Friday, July 16, 2021


This is from Sue Edelman in the NY Post:

The faculty of a Washington Heights high school is rebelling against their principal, charging in a vote of no confidence that she has “flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school by race.”

Paula Lev, principal of the High School for Law and Public Service, is now under investigation by the city Department of Education for allegedly telling a faculty member she “was going to get rid of all these white teachers that aren’t doing anything for the kids of our community,” a complaint states.

Lev, a Dominican, also asked the faculty member to “conspire with her” to try to oust a white colleague, according to the complaint filed last week with the DOE’s Office of Equal Opportunity.

“She definitely has something against white people,” says the complaint, obtained by The Post.

On the last day of school, Lev gave the faculty member a notice that he was “placed in excess” — meaning no longer needed at the school — and should look for a job elsewhere in the DOE. 

“He blew the whistle on her and a week later he was excessed,” a colleague said. It’s unclear whether Lev knew about the complaint.

The complaint came amid simmering unrest at the school, which staffers blamed on what they said was Lev twisting the current concepts of equity and anti-racism, which the DOE promotes and teachers overwhelmingly support.

Dissatisfaction with Lev, 39, boiled up in February, when teacher Nick Bacon, the union chapter leader, filed a routine grievance about a scheduling issue that could have affected most of the faculty, staffers said.

In front of a half-dozen other staffers, Lev questioned Bacon’s motives.

“I wasn’t sure what your problem with me was, maybe it’s because I am a woman of color and you’re a white man?” Lev asked Bacon, according to a March 2 letter to District 6 Superintendent Manny Ramirez and signed by most of the school’s tenured members.

Staffers were outraged that Lev had seemingly accused Bacon, who was raising their labor concerns, of being racist. The school has a diverse staff — about half white, some Jewish and Greek. A mix of black, Hispanic and Asian make up the rest. 

The grievance raised by Bacon was resolved in the union’s favor. In an effort to quell the furor over Lev’s remark, Ramirez agreed in a meeting that what she said was “inappropriate,” but added that the comment expressed Lev’s feelings, and urged Bacon to work with her, staffers said.

Sue gives more details:

Four months after the conflict involving Bacon, another faculty member filed the discrimination complaint alleging that Lev had pressured him to help her engineer the ouster of a colleague, an unidentified white female staffer.

Lev wanted the faculty member to get a state education certification, the complaint states, so he would not have the same title as the targeted colleague, clearing the way for Lev to “excess” the more senior staffer.

“Ms. Lev has asked me to conspire with her on a couple of occasions in getting rid of my colleague,” the faculty member alleges in the OEO filing.

“She also stated to me in Spanish that she was ‘going to get rid of all these white teachers that aren’t doing anything for the kids of our community,’” the complaint states.

It concludes, “I believe Ms. Lev is not suited for the position of principal because of the comments she has made to me about white people and the malicious ways in which she thinks and speaks. She is not fit to be a leader of a school.

“As a school staff, we have lost confidence, creditability, trust, and most importantly we have lost hope in Ms. Lev as a principal at the High School for Law & Public Service.” 

 83% voted no confidence in the principal. 

We support Chapter Leader Nick Bacon and the UFTers at the High School for Law and Public Service.


  1. I really admire these teachers that stand up for themselves. Too bad we aren't all like that.

    1. They should be awarded and recognized for their courage.

  2. One of the key DOE management initiatives:
    New racists posing as anti-racist.

  3. I’m surprised Randi and Mike didn’t meet with the teachers and CL to say shut the fuck up and back down. The UFT will never be seen going against any principal, even if the principal is overtly racist, and especially if the principal is non-white.

  4. HS for Law and Public Service: WAY TO GO!

  5. Switch the races and she’s gone yesterday. 12:59 is right. Racists just call themselves anti-racists now which is why I now identify as super-anti-racist. Or should Chapter Leader Bacon just check his white privilege and apologize? American racist tactics are the new Marxist class tactics. Congratulations radical leftists and enabling liberals. We’re going to segregate and learn to hate each other all over again. We can play this game all day… Do you have a problem with a woman of color? Do you have a problem with a gay white male? And on and on and on. When everything is racist, nothing is racist. Targets of real racism suffer because racism and racist are now just heavily watered down accusations. But hey it’s a Brave New World so why am I complaining.

  6. "Switch the races and she’s gone yesterday". Oh SURE. Historically whites have suffered the consequences and repercussions of their racist tactics. Twist things much?

