Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Someone sent me this from the PBA Website. It is a letter from PBA President Patrick Lynch to the retirees. The union has had a longstanding strategy of non-cooperation with the city where they just take most of their contract disputes to arbitration. 

Politically, Lynch can blame any bad deal on a terrible arbitrator and pattern bargaining where one city union settles on a percentage salary increase in a round of collective bargaining with municipal unions, and then all of the rest of the unions receive basically the same terms. 

Whether or not the PBA has achieved gains over other municipal unions by making a third party settle many of their contracts is certainly debatable. Lynch is doing that here by refusing to accept for his members the retiree health benefits Medicare Advantage plan the city and MLC agreed to. 

Retiree Health Benefits Update: MLC Votes for Medicare Advantage Plan

August 2, 2021

Dear PBA Retirees,

I am writing to update you on an important issue involving the city’s health-care coverage for Medicare-eligible retirees.

As you may be aware, the Municipal Labor Committee, an umbrella organization comprised of unions representing city employees, voted on July 14 to adopt a customized group Medicare Advantage Plan for NYC retirees, which would replace the current Senior Care plan that provides additional medical coverage (Medigap) to Medicare-eligible retirees.

The PBA did not participate in this vote. On June 7, well in advance of the vote, the PBA sent a letter to City Labor Commissioner Renee Campion advising that the PBA has not consented to health benefit changes for our retired members, and we object to any retired members being placed into a Medicare Advantage plan unless or until an agreement to do so is reached through collective bargaining.

Our letter to Commissioner Campion reiterates our long-standing objections to the MLC’s purported attempts to bargain with the City over health benefits and other matters on behalf of all city employees. Over the years, the PBA has consistently refused to surrender our bargaining certificate to the MLC or any other group.

In this instance, the Medicare Advantage plan proposal arises from a 2018 health-care savings agreement between the City and MLC, which was adopted by many individual unions as part of their overall contract settlements in the most recent bargaining round.

Since the PBA has not adopted the terms of the 2018 health-care savings agreement in collective bargaining, we have filed a Step III grievance with the Office of Collective Bargaining objecting to the application of any of the agreement’s health benefit changes to our members. That grievance is awaiting arbitration.

As you are no doubt aware, the PBA is also awaiting interest arbitration for the 2017-2019 bargaining round. The City’s demands to the arbitration panel include a proposal for PBA retirees to be placed in a Medicare Advantage plan. Arbitration hearings are set to begin this fall.

The City has not yet indicated whether it will attempt to unilaterally impose the Medicare Advantage plan on PBA retirees when it goes into effect on January 1, 2022. Nevertheless, as the details of the MLC-adopted Medicare Advantage plan may be relevant to our upcoming arbitration proceeding, we are providing the enclosed information so that you will fully understand the changes the City is contemplating.

The attached information was produced by the City of New York and MLC regarding the Medicare Advantage Plan the City wants the PBA to voluntarily accept or would like to submit to the PERB arbitration panel for decision. The PBA has not agreed to this new plan and is challenging the City's submission of this proposal to arbitration. This information is being provided for information purposes only.

As always, we will continue to update you on any significant developments with this issue going forward.


Patrick J. Lynch



  1. Patrick Lynch is a union leader.

    In contrast, Mulgrew is a a buffoon, a coward and an imposter.
    Mulgrew has lost his mind, his morals and his credibility.

  2. Wow, must be nice to have union leadership who understand who they work for and who they are expected to serve. Teachers have no representation with the city or the state. Our representative work against us everyday. They love to "have a seat at the table". Mulgrew/Weingarten think it is there responsibility to to help set ED policy, instead of understanding that their PRIMARY PURPOSE is to serve their MEMBERS!!!!!!
    Mulgrew/ Weingarten have no regard for teachers. These These moronic, demonic narcissists are only concerned with holding on to power and increasing their status and income. Both of them are disgusting and have helped destroy our working conditions and erode our rights. If there is a hell, I hope the both of them burn in it for eternity.

  3. The fact that they are fighting NOT to have it makes it obvious that the plan is not better than the existing plan.if it would be an improvement, they would welcome it.smoking gun.lets get pat to represent us!!

  4. Question: Does this leave an opening for the PSC, nurses, doctors, who reputedly voted no at MLC for further pushback? And what about retirees like DC37 who actually are not union members but a separate organization according to my understanding?

    And lastly, why are K-12 teachers soooo #$@&* stupid...

  5. Pat is a hero and Mulgrew is a zero.

  6. FACT: If Mulgrew and his UFT honchoes did not receive two pensions, they would never agree to this change to our medical benefits. 99% of NYC teachers are not aware that the top dogs at the UFT receive both a NYC pension AND a UFT pension. Those asshats can afford any changes to their medical benefits in retirement.

