Sunday, August 15, 2021


Daniel Alicea is a NYC middle school teacher and UFT Delegate. He has started a group called Educators of NYC and he is the co-host of WBAI's Talk out of School with Leonie Haimson of Class Size Matters. 

Educators of NYC's current poll (albeit unscientific) shows that 87% of hundreds of respondents think there should be a remote option this coming school year for NYC parents and students. In a more just world, Daniel would be one of the people running the UFT. The piece below was sent to us by Daniel.

This is from the NY Post article mentioned below.

Hello New York City family!

We must keep up our fight to keep our city’s children, elderly, and immunosuppressed, and most vulnerable safe from this latest Delta variant COVID wave. As a result, the 8 demands of parents, families, and educators for a safe 2021-22 school year are gaining momentum.

On Thursday night, Dan Alicea of EONYC posted these demands in a petition. View it here:

It asks our community of New Yorkers to support a safe and equitable return to our city schools this fall in the midst of this new surge of COVID-19. These include mandated vaccines for all those eligible, vaccine equity for underserved areas, a universal mandate for masks at DOE facilities, heightened COVID-19 testing and safety protocols for in-person learning, and a remote option for our city’s families.

It now has well over 2k supporters. It was also featured in a New York Post article, yesterday. Read it here:

We're asking you to share this petition with those in your circle, today.

All those who believe more should be done to ensure those in our care, you can also take ACTION, right now, by calling 311 and tell the Mayor that we are standing in ONE VOICE. Read the 8 demands from the petition to the 311 rep who will let De Blasio know we remain steadfast in our commitment to keeping our city safe.

Also, I implore you to also sign this petition by a coalition that has been fighting for a remote learning option in the last few months. It asks not only for a remote learning option, but it spells out a clear, inclusive, equitable, and culturally responsive plan for what it should look like.

View this other petition here:

We are a tribe of love. A community of New Yorkers who take care of one another.

Share this urgent message with someone today.

Love wins. #protectNYC #protectNYCkids


  1. Yes, I don't think parents should be deprived of the remote option, nor the in-person option.
    Both options should be there for the parents.

  2. Meanwhile:

    S. Carolina school district back to virtual classes

  3. Pickens County school officials made the decision at an emergency meeting Friday, after nine days of in-class learning for the system’s15,000-plus students, the Greenville News reported.

    “We don’t know if it’s safe to continue as is,” and other districts should pay attention, district spokesman Darian Byrd said during the meeting.

    Officials said 142 students and 26 staff members have tested positive for COVID-19 since schools opened, and 534 students and 28 staff members were in quarantine as of Friday, WYFF-TV reported.

    Last school year’s peak was 85 students in January of this year, immediately after the winter break, officials said.

    We need a remote option.

  4. Anyone who doesn’t think nyc will screw this up, hasn’t worked for the nyc doe for very long. It’s who they are…an incompetent, corrupt, toxic, uncaring, full of shit system.

  5. What crap is this about people not accepted because they act differently?who gets suspended for acting differently??unless they are extremely disruptive, and even then, it can be difficult.sounds like race baiting.however, there is an expectation of civility.if people bully, threaten, et. They should be remove irrespective of race.

  6. "Parents not always acting in the best interests of their children hits home... It’s why we have child labor laws, infant car seat laws, minimum drinking ages, and compulsory education."

  7. As long as this remote option does not include a remote for teachers, which I don't believe it will since it will defeat the purpose of trying to get those who are eligible for the vaccine, to vaccinate. If teachers are making the choice, and exercising their freedom, not to vaccinate, they should take a leave of absence.

  8. So let's outlaw backyard pools cuz every year parents dont watch kids ans some drown.and lets outlaw ensure and baby food with glyphosate and corn syrup.nutty topic.our country has many people with chronic illness from poor choices.woll u guys side with gates buying all the farms and offering fake meat?

    1. 525 A lot of things kill us, so let's indifferently add more things to the list? this is the argument?

  9. 5:25 oh, stop trying to sound like Majorie "we all gotta die sometime Greene".

  10. People who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither.

    1. 546 tell that to the writers of US foreign policy, that sacrifice the liberty and sovereignty of nations in the name of protecting US interests, ya know, keeping wealth and capital safe. or, gripe over the devastating request to wear masks while buying groceries, or working with young children. after all, that may help prevent some illness amongst the population, and we cannot have that here.

  11. Most deaths under the age of 5 are drownings. Time to ban the kiddies from beaches, pools, lakes etc….

    1. 1043 says, since kids die this way, let's be helpful and help them die another way too. let's do the absolute least, and not stand in the way of preventable deaths.

  12. 5:46 what liberty are they taking away? Are they forcing their way into your home? Arresting and jailing you for not being vaccinated? They tried a compromise by doing away with the masks if you aren't vaccinated but to kind wear them if you weren't, and even that was too much. It is people like you who are causing us to lose our freedoms and safety.

  13. The DoE has not said it will approve leaves of absence for those who feel they are at risk. Rest of Health leaves are only granted currently for those who are getting treatment, not for those fearing illness.

  14. @7:10 the DOE has said they would not approve COVID related leaves, but one can still use their time to take a leave of absence. I know a few people who have put in for leaves. One woman was taking care of a relative, and when that ended and she couldn't continue working remotely she just took a leave.

  15. NYC teachers on accommodation are salivating at the chance to extend their accommodation.

  16. We're vaccinated and we will be in the buildings. We are looking out for the kids.


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