Monday, July 05, 2021


Thanks to Jeff Kaufman for creating this link for the 2021 Summer Rising Operations Guide from the New York City Department of Education.

The health and safety protocols begin on page 31.

Here is the part on social distancing:

Implementing Three Feet Physical Distancing for All Grades

During Summer Rising

Due to historically low levels of COVID-19 transmission(Open external link) and as a step towards NYC DOE schools returning to full-time in-person learning(Open external link) in the fall, New York City has reached the Centers for Disease Control threshold(Open external link) to accommodate students in all grade levels, including middle and high schools students, to learn in classrooms this summer with physical distancing of 3 feet between students if certain requirements are met (as further explained below).

Principals in Charge should start to plan for Summer Rising classes to accommodate all students in grades K-12 at 3 feet of physical distancing between students in classrooms; however, 6 feet of physical distancing is still required for:

● Activities such as physical education and sports; see the Physical Education Expectations for In-Person and Remote Instruction for additional physical distancing guidance for physical education instruction.

● Activities that require mask removal (e.g., eating, drinking, playing a wind instrument), and voice-projecting (e.g., singing, chanting, shouting);

● Common areas (e.g., hallways, entrance ways, lobbies, auditoriums); and

● Between two or more adults and between students and adults.

Since the warmer weather is upon us, schools are encouraged to arrange for students to conduct any activities that still require 6 feet of physical distancing outdoors, whenever possible. Please note that meals cannot be eaten in classrooms that are arranged for 3-feet of physical distance for instruction. Please see the Summer Rising Meal Service information (below)for flexible in-school meal service strategies, including the use of the cafeteria.

Use this guide to hold the DOE to their own standards. 


  1. 683T,
    2 30 min lunch period options. Schedule has me off for lunch, guess students eat in cafe? Orientation discussion was half ear in cafe and others in class, with what covering T? Um, @wellplannedD75

  2. This is what is really gong on. I am in the building. I have a total of 0 live studnents in the building. So much for socialization and enrichment odf Summer Rising. Almost zero students showed up for the live onine instruction.

  3. Well Evan, all of your students must have come to my school, because our classes are overflowing. We have nothing set up, and 3 ft is not happening. Dumbest nonsense I've ever seen. If they're bringing students back full-time, then just do it and forget the social distancing and masks.

  4. Unorganized, no supplies, no curriculum, and too many students in a class. Kids struggled to keep their masks on after being remote for 16 months, This is day one with numerous no-shows.

  5. I'm having visions of summer school classes of yesteryear with 50 students crowded into classrooms.

  6. Nothing ever changes. Round and around we go. If I didn’t know the year I’d say it was 2015. People are finally waking up though. Do you know what would be interesting? To find out the real numbers that dropped out during the month of June this year. 7.5% 2019, around 3% last year and I have a $2000 bet that this year is at least 15%. Now the question is - will I get my last payment of ‘retro’ or my $2000? Not that Big Al isn’t good for it, it’s just trying to verify the information. The UFT and the DOE are working in cahoots to try and keep the actual numbers under wraps, but I’ll find out. I’ll let you guys know.

  7. You're getting paid almost $54/hr to do nothing and you're still complaining. LOL.

  8. How is summer school doing nothing? I don't know everyone else but I"m actually teaching. Last year I did almost nothing but not so this year.

  9. Yeah, I did nothing today. Students are all remote. I traveled to the building. That was my task. Maybe 5% bothered to log in. Oh well. $54 per hour. $270 per day. Thanks Mr. Mayor and Madam Chancellor. The scam continues.

  10. It was my understanding that the students in summer school were using edmentum. Teachers get paid a lot of money to watch kids on computers.

  11. 11:00 Play and milk that corrupt dysfunctional system for every dime you can. The teachers that do this are happiest. The rest get ulcers and high blood pressure and look 90 by the time they are 55. Happily retired now. Last 5 years I milked and milked and my pension thanks the fools in charge for making it so easy. Babysit, pass kids by DOE’s own low passing standards, repeat and collect pension.

  12. Day 2 of summer school is finishing. Another $270. No students. Sitting in a classroom alone with the AC. Thanks Mr. Mayor.

