Monday, December 28, 2020


UFT President Michael Mulgrew outlines the UFT's current thinking on opening school buildings in the middle of a pandemic in an opinion piece the Daily News. He calls the reopening of elementary and D75 buildings a "success" but later points out that "roughly 30% of those school buildings have been shut in response to a virus discovery." Judge for yourself whether he makes his case. 

In schools, safety matters most: The teachers union president lays out his COVID priorities



The arrival of vaccines against the coronavirus is the news we have been waiting for — the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. But we can’t let that good news lead the city to abandon a careful approach to getting and keeping our schools open.

The hundreds of elementary and other schools recently reopened have shown very low levels of coronavirus infection — thanks in large part to the protective equipment and procedures the United Federation of Teachers, which I lead, insisted upon.

But the in-school testing that should provide an early warning system for rising infection rates is already strained, making it unlikely that the system could meet the challenge of testing a significant number of reopened middle or high schools. In addition, even a rigorous testing process in the schools will not be enough if the overall infection rate in the city skyrockets after the holidays.

New York can’t let its success in re-opening its schools be undermined by trying to open more schools beyond the city’s realistic testing capacity, or by keeping schools open in the face of a significant increase in community infections.

So I say to those hoping to open schools at all grade levels all across the city: We need to go slow.

The standards under which schools reopened this fall included the guaranteed presence of enough masks and face shields, improved ventilation, rigorous cleaning and classes small enough to ensure social distancing — and the most extensive virus testing regimen in the country.

The city’s current agreement with the state calls for 20% of the eligible school population to be tested every week. In terms of sheer numbers, the city has so far been successful in meeting its in-school targets, reaching tens of thousands of people in schools overall.

However, a number of problems have emerged.

In many schools, the overwhelming number of test subjects are adults, not students. Some schools — despite the pledge to reach every building — have not been tested at all.

More troubling is the fact that the city promised to return test results within 24 to 48 hours — yet thousands of results have not been posted within this time frame, some as many days after the test crews have visited.

As of Monday morning, Dec. 21, for example, nearly 1,000 test results from Monday, Dec. 14 had yet to be posted.

The whole point of regular, frequent testing is to identify individuals who show no symptoms yet carry the coronavirus and can spread it to other people in the building. Exposing students and staff to infected individuals for up to a week is completely unacceptable.

New York City’s virus testing capacity far exceeds that of any other jurisdiction, but it is already spread thin over more than 800 buildings and other program sites. Adding the now-closed middle and high school buildings to this mix would only result in less efficiency, slower tests and higher risk for all. That would be unwise.

Even with its current problems, the testing process has kept virus rates in the schools under control, thanks to its requirement that buildings be closed from 24 hours to two weeks if infections are discovered.

Under these guidelines, hundreds of schools across the five boroughs have closed temporarily. Even since Dec. 7, when pre-K, elementary and District 75 schools reopened, roughly 30% of those school buildings have been shut in response to a virus discovery.

Given this history, if community infection rates rise dramatically, infections will inevitably seep into schools, causing an even larger rolling schedule of shutdowns. At the same time, based on our conversations with outside medical experts, at some point in a period of high infections, schools could even become centers of virus spread.

We cannot afford to relax our vigilance. New York City — the only major urban center in the United States to reopen its public schools — has successfully done so because of its cautious approach and rigorous standards.

Remote instruction is far from perfect, but thanks to the efforts of thousands of dedicated teachers, it is getting better. To ensure that it can be as effective as possible, the Department of Education must do more to see that all students have working devices and all families have access to WiFi.

I appreciate how difficult it has been for many parents to deal with the challenges of remote learning, changing classroom schedules and temporary school closures. As a teacher, I also know that nothing can really replace the personal, face-to-face relationship between instructor and student.

In-person education is vital for our children’s future. But in the midst of this pandemic their safety, and that of their teachers, has to come first.

Mulgrew is president of the United Federation of Teachers.


