or since. But, he knew that and presented that betrayal to all of us. Mulgrew isn’t as stupid as he looks or sounds. That’s just one example. I could go on and on. Personally the thing that got me the most infuriated was when he agreed, during the 2014 contract, to a expedited termination process for ATRs. The inference being that deBlasio, Farina and Bloomberg were correct in their false assertions concerning veteran teachers displaced through more Uft incompetence via Randi Weingarten’s disastrously ill advised 2005 contract. Next June, I predict at least 25% will drop out of the UFT, almost entirely because of Michael Mulgrew and his pack of hungry wolves that inhabit the Uft. No one has any allegiance left for the UFT or its Emperor Mulgrew. Unfortunately, the dual DOE/UFT instilled apathy and fear, coupled with the deeply corrupt UFT may thwart any attempts at a new union.

  28. Pathetic. Teachers from 2 of my school sites are frantically calling students to tell them school is cancelled. Why did we not spend the last few weeks making sure all the students had working I-pads and knew how to use them?

  29. As the school system is crumbling, Mr. Carranza is retweeting Senator Harris during the debate. Yup.

  30. 6:58 that’s not actually what was said though. Of course a new union could be worse (although it would be a hard trick) but the statement was a definitive. “A new union would be worse just because if is new”. Note it doesn’t say could be worse or might be worse. It says would be worse. Definitive

  31. James again what is the start of the decert process? Is it a petition or an application to perb? Or both?

  32. As was Randi...They dont give a shit about doing their jobs or protecting teachers.

  33. Don't forget to post how much the uft took on 10/15/20...TRIPLE DUES.

  34. I’m on medical accommodation. I had my second panic attack of the school year today and needed to use my inhaler because I almost passed out. I’m beyond enraged. I have never thought about quitting as much as I have this year. And it has NOTHING to do with the kids.

  35. Majority at my school would vote to decertify as they are now against Unity (finally).

    Before moving to decertify we must have enough support to pass the vote.
    Otherwise it'll turn into a "unity win".

  36. The first step is having people willing to get those signatures to decertify. You are talking about needing over 20,000 signatures. Without the volunteers, it is a waste of time. Contacting PERB is easy.

  37. The first step is not to decertify - the first step is to create an alternative that people would trust. Imagine decertification and a new bargaining election. Unity against what? Just like in the original campaign in 1960 - there were 3 groups running - the NEA backed one and the left ran another. The very same thing would happen again this time and Unity would win the decert campaign. Imagine trying to coral the people who comment here into an organized group. Would I trust some of them to do a more competent job than an incompetent Unity? I'm not so sure. I'd trust James and some of my old ICE colleagues and some others in other groups but when everyone wants to toot their own caucus horn you end up with Unity forever.

  38. Enough already! The DOE workers have once again been betrayed by our Head Union Official. This behavior should be unacceptable to all involved who pay the salary for these people to take us for granted that we will not inflict a big change in our union. B
    Please be mindful OUR UNION have our best interest at heart. This have not been so according to this document and how our contracts have been negotiated moving forward. I am a victim of they undermining tactics against educators. We are hired to educated The City of New York children. We are viewed by their actions as being illiterate when it comes down to them dealing with our ability to comprehend. I have seen first hand how deceitful the union can be. I was assigned a Rep who was of a different ethnicity than me. Who did an excellent job fighting for a year of back wages for me who is African American. In the midst of a great job being well done. I was changed to a Rep of my ethnicity who then tried at her best to undermine my intelligence of comprehending our contract that was in place. She wanted me to settle for half of my back wages, and she was very firm that's all I would ever receive. As a result of this my union matter became a dictatorship with me aligning what I need done and how I want it done. I refused to allow the union rep who assisted me in a
    this grievance against the DOE to continue to lie to me, as she was there to undermine me it was very clear. I was done with the union at that very moment as we should be done with the union now!


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