  13. I thought Edmentum was a big bust last year and 25 percent of students didn't even sign in. Why are they using it again this year? Didn't they analyze their data from last year and make an informed decision?

  14. Same experience. Students not showing. Done nothing

  15. Day 3 done. Another $270. I had exactly 0 live human beings in front of me. But highest grad rate ever...Ya know, if people really cared about black lives, they would question this...

    1. You’re exactly right. All these hypocrites talk about systemic racism and they’re the biggest promoters of it with little to no standards. Meisha and all the money she’s throwing around. Nothing is going to change.

  16. 1:08:00 white and asian children who were scheduled for summer school aren't coming to school either, so what's your point? Not that you really give a fuck about black lives in any case.

  17. 836 pm, My point is that one group lags far behind and they keep talking about equity and equality. Well, I thought this was supposed to be socialization and enrichment and rising. How are we helping the black kids who are doing far worse than the Asian and White kids. Who cares if I care? I'm not the mayor or chancellor and I don't keep bring up racism and unequal education.

  18. Your response is more ridiculous than the first. What does any that have to do with students not showing up? The services were offered and people are getting paid good money to be present, but with the attitudes some of you have it's no wonder students dont show up. But who says nobody is questioning this? I doubt you have a seat at the table. Who cares if you care? Maybe the taxpayers who pay your salary, and your absentee students care if your care. Maybe you should be taking the time to do outreach for your $54/hr. But you were only race baiting and you got your bite, so carry on.

  19. Outreach? Lol. Haha.

  20. @2:42:00 - If you don't know what it means, or how to do it, look it up. But then, why would anyone want to pick up your calls? Another conman posing as an educator.

  21. @2:42, isn't outreach and documenting a part of your job? Zero students, and no outreach and yet you want to get paid and are probably one of the first to whine when Admin gives you a hard time for being a lazy goof-off or if your per session pay is 2 minutes late. Disgusting.

  22. I think 242 meant...Why do outreach, it doesn't work.

    Also, I don't think it is racebaiting when someone discusses facts about how students are doing. Isn't it an issue when one group is always doing worse in terms of attendance and graduation rate which directly leads to lack of success in college and career. Instead of calling it race baiting, what have you done to improve this? How do you suggest it gets fixed?

  23. Outreach is not a teacher’s job.

    Whether or not kids show up is not the responsibility of a classroom teacher. Never has been. Never will be.

  24. No, it isn't part of my job. Students are on the roster. They are supposed to attend. Nobody called my mother to tell tell me school is in session today. By the way, while I am teaching what is guidance doing other than playing on a computer, in an office, with no students...? Should I also be calling students to remind them that there is schol on September 15, october 15, November 15...? Perhaps there should be an investigation about child neglect. Parents don't know there is school everyday?

  25. @9:04 it may not work on all, but it will work on some but that's besides the point. He wasn't discussing facts about how students were doing and I really don't care what you think it is or isn't. That's your opinion and I have mine. In his follow-up post he wrote exactly what his point was "equity and equality" which really is a nod towards the recent training, and a chance to bash anyone else. THAT's why I brought up outreach. Or do you think it's ok to just sit there and collect 6 hrs pay for doing nothing?

    How do I suggest it get fixed? Get rid of people like him. You first, other than bytching and complaining and making excuses for race-baiting, what have you done?

  26. @11:04 in other words, you don't give a damn if the kids don't show up. Better for you, eh? But let's blame the new Chancellor. I've worked in different settings and teachers were always expected to do parent outreach.

  27. @1:30, you people really sound dumb AF. I've called parents who barely spoke English. Just one example, one parent was logging into the wrong classroom from a previous session. We spoke in the evening, we walked through it together and then he was able to log on the next day. All it takes is a little effort. So because nobody had to call your mother, fk everybody else. Real nice attitude. Fine. But stop blaming everybody else (Mayor, Chancellor, parents) for all of the failures in NYC schools, because there's certainly enough of it to go around.