  1. He’s an expert at self praise and trying to make everyone happy. He ends up looking weak and ineffective to everyone. The elementary teachers are starting to wake up and he’s already lost the support of recent retirees over the retro debacle, ATR debacle and Covid debacle. That should concern him because his real strength is with the 75 plus year old retirees as their numbers decrease so will his and Unity’s strangle hold on the UFT.

  2. What about remote Danielson? When will that be dropped on us ? ERI ??? I am over this lack of leadership in the UFT and The City of New York.

  3. Still sending members to die...

    This is the
    response to member concerns about the UFT not pushing to have schools closed among a covid case surge.

    Criminally negligent.

    Defund UFT leadership - it's the only way these fuckers will get the message they work for us, not the other way around.
    Quote Tweet

    Replying to @ElissaReilly @Mssarahmssarah and 2 others
    Elissa, we are hyper-vigilant and doing everything we can to keep everyone safe. The virus levels remain low in our schools thanks in large part to the protective equipment and procedures we insisted upon.

  4. Nicely done..

    I got a message last week from a teacher who contacted the UFT for help with the Situation Room taking a long time and not completing contact tracing. She was told “we can’t help you” and to talk to her principal and be patient. It’s infuriating.

  5. Well, Cuomo always said not only face masks, social distancing are important—but also testing,testing,testing... a phrase so often used on his kid brother’s CNN program. However, there has been an inconsistency with reliable testing and misleading figures from the get go—despite all the testing promises made by Cuomo, DeBlasio etc. and it doesn't help when parents don’t comply. So when it comes to Mulgrew—when will he ever learn that the politicians don't really give a hoot about the real safety of elementary school teachers—especially as infection rates continue to rise.

  6. Well, I guess the uft doesn't care. What have you done? Call Sill?

  7. Covid is benign to children. Read the stats on how many children have died so far. As for adults it is a serious threat if you are over 75 years of age. Otherwise if you get it you likely recover at home. People on this blog are in such a state of fear they cant think clearly. Including the administrator. Wonder what would happen if a real threat came along? Pitiful.

  8. Wow. So I read this as “high schools and middle schools opening never...”.

  9. 6:45: You have a miniscule if any chance of being hijacked on a plane, yet look at all the security checks you go through. A threat is still a threat.

  10. Journal for American Medicine:

    Second, the reported number of COVID-19 deaths underestimates the excess deaths produced by the pandemic. Due to reporting delays and miscoding of COVID-19 deaths and an increase in non–COVID-19 deaths caused by disruptions produced by the pandemic, excess deaths are estimated to be 50% higher than publicly reported COVID-19 death counts. Third, COVID-19 is unlike other causes of death in the Table because it is communicable; individuals who die from homicide or cancer do not transmit the risk of morbidity or mortality to those nearby. Every COVID-19 death signals the possibility of more deaths among close contacts.

    The failure of the public and its leaders to take adequate steps to prevent viral transmission has made the nation more vulnerable, allowing COVID-19 to become the leading cause of death in the United States, particularly among those aged 35 years or older. Much of this escalation was preventable, as is true for many deaths to come.

  11. From the CDC:

    Overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths occurred from late January through October 3, 2020, with 198,081 (66%) excess deaths attributed to COVID-19. The largest percentage increases were seen among adults aged 25–44 years and among Hispanic or Latino persons.

  12. NYC Teachers on The new grading policy: “My students continue NOT to log onto remote. Because they pass them anyway. Im so sick of it!” #edchat #educhat whats your thoughts on the new grading policy

  13. Mulgrew's editorial betrays his deeply manipulated reality about the pandemic. Because our UFT dues are entirely obligatory voluntary, Mulgrew can promote this unhinged optimism about the handling of the pandemic within our collective work environment. This is palatable to the rank and file proletariat since our schools were Potemkin villages prior to the pandemic. They remain Potemkin villages when we return to the old normal.

  14. @6:39, Sill is a nice person. Absolutely, completely, utterly ineffective in his role as ATR representative. A stranger on a train has more efficacy in that role, in that one could actually see and speak to the stranger - even though he would have as much power to intervene for me as Mr. Sill has - none. Mr. Sill personally inspired me to stop paying for the non- privilege of paying dues.

