Friday, May 14, 2021


I am somewhat puzzled by the new CDC guidelines that say we can ditch the masks in most indoor situations. I am excited that these science folks believe we are safe indoors without masks but CDC does not enforce its guidelines so who is going to make sure that everyone in every building is vaccinated or if not, that they are wearing a mask? 

Are we headed for a national honor system? 

In addition, children under 12 are not yet eligible to be vaccinated. Should they stay outside and/or at home? Mom and dad don't need a mask in the mall but the kids do. That seems a bit awkward. 

Schools are opening for sure in the fall but as usual there are plenty of unanswere questions.

From NPR:

Whether a child wears a mask in school is a decision that should be left only to a student's parents," said South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster earlier this week as he issued an executive order allowing parents to opt their children out of school-based mask requirements.

The move was excoriated by the Palmetto State Teachers Association. In a statement, the group said, "many families and staff no longer have a choice for in-person learning if those individuals desire to follow the clear instructions of our public health authorities."


  1. We need to get rid of the masks!

  2. The communists will

  3. Who the hell still listens to the cdc? I’ve been socializing maskless outdoors the whole time. Not one person I’ve socialized with outdoors caught COVID. Fresh air and sunshine. Try it.

  4. Yes the same leftists that want to cram that tripe down everyone's throat, otherwise known as critical race theory.

  5. PREDICTION: Teachers who choose not to be vaccinated will be shamed on a daily basis in September when masks will no longer be required in schools for those who have had the shot. Unvaccinated teachers will still need to wear masks and will be considered lepers. It will be obvious to know who is unvaccinated and an internal civil war among teachers will be happening.

  6. Should be mandatory. Remote for those students whose parents refuse.

  7. It’s time to start living again! People need to try it. Fresh air, sunshine, and feeling good about yourself. What a novel idea.

    I haven’t worn a mask outdoors in a year.

  8. Vaccine or mask or stay home. Easy.

  9. But schools are indoors.

  10. I'm wondering if

    * a parent will be able to request/demand their child be taught by a vaccinated
    * Will a vaccinated teacher has the right to request a vaccinated co-teacher.
    *.Can a teacher request that the students are assigned to them are vaccinated
    (providing the vaccine is approved for their age group.)

    I was vaccinated long ago and have been going in.

  11. 7:44
    Are you serious?
    A civil war based on teachers that wear masks and those that do not.
    Life is too short for nonsense like what you describe. How much time do you have on your hands that you can create a divide between UFT members ?
    Stay safe .

  12. I say lets keep the mask thing going. I mean look at the situation now: First off the masks have become a fashion icon of some sort. Second, People feel naked now without them on. However a HUGE reason we really should look at keeping on masks in public venues at least is the Flu. We didn't hear about the Flu this season because people were wearing masks and not spitting germs everywhere. Think about it. The responders who want to mock this email will mock it but just look at the flu numbers this season and then come back and respond.

    Also a big shout out to our President Michael Mulgrew. The town halls have proven to me that Mulgrew is our man and a man who fights for our livlihoods. Anyone who listens to Mulgrew's town halls who can honestly tell me that Mulgrew is in with the DOE or something like that is really not seeing Mike Mulgrew for what he is. A man who fights for our UFT livlihoods. Peace.

  13. No more medical accommodations for ANYONE especially fat pigs at the trough morbidly obese doe personnel

  14. Aww the sheep in my school will shun me. In actuality they’re such sheep and so easily manipulated I can convince them to elect me as cl if I wanted the fucking job. Then I could manipulate them into continuing support for Unity because Medicare advantage is a a better health care system than any other. If you bring cookies to the meeting and tell them how victimized they are they’ll believe anything you say. Then I get my loyalty oath signing gig at the UFT and double dip on salary and pension where I can use and manipulate more sheep. Sounds like fun. Maybe I do want the job. When will you fascists get the fact that people with balls don’t give a fuck if you like them and we find the opinions of sheep irrelevant to our decision making.

  15. 917. What fatty did you wrong? Was it your fat mama? Did she molest you and now you hate all fatties? Not all fatties are bad people. Do you think all young men who wear their pants too big should be called names? Maybe they’re former fatties who can’t afford new pants and we should now refer to all of them as former fat pigs. All these new labels can be so confusing. Please advise.