    I guess you think that teaching in at-risk neighborhoods only requires that you show up, and if they don't then that's on them while you collect your paycheck. I've known teachers who made home visits to an entire class to deliver instruments, packets of work, graduation gowns. But yeah, let's investigate parent neglect, that's your answer to fix things. Like I said, disgusting.

  28. @1:30 your guidance counselors are playing on a computer? Guidance counselors at my school are extremely busy, they set up conferences with students and parents, work days, nights and weekends to make sure Seniors filled out their FAFSAs and TAP and completed their NXs. Your school sounds like a failing school and I can see why. My school is not a top school but everyone tries, even though we don't feel appreciated either. We can't pull them all across the line, but we can certainly pull some. If we give a damn, which clearly some of you don't.

  29. Oren said: "Isn't it an issue when one group is always doing worse in terms of attendance and graduation rate which directly leads to lack of success in college and career."

    Isn't that the whole idea behind the impact of systemic racism? The minute anyone tries to bring it up people gnash teeth and deny that it's part of the problem and don't want to talk about it. How about a suggestion that it start there? But no, anything but that, right?

  30. @11:04 Outreach is used as one of the Circular 6 options at many schools, and approved by the union.

  31. So, teachers are suppsoed to call homes but guidance can't guide? When a teacher has a class, 5 classes, or 3 in summer school, what is guidance doing, other than playing good cop and telling the students he can have a million chances even though they missed the first 5 months...All I got all year was emails from guidance saying that students will show up soon. Who cares that months had gone by. Then, the next conmtact i had with guidance was to get an email on June 20 asking if i could give makeup work so a students, a no show, a kid with a 30 average could pass...Multiple students like that. But I should call homes so a studnet could hang up on me, continue to no show, then tell me they did enough to pass, with full support of guidance, AP, and chancellor.

  32. There is no C6 in summer school, just like there is no lunch break.

    "I guess you think that teaching in at-risk neighborhoods only requires that you show up, and if they don't then that's on them while you collect your paycheck. I've known teachers who made home visits to an entire class to deliver instruments, packets of work, graduation gowns. But yeah, let's investigate parent neglect, that's your answer to fix things. Like I said, disgusting."
    Yes, I show up to teach, not beg students who don't give a shit, not beg them to turn on a $900 computer we gave them, not beg them to get out of bed because they are too tired, not tell them quality of work and deadlines don't matter. So, it isn't on them? In college, will it be on them? When they have a job, will it be on them? When they have a child? A parent shouldn't be making sure their children are going to school, but I should make sure? Outreach, so students who are clearly failing pass anyway. So I waste more of my time.

    Can teachers show up once a week and get away with it?

  33. 337,

    1104 here.

    I’m not looking to blame anyone. Quite honestly, I’m in my 40’s and don’t chase battles I can’t win in the doe.

    15-20 years ago I did and it got me high blood pressure, burnout,

    I’ll do my job. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  34. @7:22 - the poster said that teachers are "never" responsible for outreach "never has been, never will be". Not just the summer. And yes - there is a lunch break, so what are you talking about?

    As for your other nonsense - part of the outreach is for documentation purposes. Not to beg, but to offer support if they need it. Do you not understand the difference? Why are you comparing children not showing up to paid employees? Clearly you are in the wrong profession. It's just a paycheck to you, and not honestly earned either.

  35. @7:10 the incessant whining. How old are you? You have one excuse after the next for why you can't and won't lift a finger. Fine, do you. But for God's sake stop blaming the new Chancellor for your shortcomings as a teacher.

  36. 343pm, what's your school?
    357pm, what's your school?

  37. 343 here again.

    I’ll do ‘outreach’ if you call it that, so I will amend my statement.

    On our app to communicate, if someone is excessively absent or hands in zero work, I will send a message or two every couple of months. Does this make people happy? What I won’t do is give out my cell number or call from my home phone. Teachers do this. That I will never do.

    But I don’t do the outreach bc I’m concerned about the academic progress. I do the outreach so I can say to admins I tried something.

    All in all, it doesn’t matter bc anyone who hands in work will be passed or promoted any way. So they go to summer school a few days? Big deal.

    To clarify, I don’t even like or dislike the job. It’s a means to an end.