  15. If Michael Mulgrew actually did something to protect children, my two kids would not be in quarantine right now. They are there specifically because Mulgrew, Mayor and Cuomo
    adopted a policy that is at odds with what most experts believe it's the safe thing to do.



  17. Maybe one of the dues payers can alert the uft president.

    A four-year-old boy has died from COVID-19, the youngest person to die from the virus in Oneida County.

    Xavier M. Harris of Utica passed away the day after Christmas, according to his obituary.

  18. So we know students are traveling this week. We know some of them will bring Covid back with them. But we’re still opening buildings on Jan 4?

  19. Mulgrew basically reiterates what we all know; you are on your own, same as always. Whether it be as a targeted veteran teacher, an ATR , abusive administration, observations, old retro, contract violations or risking your life as a teacher during a pandemic - it’s all the same to the UFT, it means nothing to Mulgrew or his UFT royalty. He’s a hypocrite, he keeps 52 Broadway shuttered while sending elementary school teachers into classrooms, most commuting on mass transit. A friend to all is a friend to none. An organization that purportedly stands for everything actually stands for nothing. Happy New Year’s James, and all my aggrieved brethren.

  20. weingarten's message - same as the UFT leadership - We get the dues money no matter what because we've rigged the system, so we do the bidding of the political/economic elites we identify with.

    She should lead and teach five days a week instead of talking shit from home.

  21. Almost triple the uft 3% threshold. So much for the safest. Pay dues everybody...

    Mayor Bill de Blasio

    Here’s a look at our latest #COVID19 indicators:

    • 182 new hospitalizations
    • 3,390 new cases
    • 7.45% positivity rate (7-day avg.)

    Let’s close out 2020 strong. Wear your masks. Practice social distancing. Get tested.

  22. As cases continue to surge, and ICUs in NYC continue to fill, is there a single politician in NY willing to stand up and advocate for NYC schools to be temporarily closed until after the next holiday surge?

  23. Sounds familiar.

    The San Diego Unified School District has abolished its traditional grading system for middle schoolers. “District officials evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist.”

    1. Off topic. I let it in but please make it a thread on another blog.

    2. Lol. Yeah, who would care about students actually earning a grade? Why would teachers worry about that?

    3. We have done plenty of pieces on grade fraud. Comment on one of them. This is a very serious post on Mulgrew's op-ed. Plenty to comment on there.

  24. Biden's pick for Sec'y Ed. will insist that public schools remain open before vaccination efforts create safer schools. More will die needlessly. Staff first. Capitalist intervention in vaccine availability will ensure a higher death rate.

  25. Mulgrew's editorial is his Christmas message to the his public audience.

    This is Mulgrew's unique gift for unenlightened expression detached from facts, evidence or reality. Mulgrew's fantasy editorial is his gift of gab that keeps giving.

    It reveals his inner identity where he envisions himself as Santa Claus and his Unity hacks are Santa's useful little helpers.

  26. All your pieces have done nothing about grade fraud just like they have done nothing about the uft changing. SO Mulgrew wrote something, basically saying nothing, now what? Nicely done.

  27. I am a blogger, not the UFT President or dictator. What would you like me to do?

  28. Just saying. Pay dues, keep grade fraud going, keep going into infected buildings, covid running wild, spring break money nowhere, wait another year for retro....things going well.

  29. Nothing to see...

    Andrew Cuomo
    Today's update on the numbers:

    Total COVID hospitalizations are at 7,814.

    Of the 160,164 tests reported yesterday, 11,438 were positive (7.14% of total).

    Sadly, there were 124 fatalities

    Did you ever imagine 7.14%? Wow. Well, enjoy the next few days before you are forced into the petri dish.

  30. Last time De Blasio moved the goalposts from a NY city 3% positivity rate to 9% positivity rate. Now that the positivity rate is approaching 9% it is time to move the goalposts from 9% to 27%.

  31. Because the idiots accept it. Stop paying dues. Stop going in.

  32. You can't make this up... Biden spent months undermining public confidence in the vaccine and now he's complaining that Trump didn't roll it out fast enough.

