Monday, January 04, 2021


 UFT President Michael Mulgrew on protecting school communities

“It’s a real problem when the state and city use different measures to determine the rate of coronavirus infection. Given the fact that all the other communities in the state use the state methodology, New York City should adopt it also.

Using that state measure, if the community infection rate in the city hits 9 percent, the safe thing to do is to close the schools, even if the in-school rate is lower. Safety comes first — as shown by the fact that hundreds of our elementary schools and classrooms are closed temporarily every day because the virus has been detected. That is how we have stopped the spread of the virus inside our schools.

The real answer for New York is making the vaccine immediately available to all school personnel. We can’t let bureaucratic snarls and procedural delays endanger the safety of students, school staff and their families.”




  1. Teachers will be vaccinated in the next few weeks as per the mayor. If you are not willing to be vaccinated there will be a rally on January 10 at 10 am at Columbus circle. The city only need 75% of population to have herd immunity.

  2. I don't even think the vaccine has been tested on children so there isn't going to be herd immunity any time soon.

  3. They cant even get everyone tested in the schools on a weekly basis. So how the fuck are they going to get us vaccinated. Heres a good one. They come in my school to test us today. A teacher went to get tested and got refused. The testers said that have a list and he wasnt on it. They have their twenty percent and that was it. Twenty percent is the minimum and if more people want to get tested then they shouldnt be refused. This system is messed up.



  6. What schools did mulgrew, sill, arundell and hinds visit today?

  7. "If elected I will never let test scores be part of the evaluation"
    Change to: "Test scores are an important aspect of our evaluation"

    "We won't step one foot into the schools until 100% has been tested..."
    Change that to: Everyone go into the schools and in a couple of weeks we'll start testing 20% randomly...

    What the "strike" threat was really about: Mayor didn't have supplies of PPE as promised and needed to save face. So he got his bestie Mulgrew to get him out of it.

    "We'll shut down every school when the NYC positivity rate hits 3%"
    Changed that to 9%; now change that again that to let's not shut down schools even though the positivity rate is above 9% since the schools are "safe". This doesn't look good, so let's change how we determine positivity rate.

    As Mulgrew continues to play games, staff and students continue to get infected; asymptomatic students bring the virus home to infect their families.

    How many times have we've heard that a student's grandparent(s) have died?
    How many times have we've heard that a student's parent(s) have died?
    How many staff members or members of their families have died?

    Mulgrew's plan: open all schools 5 days a week; everyone returns and vaccines are mandated. If people die, so what? It is costing our city money so best to thin the herd, right?

    Thanks Mulgrew, you always look out for your bestie and yourself.


  9. What does Danielson say on this,

    Does a teacher get an ineffective in APPR if they're dead from covid, uft?

  10. It doesn’t matter if you stay home or go to work. This virus is going to constantly mutate. It was developed in a lab as a biological weapon. It was released as a joint venture to control the populace. The only way to avoid it is by hard borders, constant tracking and no international travel for the foreseeable future. It will completely undermine personal freedom, privacy and democracy. I believe we may be wearing masks and socially distancing for the rest of lives. Our cell phones are our leashes.

    1. The AP, National Geographic, Business Insider, Forbes, many other reputable news organization, and scientists have debunked the virus was made in a lab theory. We will go with AP. If you want to follow up, please cite your source.

      CLAIM: COVID-19 is a man-made virus intentionally manufactured in a lab and released to the public.

      AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Scientists say the molecular structure of SARS-CoV-2 rules out the possibility that the virus was created in a lab.

      THE FACTS: A draft study associated with a group founded by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is giving new life to social media claims that the coronavirus was manufactured intentionally in a Chinese lab.

      The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, was released Monday by Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan and three colleagues. It claims to show evidence the virus did not originate in nature.

      The four authors list their affiliation as the Rule of Law Society, a group founded by Bannon that says its mission is to expose corruption, obstruction, illegality, brutality, false imprisonment, excessive sentencing, harassment, and inhumanity pervasive in the political, legal, business and financial systems of China.” It is not a scientific organization.

  11. Any idea if or when middle schools will open.

  12. Test and trace suggests you download an app so when u are near someone who tested pos, you are alerted.gimme a break!this is to keep tabs on you. If you watch Plandemic, you will hear from Judy Mikovitz re crooked, evil Fauci and a whole lot more about viral research.the gain of function was ordered to be stopped in this country.yet, it continued with Americans and Chinese anyway in China.gain of function is how to make viruses more deadly.the question is. If there was no evil intent, why were they doing the research??and why was Bill Gates, a microsoft geek. Ie not a scientist involved??can we be sure that they are not using the vaccine to track us, considering these things?why were people silenced for speaking out?(including judy and the dead scientist early on, and if i recall, another scientist).remember Tuskeegee, remember Agent Orange, and be suspicious of those bearing "gifts."

  13. I had my first Covid19 test at school.

    The test doesn't go deep at all. I question if you'll get any positives from this kind of test unless if the subject is so sick they likely wouldn't be in school!!!

  14. Nicely done. Here is a list of governors who preside over states with higher death-per-million rates than FL's Ron DeSantis, whom the media have anointed Public Enemy #1:
    1. Murphy (D)
    2. Cuomo (D)
    3. Baker (R)
    4. Raimondo (D)
    5. Lamont (D)
    6. Burgum (R)
    7. Noem (R)
    8. Reeves (R)

  15. They purposely only put it barely in your nose to get a negative result. Same thing happened to me until I dropped inside the school (not in NYC). They have to leave it ten seconds turning it all the way up your nostril; then five seconds in the other nostril. If you feel a lot of discomfort then they did it right.

