Sunday, April 25, 2021


The UFT's five-point plan for restarting schools falls woefully short in the area of reducing class sizes. The Union is only calling for a "reduction in class sizes in 100 of the city's neediest schools." 

With the Campaign for Fiscal Equity money finally starting to be allocated in the New York State budget, federal money coming, the City Council now proposing more funding, and the mayor claiming that school budgets will receive 100% Fair Student Funding, the NYC Department of Education has no excuse left not to lower class sizes across the board. Class size reductions are needed in every school, not just the neediest 100 as the UFT is calling for or even the 10,000 classes that parents are proposing. 

From Class Size Matters, we have printed below the average class sizes the Department of Education was supposed to adhere to from the 2006 Campaign for Fiscal Equity settlement that the DOE has never even attempted to get to and always had excuses for not even trying. They were supposed to reach these goals by 2011. Ten years later, it's about time to finally lower class sizes.

Here is what Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC said the other day on lowering class sizes:

The City Council in its preliminary budget response proposes that $250 million be spent on reducing class size next year, targeted first in struggling schools with particularly vulnerable students.

Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC strongly support this proposal, as the first step in a four- or five-year plan to lower class size citywide. The federal government is allocating about $7 billion over the next two years via the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) funds and the America Cares Rescue Act (ACRA) to help NYC schools reopen safely and with the support students will need to recover from the pandemic and more than a year of remote or blended learning.

In addition, our schools are also due to receive about $520 million in additional state Foundation Aid to NYC schools, increasing to about $1.3 billion over the next three years, to fulfill one of the goals of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity lawsuit. In that case, the state’s highest court concluded that NYC students were denied their constitutional right to a sound basic education, in part because their class sizes were too large. 

$250 million could pay for the salaries of about 2,500 new teachers, which could reduce class size in as many as 10,000 classrooms – as adding a new class with a new teacher lowers class size for all the other students in a school in the same grade or subject. In addition, we support the Council’s proposal to spend $110 million to pay for at least one full-time school counselor and one full-time social worker in every public school.

Our schools and our kids have waited long enough. There is no austerity as we attempt to recover from the ongoing COVID pandemic. Each school is going to receive 100% Fair Student Funding. I have never seen schools not start the year without a cut. This upcoming school year looks like it will be different. The mayor stated this last week:

For the 2021-22 academic year, 100% of “Fair Student Funding” (FSF) will be available for all city public schools, according to the mayor.

“Fair student funding means more money directly into classrooms serving our students. We know what this funding means: higher graduation rates, lower dropout rates and more students getting into college,” Mayor de Blasio said Monday.

The money is there to lower class size now, hire needed guidance counselors and social workers, and yes to pay UFTers for working last year's spring break. The UFT needs to step up and its members have the responsibility to tell the leadership that the time is now to put money into the classroom and not administrator slush funds.


  1. We are never getting paid for last spring break. People should have just re-posted what the doe gave us. I did not teach or grade anything last spring break 2020. I didn’t even do love teaching that week. Each day, I scheduled the nonsense the doe had posted on their website and I never graded it.

    Here is what people need to remember: Make the doe work for you. You smile, nod in agreement and play the game and then enjoy your life!

    This whole system is a game. Either play the game or be played.

  2. The plan is student centered. Why? This shift to children first, student centered . . . the obsession with the kids . . . is a pedagogical one that we can debate, but I don't like the fact that the UFT has "drunk the Kool-Aid" on this and that a Union, a organization that represents workers, has little to say about the people it represents. Does the Five Point Plan address the most important issue facing our workers--the ATR? Yes, folks this is the most important issue and Stringer, our recently endorsed mayor candidate knows this because 72% of the Citywide Savings Program (CSP) is funded by "reducing the absent teacher reserve (ATR) pool by permanently placing teachers in schools and other personal services savings accounting for $39 million of the $54 million in efficiency initiatives savings."

    BTW, the also did some fancy accounting tricks with our Pension funding and TDA that put those plans at greater risk.

    Mulgrew is all about the numbers and the money, so Stringer is his man. And I agree we need Stringer, but looking at the money, we have leverage still after Federal and State windfall, and any infrastructure monies that will flow into education when and if that passes.

    Now is the time to push for the ERI with no give backs and no compromises.