  7. Wow. Anti white. I thought that didn't exist.

  8. Haven't we all moved beyond black and white? This is ridiculous, I and many colleagues have moved beyond this narrative in late 70's- 80's. We want to all get along, we can get along and believe in the same things, we do get along so why this push to divide?

  9. These individuals that had the courage to stand up to this buffoon should be applauded and commended for their bravery. They have nothing to be ashamed of. The wrong thing would have been to keep quiet and allow that clown to fulfill her racist agenda. She has no business in the education. The DOE needs to make an example out of her and not allow this to ever happen again. GET OUT & STAY OUT!

  10. @7:24 where has anyone ever claimed that being anti-white does not exist?

  11. Where was the uft on this? Did they not know?


  13. 11pm. TODAY in 2021. A white principal saying to a black teacher Do you have a problem with me because …. That principal is gone. You’re twisted if you think otherwise.

  14. Messy, messy, messy, and it looks like it was another hispanic who turned her in, not the white colleague who was targeted.

  15. Shouldn't we respect the Hispanic teacher who did what was right instead of playing identity politics?

  16. When are we going to see people for who they are and not what they are?

  17. @6:19 Oh no, not WORDS. Bullshit. Regardless of what is said outright, there are TONS of discrimination that gets sugarcoated, brushed aside, and excused. You are the one who is twisted if you think "do you have a problem" is the worst thing experienced by anyone.

  18. School stats are among worst in city. She needs to shake things up. But starting a race war is bad way to begin.

  19. @9:23, well no, they'll disregard the hispanic and other minorities who didn't support the Principal because it would put a dent in their victim narrative. One minute everyone is railing about all corrupt Principals who get away with everything, and the next, it's about race and this one Hispanic Principal who actually is under investigation and at risk of being fired.

  20. A corrupt system allows administration to trump up false charges against teachers. False cries of racism is now just one of their tactics.

  21. @9:58 heaven forbid anyone should bring that up. She should have kept race out of it, but I'm curious what the issue was with the colleague who she claimed didn't care about the students, or community. And let's not pretend that doesn't happen, because we see it right here on this blog.

  22. @10:18, The UFT knows about every out of control principal, but has an agreement not to go against their brother and sister union members in the CSA. The CSA does not reciprocate because the supervision of teachers is an integral part of their members job descriptions and requirements. Yeah, I know it’s crazy and yeah, it’s true.

  23. to 10:18

    There is no such agreement. The problems with removing a bad Principal are numerous. First of all, the story is never as simple as the aggrieved teacher describes. The Principals are rarely all bad, and, typically, the teacher has been a bad actor too. (I know this entitled blog will shriek at the idea of any teacher anywhere, anytime doing anything amiss, but it is very common that it takes two to tango). Finally, there's truth in numbers. If an entire staff unites against a bad Principal, which seems to be the case here, then we have much more leverage. But, more often, a Principal has half the staff behind her, and that makes our job even rougher. Then, finally, Principals are unionized and any charges against them must be concrete. While not a "sister" union, we do support Principals having due process rights just like teachers.

    In fact, it is always very amusing for me to hear the gentle contributors to this blog screaming out "fire him, fire him" about a Principal when they have very little knowledge of the facts of the case. If you heard all the facts, you would not be screaming for a person's life to be destroyed, even if they are a disagreeable Principal.

    So, no agreement, just a complicated world, one that is never recognized by this blog, where every problem has an easy solution, namely greater courage by the UFT, and where everyone wears a black hat or a white, and bad outcomes are always the result of UFT negligence, treason, cowardice, and corruption.

  24. And the uft strikes again. But, certainly not enough of a failure to question what our dues are paying for, according to james.

  25. That idiot has no business being in the education field, much less working with children. Can the US opt to enforce an order of deportation against her? She should be considered a domestic terrorist based on her views.

  26. What's the point of moderating comments if idiotic and deranged comments like 10:01's are going to go through?

    1. Wait, so anti white racism is ok?

  27. 957 you’re arguing against a comment no one made. “Worst thing”
    1248. There is no point in moderating comments. The answer to bad speech is more speech, not censorship. Look at all the banned speech labeled misinformation that is now being proven true (Hunter, election irregularities). People who want speech banned are people who are incapable of making a cogent counter argument or just freedom hating commie sympathizers.