    I’ll play the game All you can do to try and stay sane in the doe

  38. There is no lunch break in summer school. Where do you work? Per session does not include a lunch break. 5 hours of instruction. Oh well. Nice try. I hope your outreach works. Please tell me your September-June placement so I can see all the success your school has and we can use it as a model. And you kind of proved my point by saying outreach is just for documentation purposes. I guess you are fine with the chancellor talking about highest grad rate ever while those grads can't even write a sentence.


  40. @8:28 who are you even replying to?

  41. 828,

    This job is a racket. Do you think anything we do really matters? That’s precious! Stay gold, pony boy!

    You teach the ones who care. Do your best with those.

    To the ones who don’t show up or don’t care, nothing you can do. You smile, say good morning and fake it until you make it.

    That’s not just teaching. That’s life. If someone doesn’t care, you can’t change that. You can’t teach someone to care.

    A husband who doesn’t want to improve will never improve. Someone who wants to eat better, but gets McDonald’s all day will never change unless they want to change.

    A kid in class who sleeps or is late every day will never change unless they want to change.

    Take your outreach and keep calling! It will work one day lol

  42. @7:48, you sound a little burned out, unlike 8:28 who is just hostile, passive/aggressive, and can't read. Some people refuse to pass students who don't turn in work regardless of the pressure Admin puts on them. If that means they won't get tenure, but that's the hill they want to take a stand on, so be it.

  43. 8:28 your thinking is so limited that you can't even fathom that there are other summer school programs which include a lunch break, but WTF does that even have to do with anything? It was only a passing response to someone (was that you), who said there isn't. You'll just dismiss it because it's not happening in your little corner of the world. Why would I tell a passive/aggressive person like yourself where I work so you can see "all the success". FIRST, point out where I suggested that my school has "all the success". Surely not with people like you still around.

    Trying to touch on all the lies in your posts is rather tiresome. I didn't say "outreach is just for documentation purposes" so you can stop patting yourself on the back now. Can you seriously not understand a simple sentence? Let me repeat it: "part of the outreach is for documentation purposes. Not to beg, but to offer support if they need it.". If you still don't understand have someone else explain it to you.

    And for good measure you throw in your lame strawman "I guess you are fine with the chancellor talking....". By the looks of your comments, not only can the grads not write, they can't read either.

  44. @8:28, Where you YOU work?

  45. I think it is better in the doe to work smart and not hard.

    Remember, hard work is not rewarded.

    Working smart is rewarded. Less stress. Less complaints about you from kids and admins stay off your you know what.

    My advice is to play the game. Go along to get along and enjoy life!

    In 20 years, the kids will remember the nice teachers who made them feel good. They won’t remember the bleeding heart who called home all the time and broke chops over them eating breakfast showing up late.

  46. Well, at least I can read my W2 with $144k on it. If you were so proud of your school, you would surely let us examine it. I need to rest up for tomorrow. Oh, and let me know when you, since you are clearly more motivated and dedicated, can figure out how to improve a school system that passes people with 0% attendance and graduates people who can't write a sentence.

  47. This thread is cute. So the parents and students have no responsibility. So the teachers in here that like to tell others that they shouldn't be teachers have no idea how to fix the issues, no idea how to get minority care, focus, attendance and grades up, and won't even tell us what school they're in. But we should keep beating the dead horse even though it has proven to never work.

  48. 10:23 your response to 8:28 makes no sense. Lol. Breaking news: another educator who thinks nothing they do matters. Just fake it, and she really believes nobody can see through it. This is what the students are up against. They're supposed to get inspiration from the uninspired. Her precious little fingers can't handle making a couple of calls. Ok, sure. No wonder your husband is bored. Lol.

  49. @3:34 Also known as Mr. or Mrs. No I Can't. Lol. How disingenuous. Is anything ever your fault? You've blamed the Mayor, Chancellor, Admin, parents, students, and now other teachers on this blog for YOUR students failing. Everyone else is responsible for the students in front of you underperforming or not showing up. Anyone passing students with 0% attendance is an idiot and no one has suggested that's ok.

