Friday, November 13, 2020


One question before I post the email: Is the news that NYC schools are going all remote possibly as early as Monday "disheartening" to all of you as President Mulgrew says?

Dear _________,

As New York City confronts a second wave of coronavirus infections, Mayor Bill de Blasio may make all schools remote in New York City as early as next week.

Before you leave work today, make sure you have all the equipment and supplies you need to work remotely from home in case we are remote on Monday.

Under the state-approved safety plan that we hammered out with the mayor in early September, all city schools must automatically go fully remote if the citywide positivity rate on virus tests is equal to or greater than 3%, using a rolling seven-day average. The city's seven-day rate has crept up to 2.83%, the mayor said this morning.

A citywide shift to all-remote learning would be temporary. Just as the numbers will dictate when school buildings should close, school buildings would reopen when the numbers improve.

I know this news is disheartening since we have done a phenomenal job of keeping school buildings safe and our students, especially our youngest, have loved the in-person interaction with staff. Public schools are among the safest public places in New York City thanks to the safeguards in the safety plan we insisted upon as a condition for reopening — and your vigilance in ensuring that these safety protocols are followed in every school.

But schools are not an island. Epidemiologists warn this second wave is bound to infiltrate our schools. As hundreds of thousands of students, parents and staff crisscross the city on public transportation, schools would become the connection points to spread the virus through all the city’s neighborhoods.

We have a safety plan endorsed by independent medical experts, and we must stick to it. That is how we keep our school communities safe.

We'll send you a text message as soon as a decision is made. Sign up at to get the early alert.


Michael Mulgrew

UFT Presient


  1. Who gives a shit what he says. He is letting city call the shots. Not worth the dues. We could die, he wouldn't blink.

  2. Yes, it's disheartening. It's a disgrace. Another reason I'm glad I got out of the City 7 years ago. It's terrible for my students. It's also not good for our profession.

    In between parent "conferences" today I did some math. It doesn't seem likely we'll reach the 3 percent threshold before Monday. Today, tomorrow, and Sunday's daily numbers would need to exceed 3.4 (this is using the State dashboard and the 3.1 number published in today's Post for yesterday). However the next 4 days (today through Monday) would only need to average 3.2 to put us over the benchmark of 3 over 7 days.

  3. Head SSA at my building said they plan on being in the building Monday even if Mayor shuts down to let teachers get their belongings and in case any wayward students show up.

  4. No one is disheartened cause the in person set up has been shit. Also the lies are unreal. The only reason covid hasn’t rampaged the schools is cause hardly anyone is there and basically no one is getting tested. This guy is really a piece of work.

  5. Possible Biden education chief Randi Weingarten once caught plagiarizing speech
    Weingarten's speech lifted quotes from an NY1 report
    By Julia Musto | Fox News

  6. Uft members are dumb as shit. I can't believe they keep falling for it and doing what we say. Horrible contracts and even dying for us...

    In unity, Richard, Bill and Michael

  7. NEWS: with $1.95b investment from federal government, Pfizer's covid vaccine "will be distributed to front-line workers, the elderly and high-risk Americans immediately"

    Vaccine will be available to general population by April

  8. Pardon my French, but Mulgrew is a total fucktard. He thinks it's "disheartening" that schools are closing? Let me tell him something: I am a cluster teacher and have been teaching in my building 5 days a week since schools opened. I also have to work lunch duty in the classroom. I want to tell him right here and now that not one single teacher in my building wants to be in the building. The only thing that is "disheartening" is that Mulgrew is completely out of touch with what his dues payers want. He is a disgusting lap dog for the mayor. I truly believe that he will be voted out in the next election. I can't wait to see him suffer in the dungeons of NYC schools that he sent us to and of which he has not taught in a loooong time.

  9. 437,

    I respectfully disagree. The kids showing up I am enjoying working with. I have not been cursed at or had any racial epitaphs thrown my way.

    Am I teaching? No. But this is the doe. Teaching does not happen for the most part. I’m enjoying no AP walking in the classroom and not doing any bulletin boards or other bs. For the most part, I’m working w kids who show up and I’m happy.

  10. @4:37 👏 I couldn’t have said it any better 👏
    Thank you. I definitely will continue voting against dumbassMulgrew.

  11. I nominate you, James, for Mulgrew’s job. People you need to pressure James into. James we need someone with integrity, contract knowhow, negotiation skills, and intelligence as Union Prez. You check all those boxes.

  12. 1. James is retired.
    There seems to be more teachers who are interested in voting in a new union president. Do you think if enough teachers vote, their numbers will can be higher than the RTC?

  13. Michael Mulgrew just shat on your dinner plate and served it to you with a smile ... again. What does thou sayeth? Accept it silently? Ask for more with a plead? Or throw it in his face? Sheep, all.

  14. We voted for James years ago. The Union political system is rigged even worse than government politics.

    Imagine being a parent of a junior in HS who just had his 9th day of school since March today and it may be his last for quite a while. The young man is registered for the SAT in 3 weeks. Great for me (tutoring has been brisk business), terrible for students.

    At the school I work in the vast majority of parents can afford tutors. I've taught 10 lessons and we're in the 2nd marking period. What happens to those students?

    1. My last post was supposed to say can't afford, not can.

  15. PE classes 8-10. 24 kids with 2 teachers in big gym, love it. Kids need it too they are playing badminton and basketball away from the computer, smiling, and having fun.

    That is my own set up I am sure for others being in school could be problematic if dealing with remote classes on top of the live.

    Nobody can trust MUlgrew, diblasio, and cuomo. This state is a disaster and the lockdown will absolutely demolish families ad businesses maybe for years. People will be moving upstate or down south very soon.

  16. Joe here,

    My AP just emailed me saying a student has a broken iPAD so the work can't be done, but the student is bringing the iPad into the school to get it fixed. How nice. I wonder when the iPad broke, the student is s no show. Either it just broke and the student chose to do nothing for 3 months...Or, the iPad broke at the beginning and the student chose to do nothing...Or the iPad was never broke and the student is simply a liar. I'm so glad the DOE gave away 1 million $900 devices. Well, I told my AP that the student can't pass. This wouldn't be allowed at work. Could I do it? See ya next term.

  17. Joe is so tough. Go back to cnbc.

  18. You’ve got your progressive mayor, democrat senators, assembly in nys, democrats in nyc house seats and US senate and still the nyc school system is shit and teachers are treated like shit. You’ve got no one left to blame but yourselves. If you’re putting all your hopes and dreams on a Democrat in the Oval Office, you’ve forgotten how badly Obama screwed us. So glad I moved out of NYC. My nice safe Republican suburban neighborhood and schools are doing well. Three more years of faking it in nyc and I’m out.

    1. Yes, it takes awhile for that realization to set in. The last few years and the utter rejection of middle of the road voters and their voices for screaming selfishness has caused many a defection. The Democrats are now much worse than the Republicans, and it’s not that the Republicans are great or even just ok. It’s, ‘ with friends (deBlasio, Carranza, Cuomo, Pelosi, Mulgrew, Weingarten, etc.) like that, who needs enemies?’

    2. @604 am...
      Don't forget we had the bestest most goodess donny. If only he were reelected, he coulda fixed it all.

  19. Good day,

    Joe here,

    I hear schools are closing. What a shock. Were they ever really open?

    Don't be silly, I only watch CNBC during stock market hours, 930 AM-4 PM, Monday thru Friday. Dow was up 400 yesterday.

    About the so called broken iPad, I laughed at that excuse with a few colleagues via email. No matter how low we set the bar, students still can't jump over it.

    I hear open school was a success. 1 whole parent. I guess parents don't care. Sad!

    Maybe golf guy or Mercedes guy can chime in, perhaps they had more success. When I care more than students and parents and the chancellor and mayor...Oh, well.

    Have a restful weekend. Don't forget to lesson plan for Monday. Only 9 months until retro the uft scammed us out of...Only 12 years interest free, what a deal. I hope the dues payers are proud.

  20. You do our cause no good Joe. Sorry but showing how you game the system does nothing to enhance our reputation.I is embarrassing.

  21. Yup, disheartening for sure because I am a teacher and I want to teach students in classrooms, go to work, not work from my home. We are in the throes of a massive shift, as tech is now deeply embedded in our work and in our lives, blurring the distinction between workers and families, working and playing, working and leisure time, working and weekend relaxing, working and living. While the pandemic has overshadowed this massive shift, and accelerated it at warp speed, so fast that most have not noticed its true implications, its irreversible changes to how we work and live, so that, for example, this blog has focused on building safety and the risks the infected building pose, grave and serious and deadly risks, sure, but has ignored, as has the UFT (all caucuses) the risks tech and remote pose to our livelihoods, to our jobs and incomes, to how we work and how we live.

    Now that the biggest part of the vaccine problem has been solved with incredible speed, with amazing technological innovations, and now that, after what will be a deadly winter, we have in place a logistics to vaccinate the nation and then the world, so we've done it, wow, tech is amazing, biotech out of this world amazing, we need to step back and consider the costs. The cost of the pandemic, in lives, in health, in money and economy, but also in how we work, our work conditions. There is no turning back to buildings as they were before the pandemic. But how different building school teaching is when we return will depend on how quickly we get back to buildings. So we should start working on how we are going to push out the tech and automation that has shredded our contract, undermined all be bargained for. And, once 20 million first responders, military and essential people are vaccinated we should push to get the vaccine for teachers and get back to buildings. I hope we can return before June. That's optimistic, but it may be possible.