  33. President
    signed an executive order yesterday offering flexibility to provide disadvantaged children with emergency K-12 scholarships to access in-person learning opportunities.

  34. Cool! Open schools, right?

    Los Angeles Hospitals Turn Away Ambulances via @politicalwire

  35. Kamala: I will not take the vaccine because Trump told us to
    Also Kamala: Got vaccine today

  36. Quick, alert Mulgrew. School is open on Monday.

    CNBC Now
    · 16m
    BREAKING: The first case of a new and potentially more infectious strain of Covid-19 has been confirmed in the United States, Colorado health officials say.

  37. Autistic deli worker, 25, who was frightened by customers not wearing masks dies of Covid

    Read more:

    Twitter: | Facebook:

  38. DENVER (AP) — First reported U.S. case of COVID-19 variant seen in Britain has been found in Colorado, governor says.

  39. Healthy teen dies after COVID-19 ‘ate her through,’ family says
    By Kate SheehyDecember 29, 2020 | 11:47am | Updated

  40. Every NYC teacher along with other school personnel and teachers across the country—should have the immediate opportunity to take the COVID vaccine. That means now—especially if the politicians along with Mulgrew—insist on keeping elementary schools open —due to a demand of a vocal minority of parents in spite of the fact that things will continue to get worse over the next 2 months.

  41. Nicely done, uft.
    My daughter is a 2nd grade teacher. They claim 1% of students are COVID positive. I'm convinced they are not being tested. My daughter got COVID at school and spent a week in the hospital. 30% of the teachers at her school have had COVID.
    My daughter didn't go anywhere else except school. She brought it home and her 3 year old triplets were exposed before we knew she was sick. When her fever hit, we as grandparents picked up the kids to get them out of the house. Her husband got sick.
    The kids got sick, no fevers over 101.7. We got it. Our daughter is still on oxygen at home and it's been two months. We wore masks, washed hands and socially distanced. My daughter continued to teach. We all got sick.
    We are extremely grateful our daughter lived through this horrible virus with her asthma. We're still fighting exhaustion and other symptoms. Looking forward to vaccine...we wouldn't wish this horror on anybody."

  42. Safest and most robust?

    Covid-19 vaccine update:
    470k doses distributed
    New York:
    250k doses distributed

    Ron DeSantis is once again outperforming Cuomo and the media will once again ignore the facts.

  43. D75 kids w/o masks with some totally exempt from testing.Is there ANY otherjob that would demand exposure like this?you cant walk into q building without a mask.a doc wont see you without a mask.why are d75 staff expected to be in a room all day exposed like this? My April break pay was screwed and now this vacation ruined in quarantine.cant even enjoy the few milder days.i hate MOLDDOO!it is true that they miss out by being home, but it is damn selfish to send your fucking kid to school and put others at risk if your kid cant wear a mask.There, I said it, and no, I am not mean and insensitive.Yes. I understand the parents frustrations and missed interactions, but lives are in danger here.
    Taking bets:who thinks Cuomo will close us at 9%?or will they change the bar again?so much for diblasio's statement about keeping his promise!cant we force Mulldoom out?He is ruining us like diblasio ruined nyc.

  44. Florida 21,000 deaths is nothing to be bragging about. Could have been much lower. Trump 330,000 deaths. What a disgrace. Why politicize this.

  45. James, thank you for creating this space where we can safely vent without repercussions. My friend who is not a teacher is clueless.i cant stand the arguements about covid anymore.if everyone did their part. I believe we would not be in this situation much for hypocrites cheering first responders then going maskless indoors in groups, including a few friends.i have zero sympathy for them at this point in the pandemic.

  46. Rep.-elect Luke Letlow (R-La.) has died from the coronavirus, multiple sources confirmed Tuesday evening. He was 41.

  47. When will high schools open?


  48. "The city’s current agreement with the state calls for 20% of the eligible school population to be tested every week."

    Is that a legit number 20% 200 students 20 get tested, does that make it safe now because 80% are not?