    We need to gear up and get ready to negotiate a better contract with better raises.

    That's the bottom line.
    All else is children and students first.

    It's time to get ours.

    Put teachers first. We are a Union of teachers not students.

  3. How about getting us teachers choice and spring break pay with that money.

  4. Fair student funding is a ridiculous accounting scheme that should be ended immediately. It creates a unique budget for each individual school instead of a centralized budget. This was a Klein/Bloomberg initiative and an extremely clever one at that. It completely stops the hiring of experienced teachers because of their higher salaries - worse it puts a target on veteran staff. This has never been adequately addressed by Michael Mulgrew, even when his staff members such as Janella Hines have tried to do so. Just because this accounting scheme is now being funded at the 100% level doesn’t make it less of an outrage. Additionally, there is a tremendous amount of redundancy in that 95% of large schools have been broken up and there are now armies of unnecessary APs and principals occurring tremendous extra costs unnecessarily. Again, not a word of complaint from the UFT. The DOE has to be the most top-heavy organization of its kind in the country.

  5. Their 5 points are fake (propaganda).

    Actually this is the actual 5 points to understand UFT collaboration with the DOE:

    1) Unity is a one way street.
    2) Teacher harassment using weaponized observations is a symptom of enforcement in a repressive organization.
    3) Systemic teacher inadequacy is the "common core" at the center of a delusional conspiracy theory.
    4) New racists pose as anti-racists.
    5) Double standards are justified for the greater good of promoting corporate privatization.

  6. I dont really get what is on th ed link about tda.but in any case, I thought mulgrew isnt in that business.there is a designated person.treasurer or whatever to manage tda. I keep asking how can we make muldoo go away???at least diblasio is out by Jan which cant come soon enough...and I hope his successor isnt worse.

  7. Remember you have until June to stop paying dues for next year. If they're not going to negotiate our Spring Break Pay, you can at least get that money back by not paying dues anymore.

  8. This should have been the first initiative in the Renewal schools program. Anyway administrators are going to pull that the UFT allows for up to 34 students per class and that they will only have the smaller classes if they are able to accommodate that. You know all the tricks administrators pull.

  9. Admins are only following orders and/or working the system too, just like us.
    They don't have a great deal either. Look at how they pushed back, better than the teachers and the UFT during the recent madness.
    It's the money and it's the money.
    So, while the person who keeps saying pay me my money, the Retro, the Spring Break, and pull your dues is tiresome, that person is spot on.

    And we need to focus on this because ain't nothing else gonna unify us enough to make things better for all of us.

    The Pensions and the TDA are major leverage for our people at the top of our union.

    WTF, you guys call yourself New Yorkers and you act like you don't know this.

    Maybe you should take up good mob movies and give up this blog for a while.

    Corruption and money, Baby, this is the Bog Apple, rotten to the fucking core.

    Stand up for you self or be a bitch.

  10. KEEP DREAMING: There will NEVER be a reduction in class size in NYC. The current class size numbers were negotiated in the 1960's and will remain the same forever. It sucks but it is true.

  11. I finally did it. After reading all the complaints, after weighing it, after seeing Mulgrew still ignoring last spring break and continuing to make excuses even while schools are open, seeing no improvement to working conditions, I finally opted out. No dues as of July 1.

  12. How many times now have you dropped out, about a Hundred?

  13. 4:51 it matters not whether you “worked” during spring break, many of us did. And you miss the larger point. We worked (however you choose to define it) a certain number of hours that we don’t normally work. If they told you to work Sunday would you say “ oh I didn’t work that hard stop complaining”? Or summer? Where does it end. ItS a larger point about letting the doe walk all over us and to a lesser degree but still important the uft not bringing it up and fighting for it. If you aren’t outraged by it you aren’t paying attention. Will it end the world? No. But it is important.

  14. Furloughed city workers got paid. I worked spring break and got nothing.

    BTW, this isn't spring break pay guy-

  15. Muldoo wont be there forever.but if everyone drops out we have no union.remember why we need unions.many people sacrificed so that we have what they didnt.granted,there is injustice. Instead of focusing on a few days of missing pay(while many people are on the food lines, lost bigtime,put themselves at risk etc),look at the bigger picture over the years.Dont take what we do have for granted!yes there are wrongs to fight and fight we should.but if a union disintegrates it will be holy hell.there will be no one to fight for you.ok So even if we got screwed for spring break,we still got our check and we got car days.not perfect but look at the very big pic and what other places do not have. We should work together to change things, not by just dropping out.what I find wrong is people not paying dues still benefitting from those who do. That is selfish.i keep asking what to do but no answers.