  22. Stop it. Blame Joe? Blame your bosses. That would be de blasio, carranza, mulgrew and your in school supervisors. They are the reason we are where we are. The choice is to either keep hiding it or expose it. If you want to keep hiding it then I never again want to be asked why minorities keep failing in college and can't get good jobs. You are part of the reason. In no other business would this lack of effort be accepted. The students can do 1 of 10 assignments but did enough. The students can never show up to school and then we are informed there is no attendance requirement after being told how important live instruction is. If that is not completely giving fraud diplomas I don't know what is. Don't game the system, fix the system. Just grade honestly.

    1. @Marc.

      I hear you but this is the Wrong audience. Stay safe and happy holidays to you and your family

  23. Keep giving students who are 18, cant read, cant write and have no work ethic, all the praise. Teach them what they are doing is perfectly acceptable. 1st grade writing level as a hs grad will take them far. That is certainly mastery and 90% material. Tell them that when they get that 1st job they don't even have to show up and they will keep getting paid. Nice work, "educators."

  24. And meanwhile, the uft leadership accepts this. No retro for us...But keep paying dues. It is an embarrassment that you all speak for me and allow this...But hey, I'm a scab.
    DOE set to quietly ink $900M bus contract
    By Nolan Hicks, Susan Edelman and Selim AlgarNovember 12, 2020 | 6:46pm

  25. Hey Joe-
    You're lucky to be employed by nyc doe as you clearly couldn't make it in any other line of work. You also obviously don't have children because if you did you wouldn't want them to ever be taught by someone like yourself. Why don't you grow up and be a man and do us a favor and stay off this blog. You are a disgrace to the profession. And many of us still believe it is a noble profession.

    1. @9:56am...

      Joe. Mercedes. Golf. Ha. They are "winning". The same system that doesn't care about the student or country, has hired some folks willing to do its bidding. Joe Mercedes Golf Anon are also the same ones who ask why minorities are on welfare. Puh-lese. 20 years was all it took for these "educators"' to flip to the lazy side. They call it "self preservation" or "'not killing themselves". They make life hell for those teachers who just want to teach as behavior and learning standards are enforced. Lol. They even "brag" as if it's a badge of honor. You can't make this sh#t up.

  26. 956, then why can't hs school students write a sentence?
    Why can they no show and pass?
    Why water it down so much?
    Why eliminate suspensions?
    Why restorative justice?
    Why dumb it down?
    Is what Joe said inaccurate?
    We just should shutup and give fraud diplomas.
    Noble? Yeah, right.

  27. And the students couldn't make it up we graded honestly. Lay blame in the appropriate place.

    1. Blame:
      The doe
      Teachers who bend instead of teaming up
      Parents who are not aware of what the school is doing and what their child is doing
      The students
      There is enough blame to go around

  28. Haha, true, Joe would want his kids to get free grades like 99% of the teachers give.

  29. Does 956 realize what he just said? Joe is so bad, so toxic, so unemployble that the only way he can have a fruitful career is by being a NYCDOE teacher. Doesnt say much for the DOE. Still noble? Sounds like there are a bunch of problems in our noble profession not being addressed. I guess the truth hurts, yet you all have no problem getting paid to fake it.

  30. Plenty of us don't fake it. Slackers make us look bad.

  31. OK, cool. Post some examples of your students writing. Just tell us what school. Cover the student name. Then tell us what grade you gave. Would love to compare. Sudpenions are fake. Grades are fake. SAT scotes prove it. Stuent results in college prove it.

    1. @11:11 am...
      "Post some examples..."? Why. I mean what will that prove? SAT scores prove what? Lori Loughlin

  32. Part 1
    Just wanted to get this out there, especially for people like Joe who complain about grade fraud this, lazy students that, and so on and so forth.

    I am 22 years old. After student teaching and graduating in Spring 2019, I went on the job hunt for a math teaching job with the DOE. I got a job at a school that appeared to be great, but in reality was a nightmare. The students were absolutely off the hinges - throwing their water bottles towards me, destroying my classroom, trashing the room, calling me crackhead/b*tch/other obscenities. The staff was excusing me of being racist because I suggested that a certain few students should join AIS because it may be helpful for them to meet people outside of their typical group of friends (I had some students in AIS who were a terror in the classroom but really changed for the better when they had the opportunity to talk about their feelings, why they behave the way they do, and meet people that rubbed off some good behavior on them - they befriended who were better for them). See, restorative justice works if it is handled in an organized and purposeful manner.

    However, I couldn’t take it and about 1.5 months into the school year, I had my first yell at the class. And every class after there was more yelling. Me yelling at them, them yelling at me, and no one at the school willing to help a new teacher make the best of a toxic situation. In mid-November, I realized that this situation wasn’t good for me. Students threatening me, students cursing at me, students abusing me, staff accusing me. But I also realized it wasn’t fair to the students either. They deserved to have a better teacher, one that wasn’t yelling at them everyday - one that wasn’t sick of them - one that didn’t hate being with them.

    And so at 21 years old, I have my resignation. I resigned from my first teaching job, a job that paid well and provided the support my family needed. And I did it because I knew that the situation was not going to end well - for me or for the students.

    I could have stayed in the job and not care - but what’s the point of being somewhere if you don’t care. I couldn’t be happy if I didn’t care or didn’t put effort towards a good cause. So I left. I started subbing and in March got a long-term substitute position. During the summer, I worked at a REC Center in South Queens with little kids. And this past Fall, I started a fully appointed teaching position at a new school.

    And guess what - through subbing at various schools, through working at the REC, I realized that not every school is bad. There are a lot of great schools out there. And I also learned that it is so easy to blame the students for everything (for failing, for not showing up to class, etc.) I am guilty of doing it.

    But, in reality, it isn’t the kids fault if they pass without putting work it. It is not their fault if they pass without showing up. It is the fault of the adults who allowed for such an opportunity to exist.

    Look at Joe for example, the DOE has created an opportunity for all the Joe’s to put a half-ass effort and collect full salary and benefits. What fool wouldn’t take advantage of free money? It is only human nature.

    So, it is the same with the students - if they have the opportunity to move forward without putting full effort - why would they put full effort if the outcome will be the same. They are only doing what is natural to humans, taking advantage of an opportunity that allows them to get to where they need without putting the work in.

    We can’t blame them for that - the blame goes to the adults for creating this situation. Heck, how many of us as students wouldn’t take advantage of this opportunity if we had it when we were in school? I hated gym and loved math - if I knew I could pass gym without showing up so I can nerd out with my math friends you best believe I would take that opportunity and do it. Just like how Joe is taking advantage of the opportunity to collect full salary and not put any work in - the DOE created such a space to allow that to happen.

  33. Part 2
    And guess what Joe, if you hate your job so much, if you despise the kids that much, you can LEAVE. Leave and let someone more qualified take your position. Have you ever tried calling the parents? I had a few students who did zero work. Their contact information on file was outdated, but I USED MY BRAIN, and found a new number. Told the parents that your child is struggling, here is what we can do - I’ll add you on Google Classroom, but most important, have your child join office hours daily. Some have and now they are doing so well - they participate, they join office hours to do their homework, and I am so proud of the changes they made to do better.

    Not every student is lazy. And stop focusing on the ones that don’t care and start focusing on the ones that do. Don’t rob a proper education from the kids that do care. They don’t deserve to be punished for the lack of care from their fellow classmates.

    Oh, and you best believe I failed (well gave NX) to students that EARNED it. I only give students the grades they earn.

  34. Part 3
    As for the individuals who say Democrats created a nightmare city and Republicans know best - yesterday my mother and I went out to run some errands. At a convenience store, a white man kicked a black man and shouted racial slurs at him. The black man, rightfully so, punched the white man for self-defense. The other white people in the parking lot went to back up the white man. I heard a few people cheer for Trump. Guess what, the white man ran and the black man stayed. You know who runs - people who did the wrong thing. The black man noted the white man’s license plate, called the police, and filed a police report.

    This past week a Trump supporter threw a coffee cup at my car. You see, Trump supporters act like they are the best representation of civilized behavior, but in reality the truth is that Trump in the White House has a sent a message to racist people that it is okay to be racist openly.

    Racism in the United States is very much alive - the only thing is that for a long while people hid it. Trump coming in, for some deranged reason, sent the message to these people that it is okay to be openly racist because it is to “Make America Great Again.” Yeah, for people that look a certain way - that’s who they make it better for.

    And another thing - news isn’t the best source of learning what is really happening in the world. CNN is biased, so is Fox. You know how you learn what is happening in the world - you get out and explore it. Growing up I went to every neighborhood in Queens and made friends with so many people from all over the place. I learned about their struggles, their goals, their dreams. I saw how people in certain neighborhoods lived and it humbled me on how lucky I was to live in a comfortable one bedroom basement - it was small and it flooded every summer during heavy storms - but I lived in a safe neighborhood with good schools.

    You know how else you can learn about the realities of the world - as a teacher, you can learn it through your students. Ask them every now and then, how everything is going. Ask them about their family, their neighborhood, their dreams, their goals, their struggles. The news doesn’t report that now does it.

  35. Perfect example, this is on a DOE facebook page. Incentives to do the work. Because the grade, self motivation, a diploma, work ethic, doing the right thing arent enough

    Post anonymously: (incentives) What are some incentives for remote students? I am trying to get them to do google assignments.

  36. And to the person that said they feel safe in their nice Republican neighorbood - must be nice. Everytime I go to Long Island, I'm afraid of assault and road rage because people assume I am a middle eastern terrorist.

    Oh, didn't realize people from Long Island were so bad at geography - not middle eastern and definitely don't look it as well. But they see my mom wearing traditional north Indian attire and think they know all that they need to know about us. That the way we look is enough of a justification to be rude, degrading, and hurtful towards us.

    Your Republican neighborhood is only safe for a certain group of people. For quite a few other groups, it is a nightmare to be in. I have family friends that live Upstate in a majority, conservative white neighborhood. The first few years, people would trash their convenience store. They didn't move though because they invested a lot of money to move upstate and they bought their house up there as well.