    I find it fascinating the flu is at a .01 test rate last year at this time it was 3.2%.

    @9:00 sounds like your small brain would explode if Biden was president for this, 2 million at least would be dead. No vaccine 3-5 years easy. No anger towards Cuomo who killed thousands??? No anger towards China who now cut 5 years off to take us over, 2028 now was 2033. They got exactly what they wanted seeing how TRump was pushing us far past them. Crippling us and helping weak Biden who China has compromised, let's be clear the russia crap was fake and many of you sad people believed it. Dems are in bed with China, can we be pissed about that?

  49. I heard that middle schools and high schools wont open this school year.person who told me said he heard it from uft.but then again, ???

  50. Can anybody with access to the Open Market tell me if there are any PE jobs in Staten Island open?

  51. Nice job, uft. Strike? Nah.

    Here are the latest #COVID19 indicators for #NYC:

    • 242 new hospitalizations
    • 3,269 new cases
    • 7.93% positivity rate (7-day avg.)

    Keep doing what works: practice social distancing, stay home if you feel sick, wear a mask, and get tested:

  52. "Mulgrew and the UFT Unity party are a Great Success."


  53. RIP Joe Clark Only one principal I ever worked under had his 'spine', Joe Grizzlo in Williamsburg, there will never be anyone like them again

  54. It is spreading, but we have robust testing, so mulgrew said not to worry. Oh, and he said thanks for the automatic dues checkoff he gets because you all went in during the March outbreak.

    California has identified first case with new Covid strain, Newsom says

  55. Dawn Wells, Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island, died at 82 from complications from Covid 19.

  56. At least he is about to negotiate last spring break, right. But he promised.

  57. Sure- we will return next Monday even if the numbers say 10% positivity.

    I think Mayor Da Lousy and Gov Dumbo are deaf, blind and numb to the ever rising figures. You don't even hear Mulgrew. Is he there???
    It doesn't fit with their mutual agendas of saying keep wearing masks and socially distance and we can fight this BS. The TSA numbers of millions of folks leaving their states for the holiday's doesn't fit with their plans either. The Gov wants a Bills football game and the Mayor want outdoor dining.. Oh, right- outdoor dining under a closed tent. That's safe... A football game with 6500 people-- kinda sounds like a Trump rally. Remember football fans, no shouting at the game!

    New Yorkers are fools if we just keep listening to these "leaders" as we march one by one to the local hospital and see the "No Vacancy" signs..

  58. 11:42: I checked open market. There is a position open at Ralph Mckee Career and Tech. High School in Staten Island, but don't get your hopes up. A lot of those positions stay posted on open market long after they are filled. Good luck though.

  59. Enough with all the bitching on here. It’s disgusting. Let’s protest on 52 Broadway. That caravan idea sounds great. How about tomorrow?

  60. Time to move the school closure 9% infection rate cutoff to 27% infection rate.
    After all, the 9% number was pulled right out of Cuomo's ass.
    De Blasio did the tugging,
    Keep those goalposts moving forward!

  61. Dont bother protesting at 52 Broadway cuz nobody is there,lol.lets go to muldoos house and storm in unmasked.better yet. Bring in the unmasked students!

  62. I got my doc letter to remote.will submit and appeal if it doesnt get approved.hopefully, it will.i am sorry for the people who dont qualify.i heard that many lie and say that they smoke, btw.just sayin...

  63. Thanks 5:26. I know, I don't have much hope.

  64. Seems like these teachers need therapists. That says it all.

  65. Florida population: 21.5 million
    NY population 19.5 million

    % of population 65+
    Florida: 21%
    NY: 16%

    DeSantis: History’s greatest monster
    Cuomo: Emmy award

    Covid deaths:

    New York

  66. They both did a lousy job. Did Cuomo do worse? Okay.

  67. Oregon has 4.2 million people and 1,465 COVID-19 deaths. Should Governor Kate Brown who locked down quite hard get awards?

    Speaking of effective COVID-19 leaders, Jacinda Ardern is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. The population is around 5 million. Total COVID-19 deaths: 25.