  16. dear Anonymous YOU ARE RIGHT MANY PEOPLE SACRIFICED to get the the things you have I am retired started in 1968 went on strike more than once, fought for better health coverage, class size, pay raises TDA, Pensions, and most of all protection from crazy principals, I watched you throw it away without a whimper NO step 2 grievances, ATRs instead of seniority placement. inability to grieve a letter in your file. THOSE WERE HARD EARNED AND YOU THREW IT ALL AWAY don't be surprised that you work without pay. MORE losses to come

  17. It would behoove the UFT to fight for fewer students in a class because that would lead to more teachers and more money for the UFT.

    Another bone of contention is per-session. My principal "gives" his friends tens of thousands in per-session. The total gifted,(not total overall as some is legit), on per-session could hire 10 new teachers. It must be much more than this in larger schools.

    The waste in the NYC DOE is astronomical. It would be great to have someone to oversee how each school spends it's money. On second thought, that would just mean more corrupt people overseeing other corrupt people.

  18. Yes 10:05.glad u said it! And used to be no preps... how did we get to this point??back then uft was representing the members.think Al Shanker.the big issue is that the leadership no longer represents the members.what is your suggestion?opting out will only serve to further weaken...while muldoo reminds me of the greedyLorax hiding in his Lurkim...while taking a 300k salary.i feel like I am the Lorax asking how to stop this before nobody has anything left?

  19. Furthermore, how did we throw it all away when it was OUR LEADERSHIP that sold us out.i assume that perhaps you mean that we ratified these things.i did not vote in favor of those awful contracts.lousy muldoo and stinky Randi did this.Lying Randi told us she was going to Albany where she would have a greater ability to fight for us.look at her.a lying sap sucker crock of shit.another least the lorax saved the seed.i ask my class if the lorax saved the seed for someone,why didnt he plant it himself? How long will it take before we worked for nothing? And where are the other caucuses? how can we do better?not only are we digging our own grave.we are hurting people who went on strike and really suffered back in the days.

  20. Thank you 10:05. Agree with you 100%.
    6:13. How many times have you mocked someone instead of intelligently proving they are wrong. My guess is tens of thousands. It’s what those who cannot win an argument on its merits do. Sad. Now go copy and paste the Unity Party line to prove your point.

  21. 627,

    It’s been a year. No spring break 2020 pay is coming. The doe gave us those four days. Nothing more is coming.

    Most people I know didn’t even log in that week. We all posted stuff beforehand and basically checked our emails every now and again.

    I did not do live classes. Basically, I want that money, but it’s not happening.

    Heck, I’m to the point in this school year where I’m really not working and getting a full salary.

    In June, especially the lat two weeks, in person kids will be in the yard most of the day and remote kids will be watching movies. This year, once they can’t observe after June 11th, the year is over. The last two weeks will be free time and full salary.

    I’m not saying what happened spring break 2020 is right(it’s not), but cut corners where you can. It’s the doe

    I have friends in private industry who work 14 hours a day for not much money. I’ve worked other jobs that are much harder work.

  22. 745, ya like dat coolaid? When one stops bwing assertive, they become a door mat. Could be worse my ass. Your response makes all of this ok. Basically, it's all good, just have another prozac.

  23. It’s better to drop out unless you plan on becoming militant, running for office, putting yourself out there (in someway that pisses off Mulgrew and the rest of them off). If you plan on just non- stop bitching and not even voting, then you should drop out - you’re just being used like a those sped kids in those classes you cover. Save your money, self respect and say fuck you to the UFT. And that’s for everybody - Active teachers, retirees, etc. The problem and the solution is you, stop saying you’re dropping out already - just do it or don’t . No one cares, especially the UFT - they got all the angles covered. If you want to hurt them stay in and do something meaningful.

  24. The crappy thing about the 4 days for Spring Break is that the people who already maxed out their CAR essentially got nothing. Also, when you leave you only get paid one day for two days so essentially we only get half of the days.