  7. Lynch makes plenty of noise and always acts like a tough guy. But he never brings home the bacon. Just acts so he can blame others. Be careful what you wish for when you want him as your leader.

  8. Lynch is a political genius. He will lose this in arbitration like he usually does and blame the r iterator when retirees are stuck with Medicare Advantage.

  9. ...blame the arbitrator...

  10. But pay dues, because it is better than nothing.

  11. Janmes isn't afraid to knock a dem, as he is silent while the border, Afghanistan, inflation, gas prices, food prices, crime and covid are all out of control...And as dem mayors continue to give us such horrible contracts. Didn't you say we sowuld be respected with dem leaders?

    1. Horace, when have these things ever been not out of control?

    2. So things were exactly like this 1 year ago? 3 years ago? 5 years ago? Are you saying all dem mayors of NY are failures? How about all Presidents?

  12. To 11:35... the uft staff pension is not large and it plays no role in any decision making. Being a DR, for example, is no great deal. You work from 8 to 6 plus commute, teach one class, drive all over your District trying to resolve issues. And everyone hates you. Members hate you for not solving their problems, Principals hate you because they think you will cause problems, and UFT hates you because they want you to get all your members to be more active. It's really not a dream job.

  13. Woes be the District Reps. You don't mention you make close to $200K per year for not being able to resolve member issues or stir up good trouble with administration or involve the members in the UFT. You admit you suck at your job.

    1. Is this news? When people complain about the uft collecting dues and doing nothing, they get called scabs. We are suckers while they never step into a classroom, dont get observed, don't get cursed by students, don't get harassed about grades...

  14. Horace, Biden is not perfect, nor is he evil. The American Rescue Act gave us a boatload of money that has taken layoffs and cuts off the table. That is a bit of respect.

  15. To 3:07. DR'S don't make near 200k. Many make 130k. Many member problems are personality issues, not contractual stuff. These are not easy problems to solve. Often our members are their own worst enemies.. Setting fires in schools is fun, but most members don't want that. They want to work with the admin. It is a recipe for disaster if a Dr goes into a school and starts a fire and loses the support of half the members. Then you just have a civil war. A big challenge for a Dr is to get the principal to realize that he's there to solve problems not to cause them. As far as getting staff more active, that is a tremendous Challenge and this blog is the first to point out that most of our members are not engaged. I didn't say that a dr needed your Pity but I was pointing out that the grass is always greener on the other side. Things are not so joyous in Dr land as u imagine.

  16. I would like the opportunity to address James when you say “ Horace Biden is not perfect” He is a perfect for destroying everything he touches..Sometimes you have to admit when someone is over their heads..Afghanistan..the Border..inflation..COVID vaccines..gas prices..he is failing at everything and he has not completed his first year

  17. I can add.

    DOE maximum salary was $124,909 last year DRS get their full DOE pay and UFT pay.

    District 25 Rep Lamar Hughes made $67,964 according to the 2020 LM2 that the UFT filed that anyone can get by going to the link on the right side of this blog. Add the two numbers up ad it comes to $192,873. That is not close to $200,000?

    Servia Silva made $70,843 from the UFT.Add the DOE salary and we get $195,752. How close to $200,000 do we have to get?

    Look at the lm2 please. It ain't lying.

  18. I should have become a cop when I had the opportunity back in 1985; I have had all the same abuse that they have only recently acquired, but without the requisite recourses available to a normal ambushed and abused human being or a gun, and I also have the misfortune of having Mike McGoo represent me , an all around incompetent that can’t see past the nose on his face, which never moves from deBlasio’s anus. What’s that smell Mike?

  19. LM2 is not accurate. It includes expense reimbursement and overtime for optional summer work. DRs make their DoE salary for working from 8 to 3pm, then they make $45k for overtime working 3pm to 6pm (and 7pm once a week). So, a DR could make anywhere from 100k to max of 170k.

  20. DIst reps complaining. You can teach full time instead. Earn your extra money with per session. You know you have it waaaayyyy better. No sympathy or gratitude for you from me.

  21. He's not complaining. Just said it's a tough job. My DR worked very hard and was always supportive. I think he earned his pay. Some people on this blog are so nasty and negative. I want my union rep to make a decent buck. He should pull in what a Principal makes at least. I don't want to be repped by some poor Sad Sack.

  22. LM2 is a legal document filed with the federal government. The UFT isn't playing with it. Category D is Gross Salary Disbursements. Category F is Disbursements for Official Business. In the real world we call those expense accounts.

    If we accept your $100,000 salary for a DR, $55,000 DOE + $45,000 UFT, we would be looking at DRs who are first year teachers. Even the UFT isn't that stupid.

    Someone here looked up actual DR salaries earlier in response to your comments. They revealed DRs make pretty good money.

