Saturday, January 16, 2021


Delegate Assembly meetings usually leave me in a bit of a fog. I normally have a difficult time accepting much of what UFT President Michael Mulgrew says at face value. Wednesday's meeting was no exception as some of what he said on the number of New Yorkers who are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines in NY doesn't stand up to scrutiny but there is also really positive union news on educators being permitted to jump the line and get the COVID-19 vaccination.

From the ICEUFT blog account of the President's Report:

Vaccines: State adapting federal guidelines. 5.1 million in NYS goes to 16.4 million people eligible to receive the vaccine in NYS with 1B. Federal releasing reserves of vaccines. Vaccine should lead to herd immunity. Vaccines will be released in two weeks. Pool of people eligible expanded but we still have a limited supply of vaccines. NYS has 300,000 vaccines. Governor said for unions to set up their own apparatus. Thank God we did it. Biden will get it out faster than two weeks.

Arthur has the same 16.4 million number in his report so I didn't hear it wrong.

Did Mulgrew even think before he spouted out those numbers? Consider this: NYS has a population of about 19.45 million, and a little over 4 million are children who are not eligible for a vaccine because it has not been approved for kids. Therefore by Mulgrew's count, the entire 15+ million adult population of NY plus about another million people are eligible to get a vaccine. Unless they are counting commuters, Mulgrew's numbers don't come close to adding up. If they are counting commuters in who is eligible, then those folks would not show up on their own state's (New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania) eligibility lists. My guess is Mulgrew just heard 16.4 million somewhere and used it without checking so he could placate anybody who has to wait to get a shot because they can't figure out the crazy appointment system and they won't blame the UFT. As someone who is too young to get a vaccine currently (I never thought I would use the words too young and me again in my life), I really resent Mulgrew playing loose with statistics like that. He should be more careful. 

That said, the anti-union folks here who write a nasty comment just about every posting saying that we get nothing for our union dues have been proven wrong again. Mulgrew, NYSUT President Andy Pallotta, and AFT President Randi Weingarten have scored a victory by allowing teachers to jump to the head of the line to get vaccinated before the general public. You think that happens without union advocacy? 

In addition, the government is not distinguishing between pk-12 teachers working in buildings and those working remotely when it comes to getting vaccinated. Remote educators all over are being vaccinated. Some are remote because their students are remote or they are taking care of other people so they do not have any underlying medical condition that makes them more vulnerable to a terrible outcome from COVID-19. Again, I don't see all of these educators being eligible for vaccinations without a strong union push. College teachers are only permitted to receive a vaccine if they are working in person with students. 

The UFT and NYSUT have nothing but a political strategy when it comes to supporting members but give them a little bit of credit when they are successful. As for Mulgrew, he still sees the need to make stuff up. 


  1. What if I said it's not to help us, it is to get us to babysit more quickly. They get something out of this, while they still haven't said a word about spring break pay other than promising they will negotiate it.

    1. 10:09, From Mulgrew Wednesday, take it with a pinch of salt if you like:

      Question: Any sense of when will middle schools and high schools be returning?

      Answer: No. Using large high schools for vaccine distribution. DOE does not have the capacity to do the testing so they can't open up. Just because you take the vaccine, we don't know if you can spread it still. Still need a mask. If we ever get to that, we will need time. We should be open by September. We could open before then.

  2. Why don't they help us with grade fraud? Can no shows pass? I thought we were supposed to give timely feedback. How can I do that if an assignemnt or all assignments ae submitted months late from a no show student? Why even grade it if student must pass anyway?

  3. Hold the UFT to their word. From Mulgrew on Wednesday:

    Question: Student participation uniformly low. The administration is telling us to pass kids who don't deserve it.

    Answer: Law says our professional judgment can't be changed as long as we can back it up. We keep asking DOE to get kids who aren't engaged. All of you can talk about it. UFT asked the DOE to put an outside the school (district and citywide) program and the DOE refused to do it. State law says as long as you can back up why you gave a student a particular grade, nobody can touch it.

  4. Did you read Arthur's last, "Chasing the Vaccine"?

    What exactly did the UFT do to deserve your applause, James?

  5. My wife went through the crazy process too. The point is all of you, whether remote or in person, are eligible for vaccine. The general public including retirees under 65, are not. Do you think teacher eligibility happens without union advocacy? I say no.

    UFT not really responsible for chaotic rollout in my opinion.

