Friday, January 08, 2021


This is from the NYSUT (state teacher union) Weekly Leader Briefing:

Updates on the pandemic

Because of NYSUT's advocacy, the governor said Friday that education workers who want the vaccine will be able to register starting Monday as part of phase 1b. The union has updated its fact sheets on the vaccine.

After the governor outlined new COVID-19 guidance this week, NYSUT and AFT said, “We have a moral duty to follow the science on reopening schools—that’s why New York schools should immediately go to remote learning if positivity rates exceed 9 percent.”


  1. And if I refuse?
    When are buildings reopening?

    1. Buildings are open... that's the problem!

  2. PS 19 in Woodlawn, the Bronx is open. The neighborhood is over 18%, as are the bordering areas. I expect idiocy from the DOE, but the UFT is ok with this? The young untenured teachers are all going in because they fear loss of income more than death.

  3. Great! How do we sign up?

  4. People are acting they’re going to grow ten arms out their head if they get this vaccine. I don’t know what the problem is. Follow the advice of your doctor. Get it, or don’t get it. The choice is yours. It might be difficult to do things without the vaccine (travel, fly, attend a concert, etc...but who cares?). Sick of hearing people whine about it.

  5. Great how do we sign up?

  6. At least we figured out the grading issue. NOT.

    The boy’s mother, Margaret Tomasi, told The Post that her son never enrolled at Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill HS; he’s an honor student at Xaverian HS. But she found it impossible to reach any administrators to correct the mix-up.

    The school put the kid on its missing-student list despite failing to connect with the family. That led to a home visit by Administration for Children’s Services caseworkers investigating “suspected child abuse” thanks to a referral from Cobble Hill administrators. (ACS closed the case after Xaverian officials set them straight.)


    NYC DOE school ordered abuse probe, issued report cards for boy who wasn’t a student there
    But the DOE comedy of errors doesn’t end. The school had sent the family two report cards giving the lad identical incomplete-but-passing grades. In comments, an algebra teacher even cited his progress in three areas — a bogus personal assessment for a phantom student. A gym teacher gave him the highest grade “ME” for “exceeding standards” — when gyms and playgrounds were closed. The “Mindfulness” instructor helpfully noted, “Frequently does not submit course work.”

    The DOE’s grading policy during the pandemic doesn’t allow for any attendance requirement, bans F’s and encourages teachers to use canned “assessment” language. Tomasi could have moved up the next grade without ever having attended school.


  8. Where is the link to sign up for the vaccine ?

    Will this be another retro deal or working spring break deal. Will this be a UFT TOP SECRET deal ?

    Will Mulgrew announce it on the news ... or is this like Danielson. Yet another hurry up and wait.

  9. SO THERE IS BASICALLY NO SPREAD IN SCHOOLS...THEN WHY ARE THEY PUSHING TEACHERS TO VACCINATE????cuz it is an admission of the strong risk without out rightly acknowledging it directly.

  10. In the Post, there is an investigation of the principal of Cobble Hill school in Brooklyn for grade fraud. This was the school with the phantom student they gave 2 report cards to who never attended the school and was enrolled at a Parochial school. Also in the article it states he was assigned a guidance counselor who had left the school in June but was never replaced. Also she somehow got rid of 34 of her teachers who leaked information on grade fraud about her. Yet, this school is probably being given high marks. Obviously this will go nowhere. Whatever happened to the grade fraud investigation of Maspeth H.S.?

  11. Vaccine appointments appear to be available NOW. I just made an appointment for next week using the website. It seemed too easy, but there you go.

  12. Staten Island has no appointments.

  13. There have been some adverse issues with vaccine

  14. NO Amy, there is data stating that people are having adverse reactions to the vaccine (; and even though this percentage of life-threatening side-effects may be very small (the common minor side effects are about 1 in 10); is it worth anyone's life just to reopen schools in which barely any students will be attending anyway?

    Of much greater concern to me is that you may only receive the 1st dose and then the 2nd dose will be delayed beyond the 3 weeks. They are also considering administrating a half-dose. This tactic is dangerous - aside from people with only one dose possibly becoming infected after the 3 weeks, it could lead to a variant that adapts to the vaccine and we are back to square one.

    But whatever, let's just open all the schools and those who die, die.
    When I catch this I will spit my last breath at you and Mulgrew.


  16. Still nothing in Staten Island. I guess if I cant get an appointment, I cant go back to a building. Well done, uft.

  17. 10:09, Free ferry to Manhattan, from there you have access to many vaccine locations. But hey, if you're not willing to expend minimal effort to protect yourself from a deadly virus, then sure, stay home.

  18. Well, no appointments. Now what?

  19. Mulgrew just saud uft members will be contacted to schedule via uft. If I opted out, I guess I must wait. See you in september.

  20. @4:21- the post also had an expose last year on this school after the interium principal- foremly the ap was recorded telling a teacher to basically just pass a kid

  21. Nah. No openings in Manhattan either. Would need one right near ferry. I guess I'll wait.

  22. I'm in SI too, been checking since yesterday. NEVER any appointments. Why should i go on a wild goose chase?

  23. I guess we finally figured out value of uft. To get us to get back into buildings faster to babysit. Yeah, I'll stay home, I will return in September. Sorry, they've screwed me enough times.

  24. I have been searching for appointments wherever I can get one but to no avail there is NOTHING available. I see that some of you are having the same problem. Why can't we get the vaccines distributed in our buildings for all the teachers that want one? Why is everything so difficult when it comes to our field (except for free grades and no merit for the students)?

    The gross amount of incompetence from top-down is despicable and unacceptable on all fronts. The CoVid Rules constantly change, the teaching rules constantly change, and the students/parents have all the leverage.

    I don't know how I am going to survive 19 years and 10 months more of this profession.

  25. Moose, then they would need qualified people in every building to make the injections. Yes,it would make sense. Or have local school buildings distribute so people can just walk a couple blocks, only for teachers. Everyone lives near a school.

  26. I see 1 in manhttan 8 miles from ferry. Not making that walk. Not taking train.

  27. I'm not enrolled in Epic. They say you have to be an existing member to sign up. I have Empire/Emblem health GHI City Employees of NY. Anybody able to make a vaccine appointment with this ?

  28. Been trying various sites for hours.
    Unbelievably ridiculous application forms and then
    No appointments anywhere for next 3 mos!
    A complete and total shit show.


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