  16. Hey Not will to die yet 7:44: There has been a divide of NYC teachers for quite a while. Remember when paid child leave divided teachers? How about the divide among teachers who were able to work at home during the pandemic vs. the in school teachers? The mask issue is going to be a big deal for quite a few teachers. I am not trying to divide anyone, I'm just a realist who sees how some people act in this world.

  17. The idea of students choosing vaccinated teachers is absurd. The high schools have such a problem with programming already. That would just add to the craziness. I agree the masks are good at help preventing you from getting any illness. Last year was the healthiest I've ever been, but I think if you are vaccinated, you shouldn't have to wear it unless of course they have no faith in the vaccinations.

  18. Better late than never I guess.

    Will the UFT fight for members who face discipline for going sans mask? Or fight the DOE to get rid of the masks? The vendors who provided the boxes of unused masks and hand sanitizer got paid so why continue the charade?

  19. I’m waiting until at least late fall to get vaccinated. I’m doing that because the virus will be back at that time and everyone who has gotten vaccinated will have to do so again - especially if you received the two shot version. You are at little to no risk now as the weather is getting warm. The DOE, this year, will not mandate vaccinations for teachers because they won’t have the balls to mandate them for the students. Do as you wish now, it makes no difference other than psychologically making you feel safe - this virus has been engineered to stay. As things start to close down again next January, everything will be tightly shut down and everyone will be forced to do whatever the powers that be deem correct - personal liberty and choice be damned.

  20. Hey genius, If everyone just got vaccinated, who would the virus infect? Selfish idiot.

  21. "Engineered". Lordy, the tinfoil hat crowd on this blog.

  22. I don't know what the warm weather has to do with it. Covid surged last summer as well. what are you basing this on?

  23. Yeah and some of India is in a tropical zone. That
    warm weather didn't stop COVID. 11:26 does our cause no good.

  24. Probably the Bolsheviks.

    May 14, 2021 UNiTY Caucus
    For over 60 years UNITY/UFT has proudly been the majority voice of our union. Whether the concern be safety and health or economics, we never stop fighting for our members. When the fight is about politics or working conditions, we continue to advocate for the betterment of our schools and students. No matter what the issue, UNITY/UFT is always at the forefront, leading the charge.


    Next year we hope to have, at a minimum, 90% of our students back for in person instruction. And UNITY/UFT will fight to make sure that, when it does resume, such instruction is well planned, based upon both science and fact. Doing it any other way is a disservice to all of our school communities.


    Because UNITY/UFT took the lead in negotiations, our members will receive a 3% raise in a few days. This is the final raise in our current contract, and we will soon start forming our negotiation committees again for our next round of bargaining.

    Additionally, this July members will receive the 12.5 % lump sum payment that Mayor DeBlasio tried to take away from us, a payment that UNITY/UFT fought for and won.

  26. All teachers need to be vaccinated in the same that all drivers need to wear safety belts

  27. @12:06 Check the stats - they were at there lowest last summer even during all the BLM protesters were in large groups unmasked. @12:17 India seasons mulled the virus for awhile and was heightened again - you know who to thank. @11:45 My unthinking puppet, the vaccine will only be a temporary answer - even if everyone gets it , and you can still get the virus after getting vaccinated (ie Bill Maher). And Michael, as for my tin foil hat I show it off proudly like you do that picture of yourself.

  28. Mulgrew, the union leader that wasn't.

  29. The main stream media has you convinced there’s no possibility of a wuhan lab leak of an engineered virus. There is. But since our president is in bed with China, the hard questions will never be asked and we’ll never know for sure. Keep accusing people of wearing tin foil hats. That’s sure to convince them to accept the vaccine or whatever else you’re pushing. Works every time. Whenever I want strangers to do something they don’t want to do, I just insult their mental stability and voila. They do what I want. Maybe if we just insult Hamas enough, they’ll stop their every Jew must die agenda. Or insult Israelis and they’ll stop bombing the shit out of Hamas. See 921’s last sentence. That’s the bottom line here.