  6. Hard to tell if the union had anything to do with it. Sure the unions pushed but there is no cause and effect here. Who doesn't want the teachers bumped up the line? And, what is the impact? Thus far, nothing. How many teachers have been vaccinated in NY? The union sure does like to take credit when things go in the direction they advance, but are never willing to hear critiques when they sell us out. I say they've done more of the latter recently. And most of what they take credit for is just bandwagon jumping. Well, soon I will join the ranks of the retired. Now, that's what UFT is talking about. Yeah, we have good retirement benefits, but the poor saps stuck in classrooms are paying and paying and getting screwed.

  7. I’m getting the f**k out of NYC, ASAP - just like everyone who has that option. The UFT may be slightly helpful with the vaccine, but they have substantially contributed to the decline of the entire quality of life here. They see, hear and speak no evil of anyone. Their indifference is only surpassed by their acquiescence. Legions of functionally illiterate young criminals, who have never been held accountable by their parents or schools, now have their behavior reinforced by the deBlasio administration, its pandering and lack of law and order. There is a reckoning coming for all, the virus is only part of it. Everything is about to get much worse. Wake up.

  8. Look at St Louis. And we can't even get paid for working spring break or get money from 12 years ago. Any more uft compliments, James?

    The contract includes a $1,900 bonus this month and pay raises of 4% starting in March, 3% in 2022 and 3% in 2023.

  9. Lol. He says we can fail them. I get emails from students threatening to go to the chancellor and call 311 if I fail them while the other teachers pass those same no shows.

  10. Any more spin comments and you will be awarded a Dr. of Spin degree from the UFT.

  11. James is right on this one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't see grocery store workers, many of whom are Unionized, getting vaccinated. Forget about the delivery people.

    You folks who follow the comments know I am firmly on the pro-opening side; however it only stands to reason that teachers and any other employee being asked to work in-person should be next in line after over 65's. As long as it's not FORCED, it's good.

    I get 10:09's cynicism, we work for the DOE after all, but what excuse does anyone have not to go to work if you've either been vaccinated (with both doses in the case of Moderna & Pfizer) or had the opportunity to get one? Even in the caretaker scenario, again correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the high risk in either pool 1a or 1b?

  12. More lies from the DOE. The UFT is complicit.

  13. Right, as stated, the city gets something out of us getting vaccinated. The babysitters return, travel to buildings resumes, tolls, bus, train, people buying lunch, etc. The sad part is that students will continue to be absent.

    1. Thing is, isn’t that we want? Don’t we want the world to go back to normal? Vaccinations will allow this. We want things to open. Theatre, sports, restaurants, etc...

  14. James, want to thank the uft again?

    NYC teacher, school secretary added to DOE COVID death toll

    1. Officials said the employees, who died recently, were granted medical accommodations and have not worked in-person since March, when schools first shut down amid the pandemic.

  15. According to the NYPost a teacher and a school secretary from the DOE have died recently from Covid.

    1. "Officials said the employees, who died recently, were granted medical accommodations and have not worked in-person since March, when schools first shut down amid the pandemic."

  16. Yup, back to open buildings, I resign and move out of state.

  17. Can people please stop asking about getting paid for spring break! It took 10 years and they still screwed us on the no-interest retro and people keep whining like we getting this spring break money haha.

    Even if we go back to schools in September, the students in 80% of schools will be so far behind.
    Going to have to teach a 9th grader as if he/she is almost 7th grade. I think they should have a regent's hs diploma which holds more weight and just a normal hs diploma no state tests. I know your kids are James that's great, however, many many inner city schools kids not showing up and barely doing work. Beyond lazy, thank god I am finishing year 19, got to finish year 20 before making decision on future here.

  18. @teachny what if you cannot go on a plane because you didn't want vaccine, what if you can't go to a sports vent or restaurant. That is not going back to normal.

    Insurrection of 8,000 coming to the border because they know weak biden will let them walk in and pay for their health care. Stay tuned.

    1. It will prob be either you have to show proof of a vaccination OR negative Covid test until we reach herd immunity.


  20. I’m getting the f**k out of NYC, ASAP - Go try Florida and see how teaching or getting a vaccine is there.

    What is top salary in NYC and compare it to any other big city even with high living expenses. How's your health care plan compared to others?
    And so many remote teachers are managing to jump ahead of those going in.
    Complaints about missing spring vacation pay while not even having to go to work. Whining, whining, whining. Go try a right to work state and see how not having a union works out.

