Tuesday, December 08, 2020


 I am so glad I am in a union that takes what is in writing seriously. (Sarcasm alert)

The UFT agreed in the middle of October that the DOE would pay half of the retroactive money they owe us for work we did from 2009-11 by no later than October 31, 2020. I got my regular payment in the second half of November and the per session retro came in December. 

As I stated in an earlier posting, for me the late payments are not that big a deal, especially when compared to what others are suffering through, but it shows how totally weak the UFT is when they cannot even compel the City-DOE to keep their word on the date they promise to make a payment by. 

If you pay your parking tickets late, how much interest does the city charge?


  1. They do such a good job you should keep paying dues. You bash them all the time, how ridiculous. You are as ironic as Swalwell.

  2. I got mine too. My daughter laughed when she saw the amount of the check. I think the weakness in the UFT is self-inflicted and (in)actively maintained. Also, it’s complete indifference to its members suffering. I feel very bad for teachers and students that are forced to work in freezing classrooms during a pandemic. Watch the Miser Brothers Christmas song to see Bill and Andy in all their glory. ( Bill is the Snow Miser dancing in freezing classrooms. Andy the hot head is the Heat Miser) https://youtu.be/_SGlPnA_iCk

  3. Yeah, safe. We had to activate isolation room 6 times yesterday for kids that traveled and didn’t quarantine when they came home. Health screening questionnaire - lied. Luckily kids told the truth.

  4. I know this is off topic but I have two questions about applying for accommodation to work from home:

    1) Does anyone know what the turn around time is for receiving a decision?

    2) If admin cannot create a remote assignment for a newly approved remote teacher in their building, has UFT intervened to make something happen or offer another option?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Approval came through. Still need answers on question #2. Can't find additional information anywhere. I'm assuming no second option.

  5. Dot worry, im sure the uft is watching this...

    Mark Treyger
    I’m being told senior DOE officials are speaking with high school leaders today about physically reopening 5 days a week in Feb 2021. When DOE is asked “with what staff?” “Blank stares & silence,” one school leader told me. Looking more and more of a repeat of failed past efforts

  6. Let high schools and middle school return!

    Today's update on the numbers:

    Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,993.

    Of the 194,595 tests reported yesterday, 10,600 were positive (5.44% of total).

    Sadly, there were 95 fatalities.

  7. Got my approval pretty quickly from NYC. Principal has not talked to me about it though. We're closed so I'm not worrying about it for now but.....

  8. I waited hours to get a test in the freezing cold - no I’m not inside a NYC school, I’m in Yonkers. it’s seems just as bad as last March. Schools shouldn’t be opened, in fact I believe everything should be shut down now. If people go out shopping, drinking, etc, it’s going to get much worse. Unfortunately, a lot of folks just don’t take it seriously and don’t mind risking other’s health for their own benefit - including Mulgrew and deBlasio.

  9. Mr. Can you tell me what can I do to pass the class?

    Well, here we go again. A student who has attended 1 class in 4 months. You can go to summer school and re-take the class. Really getting sick of this. I swear, if this continues I'm gonna go to the media.

  10. It’s snowing today in the city which means the thousands of elementary students and teachers are freezing in their classrooms with snow blowing in through the open windows for “covid ventilation”

  11. I guess it is my fault the student has shown up 1 time in 4 months.

    I understand firstly, you sent me the invitation for class late when you sent it to me, you are supposed to help me pass the class and yesterday I was in class

  12. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? Too many issues and no resolution. I am emotionally and physically tired and want out. A few months ago there was talk of a retirement incentive for us older folks. I’ve heard nothing on the matter for months now. Does anyone know the status?

  13. 2:00: What will the media do? Expose grade fraud which they've done a million times over and nothing's changed.

  14. 1:47: But you have idiots like the bar owner in Staten Island who insists on staying open and people giving him lots of money on Gofundme despite the fact that he ran over a cop. Even though it may have been an accident, you still don't extol someone who does that. This guy thinks he's a suffragette.

  15. The ERI wont get you out now, you will have to complete year and take it in summer.

    Cite specific schools, with pictures of reports cards and attendance, will at least be funny.

    Grade fraud. Yup, all over. No shows being told by guidance and AP that they should ask me for makeup work when they didnt do the regular work. It is 12/9. No chance for them. If others teachers pass them, shame on those teachers.

  16. Joe here,

    I've been silent.

    It is pretty comical to watch all those who loathe me complain about the same problems over and over. Every new topic James starts is a negative. Every response is a complaint. I wish you would loathe your employer and union as much as you loathe me. They are the ones destroying you with covid, grade fraud, freezing classrooms, fake testing, abuse and the retro they are holding for 12 years, amongst other things. But don't worry, negotiating spring break pay from last April is next up on Mulgrew's list. It will be as good as the robust covid testing.