    Where did anyone say they were so proud of their school. Some information was shared as far as strategies. What's your obsession with wanting to know the school, other than you just want another excuse to crap all over it. So why would anyone in their right mind tell you what school they're working in. Not to mention, the summer school is not the regular school, and guess what, they have outreach too. Specific instructions if students don't show up you are to contact (or have someone reach out). But oh no, too much to ask of Mr. or Mrs. No I Can't. You'd probably call the union and complain it's not your job, while you collect your $54/hour with zero students in front of you. You don't think that's shameful? It's embarrassing. I hope other people are not reading this blog.

    How about you share your school so we'll know what school to tell them to avoid. Lol. And what do you mean, "have no idea how to fix the issues". You may not like the suggestions, but stop lying that nothing was said. You scoff at outreach and twist what was said. You pretend you don't see the comments about teachers delivering materials, or conferences being set up. You won't do your part in your little corner unless a poster tells you how to improve an entire school system. Ok, sure. #1) Get rid of people like you. Nobody has to say you shouldn't be a teacher you say you don't teach, won't call, don't care. You think someone like that deserves $144,000 a year? A million excuses with zero results, nice job if you can get it.

  50. @1:42 says "In 20 years, the kids will remember the nice teachers who made them feel good. They won’t remember the bleeding heart who called home all the time and broke chops over them eating breakfast showing up late"

    Kinda hard to make anyone feel good if they're not in school or in your class, dontcha think??

  51. Well then 90% of the teachers must be bad, but of course none are bad in your school, the school you won't name.

  52. Why should students care about attending class in the summer if they don't come all year? We would all benefit from an attendance policy. Suspend Metro cards so students know they are to go to and from school, not to go out and hand out. Every summer we have over 100 students that come to the building for Metro Cards end never attend a single class.

    Make sure you check my attendance and question me why there are only a handful of kids in my summer school class Make sure you check my Google Classroom and tell me it is my fault students are not submitting work.
    Be sure to tell me my lessons, that are part of the curriculum, are not rigorous enough for the majority of my hs students that are reading on a 3rd grade level.
    I Outreach daily, but they don't give a .....
    Outreach only works if students think there are co sequences.

  53. Interesting thread. A lot of differing opinions, but that makes it all interesting to me.

    In my mind, the debate is not outreach. The debate is accountability. This is something where as a teacher, you can create only so much accountability.

    Where is the accountability from city hall?

    A previous commenter stated that there are no consequences. Isn’t that the truth?

    This past year, I had about 5 kids who did minimal work(barely nothing) and didn’t log in at all from November to February until we returned in person. At conferences, we told the parents and students summer school would probably be happening.

    Guess what? They were pushed through with NX grades all year.

    So, I ask, where is accountability? Why should I kill my self with outreach when consequences don’t exist.

    Kids that went to summer school in my school has kids that tried. So, we are telling the kids that the other kids who did nothing all year and failed get a pass.

    No consequences.

    1. @6:03 so why dont you change the system? That is exactly why some teachers will not fail students who show up and try, but there's a lot of whining about that too. "Kill yourself with outreach". Hahahaha. Such drama queens. Heaven forbid you should kill yourself with outreach. Thank God for charter schools. There should be more of them.

  54. "90% of teachers must be bad, but not yours". What is this stupidity? Do you only know how to post elementary level nonsense? Name your school, idiot. Not that I would believe a word you say. All you do is lie, lie, lie.

  55. Why is everyone obsessing over the comment about outreach. It was a comment made in response to someone who was crowing for DAYS about not having a single student while blaming everybody else. The question was asked "why not outreach". Ya know...WORK for your pay?? From there its twisted into this psychotic defensiveness and opposition. Get a life, do your work, and quit your bellyaching.

  56. At the end of the day, who cares? Lol. We are all trying to survive and retire without having to go through a 3020 hearing.

    Peace, health and love to all!

    Don’t let the doe bring you down.

    Play the doe. Not the other way around.

  57. Lol. There is a whole 'nother thread where people are demanding a raise. Seriously? People who brag about doing nothing all day, and not caring about their jobs, deserve raises? Lol.

  58. 1127,

    I don’t take many days and fake caring for two decades. That’s effort! Pay me. Pay me. Hahahahaha.


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