Saturday, April 17, 2021


There is a special Delegate Assembly on Monday afternoon to endorse a UFT candidate for mayor. Everyone guesses the UFT will endorse Scott Stringer with some believing Maya Wiley has a chance to be second. Is this the right decision? Is the UFT top-down endorsement process fair?

If you are looking for a real discussion on the mayor's race and the Union's involvement, you will most likely be out of luck at the DA as it will more than likely be tightly controlled by Mulgrew. I predict a very long Michael Mulgrew filibuster where he will tout his chosen  candidate(s) as greater than FDR and JFK combined and then the hand picked Unity Delegates will be called on to agree with everything that Mulgrew says.  A dissident just might get to speak for 2 minutes but don't expect more than a token opportunity for someone to voice opposition to Mulgrew's chosen candidate(s).

For a complete discussion of the UFT's political endorsement process, join Daniel Alicea's Educators of NYC on Sunday evening on Zoom. Daniel is bringing together representatives of a number of groups within the UFT, including ICEUFT for this forum. My wife Camille will be representing our caucus. I will certainly be on the Zoom.

To register, go here.


  1. As long as they don't endorse Yang.

  2. Get ready for plenty of confusion on primary voting day as the voters are supposed to pick in order— their preference of 5 candidates —
    to eliminate a runoff in the event no one gets 50% of the vote.

  3. If they want to endorse a winner, then they should endorse Eric Adams. He is this year's "Joe Biden." The person who has the resume to win in NYC in this current environment. However, the UFT doesn't have a good record with their political endorsements. So, I don't think they will.

  4. Cuomo remains in office, therefore we should bring back Weiner. If Wiener hadn’t stepped down, we wouldn’t have had 12 years of deBlasio! It’s enough to make every New Yorker cry. Nobody cares who Mulgrew endorses - most teachers disregard him entirely as a liar and an oppportunist.

  5. Lol. Typical. Perfect for uft.

  6. Did arbitration open yet? Schools are open. Another week of my life wasted. Dues payers should expect better service.

  7. If a NYC politician’s kid(s) get into a G&T program or screened public school through proper channels no one should have a problem with that. At least these politicians’ kids are in public schools and they know the system. They are New York City parents doing their job. The ones who did run-arounds (some politicians, DOE officials and administrators do that) should not have a job and should not run for public office.

    **I just want to say I went to all the UFT mayor events and listened to everyone. Was it perfect, no. But could you figure out who was a moron and/or self-serving and/or would be terrible and/or I wouldn’t vote for them no matter what— then the answer is yes. Some were so awful I assume these people have always failed upward. I hated a few and some should learn how to speak in sentences. Two had no name recognition but I hope they will because I thought that seemed interesting for the future.

    People who thought Yang shouldn’t be in the final four event are delusional. He has the highest name recognition and let me say he did himself no favors during that grouping (or the original). He came off terribly and I will never vote for him. He would be terrible for education and for NYC. The other three came off much better for education (even if I don’t like their past education policies)- I’m not talking other policies because education was the major focus.

    I know who my pick is and I hope the UFT choses wisely. When the UFT didn’t pick someone during an election against Bloomberg the UFT political person said at the UFT DA that the percent wouldn’t change the election— well Bloomberg won with a smaller percent than what the now fired, problematic UFT person said.

  8. I don’t think most teachers are honest when they use terms like good for education or bad for education. What teachers really mean is good or bad for them. Keeping schools closed was not good for education. Focusing on ideology instead of core subjects is not good for education. Allowing miscreants to rule the school because we need to “understand and respect their feelings” as we check our privilege effectively denying an education to good kids is not good for education. Giving parents choice is good for their children’s education. Black Minds Matter. I think parents are starting to see that they need something different than the nyc doe status quo for their children. I’m now in favor of vouchers and charters. It may hurt me as a UFT teacher but it’s better for education. Bring on the hate. Once you’ve had kids tell you to suck their dick all day long and then be rewarded with Chinese food ordered and paid for by AP so no one tells him to suck their dick, nothing offends me anymore.

  9. If you read the prior post on how the school choice movement is trying to destroy public schools, you are a huge hypocrite 12:22. I suggest you take a job in one of Eva's Success Academy.

    The kids I guess can see your negative attitude toward them. That is why they tell you to suck their you know whats.

  10. Hey Anno 1:05, If I hear the phrase, "Check our privilege" one more time I think I am gonna puke. And if you are such a fan of charter schools, you should go work in one. The fact is that working for the DOE is a job, plain and simple. I care about my working conditions and thats it. Do your time as best as you can and retire as a happy person. Social warrior teachers all seem to burn out after a few years anyway and then move on to something else.

  11. Whoever the UFT supports to become the next Mayor,Comptroller,Council Members etc—come January1– good luck and best wishes to these elected officials in meeting the needs of its residents and fulfilling the contracts of its city workers because the challenges of this city have never been greater—during these pandemic times. Just hope the city can truly rebound by some time next year —because federal financial aid to the states will unfortunately not go on forever.

  12. 142. It’s 105. I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I’m not married to this job either. You’re honest about only caring about your working conditions. I can relate. I’m no sjw. I guess my comment is against the idea that public schools and its teachers are morally superior and everything they advocate for is good for kids and good for education when some of their bullshit actually is anti kid and anti education. The UFT should stay out of all matters that have nothing to do with pay, benefits and working conditions. Cheers to your eventual retirement and happy life.

