Monday, March 15, 2021


This is from Jennifer Jennings on Twitter.

Why am I reading these statistics on Twitter and not seeing it coming from the UFT leadership? The Union is supposed to be looking out for the kids as well as our members. Children are not eligible to be vaccinated. Are we so sure it is wise to send them into school buildings?

I want the world, the USA, and NY to vaccinate our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic but we are not close to accomplishing that as of now. We have to address troubling data. We can't just ignore it and hope it goes away.

Some reaction on Twitter from Reality Based Educator and Wrecka.


  1. Janella Hinds--discusses resolution against anti-Asian actions. UFT stands against bias, discrimination and hatefulness and this is a reaffirmation of where we stand.

    While never mentioning who is doing most of it. I wonder why.

  2. If I may, I would like to quote Sonny from A BRONX TALE: "Nobody cares".

  3. It's not obvious to me, from this graph, that school attendance is particularly related to the infections, though. Kids aren't safe from getting infected nor from spreading it within their households, but (from other studies) it seems like schools aren't particularly spreading the infection. Do you have countervailing data on that? (Please, have countervailing data on that. "Schools aren't spreader sites is not the claim I prefer to be true; it kind of looks like it is, though?)

  4. There is not only the troubling evidence of the increase of children with Covid—but what about a Covid vaccine for students under 18. Will parents feel comfortable sending their children back to in-school learning. In addition, the nation wide numbers of just under 2000 deaths –is still too high —along with hospiitalizations.

    But there also plenty of reports of uncertainty about the new variants that are creating havoc in several European countries—and have resulted in the resumption of lockdowns.So why not just stay focused on quickly vaccinating as many as possible before Memorial Day—instead of this crazy notion of letting down safeguards with suggestions of going from 6 ft to 3 ft, in classrooms, full 100% opening of all business in Texas, the downplay of wearing masks etc. —that could create major problems over the next few months.

    How about giving the scientists a little more time to study the scientific data—so that the CDC can make informed responsible guidelines on how vaccinated people can go forward.

  5. NYT: We might owe a COVID-19 lockdown apology to Florida after all

  6. Don’t look for the UFT for guidance, support or validation. They are only there to collect money. That’s it, no more and no less. If you want some kind of change, you are going to have to make it. That means protests, withholding dues and demanding change. The Weather is getting nice, I’m up for a big protest march on 52 Broadway anytime - not that there’s anyone there. That alone tells you what the UFT is; safety for them but not for you.

  7. Between 12/7 and 2/25, 44,634 elementary school staff were working in-person.
    Of those, 6204 tested positive (according to @NYCMayor Sit Room data).
    13%, or 1 in 8 school staff tested positive.
    Which news outlet is going to tell this story?

  8. Mr. Eterno, and fellow teachers, thank you for your attention.

    March 14th saw the lowest USA positive-test total since 9/28/20. Hospitalized corona patients, which numberd near 150,000 in the US after Christmas, have fallen OVER 70% despite all of your fear-mongering about variants. Again, they have fallen over 70%, DESPITE easing restrictions, despite cold weather, despite the superbowl, despite the number of people who have become fed up with mask wearing and staying home. Variants didn't "just appear." They've been here since the fall for sure. And yet, the virus is receding here in America. Period. The SCIENCE PROVES it. It's amazing how many people here are champoions of science, only to abandon it when the numbers don't suit their narrative. No one argues against protecting those with serious underlying conditions, and no one, myself included, is denying that there is a potentially harmful virus out there for some. I just want you people out there in bubble-wrap land to acknowledge that there are MANY dangerous things in this world of equal peril, but we don't shut it all down for them, do we? Where were you all in the winter of 2017-2018? 80,000 Americans died in just over a SEASON from one virus! What I can't stand is the fact that you people on this blog more and more often sound like you want to hide forever from a bug you CANNOT hide from. It's a virus in nature. It's not going to quit from playing hide and seek. All viruses run their course, unfortunately. You sound to me like you would want us closed next flu season, and I'm frankly embarrassed by some in my profession. I'm not talking about 70-years old plus teachers, nor am I talking about diabetics. But enough of the "hiding" and "lockdown" mentality already. The number one cause of death is life. It's time to open the schools. And, Mr.Eterno, the number of American who have received one dose (and more studies are showing these people are protected even after does one, not from infection but from serious illness) has topped 100,000,000! That's almost a third of the entire country! That is AMAZING news! People were mocking the idea that we would have a vaccine this swiftly LESSTHAN A YEAR AGO. And Americans are being vaccinated at a clip now of over 2 million PER DAY! But I come to see this blog and you would think it was April of 2020 here. Again, the vaccine doesn't stop infection. It stops serious illness, and according to one new study, seems to be helping many people with cases of "long covid." Deaths from covid are PLUMMETING------DESPITE THE SPREAD. And if you haven't noticed, cases are declining nationwide. I read doom and gloom here a few weeks ago and commented, and yet cases of serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths ALL continue to PLUMMET.