    From AP

    New Zealand’s decision to eliminate coronavirus stemmed as much from fear as ambition, the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has revealed, saying there was a point at which she realised the health system simply couldn’t cope with a big outbreak.

    When the virus began hitting Europe early in the year, Ardern said, the only two options countries were considering were herd immunity or flattening the curve. She originally opted for the latter.

    “That’s where we started, because there just simply wasn’t really much of a view that elimination was possible,” she said. But her thinking quickly changed.

    “I remember my chief science adviser bringing me a graph that showed me what flattening the curve would look like for New Zealand. And where our hospital and health capacity was. And the curve wasn’t sitting under that line. So we knew that flattening the curve wasn’t sufficient for us.”

    Ardern said she didn’t worry that elimination might prove impossible, because even if New Zealand didn’t get there, the approach still would have saved lives. “The alternative is to set a lesser goal, and then still misfire.

    And more:

    New Zealand’s response to the virus has been among the most successful, together with actions taken by China, Taiwan and Thailand early on in the pandemic. The country of 5 million has counted just 25 deaths and managed to stamp out the spread of Covid-19, allowing people to return to workplaces, schools and packed sports stadiums without restrictions.

    After border closures and a strict lockdown in March, New Zealand went 102 days without any community spread. But then came the August outbreak in Auckland, which remains unexplained but likely originated abroad.

    “We thought we were through the worst of it. And so it was a real psychological blow for people. And I felt that, too. So it was very, very tough,” Ardern said.

    She said they’d modelled different outbreak scenarios but the one that eventuated “was about the worst that you could even possibly imagine”.

    That was because the outbreak had spread across multiple groups in densely populated areas, she said, and some who caught it had been attending large church gatherings. But after a second lockdown in Auckland, New Zealand again stamped out the disease.

    Ardern said she felt confident about her responses despite sometimes feeling a touch of imposter syndrome in her role as leader.

    “You just have to get on with it. There’s a job to be done,” she said.

    That's a leader. Easily reelected too this fall.

  68. You know who else was easily elected? Ted Wheeler. What does that mean? All anarchy.

  69. De blasio has 2 landslide victories. Happy now?

  70. As of yesterday, the total deaths in the US due to CoVid, reported on World-o-meter, is 350,778. The next highest number of death is Brazil with 193,940.

    Don't these numbers make everyone just a little suspect of what is going on in the US? Being told to wear a mask, stay home, and stay six feet apart is nothing but boondoggle medical advice. This advice comes from the crappy checklist doctors that remind me of the crappy checklist administrators in schools. These people, doctors and administrators, have no idea what they are doing and are just repeating what someone else said or something they read in the papers or social media. Very scary! Also, another similarity between the school system and the medical field: you have to dig deep to find the truth. There is a lot of money and power to be had by lying and perpetuating an illusory sense of purpose and function.

    If a student in my class is on course to fail the class, I am expected to suggest and provide interventions. It is not acceptable for the student to think that he can maintain the same behavior and pass the course. Most teachers I know are willing to pass students who do place effort into their remote work, even if minimal. But, we as Americans, are similar to these failing students in wanting to maintain our lifestyle, and get a vaccine for CoVid; basically get a free pass without changing a thing.

    Americans need to take a little more responsibility for their own lives and perhaps stop relying on the government, experts, pharmaceuticals, checklist doctors for their health. There are things we can be doing to strengthen our immune system. There is a lot of research on successful prophylactic and treatment protocols for CoVid rarely discussed in the US. This research is buried but accessible if you have patience.

    CoVid combined with the disingenuous, self-serving, politicians, medical experts, media and social media should be a wake up call to all of us. We would all benefit by curbing our reliance on these people and make lifestyle choices that will improve our physical and mental health overall. The CoVid vaccine is not going to cure heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, STD's, kidney disease, etc.

    As many of us say to our students, if you want to pass you have to do the work. If we want to live, we have to do the work. There are no free passes in real life.

  71. 8:15 and 8:16, Are you implying that Jacinda Ardern hasn't been successful fighting COVID-19 because deBlasio and Wheeler were reelected so elections don't matter? That's strange after I laid out a very good case on the unbelievable job PM Ardern has done combatting COVID-19.

