Wednesday, April 14, 2021


This is from the Chicago Teachers Union, more than a little different from what the UFT Delegate Assembly will be like this afternoon. We will try to live blog.

Chicago Teachers Union

Our remote action is on as voted by the Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates on Sunday. All “Wave 3” CTU members are expected to work remotely starting tomorrow morning, which includes all high school teachers, PSRPs, clinicians and other members who have been working remotely until this week.

Wednesday is the first day of the remote work action. We hope to land an agreement with CPS soon, but if we can't, we will continue the work action on Thursday.

Our union’s decision to act has had an impact at the bargaining table, but we must keep up the pressure.

Work your regular schedule. If you are not able to swipe or enter telework, send an email to your principal or manager to document your work for the day. Let your admin know when you start and end your day that you are working remotely. and that you are available for your regular duties. There is some sample language and helpful advice at

The mayor and her CPS team may have admin try to scare you out of standing together by threatening your pay, like they did to other members earlier this year. But if you teach, enter data, submit lesson plans, work on IEPs or contribute any labor the district accepts, that is acknowledgement that you are working. To withhold pay is wage theft.

Bargaining update

We continue seeking more progress in four key areas: accommodations for medically vulnerable families or those with acute child care issues, modified high school schedules, remote work that minimizes the possibility of virus transmission and vaccination programs for eligible high school students and their family members. Our updated bargaining chart contains a draft summary of the main issues at the bargaining table.

Remember, remain working remotely until you hear otherwise from the Union. If anyone is issued formal discipline or locked out of their classroom account as punishment for working remotely, please quickly notify your delegate or the CTU field representative and organizer for your school.

Solidarity means strength at the table

We have some crucial issues to work out for the safety and health of our students, and for your most vulnerable colleagues and their families. We will stay at the bargaining table as long as it takes. Your unity will make CPS listen. Stay the course, stay united and have each other’s backs.

We will provide additional updates via text and/or email later in the day.

In safety and solidarity,

Chicago Teachers Union

Update Thursday from CTU Twitter

BREAKING: We have a tentative framework with CPS for a return to in-person instruction for high school students. The CTU House of Delegates is holding a special meeting today at 4:30 p.m. to review and consider the recommendation from our rank-and-file h.s. steering committee.


  1. perhaps uft dues are a waste after reading that.

  2. I love the Chicago teachers union. So strong, so united. Amazing how we are told we must come in to save our jobs. So safe, go teach in my building Mulgrew.


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