  30. Get rid of masks now!

  31. Vaccinate everyone NOW!

  32. Key Understanding
    #5) Double standards are justified for the greater good of promoting corporate privatization.

  33. Get rid of the masks. If idiot politicians made it an incentive to stop mask mandates if you're vaccinated then we would not have so many idiots waiting to get vaccinated or refusing completely. Too many fat teachers with fake accomodations milking the system here.

  34. Cut it out with the fat teacher comments. I have let stuff go through because you are trying to make a point about taking advantage of the system but come on now,

  35. @3:32 PM

    COVID started in late 2019 when Trump was president. Was Trump in bed with China too? If Trump had asked the hard questions and done the hard deed of closing borders when he was notified early in the year 2020, we could have reduced the amount of cases and death in this country. He waited until mid-March to do anything. Kept saying all is good, it will disappear, so on and so forth. Meanwhile I can count the number of people who have died from COVID that I know personally, through family, and through friends on both my hands and one of my two feet.

    Oh, also before you say I am a liberal brainwashed snowflake. I'm not. I don't follow any particular political party or have much care in politics to be frank. Just my observations from following various news sources in the USA as well as other countries news of the US.

    1. 5:04 In hindsight you're right, but since you say you're not an ideologue I'm sure you also understand that had Trump done that he would've been called an authoritarian, xenophobe, etc. "The Resistance" would've been the virus deniers. The WHO said all the way through March not to close borders, Biden and Pelosi branded Trump a xenophobe when the flights to/from China were restricted.
      The only ones truly to blame are the CCP and their enablers for unleashing this in the first place.

    2. Can we see the evidence that the CCP unleashed this on us?

      Michael, I apologize to you. You are using your name. Very easy to hide behind anonymity and hurl insults. If you feel the keyboard warriors have crossed the line on personal insults, just email me. Real faces deserve extra say here.

  36. @1:20 PM
    At least Michael has the guts to show who he is and identify himself rather hiding behind the anonymous title like the rest of us (myself included). Everyone here is all talk and no walk because we don't even have the guts to out ourself like he does.

  37. Wow 5:06, That impressed me. What kind of logic are you using? You won’t even use your own name and you somehow expect me to feel invalidated and proven wrong because I won’t use mine? I wrote this sitting in a car on my way home from Pittsburg. I don’t have a need to post my picture or my name or my address or my penis size. So you validate insults because Michael posted a picture of himself and his name? I try to respect everyone especially those I disagree with, but hey I’m human. I didn’t go out of my way to insult anybody when I wrote my original comment. Why can’t we just have a discussion without people accusing us of wearing tin hats, or being a selfish pricks or whatever else my fan club has mentioned.

  38. How about the MEGA COWARDS stay home and hide under the bed?

  39. I can't keep track of all the anonymous commenters. Could be 2-3 people or dozens. But amongst the anonymous I see conspiracy mongering, racism, and refusal to accept scientific evidence. Is all of that that you, 5:39? I don't know, so many people share your name. But calling COVID-19 an engineered virus when that myth has been repeatedly debunked is not reasonable. So how can we have a reasonable discussion when you won't accept, even provisionally, empirical evidence? Fin.

  40. @5:39 PM

    Seems like you can't read. I literally wrote "myself included" in the anonymous jab.

    Derogatory comments about penis size. Can't expect much from a person who can't read properly. Probably can't form a proper response back as well.

    Didn't validate any insults. Just stated it is much easier to say horrid things like fat shaming behind an anonymous persona. Body shaming is a real insult that many bloggers took quite lightly today. My sister nearly died from anorexia due to body shaming. And while she has recovered, her blood tests have shown recent signs of fertility issues due to the malnutrition she faced during her anorexia. People made fun of her for being fat (which she wasn't even). She drove herself to doing this in ninth grade so she can stop the bullying.

    I stand by my point. It is all talk being the anonymous persona. It is so easy to be disgusting behind an anonymous persona. Fat shaming and comments about penis size are easy to type when you're not able to be identified. Michael doesn't need to hide because his remarks aren't as low as the ones the anonymous comments have made on here today. Not saying he is right, but tinfoil hat doesn't hold a candle to body shaming.

    Besides, I'm not the one that called anyone a tinfoil hat or fatties, no need to throw derogatory remarks toward me. Hopefully, you don't argue with other individuals in your life like that. That would be a shame.