    1. Whining whining whiners who have zero tolerance for others. Some folks are blinded by hubris. Sheesh

  21. Mulgrew said spring break would be negotiated as soon as arbitration opened. The school year is now half over.

  22. Arbitration being suspended is by DOE-UFT agreement. The UFT I believe could end that. They choose not to.

  23. 10:29,
    Who’s whining? I’m retired and don’t have to put up with any shit from anyone anymore, and that includes Mulgrew, deBlasio and Cuomo. I got a place in Florida and it beats NYC by a mile. I’m in the process of selling my apartment. Everything is open in Florida; no state income tax, no crime like here because everyone is packing, the weather is better and the cost of living is better. I pay property taxes of 17,000 a year here and 1700 year for the same size place in Florida. As for touting the UFT don’t get me started. Randi Weingarten and Bloomberg destroyed my career and had me traveling around to one shithole after another for ten years. I never passed my students just for showing up, I never let my students away with any disrespect and I always fought the good fight. The UFT has ensured those actions are punished. I hope the UFT implodes with the DOE. NYC is F**KED.

  24. Ok, James. You say we need a union.
    They are intentionally not helping us with last during break.

    1. @1158...not just James--many others say that we need a union.

    2. And they can't negotiate that? And James said they are choosing not to? Ok, glad I'm not paying for that type of representation.

  25. Mulgrew stated that he has a signed agreement stating that we can get paid or attempt to get paid for the 7 days. So go get it. Should I just forfeit that money? I'm sure glad all the rest of you are paying dues so I dont have to waste money waiting for this guy to take action. Just get it done. Should this be hanging over our heads forever?

    1. I’d be totally ok with more days added to our CAR bank. Easy solution.

  26. Hey Anon 2323– should have been more concerned about the thousands on the caravan of buses along with airlines— that pulled into Washington DC on Jan, 5 and 6–that were to take away your Constitution and Democracy—so I wouldn’t sweat things over at the border.

  27. When w4s chirps about "zero tolerance for others," we have definitely slipped into an alternate reality

  28. As soon as the UFT sent out the email saying they had matched me with a vaccine location, I clicked on the link and had an appointment for the first shot the same day.

  29. James,
    Could you kindly email me about or explain arbitration statement. I just did an arbitration a week and a half ago. Would like more clarification

    As an aside, the Independent arbiter asked doe about her recent wedding, the holidays, etc. So much for neutrality.
    Much appreciated

    1. Hey-3:12, My understanding is grievance process is suspended. If it is back on, please let me know. That would not include 3020a hearings which are covered by state law.

  30. For the longest time teachers were not considered essential. We were teaching remotely for 3 months. Nurses, doctors, EMT, etc. were obviously front line essential. Grocery workers were even included. Someone thing moved us ahead. The union was vocal about that. Did they have an influence? Impossible to say but they did and we are getting vaccines. I'll acknowledge that.

    To teachers saying they will quit. If you are a veteran teacher good luck finding a job with benefits, pension and salary that is secure in this climate. To young teachers I recommend making that move after you found a viable option.

    To those retired like 11:45. When my 10.5 years are up I'll be right behind you. NYC, my home, is a disaster. This was 8 years of DiBlasio not just covid related.

    You have a choice...either get the vaccine or don't. Choose not to you run the risk of getting the virus. That's your choice.

  31. 1:33 pm Feel me on this:

    I'd be totally ok with being treated professionally and honestly. We should get
    paid at time and a half for the seven days at the same rate we are paid for the rest of the year. There should be accrued interest on the delayed payment time. WE SHOULD NOT BE PAID AT
    PER SESSION RATE. Anything less than time and a half, is to accept for an abusive labor practice. There would be no moral hazard for their abuse.

    1:33 pm, You have the mindset of servility to anti-labor advocates.
    Maybe you should work as a tutor for a uberwealthy family. You could then tutor their snotty spoiled kids and I venture to say that you will feel fulfilled.

  32. Just got an email from a no show saying he has evidence that I failed him for no reason. He says I'm a horrible person and he's going to Carranza and he won't let me ruin his life. He also thanked the other teachers for passing him while he doesn't attend. Who's fault is this? What did I do? What shall i do?

    1. You should research the decisions of the Commissioner of Education to find any which indicate that a student’s grade must be reflective of academic performance.

      Here is an interesting Commissioner’s decision:

      There are some comments in it relating to student grades:

      “A board of education may adopt a policy establishing minimum attendance requirements to receive academic credit.”

      “ Although such policies may not impose academic sanctions for misbehavior unrelated to academic achievement, a policy that factors class participation into a student's grade may result in denial of course credit where the student has not earned passing grades.”

