Monday, December 07, 2020


We put out Personnel Memorandum No.2 in September, and we will do it again for the December 7 return to in-person elementary school (see below). I hope this December 7 will not be another day of infamy. Please stay safe elementary school UFTers and only enter a building if you feel it is safe.

We wrote about your contractual right to a safe work environment back in March. You can disobey supervisor orders if your health or the safety of others is being put in jeopardy. 

5.12% is the latest 7 day average COVID-19 positivity rate for NYC. The chart below is from the city's COVID-19 page. Cases, hospitalizations, and confirmed deaths are all rising. They closed schools at 3% positivity rate and they are reopening some at 5.12%. In my humble non-scientific opinion, we should be hunkering down and not reopening any school buildings except to distribute food and take care of children of first responders who need child care. 


 UFTers, please read this official DOE document very closely and follow its guidelines.


  1. Just remember that the infection rate is rising exponentially.

    It is not on the way down.
    The testing is not random testing.
    Follow the evidence and the facts; not the authoritarian,
    detached from reality DOE.


    You are not a martyr!

  2. Schools safe?

    Dr. Scott Gottlieb: 'I will not eat indoors in a restaurant' because the Covid risk is too high

  3. It’s for safety, and really the least of NYC teachers’ problems this week (problems courtesy of
    ) but I’m really going to miss being warm. Our first grade students will miss it too. We have to stop working sometimes so they can warm up their hands.

    If only




    could find some kind of work for substitute teachers and substitute paras would be great. So sad how those people are being treated, they have livelihoods as well.

    Thinking about my colleagues who are terrified tonight heading into school buildings tomorrow. I hope you, your families, your students + their families all stay safe and that every politician & union leader receives the career-related karma they deserve for this reopening.

    "One thing that could hamper the city’s efforts is a truly rampant second wave in NY. The test positivity rate has only increased since the city closed schools and the seven-day rolling average rate exceeded 5% last week. Hospitalizations have quickly mounted"

    #nycteachers and students head back to school... 39 degrees outside and even colder inside. How is this okay?

    So why must school staff be indoors where:
    -kids eat 2x a day in classrooms (unmasked)
    -have gym class
    -have mask breaks
    -be in indoor spaces, mixing households, with minimal testing

    What am I missing?

    Howard Luks MD
    · Dec 5
    Welcome back CDC...
    - CDC warns that restaurant dining is a very high risk activity
    - CDC warns that exercise should be performed outdoors. Not in a gym.
    - CDC advises avoiding indoor spaces away from home. And avoid crowded outdoor spaces too.

    Science is back at the CDC

  4. so, how many consent forms are missing? and how many tested today?

  5. And, the scam is on, grade fraud is neverending...

    Update from the Sup's Office:

    "Please be sure to review the updated policy for NX grades.

    Central released updated grading policy guidance on November 30 with additional information on how schools can reconcile course-in-progress (NX) marks originally awarded at another school. Please refer to this document (pages 8 to 10) for complete details of this process. Grades used to reconcile (NX) marks awarded must be in alignment with the Grading Policy Guidance for Remote Learning (2019–20) that was in effect for the 2019–20 school year. 

    As previously announced in the October 27 edition of Principals Digest, schools should refer to Grading Policy Guidance for Blended and Remote Learning Models (2020–21) for the expectations regarding grading during the 2020–21 school year."

  6. So when the data gets to where you don't like the numbers, just change the numbers!!!!
    Quote Tweet
    katie honan
    · 11m
    .@NYCMayor says the city's our "indicators need to be retooled." City is eliminating its daily positivity rate, but will keep the 7-day average, which is 4.98%

  7. There are already pics on twitter of students in classrooms without masks.

  8. Teaching with windows open in 28 degree weather. Flus, colds and Covid. I don’t care who you are if you’re sitting in a classroom that’s under 50* all day you are going to get sick. Not a safe work environment and the UFT should shut it down. A complaint should be filed with the labor dept, OSHA and child protective services. If you kept a child home in such an environment, the parent would be arrested for child endangerment. Because deBlasio wants schools open this idiocy has become the rule with his lackey Mulgrew agreeing.

  9. Hi James,

    Thanks for posting on Leaves. I just had a Leave Approved where I was "Caring for Others". My 2 year old Son was exposed to CoVid and he had to Quarantine for 2 weeks. Thank God everyone in our house including him was fine. My Leave was approved and will be going over any protocol with my payroll secretary to make sure no nonsense happens. Hope all is well everyone.


  10. Why not enforce an attendance policy for remote learning? Don't you think it would help if students were actually listening to the teacher talk? I may be stupid, but that seems to make sense.

    I'm listening to de Blasio and Carranza talk, and it seems like they are intentionally ignoring the obvious. Maybe they know students are unable or unwilling.

    How can you talk about learning and tell students they don't have to attend and can still pass?

  11. Two shirts, hoodie,and gloves.
    I’m cold!
    This really isnt right.

  12. All the teachers opening windows wide open should be locked up for child abuse and then be brought up on 3020a and fired. Someone's fear does not give him/her a right to abuse the students. In the typical (not all) DOE school the heat blasts relentlessly in the winter and you can crack the windows for ventilation and maintain a normal 60's room temperature. These people are intentionally mistreating their students out of spite, to take Twitter pictures, or to make them so miserable they will beg to go remote. Sick, disgusting behavior.

  13. Our AP told us to just pass the kids because they were passed through middle school. Basically, we are just adding to the problem and not fixing it. This only will make the teacher and school look good. Who cares about the kids? I can't believe teachers call themselves teachers who do this.

  14. Does anyone from the press ever ask DeBlasio to comment on why the Eva Moskowitz Charter Schools have been allowed to be remote all school year till at least April? Aren’t their parents alarmed that their children are being cheated out of on-site learning and social activity— in the same way that public school parents are complaining?

  15. You don’t have rights you have the illusion of rights. The same rights the Japanese Americans had in the detention camps. Absolutely none.

  16. TJL. Brrrr child abuse? Get a grip. It's called ventilation. Demand the doe pump up the heat if it's so bothersome.

  17. Pumping up the heat and leaving the windows open has the same effect of pumping up the air conditioning and leaving the windows open.

  18. My room has always gotten so much heat that it maintains about 70 degrees with windows open and 30+ bodies in the room. Less kids now, I know. No ones cold if you put the heat up high.

  19. Moose Here,

    Keep the windows open and your legs closed!

    Thought everyone could use a laugh :)


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