    Be grateful you can live there without fear. Many others can't even walk through without being worried about some angry, xenophobe.

    Sick of ignorant Trump supporters acting like they know safety and places unlike their neighborhood's are trash. Why don't you learn a little bit about how the other side lives, what the other side goes through.

    For so long, I tried to act "American" because of the racist comments I received from my teachers and classmates. But then I realized that if being American means to deny who I am, then that's just not right. I wear my culture proudly on my sleeve and I deserve the right to not worry about other people's hate and anger because of that. As does Black people, as do Asian people, as do the Latin community.

    Stay in your safe neighborhood and stay in your bubble. But, it helps to venture outside and open your close-minded brain to realities of others.

  37. Oh, and Joe, if you are so angered about what the DOE has made of teaching and are so competent, why didn't you move up the career ladder and work towards a leadership position so you can make the situation better?

    Learn from James and waitingforsupport - they worked hard to better working conditions in their schools. Why don't you move up to the head office and do something about it instead of being a lazy ass and watching TV all day.

    No wonder Americans are so afraid of immigrants - they know that they don't hold a candle to their work ethic!

    1. @ RENO SNOW...
      You are amazing. Keep using your voice. Stay true to the values your parents instilled in you. Be proud of your ethnicity. Unfortunately some people think they are better because that's all they have heard and seen. It's an indoctrination that is also repeated in history books. You are smart. People are people. There is good and bad in every group of people. I am so PROUD to know that there are people like you who are finding their voice. Thank you and thank your parents for me. They did an amazing job raising you. The next time someone tries to insult you or your family, look at the source. Cowards love attacking women. They are weak and ignorant. Have a beautiful day. I love your posts!!!

  38. It is official, your leader, the mayor, is keeping schools open. Your other leader, mulgrew, says nothing. I would never go in. What will the sheep do? Other than pay dues, of course. Any comment, James?

  39. And, guess what - Republican majority states aren't free of crime. Crime exists in every city, every state. It's not a party issue, red/blue issue. It is just the downsides of humanity.

    Explain to me that if red states are so safe, why some of the cities in those states show up in the list of most dangerous places in the USA?

    Also, I've lived in NYC my whole life and the only people I felt unsafe from from the racist MAGA supporters who think that it is okay to throw coffee cups at people's vehicles or kick people for their skin color.

    Example of one list (see Texas, Louisiana, Alaska, Tennessee on there)

    Also, I know San Bernadino is in California which is a blue state. But guess what??? The MAYOR OF SAN BERNADINO, CA IS A REPUBLICAN!!!! See, both sides of the political spectrum are responsible for shit cities.

  40. Great story. Question...Why were students allowed to do nothing and pass? Because they needed to prop up a minority population. Why were suspensiins outlawed? They said minorities were disproportionately being suspended. So we have a failing and floundering school system, 85% minority, so they found any way to show fake improvement.

    1. @11:49...
      Ha. Ha. Ha. I know you need "propping" up. What do you know about "suspensiins"? There is always a way. Let's see. Some people pay for others to take their SATs. Is that fake? I mean how did you end up in the same career as so many minorities? How did you end up working in a school filled with so many failing minorities? I don't understand? Did you take a left when you should have gone right? Splain Ricky?

    2. haha. I tried to have a "noble" job. Then I realized it was lowlife central. I guess the tda and 457B and medical and six figure salary is my reward. Hope I live long enough to use it. Maybe a school like New Utrecht is better than a school like Erasmus for a reason.

    3. @2:32pm...
      "Lowlife central" and you remained for 20 years? For $$$?
      You do know that there are other professions: medical legal law enforcement,etc. Lol. Well at least you found something

  41. Since when did this become the Rena Snow show?

  42. @11:49 AM

    I have a question - why don't you do something about it?

    I have students that don't do anything - I give them 0 on the assignment and call home to let the parents know of the situation.

    There are schools that do still suspend students or have their own system of issuing consequences for wrongdoings.

    Back to my question - do something about it. Instead of posting on this blog, get up, and do something.

    Complainers don't get nothing you know. As do whiners.

    And how convenient to see that you think so low of minorities. Your true colors are showing!

    I'm a minority in my native country and I'm a super minority here. All the people of my culture have worked hard to succeed in their lives and careers. I know a lot of other minority students that work hard to overcome the cards that life dealt them.

    And as I have said before - it isn't the students fault. It is the fault of the adults who set up this situation (administration) and who have done nothing to better it (teachers like you who complain and don't do anything about it). It isn't the fault of the students that such policies exist.

    Also, just so you know, there are plenty of non-minority students who aren't any better behavior wise or academically. I subbed a few times in schools in majority white neighborhoods and those students acted horribly. The bus drivers that stop near the school actually told the principal he is going to skip the stop because they kids would lie down in front of the bus to stop him from going (again, non-minority caucasian kids). Just downright disrespectful and wild. I guess the color of their skin justifies it though, right? Because white kids are angels and minority kids are lazy bums huh?

    Just like crime exits in ever city (as I said San Bernadino is one of the most dangerous cities in the USA and the mayor is Republican, as are other cities in red states/cities), lazy and disrespectful kids exist in every race.

    Stop stereotyping kids based on their race. That is ignorant and I wouldn't expect that from someone that is educated and is in the profession of education.

    Just like there are minority students that work hard, there are non-minority kids that are a terror.

    No wonder the NYCDOE has hit the fan - you've got teachers like this to bring morale down!

  43. Reno tier 6 and the way this profession has been going, a terrible union with awful leaders, endless meetings, non-stop work, micromanaging, admin who barely taught in classroom, your pension you will never reach. Get out of the DOE, no millennials will make it to 30 years. If you are lucky to make it to 20 you will see why Joe is Joe, whether you agree or not.

    Liberal cities dem leaders NYC, CALI, CHICAGO, Seattle are disasters, republican cities are run way better since republicans are the dems of the 90's who were more centered and moderates. Trump supporters are not looting and rioting like the left would if the election wasn't fixed with this dominion software which is a joke. Biden chief of staff in 2014 even tweeted elections are rigged of course for cheating dems. Cant wait, for middle eastern wars, energy costs up, taxes up, gas prices up. Maybe Biden "dies" in 1-2 years so Kamala can take over which is what the party surely wants.

    1. @Anon2323
      "Maybe biden dies"...that's what they said in the 30s and 40s. People wished death on others

  44. @12:36 PM

    First of all, it is Reno Snow. And at least my show has a name. What is your show's name?

    Oh, that's right - your anonymous - and you only go by the time you posted.

    Thank you so much! I'll be honest, I am so lucky to have the parents I do. It was a little hard finding my voice growing up because in South Asian culture, it isn't looked at greatly when a women speaks up. However, fortunately for me, my parents are proud to have 2 daughters and have always told us to stick up for what is right and fair, and to stick up for ourselves as well.

    I enjoy your posts as well and I would be lying if you didn't inspire me to write back.

    Have a great day as well! It is so beautiful outside and there is so much to see and learn and experience. We need to be kind and open-minded.

  45. @Anon2323 - Trump supports have thrown coffee at my car and told me to get our of this country. Why in my right mind would I side with that? This is my country - I was born here.

    And there are plenty of republican run cities that are in shambles. I posted examples above. Feel free to go back and read.

    CALI is a state, not a city. And there are cities in California with Republican mayors that are on the list of most unsafe.

    Oh, and like I said, my south asian family friends that moved to republican run cities ended up having to move back because all the xenophobic folk wouldn't let them settle down.

    I'll support the right when they stop ignoring the existence and safety of minorities. I have posted it before. People say the left plays identity politics. At least they recognize our identities. The right does nothing to acknowledge minorities and the assaults/hate crimes that occur against them in their republic run cities.

    Trump supporters may not loot or riot like the left, but they sure love to attack and assault those that don't fit their definition of an American citizen.

    I do plan on leaving teaching, posted that on a previous blog post. But at least I have the initiative too, and don't stay complacent because I don't have the drive to do better. And I still give my best to the kids while I am in teaching because that's my job. Heck, I did give a resignation from my first school which was a nightmare and after subbing for months, found a better school. I know when to walk away and have the bravery to do so.

    Why don't you move on as well since you don't seem satisfied?

    And the way I see it, this job may have its downsides, but it isn't the worst either. Of course, my father did a physically tolling job for minimum wage for a majority of his life, so I just might be better at counting my blessings than most folks.

  46. For the record, the Dominion software fraud theory has been totally debunked. My source is Forbes, not exactly a left leaning publication.

    TOPLINE President Donald Trump falsely tweeted Thursday that millions of votes intended for him were deleted nationwide due to systematic voting machine errors, a thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that was spawned in a murky corner of the pro-Trump internet, picked up by a well-known fake news site, and then amplified by one of Trump’s favorite cable news outlets.

    Since Friday, Trump’s allies have passed around scattered reports that “computer glitches” by voting machines in Michigan and other states caused votes to switch from Trump to President-elect Joe Biden, falsely suggesting they proved election rigging, but the problems cited in these reports turned out to one-off mistakes in a handful of counties that impacted unofficial vote tallies (not finalized vote counts) and were quickly corrected by election officials.

    Trump took the theory a step further on Thursday: He baselessly told his millions of Twitter followers that voting machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems had deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide, citing a “report” from a conspiratorial and rabidly pro-Trump cable news outfit called One America News.

  47. I will tell you why Joe is correct.

    This is my brief story.

    I have 20 years in the DOE, all Satisfactory/Effective.