  33. Why time and a half?why not regular rate of pay??also. They gave us 4 car days for part of the break.that they owe us only for the remaining days.i might be fine with car days, but when you leave, you only get half.we WERE paid while working.mayve they can use as floating holiday...I agree diblasio and cuomo are turdd.he made us work cuz the kids would be idle.yet now. There was a long pause/shutdown.i worry more about the criminals he released to terrorize our neighborgoods.looks like his shutdown and rejection of trump vaccine was to tank economy and blame suddenly he wants the vaccine and opens things when the pandemic is far worse cuz trump is gone.OR, if I am wrong, he backpedaled, realizing he was sinking us too much and should have taken responsibility and admitted his errors.he is smug, arrogant, and crooked.but desantis and ducey ducked up their states as well.they are all liars and are flying blind.that is why I do not have trust in the vaccine.what else are they hiding or are wrong about.i say, stay home, mask when u cant, and take it slow.i have zero social life now, but I am alive and we have smart phones to zoom everything, can order things, we have jobs, and a way to hibernate and stay safe.i am grateful indeed despite the injustices I mentioned.stress kills, so let's try to stay calm and focused and find the deeper lessons we need to caring about others as well as self;examining priorities;more family time;patience, gratitude, slowing down, etc. If we get screwed out of a few days,we still got paid, many lost jobs, life savings, and life.we are ok.focus on the positive and what we have.that is my plan, peace everyone and have a relaxing and meaningful day off.

  34. Mario,

    Spit in the face of the kid. And then send the story to the NY Post.

  35. 7 days equal 14 car days. They owe us 10.

  36. @5:52
    When you forced to work on your religious holiday, then you absolutely deserve
    time and a half. I am appalled by the ignorance of many teachers on labor issues together their low financial expectations and low self esteem. Many of you accept being treated like a disposable dish towels.

  37. Mario should file a complaint. 10 more car days sounds fair. Although, it may take a long time to get anything.

    1. Yes I know many teachers that could use the CAR days...they have nine after maternity. Would help a lot of moms to get those days back.

  38. James,
    UFT took my grievance to arbitration following an Article 78 which ended in my favor. The Arbitration process was held on January 6, just eleven days ago.
    UFT felt that I had a good case for lost per session monies.
    My initial grievance for the aforementioned monies was denied in November,2019.
    Hadn't heard a word since then from UFT. Indeed, when I was contacted this past Christmas break, I was unaware that UFT was even interested in pursuing the matter further.
    Like I said, this all took place at warp speed in the past three weeks.

  39. How 14?how many days was vacay?forgot.we got 4 car.i dont recall 14 working days off..I was thinking they owe like 3 days.

    1. Duh. It is half a day for each day. Would need 14 to equal 7.

  40. 5:35: Take that with a grain of salt. First of all any emails to Carranza about grades just are referred to the school principal. Also, just because he is saying his other teachers are passing him doesn't mean they actually are. He may just be saying that to guilt you. Stick to your guns. If one teacher refuses to pass him for not doing any work that's better than every teacher passing him. He may at least learn a little something about accountability, but it's still the teachers and not the admins that attribute to the fraudulent graduation rate.

  41. My husband just got the vaccine from the VA. He's 80, but the VA might be an option for any veterans. It was also easy to sign up.

  42. I'm 535. No, they are passing him. They said so. And said I should also because no shows can do the work. He is set to graduate in 2 weeks.

  43. @5:52
    When you forced to work on your religious holiday, then you absolutely deserve
    time and a half. I am appalled by the ignorance of many teachers on labor issues together their low financial expectations and low self esteem. Many of you accept being treated like a disposable dish towels.

  44. I have already put up a huge fight about grades. I'm the only one. Thats why I'm being threatened. So you are saying I should stop the kid from graduating? I know I'm right, but right doesn't matter. I have no directive. The expectation is that they can no show and pass. The other teachers have submitted.

  45. The kid obviously isn't ready to graduate if he is a no show. It's all about a question of integrity. Bottom line is it's your decision. You will have to live with it.

  46. He is passing his other classes.

  47. Based on these, I am correct. Also, I am right because it is common sense. The student couldn't have done the work if he missed 100% of instruction. If you can self teach everything, we should all be fired.
    “A board of education may adopt a policy establishing minimum attendance requirements to receive academic credit.”

    “ Although such policies may not impose academic sanctions for misbehavior unrelated to academic achievement, a policy that factors class participation into a student's grade may result in denial of course credit where the student has not earned passing grades.”


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