    Please point us to the actual DRs who are making a combined DOE-UFT 100k or else cut the bs.

    The LM2 link is on the right side of the blog. The UFT's number is 063924.

  23. On July 30th the Whitehouse announced its intentions to nominate Randi Weingarten’s wife, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, to a position appointed by President Biden. The very next day, W

  24. What is lm2?
    Michael Magoo, omg that is hysterical!lmao i needed the comic relief.dOes he drive a red car?MAGOO, YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!!!LOL LOL

  25. I was giving the theoretical range. No DR'S make more than 170k for their annual salary. If they opt to work during the summer, they can make more. But just as it would not be fair to cite a phys ed teacher who is an athletic director who works summer school and makes 155k as a teacher salary, it is also not fair to say DR'S make 200k. The average DR is less than 170k and that is not bs.

  26. Michael mulgrew the balls that didnt grow.mulled, didnt grow.

  27. The transition to the Medicare Advantage Plus Plan is a fraud negotiated by Mulgrew.

    Mulgrew has fleeced all current retirees and future retirees of their retiree medical benefits. This is a complete farce negotiated by a moronic, demonic imposter.

    Over the long run the Medicare Advantage plan will be vastly inferior to the Senior Care Program.

  28. My DR is friends with my principal. The DR reports to my principal, with names and information, anyone from school who calls him with an inquiry, a concern or a complaint. He has been known to stir up problems and drama instead of trying to solve issues. He cannot be trusted or depended on for anything. This DR, in 2019, made around $185,000.

  29. Why is Mulgrew demonic? To raise a union prez to the Satanic level is so stupid, and it reveals a warped sense of the world. Everyone is just doing the best they can. The man is juggling 100 balls in the air, and trying to live a private life, too. It's fine to believe he's stupid or incompetent. But leave that demonic stuff at the door. He's just a man. Don't blow it up.

  30. James, why didn't you post my comment about DR salary. I admit I was disingenuous when I said a DR can make 100k. That is a theoretical minimum. But the maximum regular salary is 170k or so. It is not fair to count summer Work and expense reimbursement in salary discussion. We don't cite a phys ed teacher who makes 155k as an AD,do we? Max teacher is 125k. Max DR is 170k, and they work everyday until 6.

    1. I post when I get the email from Google that there is a new comment. Sometimes, Google does not send an email during high volume periods and I only get the comment on the blog administrator's page.

      Sorry, I missed yours. I would have printed it right away as I did when I saw it.

      As for the content, call it salary, disbursements, overtime, expense accounts or whatever.

      Senior teachers with per session can make around 150k. DRs can make close to $200k. I would not be surprised if some work their own per session too or teach College Now to get more.

      Most teachers I know don't get an expense account like DRs do either. I am not saying they abuse them.

      DR is not a bad living. If it was so hard, why wouldn't a bunch of them voluntarily quit to return to full-time teaching?

      If you want a real debate, district reps should be elected by chapter leaders as they were until 2002 or by members in a district. That's real accountability. The bs appointment of DRs by the president has gotta go.

  31. To 7:57... The situation you describe is easily remedied. Your chapter leader should inform the DR that he/she is not welcome in the building unless he commits to advocate for the members. Beyond that, your chapter leader can inform the DR's supervisor, namely the borough rep, and Mulgrew, that the DR has lost the confidence of the staff and is no longer welcome in the building. Such action will provoke a serious response, perhaps including the assignmment of a different rep to the building.

    I anticipate your reply which will probably be that your chapter leader, too, is in the pocket of the Principal. My answer to that is that every school gets the chapter leader they deserve. If your chapter leader sucks, then get someone to step up and run for the job. Wait, I know what your response is. "The Principal will retaliate". At this point, I stop talking to you because the school, and you, have no courage.

    I was an active chapter leader and acted as if the DR worked for me, not the other way around. He was moderately effective, gave good advice, but I wasn't interested in hearing his schtik at my monthly meetings, so I kept him out, not by barring the door, but just by kicking the can down the road. As far as battles with the Principal, I was able to handle that mostly on my own.

  32. 12:10 Your middle paragraph is fabulous.

  33. 1047 here. My info was out of date. DRs with full seniority make 180k, not 170k. Sorry.

  34. "Patrick Lynch is a union leader.

    In contrast, Mulgrew is a a buffoon, a coward and an imposter.
    Mulgrew has lost his mind, his morals and his credibility."

    Like or dislike Mulgrew Pat Lynch has not delivered for his members and his bluster with national politics hurts his bargaining power with city leaders.

  35. @4:10 - what's fabulous about it? He asked and answered his own questions. Sounds arrogant and self-important to me. He can't even listen to a poster on the board, you think he listens to his members or does he anticipate their responses, and stop talking to them too? The second paragraph was ridiculous.


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