  9. More damning is the silence of the UFT regarding the large number of educators that died from COVID last March and April. This is the anniversary of this tragedy which in many cases could have been and should have been avoided.

    The UFT is silent with no plans for a memorial for our dead co-workers.

    The UFT leadership is cruel and downright mean.

    Judge the UFT by what they do and what they do not do. Ignore their fake statements and propaganda.

  10. I hope, I truly do, that COVID is on the decline for good but 535,000 deaths in the US from COVID is real and was avoidable. We had over 7,000 new cases in NY and another 65 deaths yesterday. Those numbers are not acceptable and many deaths could have been prevented had we come together and done hard lockdowns when it first spread. Variants are on the rise. Keeping us apart gives the virus less people to attack. I am no scientist but I know this is no run of the mill virus. We should keep our guard up until it is beaten. We shouldn't let up now even if we may very well be vaccinating our way out. Shouldn't the UFT be concerned about the rise in cases among children in NYC? That was the point of the posting.

  11. No comment on Cuomo either from UFT.

  12. 11.5% fully vaccinated in US.

  13. 11:29,,,there is so much manipulation of numbers to suit political agendas of our so called is really hard at times to separate fact from fiction.every time the numbers go down and we open,it gets worse. Despite qualifying to stay home,I opted to go in until I we had several cases and I had to quarantine.many d75 kids dont mask.if they did,I would go back to work now.if it is so safe to sit all day with the unmasked, then why are the trs,uft, doe, and other leaders still home???they are all able to mask and reminds me of Chicken Run and Antz movies!Nancy Pelosi wants to be guarded but care nothing about releasing criminals on the streets or covid positives flooding our border.i am so disillusioned and feeling hopeless.Phizer exec hasn't taken his own vaccine.whaf does that say??I know people who died of covid who were not elderly.I WOULD LOVE TO GO BACK BUT SAFELY! That means masks,distance,ventilation.opening a window during frigid weather is not ventilation.maybe we do need better remote learning.
    You say we are doing well?our positivity rate is almost 7% in nyc. It would be worse if we were all back as if there is no issue.btw, supposedly, next go around,when the vaccinated will be exposed to covid,they will be at a much greater risk of severe diseas.and also,now that cases will be milder or asymptomatic yet still transmissible,you can be off guard and get sick unless you still mask and avoid what was the point of vaccinations.btw,they are gene therapy,NOT LEGALLY VACCINES.YOU ARE A BUNCH OF LAB RATS and I really pray that all the cautions were over reactions.God save us from our corrupt leaders who have a sinister agenda.

  14. Nothing matters except Randi, Mulgrew, Biden, Harris, Democrats running NYS and NYC all want schools open. If only you had someone in the whitehouse they all wanted to be disagreeable with....then and only then would ny dems agree with you. It’s over. Trump lost. The dems don’t need you anymore. They no longer need to pretend they want schools closed. Time to go to classrooms to earn that paycheck. Also time to embrace all the COVID positive illegals coming to a city near you. You got what you wanted. Stop whining.

  15. NO PANACEA: we are told a vaccinated NYC area teacher is symptomatic with Covid brought home by his children. This could be because full protection didn’t kick in, it’s a resistant variant, or he’s one of the unlucky 5%. But it happens.

  16. The reopen-school crowd advocating risk for Ts is largely afraid to go back to their office jobs for the same: fear of catching #Covid.

    But it’s all good 4 them to advocate for someone else taking risk.