  25. I think the worst part is the the uft president simply ignores us and keeps making excuses. Schools are open, been open all year, but arbitration is closed? Why not arbitration by zoom? What is the issue? You want to keep getting walked on? Go ahead. And to the guy who said someone opted out for the 100th time...You act like it the same person every time saying it. If 10% opt out is true, that 15K opt outs. I will keep the $1500.

  26. You are the same assholes who opt out over and over. We are not stupid.

  27. We want a resolution. When is arbitration opening. When it opens, how many days will it take. Ok. End of story. That's not asking too much from the most powerful union in the country. If the average teacher makes 100k, that is $500 per day based on 1/200th. That would be $3500. Nobody is expecting that. Just make a deal and get it done. why have it hanging over my head forever. The fed is sending out trillions, The mayor is sending out billions for all his pet projects. He just announced all furloughs are being paid. But we are ignored, as usual.

  28. 1011, Out of 150k uft members, how many have opted out in your opinion?

  29. There are almost 200,000 UFT members. If 10,000 of you opted out, that is about 5%. There is no evidence of that.You assholes are a drop in the bucket.

  30. Is the asshole the person who pays for no service? Is the asshole the person too stupid to realize he pays for no service? Is the asshole the person who pays for my benefits because I was smart enough to opt out? Is the asshole going to pay triple dues on retro day in July? Does the asshole think it's fair to wait 12 years for retro and work on a vacation for free? Can you think of a job that requires a BA and MA where you get 0% and 1% raises over a 12 year period? While the city has a $6B surplus while you were told by your union that the cupboard was bare?

  31. An asshole runs away. A decent person stays and fights for herself and her colleagues.

  32. An asshole thinks about me. Good people say look out for all of us.

  33. 1011 and 1030 are clearly uft office workers. Who cares at this point? They call us assholes, I get the "benefits" for free. You wanna pay into this union, your call to make. I just don't know why you would.

  34. You mean like mulgrew looks out for all of us? That ship has long sailed. I didn't run away for 22 years.

  35. Ok, fine. Other than telling me to pay dues while getting zero service, what is your plan? To keep paying dues and hoping? Going thru another election cycle?

  36. Agree. Drop out or don’t. I dropped out. Not trying to convince anyone else to do it. I get the best of both worlds. I’m out of a corrupt union, save $130 month, but still get all the benefits except I can’t vote and I can’t use a union lawyer. 8 lawyers in my family/social circle and I can afford to hire my own for a 3020a. Do it or don’t. No need to try to convince anyone else. Decide and move on.

  37. I feel sorry for you assholes. You cannot convince people in your own schools to do anything so you opt out to feather your own nest while leaving the fight to people like Lydia in Solidarity and some in MORE.

  38. I think the last comment shows why the opt outers are just plain assholes. How many people did Lydia help get accommodations to work remotely? I think there were about 50. She didn't get a dime for doing it when UFT said they wouldn't help. Lydia is still in the UFT.

  39. Lydia is running for office. What do you think of retro, spring break, tiny raises, etc?

  40. Lydia does what a good unionist should do. She helps her colleagues. You do what an asshole does, think of yourself and nobody else.

  41. Because they are irrelevant. If a union sucks, we need 100 Lydia's to organize, not a hundred assholes to opt out.

  42. A wise man once said, I didn't leave the UFT, the UFt left me
    the only leverage we have left as members of the uft is to opt out. they only care about money
    if roughly 15-20% opt out they may change
    im not saying to leave the union forever, maybe 2-3 yrs
    if the uft goes back to representing its members fairly and stop this radical liberal progressive madness most of us will gladly opt back in. I would even be willing to pay a fine to rejoin if and when they get their shit together