    You're the one not ready to have a proper discussion. What the heck does your penis size have to do with anything? Why even include that in your paragraph? Are you ready to talk like an adult?

  41. @5:39 PM

    Also, for everyone on here who is all about morality (not mortality as I know some of us don't read the responses properly - we are all in such a rush to write a rebuttal without even reading the argument properly), it is amazing to see how so many people are okay with the fat shaming.

    This is not me endorsing that being overweight or obese is healthy. It is not. But there are people who have a higher weight due to health or hormonal problems. PCOS runs on my mom's side of the family and two of my cousins are overweight because of it. Should they be fat-shamed for something they don't have much control over?

    As for overweight people taking accommodations, that isn't a universal thing in the NYCDOE. May be prevalent in some schools or districts, but not every single overweight person is taking an accommodation. My school has some faculty who are on the heavier side and they all show up in-person. The only people in my school that took the accommodations were those who were pregnant or those on the older side. The rest of us, regardless of weight or size, showed up for in-person by choice.

    Besides, it isn't their fault. The DOE is the one that offered it as a reason for being granted an accommodation. Can't blame the people who are legally taking advantage of a this policy. Blame the people who proposed it.

    Plenty of people here gloat about playing golf on the clock. That definitely isn't a granted accommodation by the DOE.


  43. 622 deaths in the USA per day as the 7 day average. Multiply that by 365 and we will have another couple of hundred thousand dead. That's much worse than a bad flu season. What has ended is our ability to show compassion for each other, our outrage has ended about such useless loss of life.

    1. If that's the case, schools certainly shouldn't open.

  44. M Gatton-
    Since when is anyone on the left interested in a reasonable rational discussion? When they can't win the argument they move to call you a racist or censor or cancel you. Pathetic people

  45. 8:58: Go to India and say that.

  46. Interesting how this seasons flu numbers are the lowest on record, practically non existent.

  47. @5:06,7:53 You addressed your comment to me, 1:20.5:39 I never fat shamed anybody - that was not my comment. You should be the one who learns how to read correctly- if not my comments, at least your own. If you want to address that person who wrote that fat comment, that’s what you should’ve done. I don’t intentionally go out of my way to insult anybody unlike you and Michael. You like an extra out of the movie Idiocracy. If you disagree with a person use logic and argue the point in a civilized manner - don’t just dismiss them as wearing tin hats or as mega lovers or selfish pricks or whatever else. I intensely dislike President Trump, by the way, not that that has anything to do with anything, but I mention it because I know it doesn’t fit your profile of me and the classification of people like us that’s been planted in your small twisted brain. I realize this may cause a tremendous conflict in you. You may agree and disagree with yourself at the same time, just like admiring the insulting Michael who proudly publishes his picture and name and then degrading yourself, at the same time, for not doing so. I question everything and I look at the answers objectively. You guys believe whatever you’re told because it fits the diorama in your mind that’s been placed there. Good luck with that. This is the United States; it is not China, which developed this virus in a lab. (And James, I never insulted Michael, unless you’re implying that his picture is less than attractive. I didn’t accuse him of wearing a tin hat or being crazy or anything else. All I said was I wear my tin hat as proudly as he portrays his picture. You shouldn’t pick sides, its been beneath you.)

  48. I am acknowledging that providing your real name gives you some credibility, even the people who do it privately. Those are the organizers who can move the UFT ahead. That's why we write basically.

  49. Thanks James. I appreciate the timely and helpful information you provide on your blog. I'm sorry the comments so often go off the rails.

    The comments on my picture displaying are actually incomprehensible - it's just the default norm in most social media, completely unnoteworthy and signifying nothing. Also Blogger puts the picture in my comments, not me.

    I understand why people sometimes choose anonymous profiles for legitimate purposes, but why not give yourself at least a pseudonym to keep everyone straight.

    I stand by my 7:00 comments. I hope that eventually reasonable voices prevail.

  50. @11:01

    5:06, 7:26 and 7:53 here
    My bad if I am unable to respond to the right comment. Honestly, when it is all anonymous and time is the only reference point, makes having an actual discussion a little difficult. I'm confused. Are you saying you are both 5:39 and 1:20?