    “Risk for thee but not for me!” ought to be their motto #Covid_19

  17. Mulgrew has certainly not challenged DeBlasio enough. Just why is he so afraid of this lame schmuck Mayor? Plus, there has been so much unreliable Covid school data and testing since September. What does Mulgrew think about possibly going from 6 feet to 3 feet in the NYC classroom—in March? Are NYC parents confident enough to have their children back in schools at this point? It would be great if there was also a vaccine for children under 18–especially with data showing the increasing Covid infection among their age group.

    Also, 535,000 Covid deaths? Dr Fauci had said many times last year that he believed that the actual number of nation wide deaths was probably anywhere from 10 to 20 percent higher. You can’t say there is still fear mongering when many of the scientists are still concerned with the current variants in Europe and South Africa —with Texas and other parts of the country going full speed ahead with 100% reopening—with less than 12% of this country fully vaccinated. It’s encouraging that Covid numbers have declined—but still a way to go and no time to drop the safety rails.

    In addition, with the increasing number of vaccine rollouts, the weird thing is that there are reports of polls indicating 50% of Republicans do not plan to take the vaccine —up from 44% last week. But it could be another story—just like Donald Trump —that many are taking the vaccines in private any way—and are not just being honest. Does Fox News have anything to do with casting doubt with vaccinations with many of their viewers for political reasons?

  18. If is still okay for Eva Moskowitz to keep her Charters closed —and keep full remote—how is that still possible?

  19. If this is, as the description says, a graph of cumulative infections, it's not actually that alarming. Of course it's increasing, because it's showing the total number of infections up to that date, so the number can only increase, never decrease. The slope is roughly constant, meaning the rate of infection hasn't changed much over the time period shown in the graph. Obviously we don't want any children getting COVID, but this graph is not showing some huge increase in kids getting sick or anything like that.

  20. The principle at my school just said he will return on 3/22!

    What a leader!

  21. "Regents exams in Algebra I, English, living environment, and earth science — required under federal rules — will be administered this June."

    Biden insisted to have those exams.

    Biden is harsher than Trump.

  22. Another important news:
    NYC schools could get $4.5 billion in federal aid. The big question is how to spend it.
    The money can be used until 2024.

  23. Do teachers or uftsolidarity care about females in nyc?

    Mayor Bill de Blasio
    New York must END the criminalization of sex workers.

    I’m calling on the State to end criminal penalties for sex workers. Let's put our focus on the actual criminals — traffickers and those who profit off a broken system.

  24. Well at least Moderna is currently performing clinical trials for vaccines on children. They could be ready to administer by summer.
    It would br great if people of all ages are fully vaccinated by the Fall.

  25. The sugar pill can work too. Politicizing drug treatments is beyond strange. Most of us would take something that has been proven safe and effective through FDA testing. They do follow science I believe.

    As for the chart, the first point shows four months worth of data. The rest are for 2.5 months. That rise should ring alarm bells. Young people are showing more cases.

  26. "Politicizing drug treatments is beyond strange. Most of us would take something that has been proven safe and effective through FDA testing. They do follow science I believe."

    Except for hydroxychloroquine, which was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955?

  27. Cut the nonsense.

    This is from the National Institutes of Health:

    National Institutes of Health clinical trial evaluating the safety and effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has formally concluded that the drug provides no clinical benefit to hospitalized patients. Though found not to cause harm, early findings in June when the trial was stopped indicated that the drug was not improving outcomes in COVID-19 patients.

  28. More from NIH:

    At day 14, those who received hydroxychloroquine and those who received a placebo had a similar health status, with most participants in both groups discharged from the hospital and able to perform a range of activities. The number of participants in both treatment groups who died at day 14 was also similar. At day 28, 25 of 241 patients in the hydroxychloroquine group and 25 of 236 patients in the placebo group had died.

    “The finding that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for the treatment of COVID-19 was consistent across patient subgroups and for all evaluated outcomes, including clinical status, mortality, organ failures, duration of oxygen use, and hospital length of stay,” said Wesley Self, M.D., M.P.H., emergency medicine physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and PETAL Clinical Trials Network investigator who led the ORCHID trial. He also noted that the finding was consistent with similar trials in the United Kingdom and Brazil.

  29. Orangeman fans don't believe in scientific studies. That is a real problem.

  30. NIH, CDC, WHO all corrupted by political hacks. Citing them doesn't mean shit to me. In fact I'll do the opposite of what they recommend on covid.