    I am a PE teacher. I started at 22 years old in a high school in Brooklyn which was closed, for obvious reasons. I fought like hell, every single day, with students cutting all of their other subjects and busting into the gym. I wrote them up every day, every period. The deans office did nothing. The AP Security did nothing. Ya know who got in trouble? me. I was labeled a whiner and crybaby. I was losing my voice, getting headaches, gaining weight...

    I contacted the CL, he did nothing.
    I called Charlie turner, former Brooklyn DR,he didn't even respond.
    Finally, when the CL said something to the principal, guess what happened...Surprise, the principal was in the gym the next morning to watch me..She said she didnt like what she was seeing...Never actually said what it was i was doing wrong.

    She then started making up things, like saying I wrestled with me, never happened.

    Then, I got called in for a disciplinary conference..I was told I was getting a file letter for insubordination. The CL sat next to me, said nothing. When I tried to speak, the principal said "I will not let you speak at this conference."

    So, now what. It is 20 years later, students are still coming into the gym daily with no punishment. As an ATR, I went to school after school, they had the same problems, all day, every day. Students are now allowed to no show and pass, etc. I can go a lot longer, but hopefully you get the point. Eventually, teachers submit.

  48. The difference between teachers who no longer care and students is simple

    Teachers did the right thing, went to college, got a Masters, attempted to do the job

    Students have done except do nothing and get rewarded.

    The DOE and students have brought teachers down

    Who brought students down other then themselves and their criminal actions?

    1. Wait. So joe Mercedes and golf guys earned a masters degree and tried to stand up to the "system" for 20 years Before giving up on their attempt. I get it. The teachers were brought down by the DOE and the students. Now these teachers take from this system. I get it.

  49. I don't doubt your story is true, Steve. The answer is not to try to game the system but to organize to fix it.

  50. James, dont you see? I tried to fix it. I tried to fix a failing, closing school. I followed everything to the letter of the law. Spent hours detailing intruders, people cutting class. Students actually picked the door lock with their ID cards. Students actually kicked the door in. Nothing happened. I got sick. 20 years later, the same stuff is still going on. Actually, the discipline policy is even more lenient. The joke wason me. it still is. I wish I could not care like some others.

    I realized, just about 2 days ago that i was the only person in my school actually doing daily live instruction remotely. They are all just posting assignments and telling students to check in any time during a 24 hour period to get attendance taken. There is no "class meets from 1-2PM." What a fool I am.

    1. You can't do it alone, Steven. The fix has to be collective.

    2. @Steven
      I just did my best. Just do your best. James is right, you can't do it alone. Stay safe

  51. Remember when we couldn't be absent more than 3-5 times per marking period or it was an automatic failure? I wonder why that was discarded.

  52. @waitingforsupport,
    I think Anon2323 wrote just the word dies in quotes. I think he/she is implying that
    something will happen to Biden that will place Harris in the Presidency.

    The issues in NYC DOE and UFT are local. Perhaps when the taxpayers have had enough of the lies and corruption of the DOE, there might be a change for the better. Although I still donate to the UFT, I do not expect anything good to come from them.

    It is sad times for anyone who is serious about teaching in NYC. You will spend a lot of time trying to inflate a tire that has a gash in it.

  53. My supervisor in a d75 school said that d75 kids are not being tested!some do not wear masks! How did this happen, esp with virus on the rise.
    It appears that cuomo is trying to change the rules for closure.

  54. Sad to see teachers that claim they are advocates to fight the demise of NYC public schools, then rail against Republicans and Trump. YOU are part of the problem. You actually see, with your own eyes, what Restorative Justice does in schools. How kids are not held accountable because Obama forced RJ into the schools. How it destroys kids and teachers alike. YOU SEE IT. And then you say some political talking points that have nothing to do with what you see, except in your news and Facebook scrolls. Obama put in Restorative Justice, Trump and Republicans just started to take it out. And that is the biggest problem in our schools. Accountability. Exactly what the Democrats took away. Teachers that care more for political affiliations and not what they actually see daily, are the problem.

  55. Along with 75 million other Americans. Im not to bright so please forgive me. Donald had 4 years to remove Obama's Restorative Justice. He chose to tackle ACA and not restorative justice. Why didn't he remove RJ?

  56. 5:16 - If Trump stayed in office NY would be left to rot. Based on that alone how could NY vote for Trump?

  57. Just keep complaining that students aren't getting tested and not wearing masks and you are freezing...And then keeping going in and paying dues. And then blame Joe.

  58. Reno there is racism everywhere I agree with you there. However take it from me a 20yr veteran a student that wants to be successful will make the effort no matter what school they go to. I have seen kids from foster homes, homeless kids etc succeed and I have seen kids with very supportive parents who refused to do anything. I teach remotely five periods a day and about half my students show up. The other half? They have every excuse under the sun. Bottom line: in America, of you want to be successful you have to have drive.

    And also just for the record is Reno snow your actual name? If so props to you because most(including me) do not give their actual name. But if it’s a pseudonym then it’s nothing more than all of us posting anonymously. Waiting for support and “joe” are now t giving their real names either.

    1. @738
      You can reference the comments of joe Reno myself
      We cannot reference/differentiate the Anonymous commenters

      Therefore we are using our "names" or identifiers.

  59. also Reno no offense but teach for 20 yes and then lecture people like Joe. You are saying that people need to be more open minded, open your mind to the fact that some of us have more experience in the school,system than you and therefore may have lived knowledge you don’t possess. (Yet)

    1. @741

      You think reno is lecturing? I don't. I think Reno is spot on. I worked more than 20 years and see her point. What exactly did she say that leads you to make your statement? No one has walked in the shoes of another however, I never even considered blaming the students or doing the very least and admin CAME for me.


    More games. More bending the laws set in place to justify the insane continued opening of NYC public schools. What about heat? It is going to be freezing later next week. Work inside in the cold? Wear our immune systems down and be more susceptible to getting covid?

    Testing system is a joke. Not ALL students are tested only ones who have agreed to testing!
    Cuomo is suddenly changing the rules? He didn't LEARN FROM LAST MARCH?


  61. Not from Long Island Reno. No one is assaulting nonwhite people where I live. Get out of my bubble? Born and raised in Inwood. Father was a sanitation worker. Mom was a bank teller. Working class nyc roots. Immune to lefty accusations of privilege and other such bullshit. Moved north not east at age 40. Sorry I triggered you. I’m sure DeBlasio has a safe space for you in which you can recover. Tom may be a bit of a prick but the biggest embarrassment is a school system that makes excuses for kids who come to school just to wander halls or disrupt classrooms all day while kids who stand a chance at making it are prevented from learning by these bad kids. But yeah Tom is the problem. Cant game a system that isn’t corrupt. School districts improve when the people who live there demand it. The only thing I hear parents complaining about is that they’re stuck home with their own misbehaved children. Should have raised them better.

  62. Nothing has been debunked James.. not buying the mainstream bs. The same people who have been lying to the public for years now claim things are debunked. I’m not saying Dominion was fraudulent but not buying what Forbes and other corporate media are saying. They have lost all credibility.

    1. 5:28, The Dominion nonsense was debunked on Fox. Is that now too left wing for you?

      "I looked into it,” Doocy noted, apparently reading from a New York Times article. “With that Dominion software, five counties in Michigan and Georgia had problems. And the Dominion software was used in two of the counties and in every instance, largely it was human error, a problem, but the software did not affect the vote counts.”

      Besides various fact-checkers knocking down the bogus claim about changed votes, the federal government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency said in a statement: “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised. The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

      Doesn't Trump run the federal bureaucracy? Or is this now the deep state?

      I just checked latest vote counts and it is getting close to 6 million votes that Biden is ahead by. It is over.

  63. How do non-tenured, inexperienced, usually young and recently graduated from college people get teaching jobs in schools that are safe, organized, successful while tenured teachers with decades of experience, more education, and more wisdom and maturity are stuck in unsafe, chaotic, failing schools? We all know the answer to this question. Steven and Joe know what's going down, Reno has no idea. You can't, as James and all UFT people advise, fix it, reform it, organize a chapter in your school and stick together and change a school. Use the open market. Right? Can't be done. You need more than a strong chapter to make unsafe school safe, to maintain order in a chaotic school, to make a failing school succeed. And, most teachers are exhausted by their teaching duties, the job they elected to do and have little time or energy to fix a broken system and organize a school. Even if we had the time, the energy, the will to do it, we are not trained in re-organizing schools. ever worked in a SER school? Let me tell you who is there working around the clock to try to turn a building around, people who have next to no experience at this usually impossible job. Principals have no idea how to do this. Why would they? Most of them were teachers like us and took a few exams and got promoted to the level of incompetence. Think about it, would you take on the responsibility of running any organization the size of a large high school for the pay and package principals get? Only if you are not qualified. Were you qualified you could make 5 times the money to take on that much responsibility and you wouldn't have to worry about children. Maybe you have a calling to work for children. OK, but you can do that outside a school and make tons more money if you are qualified. But the point is, your not qualified. And teachers are not qualified to run, re-organize schools. But when this is acknowledge who comes to the rescue? Either the money bags Gates types, charter school hype people, or less qualified government people in bad suits and shiny dresses.

    If you're an iron worker and the job is unsafe, chaotic, dangerous to your health, you can't get a transfer, you can't organize change, you can't get your union to help you. Same thing in most unions these days, If you got a good boss, good location, safe and most people get a long well, you are either lucky or connected.

    So poor Steven suffers, so poor Joe protects himself. And Reno comes in here to tell them to leave.