    However, you are right that even though my comments were meant everyone, I did address them to your timed comment and for that I am sorry.

    It was a general comment for all readers because it that isn't okay to body shame. Being heavy is unhealthy it definitely is. But bullying isn't okay either. My sister is thin now but at what cost? She was never fat to begin with and the bullying led her to anorexia. And now she has fertility issues. I am just making a PSA that it is important to remember the following "If you can't say anything nice, just don't say it all." It shouldn't matter to anyone that a someone is fat or not unless it is someone you care for and want to help.

    Besides, I didn't call anyone tinfoil hat and was being told about why should they tell me their penis size. Was that called for? Was that appropriate?

    Never took sides with Michael. I literally wrote I am not saying he is right but I still stand by what I said. Tinfoil hat doesn't hold a candle to body shaming which has caused people to do extreme things, especially youth which I hope we all know because we are educators.

    But wow, you have to really go on to the insults. I don't watch American movies so I don't even know what the heck Idiocracy is about. Didn't even know that was a movie.

    I didn't dismiss anyone by saying they have a tin hat. Your comment is misdirected just like how you said 5:39 is misdirected to you.

    I don't have a profile of you and hadn't made any political assumptions. Never said you support Trump, never bought any political assumptions into my response. Yet you continue to insult and say I have a small twisted brain.

    When I said myself included in the anonymous jab, that was me being objective. I am no better because I post anonymously too. That isn't me degrading myself. It is a fact that I hide behind an anonymous persona as well.

    What do I believe in? You tell me since you have already assumed that I have some profile about you in my small twisted brain. I never stated anything about believing in anything. What are you referring to me believing in?

    Care to share what diorama is in my mind? I literally just stated fat shaming and body shaming is not okay and you are going on and on about me believing in anything and that I have a diorama in my mind. Like that has nothing to do with what I said.

    Also, never mentioned virus or China in my comment. All I did was make a PSA that body shaming is not okay. It pushes people to do extreme things and that it isn't the fault of employees for taking the accommodation but for the DOE offering it.

    You say I have a small twisted brain. Doesn't matter what you say. God knows I don't because I have spent a lifetime supporting those in need whether it is academic, financial, or emotional.

  51. Trump could have dropped the ball and Biden could have no interest in asking questions of his Chinese buddies about what went on in the Wuhan lab. Both things can be true. Evidence? That comes when you conduct an actual investigation. Reputable scientists are questioning the origins of this virus. It’s a reasonable theory at this point. Go beyond msm and you’ll see plenty of smart reasonable people discussing it. Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein are 2 such scientists trying to have honest conversations about this virus and the vaccines. They’re not partisan hacks. They value the free flow of intelligent ideas. Find them on YouTube. Krystal and Saagar on Rising have done honest reporting on the lab leak. Get beyond whatever it is mainstream media is selling you. None of them can be trusted to be truthful. The future of real journalism is in personalities. When you watch enough YouTube, as I did while locked down, you focus on a handful of personalities at a time, you can figure out who’s a hack and who just wants honest reporting ad conversation pretty quickly. CNN, fox, wapo, nyt. Their credibility is gone. Find people like Krystal (lefty liberal) and Saagar ( conservative) who are honest about their political bias and go from there.

  52. I have been vaccinated but I plan to wear a mask while teaching and in the halls until I feel safe— large school, barely opening windows, small room, lots of students and I won’t know which students are vaccinated.

  53. When you insult in place of making a counter argument, you’ve lost the argument and given the other side more credibility than they had in the first place. Michael responded to the idea of COVID being an engineered virus with an insult. No counter argument to be found in his response. Reputable scientists have discussed properties of the virus that indicate it could have been made in a lab. Michael chose to accuse anyone who considers this idea of being crazy. It’s what people who can’t win an argument do. They insult in an effort to get the audience to reject the person with the idea without considering the idea itself. It’s lazy persuasion. James is considering banning opt out talk. Might I suggest the more useless and arguably harmful speech to consider banning is speech like Michael’s. You dumb down the conversation when insult replaces argument. I’m not in favor of banning speech. Few exceptions. Just tossing out something for the softer on free speech crowd to consider. What’s the difference between these 3 responses in terms of proper conversation or debate? “Why do you pay dues?” “Why don’t you pay dues?” “Why don’t you take your tin foil hat off?” Which of those questions is the most useless in an honest, respectful conversation?