  43. Do you feel ripped off by your union?

  44. 7% had dropped out, as of last year, as per The Chief. If I had to guess I would say there would be at least 10 to 15% more this year. Not that it matters either way. The UFT has done everything it can to actually increase its income, regardless. As more disgruntled teachers retire some of them just may stay in and pay the $25 a month for the extra SHIP insurance. All those new hirees will join and more than make up for any that dropped out because they are new and need a warm and snuggly blanket for the false security that the UFT touts. 52 Broadway has a mortgage and the commercial rents are always a big help - but that may be changing. But don’t worry if Mulgrew can’t rent out those spaces, he’ll rent them to Eva Moskowitz. It’s a numbers game. The Uft is winning. It’s using a business model to decrease its expenses and increase its income. if you understand that, you also understand the UFT is not really a union. It only marginally cares whether you stay or you don’t. It’s objective is not to make teachers happy or to ensure the career is solidified or the profession is elevated - it’s goal is to keep those in power where they are and make as much money as possible. If you do stay, it wants you to shut up and follow orders. If you don’t want to do that it would much prefer you to leave. There are many organizations that are just like it, especially organized religions. If you are incredibly unhappy and dissatisfied, then you should stay in the UFT. Be a constant thorn in their side by calling out what you see. Get involved on the school level. Write, expose, discuss and embarrass the hypocrites. But unless there are more than a handful of like minded teachers doing that, you will be like the Man of La Mancha fighting windmills and crashing sea waves. If you become more than an irritant the Uft will try to assimilate you and bring you into the fold as one of the ruling class, with all the perks that go along with it. Double salaries, double pensions, cushy well paid gigs, trips and lots of ingratiating actors to assuage your once troubled ego.

  45. 1. i agree with theatement above, if you want to opt out, opt out. Many have. You don;t need to convince others. Some will never be convinced, no matter what. Save the $1500, get the benefits, whatever they are, and move on.

    2. I find the statement above telling, made by the guy who keeps calling people names. He said that the uft doesn't care if 5% or 10,000+ people opted out, it's a drop in the bucket. So the uft is saying "ha ha, you can opt out and we are still rich and we are still riding a gravy train." Why hasnt the uft asked why so many are upset, dissatisfied and willing to give up those uft benefits? why all the complaints? The uft is obviously satisfied, as the guy said, as they've gamed the system and will continue to feed off of dues even if 33% opt out. You want to pay into that, great. Not me. I waited, even after we could opt out, several years, efore opting out.

    And, when will the guy above realize that his plan of 100 of Lydia-And I don't think that would be nearly enough to change anything, Mulgrew got 86% last time-when will he change his plan? 5 more years? till he retires? Or perhaps the guy above is Mike Sill or Jason Goldberg or Brian Gibbons.

  46. excellent analysis 11:41 but still believe if the opt out numbers reach 30% they will need to change or risk losing millions. if the word spreads to other teachers in the school that they don't really need the uft, in reality the uft is harming them you may see a cascade of opt outs.
    thank you James for allowing us to discuss: still pro union, anti uft and pro opt out all at the same time

  47. Yeah asshole. That’s me. Biggest asshole in town. I mean if there is ever an award for assholes I will win for sure. But until then I’ll have to be content with the $18,000 I’ll have saved in union dues between now and retirement. BTW can’t speak for other optouters but not once have I ever tried to organize the bunch of sheep in my school. They’re not worth it. That’s why I really opted out. They’re afraid of their own damn union. Afraid to speak out against their own union except in whispers. Of course I was going to opt out and let these losers pay my way. It’s what the biggest asshole in town always does. Takes advantage of the weak. Don’t like it? Don’t be weak.

  48. Funny how the guy who name calls hasn't mentioned a thing he has done. Or mentioned what has changed thanks to all the people who are paying dues.

  49. I have asked before about 100 times and I will ask again here: Can you cite me one example in history, just one, when masses of people dropped out of their union and then wages and working conditions subsequently improved for workers as a result?

    I can show plenty of evidence from states going right to work and then conditions worsening for working people.

    If masses of UFTers listened to the folks here, we would have an even weaker union which would lead to an even worse situation for NYC educators.

    I have also said a thousand times that this is a pro-union blog that opposes the Unity caucus leadership. Please keep that in mind as I am not going to have this opt out debate on every post through June.

    Also, the person who was referring to opt outers in general by a derogatory term is pretty much the same as the opt-outers who refer to us union supporters as suckers.

  50. James, can you show me what 100% membership and dues have gotten us other than abuse, tiny raises, substandard deals, deteriorating working conditions, and the worst contracts in union history? You are arguing worse vs worser. That is the uft argument. "It will be worse. You will be fired. You are getting every penny of retro in 12 years" That is the ultimate cop-out. Not good enough.