  17. Here comes the lawsuit..


  18. Another guidance email

    Student is having problems, has to deal with things, so be flexible with her not attending remote class and with not submitting work.

    Just tell me to pass her with no work and no attendance.

    If I didnt go to high school or college 20 years ago, would I pass?

    How about if i take off next term? Get paid or fired?

  19. Rates are 10% in many places, schools open. Wow. Why pay dues? Why show up?

  20. I don’t forsee good things happening for teachers in the next 5 to 10 years. The time is now if change can be implemented. Read Glass House, by Brian Alexander. Anchor Hoking and its union have some notable similarities to the DOE and the UFT. Maybe everyone that complains should offer a solution. My suggestion, if you want to complain, is to do it publicly, fearlessly and in groups.

  21. And another student now emailing me telling me he didnt know he could get tech from school. So I guess the last 4 months dont count. I will know next term to never teach live.

  22. Want to remind everyone today, a day it snowed and NYC DOE teachers taught with open windows in 40-something degree classrooms, that
    Mayor said in August that teaching with the windows open during the winter wouldn't be an issue due to global warming. UFT is silent, as usual. What school was Mulgrew freezing in today?

  23. Carranza is on FB live right now, all school parents are supposed to be there. 63 on call. Pathetic.

  24. Pay dues? What a lowlife this guy is. Apparently Michael Mulgrew said in the most recent executive board meeting that in person teachers should get some sweatshirts? I’d much rather have a responsive union and a competent mayor.

  25. The early retirement incentive will be brought up as legislation in Albany once they reconvene in January. Following that the governor needs to sign off on it since the city has already submitted a letter in favor of the bill. The original wording of the bill can change many times before it is approved by both houses in the state legislature.

  26. Mulgrew safe at home...

    U.S. records more than 3,000 deaths in a single day for the first time

  27. Today we are at above 8% 7-day positive rate in my home zip code and my school’s zip code. Praying that things get better very soon.

    I just gave in and opted out of the union. ENOUGH.

  28. Lol, sweatshirts!funny!how about we take his shirts and make him come into a cold classroom!haha!what about the new merv filters?how do we know if the school received it?I'm new to my school, dont wanna rock the boat...where is cal in all this mess?

  29. Oh, not sweatshirts, how about brand new ski overalls and parka with matching accessories?

  30. Sweatshirts saying fuck the uft

  31. Can someone tell me if this is an unfair message. Keep in mind, we are at the end of the 2nd MP, I have extremely poor attendance, I am in a Transfer School so all students are 18-22. In addition, I have work being thrown at me weeks and months late, like getting 7 assignments yesterday from 1 person or getting 4 assignments over a 10 minute period yesterday or getting 4 assignments in 7 minutes. Can we not use the pandemic as an excuse? This has been going on for decades. These students were doing the same thing well before March of 2020. Attendance, quality of work, late work and students making their own rules has been an ongoing and unaddressed issue. This is full remote, all they need to do is sign in. All cameras off. Also, please note the first thing I wrote was...

    All students,


    As has been repeatedly stated, you are expected to attend live meetings daily. You are expected to complete assignments on time, as assigned. Both I and the AP have sent reminders about expectations. The class guidelines that were posted in September explained expectations as well. I have sent out several messages stating that you cannot skip class and just "Do the work." You cannot re-hear what I'm speaking about in class. I am speaking so you learn something. Handing in assignments weeks late serves no purpose. The work was not meant to be difficult but written work corresponds with what is being taught at that time.
    We are now entering the 3rd Marking Period. The final grade in January is based on the entire term. Any missing work will turn into a grade of 0. Every assignment has had a due date which many of you ignored. I should not get a five minute assignment 36 days late. Please do not send me assignments after the due date unless you have some sort of special circumstance. You are all young adults and need to take responsibility for your choices.

    I have tried to cover topics that matter in your lives and to your health.

    One or two low grades will not hurt you. A couple of absences will not hurt you. However, any pattern of this behavior will harm your grade.

    Late work will be accepted on a case by case basis.
    Would you no-show work and expect to get paid?
    Would you go to work, not do your work, and keep your job?

    The AP sent the following to students in November...Sounds like a similar message.

    Hello Students,

    It is important that you are signing into your google classrooms everyday. You need to attend the google meetings that your teachers schedule. You need to submit work for each of your classes as the work is assigned. Doing these things gives you the best chance of passing your classes and getting the credit.

    If you receive a grade of NX at the end of a marking period or at the end of the semester, that is basically a grade of an incomplete. An NX grade is not a passing grade. You will not receive credit for the course.

    Please do your part. Participate and produce everyday. That is the only way of ensuring your success


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