  54. OK, I'll bite this time. I know how this usually turns out but who knows, surprise me. Read the science. Here's one of many sources.

    And here's a summary of that study in more non-specialist language:

    I accept provisionally the scientific evidence that shows the virus more likely evolved by natural selection and is VERY unlikely engineered. Notice the acknowledgment that it is possible that evidence may emerge that changes that conclusion, but right now there is no evidence the virus was engineered, but actual evidence that it arose naturally "in the wild."

    I am not close minded and I have no love for the Chinese government and no reason to "protect" them from evidence that they had anything to do with it if such evidence existed. But that's how science ideally works - follow the evidence. If new evidence appears, adjust accordingly. There are no absolute truths in science, and that is a feature, not a bug. But to use a lack of absolute certainty (everything is uncertain if you want to go down the skepticism rabbit hole) as an excuse to believe what you want to believe based on the slimmest of possibilities (and ultimately driven by a political agendas) is not following science.

    And please, no counterarguments from journalists or scientists in unrelated fields. Primary sources only. Find a study in a reputable science journal that points to a laboratory origin of COVID 19.

  55. The problem Michael is that the science is not following what should be protocol, in investigating something that appears to be a common sense conclusion. Occam‘s razor - the obvious answer is usually the correct one, is a common tenet of science for years. It’s much more far-fetched to imagine that this virus, which originated in a city with a lab which creates biological weapons, didn’t come out of that lab. If we had COVID-19 coming out of Plum Island, a place where we keep all types of dreadful disease encapsulated in a Pandora’s box of an island, there would be a thorough investigation. Trump burned so many bridges, including with the W.H.O. , that the media and many of the worlds top leaders felt no pressure at all to confirm what he surmised. It’s ironic that Fauci is a big proponent of the type of research that in part goes on in the Wuhan lab. Obama banned him from doing so , but Trump allowed it. (As Fauci and Trump’s relationship floundered, Fauci became a media darling and remains so. He understands the validity of this scenario up to the point that he is afraid of becoming implicated in some of the science that’s involved.)
    This whole case is an example of what’s wrong with society at large right now. The breakdown of civility and critical thinking because of tribalism. The need to classify people according to some predetermined bias is at the heart of almost everything that’s wrong right now. It can be seen in just about every facet of our lives.
    Peace to all.

  56. This is actually an excellent summary from the New York Post , which should not to be dismissed out of hand, as it comes from a well-known scientist and writer for the New York Times.

  57. I don’t know much about viruses, labs, peer reviewed scientific research etc. what I know is that mainstream media went full throttle trying to shame anyone who questioned the official narrative. No one on this blog can say for sure what happened. My point is that it’s POSSIBLE it escaped from the lab and the fact that msm rallied against the idea is reason enough to closely examine the idea. It’s what true journalists are supposed to do. Dig for the truth. Instead, we have msm anchors and writers pretending they’re journalists who take a side and label dissenters ignorant, crazy, xenophobic or racist. Msm is doing the same thing with Israel. They’ve picked a side and will slant their stories accordingly and anyone who supports Israel must want Palestinian kids dead. When msm tells you there’s no “there there” my bet is it’s there in spades. When msm accuses someone, it means they’re probably innocent. When msm defends someone, they’re probably guilty. The “science” Biden relied on to end some mask wearing was available for about a month before he made his statement ending some mask wearing. He chose the timing of his announcement to suit his political needs otherwise the announcement would have been made sooner. Science is political in America. Very dangerous to all of us.

  58. Bronx ATR, well said at 11:01.

  59. Argument from incredulity. Let me know when you have some evidence.

  60. Michael, Science has become the god of 2021. Unfortunately, it’s false God. Putting faith in a false God will often lead to disaster. Science has done many things that are great, but science has also stayed mum and quiet about things that go against the grain of society at large - especially when coupled with the media. It has been used for centuries to denigrate entire groups of people according to intelligence. It has also been used to weed out those they seem and deem undesirable via eugenics. I’ve read entire reports where the science points to certain characteristics and sexual preferences as psychological diseases, but now it has decided they are not. For no other reason other than the media and society. So science starts using plural pronouns and comes up with 36 different genders. The media and Scientific community have also deemed the UFT phenomenon as a joke. They never looked into it seriously, although they made the appearance of doing so. Project blue book was headed by somebody who stated right out UFOs were a big joke. Now the military and private individuals have demanded politicians step in and demand the scientific community get involved. I’ve read the reports from high ranking personnel that have had incredulous encounters and now been marginalized and ridiculed for it. It seems the government has proof of everything that’s going on and is currently being released now and next month - as it is quickly becoming a national threat.