  51. I have the evidence. When states go right to work and workers drop their unions en masse to keep the dues they no longer have to pay, wages and working conditions are worse for everyone.

    I asked you to show me any evidence to contradict that and none of you can. So, let's move on and discuss other issues.

  52. Ok, so opt out won't help. Maybe it will. Does looking in the mirror knowing you are paying for this hurt you? I can't stomach it. If we got this service after opting out you would say we are getting this bad service because we opted out. We are getting it with everyone paying dues. What a sham.

  53. Why do you think Koch money funds these opt out campaigns?

  54. You aren't answering me. What has paying dues, 100%, gotten us? You are just saying it will be worse. So, again, you are saying bad or worse. Not good enough for me. You are Mr. Excuse, just like Sill and Arundell and Mulgrew.

  55. more James bias, equating assholes to suckers, get real Eterno!

  56. we don't have a union James, only in your liberal fantasy brain do you still believe the uft is a union,

  57. I retired based on a six figure salary with health benefits and I am not paying state nor local taxes on that pension. My pension is constitutionally protected. Yes Tier VI is worse but it is something.

    Any non union teachers have these benefits?

  58. I am still waiting for evidence of when, just one time, did masses dropping unions lead to better wages and working conditions?

  59. hey James how does it feel carrying water for the UFT? its a shame that you cant see it.
    please define pretty much? not even close. asshole?sucker? are 2 distinct labels.

  60. Lol. Tier 6 is "worse."

  61. For all the belly aching on here, I dare you guys to work a real job. Go work landscaping, construction, help a plumber or work retail. All of those jobs suck! I have done them on the side.

    The doe is a racket. 100 k a year to do not much work and summers off and retire at 55? You kidding me!

    So I get cursed at or an AP gives me a developing every now and again.

    It beats working a real job. I think the issue with teaching is that not many of us have worked other jobs.

  62. Two general derogatory terms. Would you feel better if they went back to scab?

  63. I am proud to be pro union. One day we will see a better union.

  64. the uft knows it has us under control
    if we opt out our union gets weaker
    if we stay and pay our $1600 we get screwed by the people who are suppose to protect us
    its a lose lose situation that I would rather not be involved with anymore

    your still living in the 1960's through 2000
    the uft hasn't be on our side in 2o yrs
    just think about that

  65. you always make me laugh thanks James
    keep believing we will see a better union

  66. Got it. So the answer is...It is horrible, but it could be worse, so it is good enough.

    Have a nice day.

  67. Still can't answer my question so please I respectfully ask that we move on.

    Teaching is a real job 1:39 and a very important one.

    1. So important that students graduate unable to read and write.

    2. takes enablers to make that happen.

  68. This whole back and forth is quite amusing and pathetic at the same time. For all those complaining, you're simply stuck in the STUPID teacher mentality. Lazy, scared, afraid, intimidated, and low self esteem. I am working in the system now 28.5+ years and ready to take the ERI if offered, if not 1 more year and it's pension time. I'm asked often, "What will you do", I say whatever the hell I want to do. I am not afraid to go on interviews and submit job apps. Most teachers have never done anything else and are afraid of the unknown, the same as all of those here that complain. I'll pay the dues now and when I retire and take full advantage of what I pay for. Once again, stupid teacher mentality and playing ignorant. Not knowing what you get for your dues, not understanding your pension and the fact that the UFT, like it or not, has negotiated it for us. If you're such a big shot then leave the system and go see how good you are at negotiating a 100K+ contract for yourself and work for 25+ years without tenure. Enough said for now!!

    1. We make that because of cost of living and high taxes. Las Vegas has a max over 90k and you could buy a huge house there for 300k. Gimme a break. This union hasn't done shit for us.

  69. So if we all opt out it is right to dont want that.especially now.have u ever gone thru 3020a?try going thru it without a will be OUT.
    MY mom pays 36$ for some dental plan thru uft.ssved her a fortune on a crown.yhat was more than my dues.james is right.we need a union but dump mulshit.

  70. Thank you James, for your efforts. I don't know how you do it...

  71. And you can't answer mine.

  72. The post indicates a discussion about class size—and it seems no matter—since forever—nothing has ever been done about reducing class size. Sometimes, you get lucky when there are no-shows for whatever reason—which is sad—as only heaven knows about the home situations and overall welfare of those students.