    Let's take those 25 NZ deaths and multiply by 60 since the USA is about 60X bigger than New Zealand. That would mean about 1,500 total deaths here if we had NZ equivalent deaths. Sadly,we get over twice that number each day in the USA. Our elected officials have failed from both parties.

    Perhaps just better to lie about New Zealand like Trump did. I took that out from the AP article I cited because the virus shouldn't be politicized but constantly is so I have to counter the BS too.

    And there have been plenty of bumps along the way. When a handful of unexplained cases began cropping up in August, Ardern found herself defending wildly exaggerated claims from President Donald Trump, who told crowds at rallies there was a massive resurgence and “It’s over for New Zealand. Everything’s gone.”

    “Was angry the word?” Ardern said, reflecting on Trump’s comments. She said while the new cases were deeply concerning, “to be described in that way was a misrepresentation of New Zealand’s position.”

    You slow an airborne virus with hard lockdowns that people just accept before the virus is all over the place. See Taiwan, Thailand, Australia.

  72. How about Australia?


    Several practical measures contributed to Australia's success, experts say. The country chose to quickly and tightly seal its borders, a step some others, notably in Europe, did not take. Health officials rapidly built up the manpower to track down and isolate outbreaks. And unlike the U.S. approach, all of Australia's states either shut their domestic borders or severely limited movement for interstate and, in some cases, intra­state travelers.

    Perhaps most important, though, leaders from across the ideological spectrum persuaded Australians to take the pandemic seriously early on and prepared them to give up civil liberties they had never lost before, even during two world wars.

    "We told the public: 'This is serious; we want your cooperation,' " said Marylouise McLaws, a Sydney-based epidemiologist at the University of New South Wales and a World Health Organization adviser.

    A lack of partisan rancor increased the effectiveness of the message, McLaws said in an interview.

    The conservative prime minister, Scott Morrison, formed a national cabinet with state leaders — known as premiers — from all parties to coordinate decisions. Political conflict was largely suspended, at least initially, and many Australians saw their politicians working together to avert a health crisis.

  73. Point? Trump is bad? Mulgrew is good? De Blasio is good? Dues are worth it?

  74. Trump bad, Cuomo bad, deBasio bad, Mulgrew bad, union needs change.

  75. There have been outbreaks in many countries, recently and way back. Is that the fault of Trump?

    What do you propose we do?

    "Don't these numbers make everyone just a little suspect of what is going on in the US? Being told to wear a mask, stay home, and stay six feet apart is nothing but boondoggle medical advice. This advice comes from the crappy checklist doctors that remind me of the crappy checklist administrators in schools. These people, doctors and administrators, have no idea what they are doing and are just repeating what someone else said or something they read in the papers or social media. Very scary! Also, another similarity between the school system and the medical field: you have to dig deep to find the truth. There is a lot of money and power to be had by lying and perpetuating an illusory sense of purpose and function."

  76. Countries that have been successful combatting COVID-19 have put aside partisan differences and worked together for everyone's health. I don't know if we are capable of doing that here in the US.

    If you won't even admit, 11:11, that staying socially distant can slow the spread of an airborne virus, it is rather hard to have a conversation.

  77. I admit and agree. I refused to go in to my teaching job, that us why I'm remote. I wear the mask everywhere and hardly go anywhere. Just not sure what you are saying. We should simply wash hands, social distance and wear masks? You said the numbers are suspect.

  78. When did I say numbers were suspect? Even if played with, COVID-19 numbers are catastrophic in the USA. School buildings should be closed during this pandemic until they are safe. That has been my position since March. Unlike Mulgrew, my position has been consistent.

  79. "Don't these numbers make everyone just a little suspect of what is going on in the US? Being told to wear a mask, stay home, and stay six feet apart is nothing but boondoggle medical advice."