  13. NYC mayoral candidate: Dianne Morales is promoting herself as an Antisemite, claiming Israel is an 'apartheid state,' and criticizing her trip to Israel, complements of a Jewish organization, as a 'propaganda trip’.

    1. 8:25.. Being critical of the state of Israel does not make a person an anti semite. And Dianne is correct. Israel is an apartheid state.

  14. Is Curtis Sliwa still a candidate? Maybe he be elected and renew his ongoing risible with Al Sharpton. It would make great news entertainment —-Canarsie Boy vs. Brownsville Boy.

  15. Is Curtis Sliwa still a candidate? Maybe he be elected and renew his ongoing riivalry with Al Sharpton. It would make great news entertainment —-Canarsie Boy vs. Brownsville Boy.

  16. The antisemitism of Dianne Morales is not a problem for the antisemites leading the UFT.

    They are of the same ilk and it would not be surprising if the UFT supports Dianne Morales
    in unity with her antisemitism. The UFT has an antisemitism problem.

    Case #1, the Marxist antisemitsm of Karl Marx:

    Teachers’ Union Head Rips Jews in Interview on School Reopening
    Union leader Randi Weingarten criticized Jews as "part of the ownership class" dedicated to denying opportunities to others in an interview released on Friday.

    Weingarten—who is herself Jewish and draws a six-figure salary as head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)—took aim at American Jews in an interview with the Jerusalem Post. When asked about parents critical of the AFT's resistance to school reopening, Weingarten took aim squarely at Jewish critics.

    "American Jews are now part of the ownership class," Weingarten said. "Jews were immigrants from somewhere else. And they needed the right to have public education. And they needed power to have enough income and wealth for their families that they could put their kids through college and their kids could do better than they have done."

    "What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it," she said.

    Weingarten's comments come after months of political conflict about whether to reopen school system as vaccinations ramp up and the coronavirus crisis recedes.

    A major Jewish advocacy group ripped Weingarten for being "inaccurate and dangerous" in her generalizations about the Jewish community. StandWithUs, a pro-Israel advocacy organization, said the union boss was "out of touch" with the experience of Jewish students and came close to trafficking in anti-Semitism.

    "As a non-partisan Israel education organization, StandWithUs takes no position on the debate over when schools should reopen," Roz Rothstein, cofounder and CEO of StandWithUs, said. "We work with many Jewish students and parents in Los Angeles and are extremely disappointed by Randi Weingarten's inaccurate and dangerous generalizations about our community.

    Case #2: The UFT resolved to support the Black Lives Matter Organization.

    The Black Lives Matter Organizations is a Marxist, anti family, heterophobic, anti-Asian and anti-Semitic organization that neither speaks for the majority of the Black community in this country, nor in any way, shape or form, represents their best interests.

    The UFT has an a deep-rooted antisemitism problem

    1. 727.. What a word salad! are you writing from 1930s Germany? This is the language that was used to target unions and Communists, just without using anti-semitism as a shield to justify doing it.

  17. Go Stringer Go. Anyone and everyone should be pushing for Stringer who is a real friend to teachers and education in general. Stringer is good for NYC as he is a real New Yorker not some outside influence such as Yang and his Bloomberg like ideology. Everyone should be shouting STRINGER STRINGER

  18. @8:25 You are wrong.

    Most of the criticism of Israel is expressed through outright anti-semitic tropes and the use extreme double standards. Often double standards are included in the anti-semitic criticism of Israel and are concealed in pseudo -intellectual language. Almost always the criticism of Israel and Zionism is one sided, biased and filled with ignorance.
    Rarely, is the criticism of Israel anything less that concealed anti-semitism.

    So @8:25 , You are flat out wrong. And you alone can answer to yourself about your biases.
    Just look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.

    My hunch is that you are really an anti-semite, since your immediate reflex response is to defend the ignorant hatred of the Jewish state of Israel. Jewish lives matter. Israeli lives matter, unless you are an anti-semite and you want to support terrorism against Jews.

  19. @9:18 The word salad was made by Randi Weingarten's. It is her anti-semitism.

  20. 9:12 Since you are so smart why don't you explain to all of us what an "apartheid state" is. Have you ever been there to speak? Do you truly understand all that takes place there? Do you know who serves in the political arena know as the "Kennesset"? If you knew these simple answers you would understand how mislead people are by the ridiculous propaganda out there. As a teacher you really should educate yourself before presenting here your shortsightedness of the intricate situation that exists. I suppose that the UAE, Egypt, Jordan.....and others don't seem to understand either. It's sad that the Palestinians are held hostage to the terrorist organizations that steal the monies meant for their welfare.

  21. Stringer is in a good position to win. He is our best option.
    The UFT should endorse him asap and get people out like CUNY has.

  22. With all the funding...spring break pay?

  23. Lol at mayor talking about fraud grad rate. More funding to get flushed down the toilet.

  24. @10:32

    Arbitration for spring break will open up only after Covid 19 and all of its variants are fully eradicated. Don't hold your breath waiting for the UFT to make good on going to arbitration for spring break pay. You might as well opt out if you want to get paid.

  25. 1044, I already did opt out. But Mulgrew promised...That is why i opted out. More of the same. Some of you will never learn.

  26. Mayoral question?

    The 11 states with the highest unemployment rates are all run by Democrat Governors:
    California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.

  27. Anti Semitics and defenders of communist China who think they should teach their morality to other people’s children have infested the UFT. NYC needs a mayor who doesn’t agree with them.


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