Monday, April 26, 2021


If the UFT won't ask for member opinions on reopening schools safely, a group called Educators of NYC will. This is a group to watch. They are tech-savvy and rank and file oriented. 

I urge everyone not to just complain about Michael Mulgrew or Unity Caucus or us but to take the EONYC survey and then have all your friends complete it too. 

EONYC held a recent forum on the mayor's race that my wife Camille was a panelist on.

The current survey should help guide the discussion for the next Educators of NYC Zoom event coming up on the evening of May 11 which will be on school reopening in the fall.

This Zoom event will be taking place one day before the UFT Delegate Assembly. At the DA, there will be little, or more likely no, open discussion on reopening schools but teachers should have a say in what the fall will look like. If the Union doesn't do its job properly, we should step up and do it. Hopefully, the EONYC survey and forum will take off and feature a good sample size and then a real discussion so educators and parents can start to empower themselves. 

Click here to take the EONYC survey:

Click here to sign up for the May 11, 7:00 PM Zoom event which will feature representatives from the various UFT caucuses and others. 

We can make a difference when we get involved. 

Please no cynical it won't make a difference type comments. I have a cautiously optimistic feeling about what this group is trying to do. Please give their "Seee you in September" forum and survey a chance. 


  1. Meisha sent an email. She spoke about tons of funding. Never mentioned spring break pay or double teachers choice to make up for none this year.

  2. Dont buy anything.simple

  3. Unless you want to own it of course...

  4. What a gig this is! Keep it coming Meisha!

  5. Meisha. Just another useless fool of a chancellor. Nothing new. But didn’t this one throw herself an elaborate party with a tiara or crown? Dumber than the others I suppose but just as useless.

  6. This job is such a racket

  7. I wanna teach in person. I've had my Vax. Whats the issue?

  8. How does every other person with a job in the country go back to their job except teachers who can still wear masks and be 6ft away from kids and vaccinated? Grocery store workers that are 2 feet between hundreds of people per day? Every retail job? Restaurant workers? But teachers want to keep up this entitled behavior? Not seeing how that's still possible. When it's only you, you're wrong.

  9. How about the 61% of parents who still keep their kids remote in NYC?


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