  61. Anon 2323, I printed the link to the oped from the NY Post, certainly no left-wing publication. Bronx ATR and I went back and forth on email in the last couple of days too. I respect someone's right to express a view. However, I am not going there on alt-right sites that are easily fact-checked by Media Bias as tin foil hat and pseudo-science quackery. I read on the site you sent me to about accusations of someone being part of the Trilateral Commission. I know what these people are about and it is out of bounds here. I won't allow it to be promoted, sorry.

  62. There is no such thing as an honest fact checker in today’s media. I swear if the NYT had a bridge to sell, you’d let them advertise here if was “fact checked”. Maybe Anon 2323’s site is not reliable. Who knows. We can’t decide for ourselves because you censored him and I’m not taking your word for it. If you believe the NYT, you should make Anon2323 your fact checker. I’d believe him over them any day.

  63. Demands for evidence. Gish gallop. You just can’t admit you were wrong to label someone tinfoil hat for expressing an opinion reputable scientists are considering. Bronx ATR is expressing why so many of us no longer have faith in our state sanctioned scientists and institutions. He’s not Gish galloping.

  64. Thank you, 12:01. I had to look up what Gish Gallup meant. Thanks for the discussion, Michael. And thanks James for great venue to have them. The afore mentioned items were not used to strengthen Wade’s basic premise on the virus coming out of a lab, but just to show that science has its own biases depending on the subject, the media and society’s overall views. There’s nothing new about that - it’s just people, especially now, put too much faith in science. (We used to with the written word, but that changed.) While reading this over I kept thinking of monism and Nietzsche. I enjoy having these debates/conversations where we can express our views and explain them without reverting to insults, dismissive cliches or close mindless. We are teachers and intellectuals after all.


  66. Very disappointed in James, been censoring me and I had articles. Not to mention I have been on the right side of allllll the politics even when MSM ALL BRAINWASHED.

    Still censors me knowing I may be on the right side but I am literally right!

    1. RUSSIA

    1. How about giving James the Winning lotto numbers Miss Cleo.

  67. Reputable sources, please Anon 2323. That's all I ask.

  68. Thanks for trying Anon2323. I’ve noticed your accurate track record. Not all of us are msm brainwashed.

  69. Yup Chrlone Dioxide being looked at folks to cure covid.

  70. Very welcome and thanks for your support!

    😂😂😂😂 James reputable?? Is the NYT reputable, absolutely not, the ny post is more reputable than your sources. Cmon man, Fauci is going to be exposed as the father of the pandemic, again you will see I am right in due time.

  71. Except Anon2323 isn’t claiming to be able to identify winning lottery numbers. That would be ridiculous and those making the comparison are equally ridiculous. He’s identifying fake news and correcting it which is a much more important and righteous endeavor than trying to convince someone they know how to win money. Thank you Anon2323 for exposing and correcting biased hacks that include NYT.
    Please ignore the trolls who want to insult you. Insults are all they got. You have facts and truth.

  72. Fauci now admitting he’s not confident virus developed naturally. (Fauci interview with Katie Sanders on PolitiFact)Your god has now given you permission to stop the tin hat talk around the lab leak hypothesis. 11:26, Bronx ATR, anon2323 and others were not wrong. Mainstream media pushed another false narrative that the anti critical thinking crowd gobbled up. Trust the science? Hahahaha. Not when Fauci is still considered a scientist. He’s a bureaucrat with a medical degree. Stop trusting him.

  73. Science Magazine. Letter from scientists validating looking into lab leak. If you got your news from msm, you were suckered into believing it was tin hat thinking. Told ya so. Congrats to the critical thinkers who knew it was a possibility all along.


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