    Reno, you grow up and live a bit longer and come back here and tell me all about how I should do my work, protect myself, adapt to the stresses I'm up against. You have no authority to speak on this subject. Listen. Understand. Use your ears. Open your mind. Can you see how foolish you are? How foolish your rants about racists sound when, with the same breath you tell seasoned teacher, teaching longer than you've been alive, to quit the work they need to pay their bills and see their doctors and save a bit for their retirements. The spirit of Chaz and countless others, who worked in this too often thankless and cruel job, who worked and worked and suffered physical and mental break down from the years of abuse, then finally retired and dies visited me told and told me to tell you off, but I won't, Because you are a genius at trolling and will get a thrill from the fact that in a lapse of better angels I even bothered to tell you to shut up and listen to the people who know more than you do.

  64. Disgusted...Exactly. But blame Joe. It is the fault of golf guy.
    Ya know the 2014 contract? How about 2005? That was the fault of Mercedes guy. Remember sending us into infected buildings in March, that was Joe's fault, as was September, October and November. The 3% infection rate, yup, that was because of stock market guy. When it is 32 degrees this week and you have all the windows open with no students, blame Joe. Oh, and the students with parole officers, that was Joe too.

    1. @9:23 am

      Just throw everything into the box and shake it up.

  65. The UFT can’t be bothered helping teachers or students. They are too busy pandering to whatever is politically advantageous. This week it’s Black Lives Matter -
    If the UFT really does feel Black Lives Matter it would stand up against the massive academic fraud, disregard of societal rules that the improper use of restorative justice has facilitated and the ridiculous inadequate physical environment teachers and students now find themselves shivering in. Then and only then, they could vote on what without those foundations are meaningless esoteric resolutions that are tantamount to putting lipstick on a pig.

    1. @bronx atr...
      The uft
      The doe
      President (Trump and Biden)...
      Have put "lipstick on a pig" for decades. Maybe that's why working class citizens are trying to choose the "side" that will help them in the struggle. Uft says BLM. PBA says Trump/BLM (blue lives matter). Everyone is trying to live. Maybe it's easier for working class people to ignore the true power structure--the system--and to look down on "poorer" people who have their own struggles with the same system. Idk.

    2. @ Reno
      Joe, Mercedes, stock market guy and anonymous are applauded for their stance. Its all good because they are citing their own EXPERIENCE as the reason for their behavior. However they have expressed their intolerance of the EXPERIENCES of their students and their families. The EXPERIENCE of the students and their families are dismissed. Newsflash: Some people react differently to the same event(s). The same people who chastise Reno by saying, "you haven't experienced what I have" or "work 20 years before you start to judge " readily judge the experience of their student population. Why? Well these students and families "just don't care" or "they can't pass even with the standards lowered" or some other weak azz/lame reasons that they've decided are true because hell they witnessed it for 20 years. You know what, joe is right. He has a right to maintain his sanity the best way he knows how. He also has a right to tell the students/families how to maintain their sanity too. Yes. Students and their families should just ask Joe what and how they should react to their own EXPERIENCES. I mean Joe has a masters degree so he knows. I guess those of us with a different work ethic are trying to be perfect.
      Another newsflash: People have different work ethics. It's not dependant on admin. It's based on the task, maybe personal upbringing, certainly fortitude,etc. It's not about being perfect (I haven't met a perfect person yet.) it's just their work ethic.

  66. Oh, and remember Steve from yesterday?> It is his fault that students left Math, Science and Spanish without permission...Then, went to the gym and picked the lock with their ID card or kicked the door in...EVERYDAY. LOL.

  67. @waitingforsupport. Do your research. Trump did get rid of Restorative Justice. Now it is not force upon it is up to school leadership. Do your research instead of watching news that you want to hear.

    1. @1017
      I responded to @5:16 pm comment about how Trump and Republicans "just started to take it out". Therefore your offer can be forwarded to @5:16.
      @ Reno
      You're a bright young lady. You can see the division on this blog. Old/young. Republican/Democrat. Earning your salary/receiving a salary,etc.
      All opinions and differing viewpoints. Experience certainly matters. I believe you have shared your story/journey (as many others have done) on this blog beautifully. I also believe you have responded to comments. I don't think you are lecturing. I don't think that because you were hired as others were unable to even get a call back should be a taken out on you. The SYSTEM is broken. Some have decided to behave in a fashion that doesn't work for me and I assume you. However, whether you are 22 or 62, with experience or very little experience, it is foolish to assume that you know everything. We can all learn. Keep responding to comments, or not. You know how your parents raised you. I said it before, I agree with your points. Keep keeping on sister.

  68. Again it is amazing how teachers cannot connect dots. You are miserable in a system of no accountability and you actually vote for it lol. It is the leftist mentality to make excuses. Whether it is race or mental health, there is an excuse given for bad behavior or bad grades. I mean that is what all our PD's are nowadays and you still dont get it? Conservatives are about personal responsibility. Leftist is for excuses. Its silly. You ask for it then complain. That is insanity.

  69. How is it possible I go go from Staten Island to Brooklyn either on bus train and ferry or in rush hour traffic both ways and snowstorms to have perfect attendance but students can't log on from their home on a school given computer? And that is ok?

  70. If system is so hopeless Shelley, Joe, Steven, golf and various anonymouses, quit. Stop playing the system for your own benefit. You are what you despise, upper middle class, highly educated and fairly well paid welfare queens.


    The possible happy ending to a two-tiered system: those who want to succeed finally may be allowed to do so.

  72. Joe must be a Russian spy.

  73. What do people get out of terms like "using your voice." Is it a virtue flag? What normal people talk this way? It's like they're reading from a sjw script.

    1. @11:55 am ..
      Please do share how "normal people" talk so that we can all be "your kind" of normal. I'm interested just use your voice.

  74. Look, I understand you guys have more experience. All I am saying is that if you are so miserable on the job - leave. Why put yourself through misery? Why make yourself suffer? Not good for your health.

    I did. My first teaching job was in a horrible school. I was talked shit about from the staff, students called me all kinds of horrible things. They trashed my classroom daily, threw lunch at my classroom door during my preps, threatened to harm me and scratch my car multiple times. I was miserable. I hated my life. I cried everyday. I couldn't afford to leave because it was my first job that paid well and my parents needed the support.

    I was so miserable that one day on my way home from work with my mom, I was ready to jump out of the driving car. I hated my life and regretted ever taking the job and pursuing teaching. I was suicidal.

    Guess what I did? I didn't stay in that shitty situation. I left. I resigned. Principal actually begged me to stay via Chapter Leader but I told them I'm leaving. Guess what - my replacement left one month in as well.

    I subbed everyday for the remainder of the last school year. I worked at a REC in the Summer to bring in income and thank god the difference between sub pay and first year pay isn't much.

    I interviewed for teaching jobs because at the moment that is work I can find easily since most of my experience is in education and public service. I was very picky though. I had offers from lots of schools for math teaching job and rejected them because I did my research.

    I got a job at a good school in September and took it. The school is great and the admin. is supportive. But I stuck my ground and waited and researched the school before I took the job.



    And to whoever said that I don't got 20 years in and I shouldn't be talking - well I don't plan on staying in this career for 20 years. 4 years working with the schools showed me I want nothing to do with this for my entire life.

    I get that experience brings wisdom. But that doesn't mean you can just throw off one's input as invalid just on the basis that they weren't in the game as long as you. People have got to stop equating age with wisdom.

    I am working on making the career change. I have been saving up money and that is also a main reason for taking this second teaching job and giving it a chance. I have money saved so in case it takes time to make the career change, I have the savings to hold me over while I start a new career over again. Also, so I don't have to take out loans for grad school since I am currently debt free.

    And to clarify - I had a hard upbringing. Low income, lived in a basement, dad went to the hospital twice for heart attack, mom hospitalized twice for autoimmune disease that is weird, went without light and heat because my father was in debt from losing his job when I was young.

    But my parents taught me the values necessary to be a good person and succeed in life. My parents gave me that upbringing. Not all kids are lucky to have parents who raise them right. Not the kids fault in that - it is the adults fault.

    All I am saying is that no one is telling you to put yourself through that misery.

    1. @ Reno
      Exactly. Remember haters are going to hate. Trust your own instinct Reno. I hear you and agree with you. You're impressive.

  75. No one is attacking nonwhites in my town, Reno. Born and bred nyc working class roots so immune to lefty bullshit. No guilt. No shame. The left can’t intimidate me. Moved north NOT to Long Island at age 40. I wasn’t raised in bubble wrap like your generation. And to all the Joe haters.... hahaha.... you take his bait every time. Do you really think he gives a shit what you think? He’s messing with you for his own entertainment. Welfare Queen Joe? I bet he wears it like a badge of honor. Come tomorrow I’ll be teaching the 6-12 students who bother to log on and communicate with me. The rest can go play golf for all I care....ya know because I’m just a big ole racist. You’re all turning into the boy who cried racist. The accusation means nothing anymore. One more thing. None of us are quitting because you command it. You antifa types are all about the control. Sorry not happening.

    1. @12:12pm ...
      And what makes you think "Joe" is the only one playing? Ha. Control? Donny is the one who is all about Control. Command it? Wtf. What are you even talking about. You do know that this is a blog for opinions,right? I do know who Commands the Joes? His employer. Lol. Who's zooming who?

  76. Sure, people should just quit and give up salary and medical and pension and retirement accounts because DOE is a fraud. Right. Easy for you to say.

  77. @Shelley - I have said this before, I worked at a bad school last Fall and left. I took the risk and subbed for Spring 2020, worked at a REC Summer 2020, and put in the hard work and research to finding a good school.

    These teachers could do the same thing. They can put in the work and research to finding a good school or even a new career. I am currently working on changing careers. You just have to put in the work to do so, as someone else above said - in America, you need to work hard to succeed.

    However, Joe isn't working hard. He is laying on bed, playing golf, and watching TV during work hours. Which makes sense why Joe isn't going to change schools or careers - he has nothing to show except that he knows how to rob time during work hours.

