Sunday, December 20, 2020


From our notes on last week's Delegate Assembly, here is the part on teacher evaluations that has me quite concerned:

Question: Thanks Mulgrew, Principal scheduling observations and teachers have been told they would be doing observations. What is the status of that?

Answer: There are no observations. There is no evaluation agreement. State has not waived student learning but left evaluation up to districts. Many would like to go S or U but using authentic assessment will lead to teachers being treated in a fairer way. S or U led to thousands being rated poorly because they had a fight with a principal. Let's get basic authentic assessment in for this year. We are telling our people to do that. No observations at this point. We should have APPR done by early January. We need protocols on online classrooms. Administrators saying they want access as a teacher into a classroom. They already have access as administrator. They don't know how to run their own digital platform.

Recall that last school year evaluations were waived so everyone basically received no rating but pedagogues were still tenured. For this year, the choices are satisfactory-unsatisfactory or some variation of the Measures of Teacher Progress-Measures of Student Learning system. Mulgrew said we should have something done by early January. I am not expecting anything decent based on the UFT's track record. 

How are administrators going to figure out the MOSL's? What are going to be the authentic assessments if there are no state exams? What are the local assessments? How many observations are going to be required by principals or assistant principals who mostly have less experience than the teachers on remote or socially distanced classes? Teachers and students have enough to worry about during a pandemic. I foresee the UFT and DOE agreeing to a less than ideal system. (That's not a bold prediction.)

What the union leadership should be doing is asking teachers how they want to be rated. A survey would be a good start. Tell chapter leaders to poll their members and get results back to the district representatives on whether teachers would prefer an S or U system or a MOTP-MOSL system. Please answer in the comments section and spare me the comments on opting out.

If you want your voice heard on the issue, now is the time to raise it up real loud. Two friends, John Lawhead (ICE-Solidarity) and Quinn Zannoni (Solidarity) had what I thought was a very good resolution on evaluations that Mulgrew ran out the clock at the DA so he wouldn't have to deal with it. 

Motion No. 4 — Resolution Rejecting Remote Teaching Amendments to APPR (submitted by Quinn Zannoni)

WHEREAS, principals across the NYC Department of Education have been sharing among themselves a newly released Danielson Group framework for Remote Teaching; and

WHEREAS, the Danielson Framework for Remote Teaching is not on the New York State Education Department's list of Approved Teacher Practice Rubrics for New York State; and

WHEREAS, there is no sound basis for using any remote teaching evaluation framework, as there are no proven, research-based “best practices” for the experimental remote learning modality which has been under development and in operation for less than one full school year; and

WHEREAS, the city has adopted a remote teaching modality as a temporary emergency response measure and has no contractual approval to continue with the practice beyond the limited scope of a pilot program teaching high school AP and foreign language classes; and

WHEREAS, under the extenuating circumstances of a pandemic, adding an arbitrary, untested framework/rubric to an already confusing mix of ever-changing DOE directives regarding online schooling will do nothing but cause confusion and add stress for all stakeholders; and,

WHEREAS, most building administrators have no experience in teaching or evaluating teachingin an online setting; therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the UFT rejects any framework or rubric that purports to measure teacher effectiveness in a remote setting.

Calling it a day on ratings and waiting until next school year seems like a good suggestion.

What teachers need to do right away is scream very loudly if you don't want a remote version of the evaluation system thrown at you in 2021. At the very least, any agreement that changes the Contract the should be voted for by the Executive Board, DA, and membership. It won't happen if you scream to opt out and not to fight back. 


  1. Why spare me the comments on opting out? Isn't this exactly what we should expect for our dues? If you are bringing up another failure, it is perfectly fine to ask why we pay for repeated failures.

  2. I wish the UFT would survey or allow a vote on anything! The leadership, Unity Caucus, seems to not realize the rank and file exists.

    This survey does exist though. Written by members, and supported by MORE caucus. Unity, I'm sure, wishes it wasn't making the rounds on twitter. They do seem to hate when members come together on anything except dues payments and elections.

  3. Mulgrew thinks teachers work for him. It appears he’s correct, as no one challenges him. There needs to be a protest. What happened to that car caravan protest idea?

  4. I think one person, maybe two, said they would show for a caravan protest. That is not exactly a massive protest. Kind of hard to have a caravan with two cars. Ten volunteered to get signatures to decertify the UFT and start a better union. Not exactly a movement. UFT is not accountable without organized opposition doing something. I keep trying but need active people to step up to the plate. I will attend Solidarity meeting later if I can make it.