  28. Or, 9:56, people who do not have time to respond to irrelevant nonsense of those who want to hijack this blog for whatever reason.

  29. @9:56 interesting how you latch onto two little words in my post because I said "worst thing" while totally ignoring all of the propaganda lies spewed in the post in 5:18 which was the post I was originally responding - but then you'd have to read the entire exchange.

  30. Namita Dwarka is even worse...

  31. @9:56, says who? The blog specifically says "comment moderation has been enable", so WTF are you talking about? "The answer to bad speech is more speech no censorship", is simply your OPINION. That other crap, is not an opinion, but a TROLL. People who support lies and propaganda can't stand on truth so they rely on LIES to further their argument, like Democracy hating FASCISTS.

  32. Wait, what? NYC teacher 956 wants a "cogent counter argument" to pizzagate, brainwashing QAnon propaganda, and election lies, as if 60+ court cases are not 'cogent counter arguments. Just keep responding to the the lies ad infinitum after they have been thoroughly debunked or he will consider you a "freedom hating commie". Go ahead wallow in your lies. LOL.

  33. Trump lost @9:56 get over it!

  34. James,
    Is it written anywhere that a teacher with an Ineffective rating can not work in a per session activity for two school years?

  35. No it is not written anywhere 12:15 except in individual postings.

  36. Triggered much? 60 court cases. Another media Hoax. As the truth leaks out, enjoy your meltdowns. For the record I lmao at pizza gate when I first heard it…. Proof you don’t need to censor the absurd. I know nothing about q anon but have heard of blue anon. And no shit 1147, what I wrote about censorship is my opinion. No duh.

  37. @2:41. Yes more than 60. Try and keep up. Or not. It's public record, try to look it up if you can find the time between teaching zero students in your classroom. I'm sure you're one of those. LOL.

    You laughed your ass of at pizza gate. Well good for you. "A North Carolina man who fired an AR-15 rifle inside a pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C., last year as he was "investigating" a baseless conspiracy theory has been sentenced to four years in prison." There's more: " "During the sentencing hearing Thursday, U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson stressed that Welch's actions "literally left psychological wreckage," The Associated Press reported." More media hoax, right? But sure "you don't need to censor the absurd". I guess you don't understand the difference between absurd, and dangerous. There's even speech that ILLEGAL.

    You know nothing about Q Anon and yet there are elected members of Congress who are believers. I know you must hear this a lot, but it's not all ABOUT YOU personally. LOL.

    As for your comment to 1147 that what you wrote is your opinion - I suppose the comment was that you have yours, they have THEIRS, and the post they responded to was only trolling. Get it? DUH is right. Grow up, and get a clue.

  38. btw 2:41 slowly, now slowly, please step away from the pipe. Trump is not going to be reinstalled in August.

  39. From one of 241's favorite news channel, the other one being Info Wars: "Corey, you keep blaming this on the media," Wallace said. "The fact of the matter is this went to more than 60 different court cases and you were beaten in every one. The Supreme Court refused to even hear the Trump challenges, so please don't blame this on the media. You had your day in court and you lost."

    You lost, get over it.

  40. 1147 who is worse is debatable. What ever happened to Principal Ayetiwa of Queens. He was extremely destructive to teachers in the building. He went in and got rid of everybody. A couple of years ago there were a few threads about him on this blog about a scandal that was going on involving him and one of his APs. I remember one of the posters defending him to the death and it turns out she was having an affair with him and was in on having him get rid of people she was didn't like.

    Are Principals allowed to have affairs with their teachers? That has to be considered unethical at best.

  41. 1147 you are the one with your nose out of joint. Some of us have had our posts censored so it's not out of left field to ask why the post went through since it seems half-baked. You wasted no time getting on your soapbox to cry about about election irregularities, Hunter, freedom hating commies, which have nothing to do with the thread. Want free speech don't post on a moderated board. Simple.

  42. Stop arguing. I need to rest before I do nothing at work tomorrow for another $270.

  43. Teachers are fairly dumb.

    I quit my teaching job and now make more bartending for 15 less hours week. Also I get blamed for way way less and get told thank you way way more. No lesson plans or grading papers.

    Remember this when people ask about the teacher shortage.

  44. @6:23 thank you! Now we can get back on topic: teachers who brag about getting paid for doing nothing at all while arguing for raises. Continue.