  31. So here's a guy who experience seems to have taught not to trust the DOE and UFT, yet worships at the altar of federal and global hacks. Go figure.

  32. Hey 6:25 —I have a carton of cigarettes to offer you.

  33. If there are teachers who can't accept scientific data on the effectiveness of a possible remedy, we really can't have much of a dialog. Really saddens me.

    1. Teachers who are afraid to go back into the classroom u be put on unpaid leave. Period. Stop whining you bunch of crazy lazy babies. I am a teacher one year from retirement and I’m not afraid of doing my job in person. I don’t want to hear any more about “heroic” teachers. The pajama brigade is not heroic. I guess it’s ok for grocery store clerks to go into work but not us. Shameful.

  34. There are several teachers at my school out on medical accommodations who attend social events, go to the gym, and air travel. The cherry on top is that they post pictures on social media! They see nothing wrong with what they are doing!

  35. NIH, CDC, WHO are all staffed by people, you know like us UFT members. Are these employees speaking out like the UFT is about issues? Nah, crickets. So, either we should trust the scientist who have families just like UFT members, or buy into a huge conspiracy.

    If these so called cures worked, wouldn't these scientist, friends of them and family rush out and buy the miracle pills? Wouldn't this be picked up by traditional or non traditional media?

    I get it, you don't trust the government. Perhaps we should reflect on the quality of what you are interpreting as factual. Should you trust these, what shall we call them, alternate quasi science diy bloggers?

    Again, why has science become political. You studied the scientific method in school, you may even teach it. Science has no room for thoughts, feelings, and whims. It's factual, follows a system that will yield repeatable results.

  36. To put your mind at ease James... I am one of those teachers that don’t trust the scientists who are really just bureaucrats with medical degrees. I’m not sure they’re being truthful but I’m taking my chances and got the vaccine yesterday. Some of you have been led to believe we’re “orangeman fans” who are brainless. Well Orangeman has never been against the vaccine so if we blindly followed the Orangeman we would be pro vaccine. As a reminder, it was the left msm and Kamala Harris who instilled fear of the vaccine not the Orangeman. Some of that fear still lingers so who’s more likely to have listened to Harris and left media fear mongering, Orangeman fans or msnbc/cnn liberals? Harris cast doubt on the vaccine, not the Orangeman. Btw... y’all read how WaPo lied about Orangeman? The same lie repeated over and over by cnn etc...They fessed up yesterday. Who’s really the blind follower? How many of you believed that story and the Russia hoax bc ya know Orangeman bad thinking caused by TDS. Orangeman can be a narcissistic douchebag and still be better than Grayman, WitchCackle Woman and DyedBlond Woman.

  37. It is Republicans according to polls which even with a huge margin for error are stunning.

    There is ample public evidence that DOE plays with numbers for political reasons. Where is your evidence that NIH and FDA are fudging numbers in a huge way?

  38. I assume everyone in bed with politicians is a scumbag until I’m proven wrong. They haven’t proven me wrong yet. That’s the only evidence I need. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Trust them all you want. I don’t and probably never will. My gut instinct has worked for me thus far.

  39. Tell me how disgraceful we are when DOE and UFT offices are fully open. Until then, shut up. We want to stay safe and healthy.

    1. Then take an unpaid leave of absence scaredy cat.

  40. This was a PLANdemic. Been saying this for over a year the WHO is corrupt and in China's pocket, they bought and paid for that shitn head director. Then they fed disinformation. Why would people who actually uave critical thinking and not listening to mainstream force a vaccine on them. Harris also scared me she said never trust or take a vaccine from trump admin. Would never in a. million years trust slime scum bag Bill Gates, when he is involved.

    Hydroxchlorquine saved my aunts life. Dems screamed murder when Trumo mentioned it.

  41. UFT offices are open. I have been to two borough offices (Queens and Bronx) since September and both are seeing members. ??? Not sure why this comment about UFT being closed keeps being repeated over and over.

  42. Teachers’ Retirement System offices are still closed to visitors, but TRS is finding other ways to serve its members during the pandemic.

    For example, you can schedule a 30-minute video call with a TRS representative using Zoom. Visit the TRS website and click on the icon to make an appointment.


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