    However, it clearly understandable about the frustration with this union -which it had it roots with that miserable 2005 Bloomberg/Weingarten contract .It was that Bloomberg/Klein/Walcott 12 year regime seemed intent at severely weakening this union at the very least. However, many thought that the grass would be greener with DeBlasio—but many things haven’t changed—lousy contracts, inexcusable long overdue extended retro pay, continuation of ATR ‘s and the bloated education palace at Tweed. But, at least DeBlasio has not promoted expansion of Charters. And unlike his predecessor—DeBlasio does have a civil relationship with Mulgrew.

    So in the long run, if you think things are so terrible and if you want to opt out, think twice—because you are doing yourself a disservice by jeopardizing your own livelihood, working conditions etc, By quitting, you are playing right into the hands of the wealthy corporate people who want nothing more to nail a coffin into all unionized activity and labor unions.

    1. So you are telling us to keep paying DESPITE horrible service. That's the point.

  73. Circles. Round and round we go. Unless everyone says enough, the merry-go-round continues indefinitely. James had the right idea last year, a dues strike. The only thing that will stop Mulgrew and friends in their tracks. I’m off this site for good, best of luck to all.

  74. We are saying that a not so good union is better than a weaker union with fewer members which is still better than working without any union. The Las Vegas teachers have a strong, independent union. Thank you very kindly for making my point. They fixed theirs. NYC will at some point improve ours.

  75. I agree with 236 pm. 100k in nyc in 2021 is nothing good after clost to 20 years. Chicago maxes out after 14 years. Vegas, with a tiny % of cost of living and no state income taxes pays over 90k.

  76. James. 2022 NYC. Foresight.

  77. Chicago has a stronger union. Thank you again for making my point for me.

  78. Agree. No difference between suckers and scabs/assholes. Name calling is name calling. Thank you James for being an adult. I don’t agree with your tactic to stay in union but you shouldn’t be disrespected for your opinion.

  79. Every NYC parent with a kid in a poorly run public school is an enabler of this dysfunctional system. Parents where I live demand and get the school they want.

    1. if I use your rationale, educators who leave their integrity home is also an enabler of this dysfunctional system. The sad part is those students and parents who do their part (maybe foolish enough to trust this dysfunctional system) are being duped. Meh. The universe has a way of paybacks.

  80. The guy who kept called us assholes, how do you not feel like a sucker? Why so much venom towards people who opt out while none to the people who make us want to opt out and have failed as union leaders? When I email Sill hundreds of times about clear violations, contractual violations, he says "we agree but can't help you." Well, why pay for that?

  81. "Chicago has a stronger union."
    And that matters because?
    The quality and safety of that city?
    The accomplishments of the students?
    Something else?

  82. I feel ambivalent about the Union. Yes, I feel a crappy union is better than no union at all but it's the blatant disrespect that the union does nothing about. I've been in the ATR now for 3 years and I have 23 years in. I'm in the ATR from no fault of my own except that my school reorganized and I wasn't rehired. Now I float around from school to school looked down on by an entire staff and have no Seniority rights at all. A union that respects its members wouldn't let someone with 23 years in the system do this. Now I have to register again in the big joke also known as the open market and have to have interviews if I want to get a position and have to do demo lessons despite being effective and satisfactory all these years. You call this respect?

  83. If I’m doing exactly what the chancellor has hired me to do, my integrity is intact. My integrity means doing what I was hired to do, not what active or retired teachers think I should do. If what I am doing is not good enough for you, w4s, take it up with Meisha. I’m following her lead as I followed Carranza’s lead. Make sure kids get a passing grade whether they’ve earned it in my opinion or not. That’s what Meisha wants.

  84. That just following orders defense did not work very well for teachers in Atlanta who ended up in jail for following superintendents orders on grades.

  85. I’m not changing test scores like Atlanta teachers did. I’m following the curriculum and the grading policy. Effort gives mucho points. Anything is considered effort. That’s the policy. Try as you might none of you have explained how following the curriculum and my school’s grading policy is wrong. Why do you think you know better than Carranza and Meisha? Seems like white supremacy thinking that you know better than the chancellors of color. If you really do know better, then you need to convince Meisha. I am paid to follow her lead, not yours.


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