  45. @7:30

    Right on! Teachers are foolish enough to brag how they do not work hard will make it
    certain that teachers will receive another crappy contract. With 5.4% inflation teachers are rapidly losing their ability to pay bills and provide for their families. Asshole, just keep on bragging how little work you do for summer school!. Maybe you are jus trolling for the NY city department of finance.

    There are many teachers that are selfish pig assholes. They are the teachers who kiss up to administrators, virtue signal how great they are as teachers, reward bad behavior in their classroom and coddle disgusting students. They have screwed up their moral compass.

    1. @10:54 Who is your asshole remark directed at? You do know 7:30 is being facetious?

  46. Truth about election irregularities were transformed by a triggered commenter into a claim that Trump would be reinstated. Triggered people often argue against arguments no one made. Find your safe space and chill.

    1. @647 Squawking about "election irregularities" is not "truth" about anything, it's just blathering like a drunk uncle. Nice try tho.

    2. Btw do realize that your rant about election irregularities were triggered by a troll post about the Principal. Sounds like you're the one who was triggered, and still are

    3. @647. Btw didnt you "transform" a response to a troll comment about a Principal, into a personal rant about election irregularities and other blather about commies? I guess you're the one highly triggered, ya know "argue against arguments noone made". LOL.

  47. "Divide and Conquer"; the mantra that has brought down every strong empire.

    1. In the case of teachers, we are more divided now, among ourselves, than at any other time on my 30 years of teaching.

    2. Mulgrew and the other leaders of the UFT are so far divided from the teachers, yet they still are raking in hefty salaries paid for by the teachers they don't support.

    3. Administrators and teachers are more divided now than at any other time on my 30 years of teaching.

    4. I do believe that the majority of NYC schools, elementary through high schools, are lead by corrupt and less than intelligent administrators. Yet, they fancy themselves intelligent and powerful. I am often embarrassed for them because they don't even know that they are unqualified for their positions!

    All of this can only improve with altruistic, moral, wise and intelligent leadership, which does not exist in NYC or NYS politics, the NYC DOE or in the UFT.

    Is it possible that this is all on purpose just to have a massive uneducated herd of sheep?

  48. Does anyone know which Queens high school has the highest teacher turnover?
    Does anyone know which Queens high school has the lowest teacher ratings?
    Does anyone know which Superintendent supervises this Principal?
    How has this Superintendent held this Principal accountable?

  49. Stop complaining!

    I work a few side jobs and with the time I have free(it’s a ton bc I don’t work hard at teaching) I’m doing pretty good and can retire at age 55.

    Anyone who complains about the salary, get a part time second job. We have the time.

    More people play the doe than want to admit they do.

    Play the doe. Don’t get played!

  50. The biggest selfish asshole would be the hierarchy at the uft, but nobody mentions that. i guess it's my fault the chancelor agreed to let studnets continue to no-show summer school.

  51. 1012, Chancellor has two Ls.

  52. Oh, I see, we got 10% over 7 and half years in 2014 because someone said in 2021 that summer school has no students so they aren't doing anything. That's as sensible as the uft telling people it doesnt matter how bad the job is because they are lucky to have a job. Good excuses. I guess you will use that one after the next splendid contract negotiation.

  53. 7:43 If the nyc political machine or enough nyc parents wanted the nyc masses to be educated, they’d be educated. There are no academic or behavior standards to speak of. Too much coddling. Not going to change with this chancellor. Not just a nyc problem.

  54. On the other hand, there are academic and behavior standards in the Charter Schools and private schools, and they seem to be more successful when not operating under they yoke of strict DOE regulations. The parents are not be opposed to them, and they would support receiving a voucher to have a choice. Why are unions so opposed to them if the goal is to educate the masses?

  55. "Oh, I see, we got 10% over 7 and half years in 2014 because someone said in 2021 that summer school has no students so they aren't doing anything. That's as sensible as the....."

    That's not sensible at all, but who said or even suggested any such thing?

  56. They said we say we do nothing while asking for raises and won't get them.

  57. @9:59 that's different from what you wrote, but ok.

  58. There should be a fully remote option for families of students who r 11 years old and under. It is a mistake to pretent that our school buildings will not be a breeding ground for the delta variant. Yes, yes vacine, vacine but young children cannot be vacinated and it will spread no doubt about it. Mayor Bozo needs to stop pretending that a classroom of 25 students is safe. Last school year class size was much smaller in person. Parents should demand it.


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