    My dad worked two jobs so I grew up watching a man who had massive work ethic. And while I am strict about following contract hours for the sake of my mental health, I work hard and put in proper effort during working hours. You know, because I get paid almost $60K to do so. And in hindsight, it is about a fraction of the effort my father and other's put in for jobs that pay about half the amount. I guess my upbringing has given me a bit of a different perspective about how one should be at work and in their job.

    Actually, I take back what I said before about people who want to bring a change - they should move up the ladder in the DOE and education field and make an impact and change the things that they believe are worth changing. Actually, stay where you are. We wouldn't want to have to pay you 4 times the amount you are being paid now for doing nothing but watching tv, playing golf, and laying in bed.

    All I am saying is that you are getting paid to do a job. So at the very least, pretend you are doing the job you get paid for. I don't see what is prideful about gloating that you are getting paid and robbing work time. I thought you all hated freeloaders and people who take free money? Isn't that what you are doing? What's the difference between you and those who take welfare.

    You do realize that welfare is still not as much money as you are compensated right? You get paid $100K a year. For a family of four people, the max food stamps they can collect is $646 a month and the max cash assistance they can collect is $649 a month. Together, that is $1295 a month. Unemployment depends on the amount of money you earn each quarter so someone earning minimum wage would get about $800 a month in unemployment (which you have to pay taxes in either when filing taxes or you can cut tax when receiving the payment). Alright, so that is $2,095 a month.
    Oh and then they live in public housing which isn't much of a great benefit since the living conditions are quite shit there. High crime, felonies occurring left and right.

    Joe, you earn, let's say you are making $100K - before tax that is $8,333/month. After taxes, that would put you $5576. Yeah, take out money for TDA and TRS but that money comes back to you during retirement, it goes to a pension which most of these lowlife welfare people don't have. They have social security which pays depending on income earned. So someone working only minimum wage pay get about $1100 a month. You get about 4-5x times that from your pension.

    And don't forget all the days you get off. And the job security for having so many years in and being tenured and all.

    So, you know, those taking welfare steal only a fraction of what you do. And remember, the public pays your salary - so if you aren't working, in a way you are a welfare snob too.

    And as always, if a career or job isn't making you happy, you can always do something new instead of making yourself feel bad about it for the remainder of your career. No career should ever make anyone feel bad. And one shouldn't be putting themselves in such a situation either.

  78. Highly educated, upper middle class welfare queens.You suck off the government you hate and come up with all kinds of idiotic rationalizations so you can live with yourselves.Theycan't quit because then they would have to work for a living.

  79. I'm not commanding you quit, I'm telling you that you can if it makes you so miserable. If you want to stay miserable, be my guest. Just don't complain because you are putting yourself in that situation.

    Wasn't raised in a bubble either. Lived a life of struggle. And just because you didn't see racism where you live doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I got shit on from strangers growing up because of where I'm from. My parents got shit on from strangers for being immigrants. All I'm saying is the truth of the matter is that people get attacked because of where they are from, how they look, and the religion they practice. That happens, it is the truth. It isn't antifa, I don't even know what that is.

    Whatever, I am done posting here. You all just selectively pick out portions of the posts so you can misconstrue it for your narrative.

    God bless you all and I hope you live a happy life. Whatever you do, I wish you much success.

    I'll work on making my life better and working hard. You can live your life complaining and stealing a salary you should be working for.

  80. Here's how to make people like Joe work harder. Hold students and parents accountable. If students are required to show up and put their camera and actually do the work to pass, guess what, Joe and company will do their job as they are paid to do. Until then, what is they supposed to do, quit and give up their salary? Spend hours lesson planning for the 2 kids who show up and don't even need to do the work? People live in a fantasy land, where teachers have to be perfect and can't just go with the flow. The DOE's refusal to enforce standards is the cause of the disease, and that's where the cure lies.

    1. @ 1251pm
      And joe,etal

      Doing your job as @1255pm and others have stated is not Perfection. It's doing your job.
      Nobody is perfect so let's just remove it from the discussion.

  81. Do your fucking job. If there are two kids, teach two kids. Give them all you got.

  82. Do like Kamala Harris did in San Fransisco. Arrest the parents.

    She says: “I believe a child going without an education is tantamount to a crime. So, I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy.”

  83. This is a Reno quote..."well I don't plan on staying in this career for 20 years. 4 years working with the schools showed me I want nothing to do with this for my entire life."

    Sounds like a wonderful career, why would anybody hate it?

    "Highly educated, upper middle class welfare queens.You suck off the government you hate and come up with all kinds of idiotic rationalizations so you can live with yourselves.Theycan't quit because then they would have to work for a living."

    Yes, highly educated. Yes, earned something. Yes, destroyed by the system. Yes, attempted to show up ever day for decades and fight the good fight and work hard. Was told that I'm a white piece of shit and students can no show and pass and be unable to read and write and pass. Get targted for pointing about problems in the school. Get targeted for rocking the boat. I'm not part of the cradle to grave dependency system. Your quote, we can't quit because we would have to work for a living. You just said all teachers don't have to work because DOE is a fraud. Fix the DOE, then fix me. I will self fix.

    Come to Erasmus in East Flatbusgh where my car was repeateadly vandalized. You think the DOE paid for my car to be repainted? How about when I was literally spit on? How about when I was slapped in the face or slapped in the back of the head? Not even a suspension.

    Eventually we must throw our hands up and submit. Covid has given us the out to stay home and get paid to watch tv. Guess what. Nobody has had a problem with the studnets doing that all along.

    1. @ steve...
      And then after all of that take a shit on ALL students because there isn't one worth trying to teach. Yesssss. That's just perfect. You'll show them.

    2. @ steve...
      So the students' behavior is the ruler used to measure your own behavior.Got it. I guess if it's good enough for students, it's good enough for you.

  84. Opportunity cost, Reno. You quit cause you didn't have much to lose, you had other opportunities, support, youth, and time. We don't have that. If you are talking to people your age, young people, with support and opportunity, like you have, it's good advice. But it's ignorance and arrogance and foolishness if you are telling the seasoned veterans here to go get another job. There is too much of this in teaching just now. And I don't blame you, Reno. What do you know? But people who know better, people who've been through years of the shit you couldn't put up with, people who should respect seniority, people who should have at the top of their list the loss of seniority rights in our union, these people are standing around like furniture, or using young people to undermine the solidarity of the teachers who will take a stand. Or in Joe's case, a seat. Yeah, ever been part of a sit down strike, Reno? Lot tougher than teenagers tossing trash at your door.

    1. Reno, keep in mind those teachers who tossed solidarity out the window when the "Joes" of the world needed solidarity. The doe is looking out for the doe. Not the teachers and not the students. I will say it again, your response to the comments is spot on. I'm a vet with seniority.

  85. Didnt AOC say money should be given to those unwilling to work?

  86. Reno said..."So, you know, those taking welfare steal only a fraction of what you do. And remember, the public pays your salary - so if you aren't working, in a way you are a welfare snob too."

    Big difference. Teachers went into what used to be a noble and legit profession hoping they could honestly earn a middle class salary. Welfare is doing no work, in many cases forever, based on criminality and/or laziness. So, welfare income should equal a 20th year teacher? With a Masters plus 30? Yeah, ok.

  87. Just like I said, huge rationalizations to justify doing nothing.

    "Big difference. Teachers went into what used to be a noble and legit profession hoping they could honestly earn a middle class salary. Welfare is doing no work, in many cases forever, based on criminality and/or laziness. So, welfare income should equal a 20th year teacher? With a Masters plus 30? Yeah, ok."

    You don't deny you do nothing. You are stealing money from the taxpayers. By your logic, it is okay because you have a masters plus 30. Lots of criminals have degrees and started out with good intentions. If you are watching tv instead of teaching, you are a thief, nothing more, nothing less. Face reality.

  88. This is from the uft reoslution.

    1. End Zero Tolerance discipline in schools

    Wow, i wonder why we canty get suspensions.

    For the record, for thoe who call some of us welfare queens...I busted my balls to do the remote learning thing...Until i found out that i was the only one in the school doing it last week.

    Students not only passing for no showing but getting marked present for no showing.
    Students not ever being in a live google meet or zoom with a teacher.
    Students "checking in" once a day by writing their name in a box.
    Instead of questioning me, ask why these teachers who clearly are not doing their job are getting paid. Why not fire us all?

    So i should talk myself into oblivion, talking to blank screens...? When the otehr teachers and students have free rides...In the name of equality for students. Nah...That made me decide to show videos.

  89. Ok, you caught me. I am a thief just like the students, the DOE and 99% of teachers. Happy now? All even. Just like it should be. That is equity, right? The teachers who pass studnets undeservedly are thiefs. That would be almost every teacher.

    My job is...Babysitter. The mayor has said that a million times. The chancellor said attendance doesnt matter. So why should anything else? My job is to take attendance and be in the live meeting, which most teachers are not. This is what carranza wants. I post work. I grade the work. Think about that, teachers dont even take attendance accurately.

  90. Cool, now rationalize studnets who cant't write a sentence getting a passing grade in high school, let alone a 90.

    I know, because the DOE is a frad and because we get targted if we dont give in

    Which is why we have a Joe and golf guy.

  91. At least you are on the Meet, not out playing golf.

  92. This is what is going on at my highly ethical school

    -Students illegally double dipping, taking the same exact clas, with the same teacher and same assignments twice.
    -Students who have a job being marked present everyday despite never attending a live mneeting, and, of coure passing while never attedning.
    -Students who have children being too busy to turn on a computer from home, and of course we should work with them
    -Students who have not shown up yet must be given opportunity, it is now heading into late November, so guidance badgers us everyday. What is guidance doing other than telling me to pass people who dont deserve it?
    But I should keep banging my head againts the wall...