  5. Why not just evaluate non tenured teachers?

  6. Maybe the UFT will next negotiate for pay decreases and ending health benefits.

  7. James, One problem we don't realize in getting people to decertify, stop paying dues, and to do protests is a lot of teachers are actually happy. I've seen this being an ATR. There are many teachers in good schools that are treated well especially in small schools. They tend to be more clicky and support everything the administration does. I really think it's a minority that are unhappy.

  8. Another added stress ! Way to go Mulgrew . You are the best.

  9. 10:16, Visit the Bronx. I have never met a happy teacher there as an ATR.

  10. 10:16

    Alot of those happy teachers are ignorant of their rights. Trust me when they find out about some of them, like having a daily prep, they stop being so happy.

  11. Pay decreases are next up. Take paycuts or mass layoffs will be the threat. Prepare to bend over.

  12. I too got called in today, my grades are fair and honest, therefore they are unacceptable.

  13. Just do S or U and be done with it.

  14. We will probably have the typical 3-6 observations. I’m assuming they will ALL have to be announced. I’d rather have that than test scores.

  15. I go for the mass layoffs. Young people have a better chance of getting hired somewhere else. The pay increases are only a cost of living increase.

  16. Anyone else think that the idea of observations right now is hysterical??? Bring it on.

  17. I’m opting out in June. 5 or 6 years until I leave. I’m going to use the 8 to 10 thousand I save and go on one hell of a vacation. I’m done being a sucker for the UFT. I’m done giving a shit about anything related to school. I don’t care if I’m the only one in my school who opts out. Whoever calls me scab will be called a cunt in return. Sticks and stones, bitches. It’s clear the UFT will never change. I can’t control them but I can control my actions. 9 grand can get me a nice island vacation. That’s my goal. Good luck to the rest of you.

  18. Say it. We need a union.

    Mayor Bill de Blasio
    The #COVID19 spike we’re seeing can be directly traced back to Thanksgiving travel.

    Have travel plans? Cancel them.
    Planning a large gathering? Cancel it.

    The vaccine may have arrived but we’re not out of the woods yet


  19. The only problem for Mulgrew is that under the S/U system no one can rightfully receive an Unsatisfactory. So he has to help the DOE rate teachers badly, namely unsatisfactory. He always works on behalf of the DOE and routine lies to teachers.

    Remember when and how Mulgrew lied about the retro pay on his video clip. He said that there was going to be a fight about getting the retro pay on time. The next day he agreed to delay our retro pay which cost teachers millions of dollars in lost interest and use of their money.

    He agreed to a breach of contract by NY city. Mulgrew ignored the disaster to teachers affected by the delay. No other Union suffered this kind of humiliation with their retro pay.

  20. We'll see how it holds up in Court. Article 78 hearing anyone?

  21. Don't assume announced observations. The snakes at DOE will slither out from under their rocks and conduct hatchet job observations.
    Document ALL parental outreach to include participation in IEP conferences because I can guarantee you, as clear as my fat Irish ass can be seen, NXs will be looked at regardless of S/U or any other agreed upon observation method.

  22. What happens in during an observation my router craps out ?

  23. FACT: Mulgrew sold us out 5 years ago on observations in NYC when he agreed to 4 observations when the state only required 2. I bet that son of a bitch is going to make a back room deal with the DOE to sell us out again. Will any change to our observation system here in NYC to have a final vote by the Delegate Assembly? Please let us know.

  24. Thank God I opted out of this BS. Good riddance

  25. Yeah, I got bashed today about grades. What a scam the uft is. What a waste dues were. I can get abused while not paying for corruption and grade fraud.

  26. 1:40-
    Are you capable of thinking for yourself, or do you need that stoner mayor to tell you what to do? That numbskull has wreaked so much damage upon this city with his asinine leadership, in a sane world he would be publicly flogged and thrown into the gutter, where he belongs.

  27. The mayor is a big pothead and a communist. The public knows it; Cuomo knows it. De Blasio has trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

    @7:17 is entirely correct in his commentary about De Blasio. In a real world where there is real accountability for leaders, De Blasio would either be in jail or "publicly flogged and thrown in the gutter."

