Friday, August 13, 2021


Shameless plug: If you can't get enough of pondering my thoughts on union and educational issues, you can go over and listen to UFT Solidarity's After Class podcast where they actually wanted to listen to me ramble on for almost an hour. 

You can find Episode 4 where I am the guest here or here.

I can't wait to read the comments on what I did or didn't say or should or shouldn't have said.

As of this writing, I have not yet listened back to the podcast. After reviewing, I may agree with my critics who comment here regularly.

For information on what UFT Solidarity is trying to do with their podcast, go here

A few details from UFT Solidarity:

After Class Podcast is for and by educators just like you.

Hi, we are Johnny, Eric, and Lydia. We are NYC public school teachers and activists who collectively have 50 years of education experience. We are dedicated to talk about issues that impact all educators from the role of unions, to CRT, to inequity nothing is off the table! We hope you will tune in to listen to our podcast.

It's basically UFT Solidarity's answer to Michael Mulgrew's podcast. I seriously think Solidarity's podcast is a good idea so listening to me talking to Solidarity is probably much easier on the ears than hearing Mulgrew filibuster.


  1. Isn't solidarity a reactionary caucus?

  2. Ridiculous...

    "Under pressure from labor leaders and insurance executives, New York Democratic leaders are blocking a vote on single-payer health care legislation in the state — even though it has majority support in the legislature."

  3. In the sense that it rejects political and ideological positions, in favor of bread and butter issues. Is that reactionary?

  4. Webster's definition of reactionary:

    "relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction
    especially : ultraconservative in politics"

    No, that is not UFT Solidarity.

  5. JAMES, clearly your blog your rules. I cannot stop when you, Arthur, and this idiot Justin Spiro etc announce to mandate vaccines. You use cnn and Flip flop fauci who is not credible as sources and reasons to spread misinformation. You cannot prove my sources are fake, phony, and false even with your media fact check crap. I will be proven correct about election, pcr, masks, vaccine. By December, if everything I said is all BS I assure you no more posting, which I am sure you and your readers will be thrilled about.

    BTW snopes a bullshit liberal bent was finally exposed.

    Where are the complaints about Biden??? Border which Kamala and the news completely ignore is the worst ever, inflation is absurd, gas prices nearly 4 dollars, hunter biden videos with prostitutes talking about being compromised with his laptop.

  6. "By December". I thought Trump was supposed to be reinstalled yesterday? How did it go?

  7. Anon2323 - DON'T GO. You're always good for a laugh and posting things that really help to convince people they should be vaccinated.

  8. We use Media Bias Fact Check, not Snopes, to fact check, Anon 2323. You don't mention the podcast or Solidarity so you are probably completely off topic but I put your comment through to be fair to you.

    Still, back to the topic please.

  9. One more point before hopefully getting back to the podcast: the public believes Dr Fauci and the authorities.

    Trust in federal health officials is high more than a year into the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new poll.

    A survey released this week by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania found 76 percent of respondents said they were "somewhat or very confident" in the veracity of information about the coronavirus coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its leaders.

    At the same time, 68 percent said they believed Fauci, a member of former President Trump's coronavirus task force and a top adviser to President Biden on the pandemic, has provided trustworthy advice.

    A total of 77 percent also expressed confidence in the information being put forth by the Food and Drug Administration about vaccines and vaccine science.

  10. Anon2323 were you in person last year or were you working remotely?

  11. I believe he was in person and proud of it.

  12. Fauci is the medical version of the school chancellor who hadn’t been in a classroom in decades except for photo ops but calls himself an educator. I don’t believe that lying little weasel on anything. Daddy Fauci told us masks don’t help when he believed they did because you know… greater good. The Hill is a white liberal rag. My polling says no one believes this bullshit anymore except privileged dem city libs.

  13. The libs are insulting you, Anon2323. That means you’re right.

  14. Anon2323 commented that he showed up for in person schooling. He said, "Of course, I went in and why not be proud? I play Game of DOE very well, I am not a lazy hack that is for sure."

    He then sent links to videos that promote unreliable sources on the same post which we will not print. In addition, he then sent another comment on his favorite therapeutic that used a biased study done by people promoting the drug that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this posting.

    I admit that by trying to be fair to Anon2323, I posted his initial comment that had zero to do with my appearance on Solidarity's podcast but I then asked people respectfully to get back on topic. I make that request again here.

  15. 12:39 - he WAS right, I agree. He posted that Trump was the worst President, and he also posted articles showing all the reasons why people should get vaccinated.

  16. Yup, Trump's the worst. Just look what's going on. Inflation. The border. Afghanistan. Crime. Empower women, as the Taliban is raping 12 year old girls. As woman are forced to cover every milimeter of their body. As people are being killed trying to climb onto moving airplanes. As beheading begin. We saw an insurrection as the Taliban took over the Palace and now run the government. James, we are both history teachers, you should be commenting on this.

  17. @7:10 - Yep - Trump absolutely left a huge mess behind for someone else to clean up. It was his decision to withdraw troops. Just one more thing Biden should have rescinded.

  18. BTW - they removed from the website that it was Trump's "peace treaty". Ha!


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