    Why would anyone leave this crime-ridden, high tax, high cost slum? The school system is symbolic of the city, or vice cersa.

  94. Right, we should excuse criminal or lowlife or disrespectful behavior because "Some people react differently to the same event(s)."

    I know enough not to act like that. Maybe it is that single parent household thing or teen pregancy thing or no work ethic. I wouldnt dare curse at my teacher or question an assignment or tell my teacher that he failed me for no reason or say that 40% attendance was good enough or kick a gym door down or slap a teacher or key a car.

    1. @414pm...
      What the hell are you even talking about? Who said anything about excusing poor behavior? Are you saying all students are criminals? Are all of your students criminals? What are you saying? Also, Joe has said his experiences of being abused by the system has made him the man that he is today. I,like you, know enough not to act like that.

  95. Dont all of you believe in socialism? I know the uft does. Blue wave, right? Bernie for pres, right? If it is good for students and certain people, it is good for Joe.

    1. @4:19 pm

      Is that like the PBA blue lives matter?im confused

  96. I have no problem with means tested, SS is based on what someone earned.
    Cradle to grave dependency is wrong. Setting aside the private sector, the U.S. still has a very large social welfare system. In fact, among affluent nations, the U.S. has the third highest level of per capita government social welfare spending.
    I wonder why...

  97. Shelly, I love the way you write.

  98. Waiting I agree with much of what you said but Reno telling us to leave our school and go to another shows her inexperience. I don’t look down on her for that, when I was a young teacher I was told by experienced teachers “wait you will get discouraged by system”. At the time I thought they were burnt out but now with those years behind me I understand them more. Reno if you are still reading I don’t think saying you don’t have the experience is diminishing your intelligence, it’s stating a fact. Teachers making 100k would have a much harder time getting a position then you would. It’s the facts of the system these days. I always said the worst thing we gave up as a union is the seniority transfer. I don’t agree with everything joe said and I do believe you should try as hard as you can for the kids who show up. You should call and retry to get more kids to come to the meets ( I do by the way. I have spoken or attempted to speak to all 140 of my parents, to the degree of using an interpreter when needed). My only point is that joe makes so,e good points and so does Reno. But Reno doesn’t even allow for different points of view. Like I said waiting I agree with you sometimes and sometimes not but you are willing to listen and be open minded somewhat. Reno not so much. And for the record I line in the suburbs and my kid goes to a very racially mixed school. And all my liberal relatives that like to lecture me live in predominantly white neighborhoods. Limousine liberals. Just walk a mile in another’s moccasins Reno is all I am saying.

    Again ANY student in ANY school can be successful. And all the joes in the world aren’t going to stop that. My school was on all the “bad” lists for many years. However many in my school have taught there for years and I have had the opportunity to see ,any of them teach personally. 95% of them I would gladly let teach my child. Yes there are some bad ones but that is true in any job. It is a job not a calling. We are not priests.

    1. @4:51 pm

      Reno is simply responding to/addressing comments made on this blog. Some people have more years of experience than Reno but that doesn't mean her experiences/thoughts/opinions are less valuable. I think everyone on the blog are just trying to make it through life the best way we know how. However when those educators who have decided to "give the doe what it wants" or say "well the students don't do anything" or "i busted my behind for nothing" or "i earned a degree" or whatever brought them to their behavior throw their nose up at the students--I call bulls#&t. Why? Because we haven't walked in or lived the experiences of the students and their families. One person's experience does not supercede the experience of another. I don't care if you spent 100 years working in a challenging environment. The moment you start thinking "they are all the same" is the moment when you SHOULD get the hell out. Experienced/senior educators do not have a right to dismiss Reno's experience. We were all new and unseasoned. We entered the profession with high hopes. Not everyone is burnt out or ready to "get over" after 20 years. Again, people are trying to make it. All people. Some "welfare" people may have had generations of not having good experiences and stay on welfare. They are stuck. Some "welfare" people push and struggle to get off welfare. They may even "win the lottery " to get a seat at a charter school because to them, the public school fooled them. We all know of that one student who comes to school every day
      behaves well, does the work "pass" the tests and earns a 90 on work that is not challenging. That student is being duped. Probably fails in college (no surprise) and is disillusioned too. It's their experience. Educators who will teach even if only 1 student is paying attention are not "PERFECT" or foolish or naive. Reno Joe Mercedes anonymous myself students ALL have a right to get through the best way they can. I don't care. However, when folks decide to sit on their high horse to look down on someone,I will drag their hypocritical Arce every chance I can. Reno keep talking if you want. Your opinion is as valuable as everyone's.

  99. Not over until election Is certified. And if Biden had lost Wisconsin by 20k and Georgia by 14k and Arizona by 12k you best believe dems and their media sycophants would be screaming to high heaven louder than trump has been. So let’s be fair about it. If Biden wins fine but let’s not pretend reps have a monopoly on outrage. You said yourself James if the election was reversed there would be violence. Have you seen any violence from trump supporters?

    1. If Biden was losing by closing in on 6 million votes, I would hope he would give it up even if it was only tens of thousands in three or four states. You would need to overturn all 3 to win. Not happening. I would concede as any person with any sense of humility would. I cited Fox and Forbes to show this is not left wing media making the points. Fight over the GA senate races. Look ahead. Election is done. Trump lost by a significant margin.

    2. @455pm...
      I won't even believe the results if they are certified. It's rigged. Don't believe it. The election was a fraud.

  100. Fox is corporate media, James. My distrust goes both ways but thanks for the stereotype. I no longer believe anything mainstream media has to say so their debunks mean nothing. Again, not buying anything from people who’ve been lying to us for years. If that angers you, I’ll live.

    1. @457 pm

      Fox was good enuff for Don before they decided to cut the umbilical cord. Now they are no bueno.

  101. This is a copy and paste of comments made in my remote learning health class. I was talking to overaged, undercredited students about goals and plotting points from hs till their career choice. What a terrible thing, right? Student initial instead of names included. They call hs and college a scam. They make fun of me because im a teacher, while saying they make money, they claim, in other ways. These geniuses are the ones taking 6-7 years to graduate hs, and then beg for grades they claim they dont need anyway. Read this and tell me why teachers should try. I didnt even ask them a question, they just volunteered these wonderful comments. I guess they dont realize I made $127K last year.


    Guys college and high school is not a requirement to become successful

    That is a waste of time and all is going to do is put you in dept bc at the end of college they give you a envelope with your diploma and WHAT YOU NEED TO BACK TO FINANCIAL AID

    School is useless and social media is the future

    I started Investing in Forex (Foreign exchange market) it is a 7 trillion dollar market and I’m making thousands of dollars on my phone and laptop and now I am helping impact the world by encouraging the youth to do the same and help other do the same as well because tbh the government and society has basically train us to be slaves to the economic instead of conquering it and using it to make yourself a millionaire by just trading and educating yourself on how to teach others

    Money is the greatest source of unhappiness and depression

    Wow I’m glad you know but I’m not doing this for the money I am doing this because this is God plan for me and I have to walk in my purpose to help bring light to the world
    Financial freedom is just a plus

    Son a teacher
    Damn she’s violating

    1. @Juan...
      "School is useless and social media is the future". Hah...that's their experience. Especially if mom "graduated" hs but dropped out of college. Im sorry but if it is the student's experience, what's the problem. Have you met masters degree Joe?

      "Facts this is a waste of time" Do you not disagree? It's been stated more often than not on this blog. Hah.

  102. Popular vote means nothing not how our elections are decided. And dems would be fighting just as hard whether they had popular vote or not.

    1. It is embarrassing fighting an election when you are losing by the same number of electoral votes as you won by in 2016.

    2. @640 pm

      I don't even know why we had an election. It is Donald's birthright to be president. I hate that these liberals believe the mainstream media. It's plain as day: the US is corrupt. We can't trust the media. It's all fake. You will see. Trump knows the election was rigged because he "allegedly" lost like Hillary did 4 years ago. We all know that it's a lie. Guilani said they found some dead people who voted twice--not once. All of you socialists, radical left and libs will soon see the light you sons of mitches.

  103. James, like the media, ignores where the violence comes from just like where the failing schools and crime comes from.

  104. Juan, that is the lowlife central someone mentioned. Students who can't succeed telling you how smart they are and how dumb the teacher is while one makes 6 figures anmd the rest are on welfare. You should fail them all and remind them that they dont need hs anyway because they have FOREX and scoial media. Say it everybody, Joe and golf guy and Mercedes guy should be blamed.

  105. No, No, No...They arent zooming us anymore...Covid has been awful...But, because of covid, I have been enlightened and now we are getting payback, I guess. Now we can sit in bed, play golf, drive around in our nice cars, while being home, getting paid in full, not having to deal with the transportation or traffic or parking...And not getting cursed by so called students. I found the magic elixir, as many found before me, post assignments, sit in the empty zoom room, and be done with it...6 weeks later, pass the 5% who deserve to pass. The funny part is, I found out I was the hardest working person in my school. Now I know not to waste my time. Remember, Carranza told us to do this, told us not to care, told us not to take attendance, told us to be flexible, told us to give make-ups. I was dum,b enough to follow the "studnets must have life instruction daily." Silly me. No more. By the way, Mulgrew sent an email. It said...Good luck risking yur lifves this week. Too bad it will be freezing and your windows will be wide open. Wear a parka. Thanks for the dues. No dues from me. I'll be on my laptop from my bedroom. But I'm wrong.

  106. I'm 414. I say the students exhibit lowlife, criminal and immoral behavior. Why do they do that? And actually, yes, most of the males in my school have at least 1 arrest.