    He is responsible for billions upon billions of dollars of damage to New York city through his corruption and complete incompetence.

    When he was busy running for president, NY city was left to rot. De Blasio got very few votes
    during his presidential campaign. I do not think he is employable in the private sector.

  28. Mulgrew is better than no union, the same way Biden is better than Trump (even though Biden is no Bernie).

    But yeah, I don't think they realize how many people are going to get unfairly screwed if they do observations this year, with or without an 'authentic' assessment - sorry Mulgrew, there's no such thing this year, especially if you're using citywide standards.

  29. I guess this will be one of those times when we tell Mulgrew remove his ring and he will say it’s my wrist watch that you feel when he puts his fist up our asses and agrees to remote Danielson.
    Who / how is this ass hole rated ?

  30. No money for retro.. De Blasio announces ThriveNYC expansion at DOE, offers few details
    By Nolan Hicks and Selim AlgarDecember 21, 2020 | 5:15pm | Updated

    1. Here’s the URL:

    2. S/U seems about right. MOTP/MOSL certainly does not seem to fit this year's current situation.
      No January Regents and "Boot Camp" Christmas break NX completion classes which are not the norm certainly back the old S/U option.
      Any MOTP, which is far from objective to begin with, can and will be manipulated by administration to slam teachers.
      Administration acting as if they are the "experts" in distance learning are just as lost as the Chancellor and his cronies.
      It's a bad idea all the way around.

  31. I'm 140. I'm working from home. Saying the uft hasn't helped.

  32. You keep paying dues, that is how mulgrew is rated.

  33. SIMPLE..........P/NX . No teacher this year should get a U, just like students, the worst get is NX.

    Enough stress in world no need to rate teachers this year.

    Side note yayyyyyy getting 600 stimulus checks, Pelosi said 1,000 stimulus was crumbs yet this is substantial lol! Can she get hit by a truck already.

  34. I think it's sinister that the Resolution Rejecting Remote Teaching Amendments to APPR didn't get heard. The DA has already passed multiple amendments supporting BLM, and every other movement, belief etc. That the resolution that would have directly rejected what the union is leaking out now is pure evil.

  35. I’m a communist and a pothead. Please don’t insult us be declaring de Blasio as one of us.

  36. How is observation going to work in title 1 middle school where class size is supposed to be capped at 30 yet our classes are at 46?

  37. Sounds like dues paying has really helped this observation...and every other situation.

  38. Moose Here.

    Hi James,

    I know you do a fantastic job posting about various topics related to the DOE. I was hoping you would consider a post about "CTLE Hours" for the younger staff members. I am 34, but I have to attain 100 hours in a 5 year window which ends in June 2021.

    There have been DOE Related CTLE Hour Courses where you usually pay $30 for 2 hours credit. I have found a website of "" that offers FREE Courses. Non-ESL licensed teachers like myself have to get 15 hours of ESL/ELL Hours of the 100.

    Would you consider providing more information about CTLE Hours? It is a HUGE component for the next generation to keep their licenses and this is going to be a HUGE money maker for the DOE. It will provide money and negate all the people who are opting out of the UFT. Thank you for your time.

  39. Does it really matter folks. Now we are worried about observations. Maybee we should be worried about teachers giving these principals more hours to create miracle lessons. Probably half the teachers are not following the contract anyway. We got screwed out of our money and we have a union boss who does not give a shit about us. Worry about surviving. We are not god so we should stop trying to be. Yes its tough times we are in. But If students didnt show up before with you working hard to get them involved, what makes you think you can get it done now. And if your principal is going to send you in the lions den without any protection like the asshole principle did sending the staff in the lunchroom then refuse. Have we really become the sheep like some people on this board proclaim. No we are humans that have put up with enough bullshit. We have rules and each and everyone of us needs to follow them. Our principles dont mandate ourlives we do.

  40. Exactly James S/NX. If a teacher got an NX, at the very worst it's like a questionable tag or a slap on the wrist that won't affect them. It's ridiculous enough students do not show face, barely comment, or unmute themselves. Like a comedian, we are expected to have a set and entertainment ready.

    Years ago if we showed a movie or a clip from youtube the engagement and attention was amazing. Now with this newer annoying generation, harder to captivate even though I do and have that great skill to be able to last 2 decades. The audience is much more difficult than the past.

  41. This is going to happen yet Mulgrew NEVER mentions
    It ....


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