  16. 7:25pm
    Here you go from NYC Educator blog in response to what happened to the teacher in your school.
    "We need everyone to continue to report testing issues. They have made changes, but we need quick turnaround and real random testing. In order to get it all done, they can't just test a whole school. They will test 20% and leave, and they can't test only adults. Governor said if school district reaches 9% it's up to them to close. UFT says we have to close at 9%. This could be a fight if we get there."

    They refuse to test people and tout schools are safe. What a mess. When will we find this information out?! I don't see the mayor saying anything about refusing people to get tested in schools.

  17. If you are called to be tested, please video the entire testing. Ask for the person's name and organization that is doing the testing, ask how you were randomly selected; ask for the specific name of the test as well.

    Let's expose as much of this fraudulent biasing of the statistics as possible!

  18. DOE testing is a joke. Nothing like the other tests I had outside of school. It wasn't mildly uncomfortable, nothing. Swab probably still showing cotton to onlookers entire time it was being used.

  19. We will soon be forced back into buildings. All of us. Mayor said 30% are refusing vaccine. They will tell us to get vaccine, it is safe, go back into buildings, or quit.

  20. LATEST: A third of health workers in the New York City public hospital system declined COVID-19 vaccines, Mayor Bill de Blasio says.

  21. Safe?


    New: In a message to principals, @DOEChancellor says mandatory COVID qurantine time for NYC schools has changed from 14 to 10 days effective Jan 3, based on CDC + DOH guidance. Bldgs closed for 2 unlinked COVID cases will close for 10 days now vs. 14.

  22. I'm so glad we have this mayor and the uft dues looking after us.

    Just in from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: "We need to impose a full lockdown immediately."

  23. Aren't the results in the schools a little skewed, since kids who are showing any symptoms would be refused entry into the school anyway? Obviously the positivity rate would be low if everyone tested is asymptomatic.

  24. I trust mulgrew to do this, dont you?
    New York Post
    NYPD, large unions should administer COVID-19 vaccine themselves, Cuomo says

  25. Parents hate carranza too.

  26. Safe for who?

    Health Dept. reports an alarming jump in coronavirus cases on S.I.; deaths, hospitalizations rise
    Updated 3:24 PM

  27. Anyone else looking forward to the concessions that will be littered throughout our next contract?

  28. And if we refuse?

    UFT President Mulgrew is pushing to make the COVID vaccine available as soon as possible to all members who want it. The union will be setting up its own vaccine distribution program for members.

  29. 5:57: There should be no concessions. The doe has plenty of money to burn.

  30. The NYC DOE reports 345 new COVID infections -- 137 students, 208 school staff -- on Monday, Jan. 4. The most ever.

  31. 5:57 The UFT under no circumstances should be the first union at the table for the next round of contracts. This union has already demonstrated the unwillingness to stand firm during negotiations and has set terrible patterns for the other city unions. We are better off getting on line, and accept the pattern that stronger unions with a backbone will gain.

  32. 11:09am-Thank you for that information. Just read it now. We are not asking them to test only adults but there has to be a certain percentage of us in the sample. They dont want to test us because it will make their numbers look bad if any us have it and also they dont give a shit about us. And fuck milldew for the next contract. We should vote him out and if that doesnt work flood his office with emails telling him we dont want him to work on our contract. Now is the time to plan a sickout. Fuck them.

  33. How many if you have students who did not turn in consent forms? My district 7 5 school has several. How does the office get away with this?

  34. Mulgrew in charge, nice work. Dues well spent.

    APPR--Conversations on teacher evaluation has started. There is an agreement that there must be a MOSL. We will simplify as much as possible and move forward.

  35. The only way to possibly vote Unity out is if only one caucus runs against them. The last time 5 other groups ran against Unity spreading out the votes too much. One group has to solidly go out and campaign against Unity starting yesterday. It's still a shot in the dark, but it's the only chance.

  36. Individual achievement is no longer valued. How sad.

  37. The UFT is also on board with elementary schools being open since testing has ramped up so significantly. Expect lots of temporary closures as testing turns up multiple cases in classrooms and schools.

    Comfortable paying for this? I'm not.

  38. What a worthless union. Should I feel safer?

    The state’s infection rate is the only rate that matters right now. The New York State numbers are the ones that will decide if our schools remain open, and should be the numbers we are focusing on.

  39. Our union is dead. Union leaders are thriving however. Membership rights have been dead for awhile but members are still in the denial stage of grief. I went through the whole grieving process. There’s a a peace in acceptance. Why would I rely on cowards to revive my dead union? Most nyc teachers are cowards who would jump in front of a train if their principal told them to. That’s my view of reality so I use the corrupt system to my advantage as best I can to benefit me. I’m not sticking my neck out for people who refuse to raise a fist no matter how badly they are abused. My principal knows who the weak ones are. They are the ones abused regularly. My principal has no desire to challenge the few in my building who will put up a knock down drag out fight. We’re not worth the trouble when she has so many others to pick on.That’s the doe way. Bullies rule but those willing and able to punch the bully are never bullied. Bully principal or a bully kid, the rule is the same. If you want to stop a bully you’ve got to be willing to roll around on the floor and get some bruises. If you want to bully a person with a backbone, you’ve also got to be willing to roll around and get bruised. I learned this bully lesson as a kid and I’ve applied it throughout my entire career with the doe. The simple rule works every time. Each new principal had to learn who they could and could not fuck with. James has hope that nyc teachers will one day wake up and no longer be cowards. I don’t have that hope. Bravery is a muscle. If you haven’t used it for most of your life it’s atrophied and useless.


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