    I know enough not to act like that. Maybe it is that single parent household thing or teen pregnancy thing or no work ethic. I wouldn't dare curse at my teacher or question an assignment or tell my teacher that he failed me for no reason or say that 40% attendance was good enough or kick a gym door down or slap a teacher or key a car.

  107. @8:14pm...
    I know some lowlife people who exhibit immoral behavior. I mean they have master's degrees and live in "nice" neighborhoods with neighbors who are just as "nice". These "nice" people of course have a reason why they behave the way they do and it's perfectly acceptable. Hell, they have degrees. They must be right. Damn liberals. Trump was saving us from these MFs. Oh well, he still has a chance to win. Fingers crossed.

  108. Lol. I think w4s is fixated on Donald Trump. Where does the crime come from? It is pretty clear. We've given you the stats. So Joe and Trump are the hs students kicking gym doors down while cutting class and slapping teachers?

    1. @10:02...Trump said it well. It's been mentioned on this blog:
      The stats are FAKE NEWS. Don't be naive.

  109. James haha TRumps was most secure yet Obamas the least. PBS did a special on dominion,
    do not be naive, Biden had the pandemic and cheated mail in ballots to win. Dems never want voter id or signature matching or any integrity all they want to do is win and have power at all costs. James you guys cheated in all the main dem cities please open your eyes. Trump had 10 million more voters where Obama lost 4 million second run.REd wave all over house seats and senate meanwhile trump loses cmon man be real.

    1. I know I shouldn't have even tried to open it but I did Anon2323. When I did, I got a warning from Google saying it was a dangerous site. Hmmm.

      5.6 million more votes for Biden than Trump won't do it for you. The people in charge of election security saying it was fair won't do it. I saw Rudy Giuliani spouting the no substance stuff this morning. He was not yet able to present the evidence he claimed he had. Laughable. He and Trump are Roy Cohn proteges. Just like with Joseph McCarthy, you throw out the allegations and say the evidence is coming. It usually never does.

      In the real world, I see the Trump lawyers pulling back on their allegations in court as they lose in front of Republican judge after Republican judge. If you were a student in my class, I would ask for you to give the supporting proof.

      Democrats want power at all costs but Republicans are pure. Maybe not. They both kowtow to their donors and screw us over. I can call out Dems. I will listen to all of you on the right when you call out your side too. Then, maybe we can talk to each other but we need some common facts we can agree on first.

  110. W4s, now you know. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 2018 Black males accounted for 34% of the total male prison population, white males 29%, and Hispanic males 24%.

  111. Trump lost. Get over it.How the fuck has Trump done anything good for us. He claims that he has been better for African Americans than any other president. But he couldnt speak out when we lost some at the hands of the police. I admit I voted for him four years ago. Thought he would bring about good change. But he was the biggest fraud this government has had in a longtime. Thought a virus was a hoax.Him and the some of the fox team think kids should be in school. Its easy to think this when your ;loaded with money. Im tired of all the media. If you think a president is going to change your life your wrong. Thats in your hands. One more thing for the phony liberals. You dont want Trump having rallies but when the old man gets elected its ok to be partying in the streets. Im defending trump but you fucking morons need to wake up.

  112. @10:06 pm...
    Hold on. I don't believe the fake news. I know you don't either. Those stats are fake.

  113. The stats and mainstream media is Fake news. Come on guys, The Donald has pulled back the curtain and we now know the truth.

  114. The MAGA Marcher said the cop should have kneeled on Floyd's neck even longer. He wants to make America Great again. This makes me feel safe. Warm and fuzzy. Why on earth would anyone be concerned with donny having a second term. I mean he has his priorities in order: Teachers back to work. Check Covid? It's going away soon. Check. Electoral college naming Donny the winner. Check.

  115. So a tiny % of the population makes up almost half the inmates and your response is "Trump." Sad! Ok, cool. I'm going to watch the end of the NFL game now. I'll get some rest during my workday tomorrow. The students have an assignment due tomorrow that they won't hand in so I won't have anything to grade. Keep deflecting...

    1. @ Dave....
      Absolutely not Trump's fault. I too saw those facts on the news and read the stats. I told my neighbor. Do you know what the dumbazz asked? She asked me why do i choose to believe those facts from the media but then say the media is fake. I just looked at the fool and walked away. I don't have patience for stupid people.

  116. Embarrassing? Dems and their defund the cops, socialism is good, BLM rioters can destroy whatever they want and we won’t do shit message caused them to lose house seats. Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsome outed as COVID hypocrites..... now that’s embarrassing. We just won’t comply and that’s what really drives you lefties nuts. Big Tech Big media censorship and you want those of us who are really woke to just accept whatever they tell us. Nope. Not going to do it. Ain’t about Trump. It’s about truth. It’s about media lies and manipulation. If there’s nothing to hide, audit the election. Maybe there’s nothing there, but the more the left tries to control the narrative the more I suspect wrong doing. See when you’re not part of the mob or afraid of the fucking mob, there’s really nothing to stop us thinking what we want and acting accordingly. There will be no unity. There will be no acceptance of a lefty platform. In the meantime, nyc teachers will continue to be treated like shit and it’s got nothing to do with Trump or Biden and everything to do with Cuomo, Deblasio, Mulgrew, Weingarten, Carranza. All democrats. And they have asked their employees, we teachers, to babysit and pass kids. And some of us are doing just that. It’s the policy of democrats to just babysit and pass these kids yet all the anger is directed at the Joes. The most progressive mayor and chancellor nyc has ever seen have asked us to babysit and pass. Let that sink in.

    1. @5:55am

      I see the light. Trump is trying to make everything great. How could anyone blame the state of the covid response on him?

  117. How could you people think Trump is a good president. The Covid cases are going up, people are dying and he has done nothing about it. All he's doing is trying to get the election overturned. This is not a president who cares about his people. He clearly only cares about himself.

    1. @822am..

      You're just jealous. Trump is great. It's you fools who can't see clearly. You're probably a liberal or antifa rebel.


    Joe Here,

    Did somebody say my name? Did I start a firestorm? Sorry about that. I just try to speak the truth.

    I was awakened this morning at 9 AM by a phone notification saying the Moderna vaccine is 94.5% effective. Great. Effective like me as a teacher. That news has DOW FUTURES up 419 points. Good start. I hope this keeps going until I quit.

    It is almost January, which means I have to start planning for contributions into the TDA and 457B.

    I thought this was what my boss wanted.
    What do these things mean?
    You have to give no shows an opportunity
    You cant fail people for attendance
    You have to give them as many chances as needed
    You have to work with them all hours of the day even if they refuse to attend during the actual class time
    If they have a job, they can miss school and still get credit
    They have family problems
    The student has a baby
    The student will start showing up soon. The term is 50% over
    The student is going to Georgia
    The student can do schoolwork work from their car
    the student can do schoolwork from the supermarket
    What should my response be to all those statements?
    And why isn't guidance doing their job? Why push the problems off on me?

    I don't want to talk politics, but since others brought it up...Trump isn't my favorite
    He is a liar
    His pathetic healthcare plan says "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

    And he is racist
    He said — “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”


    "Integrating Black Students Would Turn Schools into ‘A Jungle… A Racial Jungle."

    DOW now up 372. It is cold today. Did teachers actually show up to work to freeze while COVID is rapidly spreading? No way. These are the smartest people in NYC. Surely the strongest union in the country wouldn't allow that. I guess I'm wrong again.


    1. @ joe...
      You see
      Trump IS astute. When I mentioned it to a friend they said he's an ASS too. Needless to say, we are no longer friends.
      Ok. Go back to bed

  119. Everything Trump supporters disagree with is termed fake news. Here are facts:

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Election security officials have no evidence that ballots were deleted or lost by voting systems in this month’s U.S. election, two security groups said in a statement released on Thursday by the lead U.S. cybersecurity agency.

    “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the groups said about the Nov. 3 election won by Joe Biden, a Democrat.

    Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and has yet to concede.

  120. I'm waiting to hear the story of the student who got electrocuted while doing remote learning in the bathtub.

    1. @1015am...
      Well you certainly sound like a nice person. I mean there is literally a post about a child dying and you are waiting/hoping to hear of a child being electrocuted.

  121. Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?

    "In order to receive Food and Drug Administration approval, the companies will have to prove there are no immediate or short-term negative health effects from taking the vaccines. However, when the world begins inoculating itself with these completely new and revolutionary vaccines, it will not know a lot about their long-term effects.

  122. w4s, Ducking the black crime and failure rate again?

  123. Jealous of a loser who won't admit he's a loser? LOL. You're probably a white supremist.

  124. Fake news always sprinkles a little truth. It’s part of the manipulation of all the “dumbazzzes” w4s. Dem Gov Cuomo killed a lot of grandmas. Dem progressive mayor wants teachers to just pass kids along. I know I know Trump made them do it.

  125. @657...
    Ha ha ha ha. I love it! We're all just waiting for the Greatest grand wizard dumbazz of ALL time to pack up and ship out. Can somebody tell him that he's been fired.

  126. Biden is the grand wizard. His comments about black people are disgusting. His selecting a vp who kept black men in prison for the free labor is also disgusting. Joe Biden grand wizard of racists.

  127. @745 am...
    Donald lost. It's over.
    Biden Harris will be leading the country. The job was too big for don. Typical

  128. yes it appears Biden the racist and Kamala the imprisoner of black men and black moms of truant children will be in charge. Obamas cages will remain in place, deportations will increase (fact deportations cut almost in half from Obama's first 4 years to Trump's 4 years.). Kkk is thrilled racist policies like Biden's and Harris' will reign. No way around it. Facts are facts. Biden and Harris imprisoned black men and black moms. Trump pardoned them.


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