  80. Anonymous @11:11, I wrote the 8:41 post.

    I propose we stop expecting the Federal government to save us. As soon as President Trump suggests any kind of prophylaxes or treatment for CoVid, the media and tech super powers in the US, shut him down and demonize the use of the medication even though it has been proven effective. If Trump were to even mention Ivermectin, this medication would suffer the same consequence as the other inexpensive, readily available, commonly used, long established, successful for CoVid recovery, medications.

    We all need to decide for ourselves what to do and what is best for us: read, research, use common sense, lead a healthy life-style, etc. There is plenty of information available about how to be healthy and stay healthy. Stop waiting for "the solution" or the next best pill to solve medical issues that we can prevent, quell or solve if we made better choices regarding our health. Stop relying on the media and social media for news. Stop relying on someone else to save you; that includes the politicians, "medical experts", school leaders, union leaders, etc.

    Sorry James, I know I am off topic. I do wish everyone a happy and healthy 2021!

  81. Look what the Australians were willing to sacrifice for the good of the country’s health. That spirit has not existed in our country since December 7, 1941
    There is no willingness to sacrifice, even for a short term gain. Both parties are too distrustful to even consider that any call for action from the other side is anything else but bad faith. Too bad for us. We really were great once

  82. Can't be great with felons running the streets.

  83. DeSantis is a complete incompetent idiot.

    I live in a rural FL county, our Health Department & Hospital have no way to store the vaccines at the temp they are required. Our Gov is not giving any assistance to help with funds & equipment. Not a single soul here has been offered and they have no idea if we will.

  84. @james ane everyone happy new year!

    Virus was projected to kill 2 million in US.

    1. Cannot compare New Zealand who has 300 plus million people less. I can manage a class of 4 kids way better than 50.
    2. Look at wuhan celebrations, I still find it amazing there is no anger to China, they owe us five trillion easy from negligence.
    4. Vaccine 10 months lol, Biden had millions dead and no vaccine and be best president ever, right

  85. Politicizing the virus as left-right doesn't work. I purposely chose New Zealand which is left leaning and then Australia which has a conservative government to show both sides of the spectrum can do this properly. I am not quite sure how to put in Thailand's government on the left-right continuum. They silenced the opposition so I have little respect for them. Vietnam's government certainly would not qualify as a democracy. However, these countries have had some success fighting the virus.

    Israel's government is no left wing paradise and look how efficiently they are getting out the vaccine compared to us.

    We should stop thinking of this as a red-blue issue. It is a matter of competence. Trump kept downplaying the virus. He never really tried to shut the country down and then encouraged states to open up way too soon. His super spreader events did not help and since he lost the election, he has chosen not to lead on COVID-19 at all. I do give Trump credit for operation warp speed but there is no plan on distribution of vaccines other than to leave it to states. Fauci made mistakes for sure on masks. Cuomo and deBlasio have proven to be completely incompetent. Keeping NY open now is just letting more people get infected. The people in the USA do not trust what the leaders or whichever media they don't agree with say. This has led to a terrible response to COVID-19 which just continues.

    With all of our wealth in this country, to have the most deaths from COVID-19 is a failure of government at all levels. Let's give Biden a chance to see if he can turn it around.

  86. The lead doctors were downplaying this! Trump is not a doctor, I told you research, the WHO director is in cahoots wioth china, been bought and paid, spreading disinformation from get go. Again Trump shut down flights, where Joe Biden would hasve kept them cvoming and Pelosi kept telling people in march come to china town nothing wrong just like idiot Diblasio.

    Maybe if people like Blooomberg gave the 600 million he gives to cheat elections to the American people we would all be fine. It's beyond pathetic the billions that go into elections and people are starving and businesses dying.
    I am so disgusted with this government, to act like this was a covid releif when 700 billion goes oversees is the epitome of how backwards we are in this country. James of course this is politicized for TRump to lose by mainstream fake media followed with Pelosi who admitted she never gave people money because didn't want to give trump a win. I wish this waS NOT political.

  87. I can call out the Democrats. There is no defending the woefully inadequate, incompetent Trump response. Shutting down some travel from China while letting others in and not shutting down travel from Italy until the middle of March was a terrible error. The incompetence continues with the vaccine.


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