Sunday, August 08, 2021


From Meet the Press:

I support Randi on the vaccine mandates but how about a remote option, particularly for kids under twelve who cannot be vaccinated?


  1. I don't support a remote option for teachers. They don't want to get vaccinated let them take a leave of absence.

  2. Really, James. So, who gets this remote option? Every student? Every one of my students would choose to stay home and then never log into the live class. How about every teacher who wants to milk it? Can i stay home or because I'm not overweight and don't smoke I have to travel to work?

  3. How about kids under 12 who cannot be vaccinated get a remote option?

  4. I think students should get a remote option. And if there is to be a teacher remote option then it should be open to everyone, not just unvaccinated teachers. In fact let the rest of us go remote, and they teach in person. Haha.

  5. James you are correct that kids under 12 that are not vaccine eligible should stay home.

    A remote option should be offered to any student / family that wants one.

    Teachers and other educational staff should report to schools and teach remote classes from the building.

    People have to understand that remote is not milking , remote is about safety and fending off this virus.

    Me and wife and both of my kids are vaccinated. If my children were too young for the vaccine I would not send them into school in September.

    I am working 683 this summer and none of our students can tolerate wearing a mask all day. My saving grace is the vaccine. I worry about the kids I teach when these mutations hit us full speed in the fall.

    I HOPE that we do not have an uptick in infection but as of now depending on the source we will be blasted or we won’t.

    Keep safe and enjoy what’s left of your summer.
    It will be really interesting opening to the school year in September.

  6. Randi reemerges as the doyenne of irrelevance!

    Randi is also the classic example of a "pick me politician."

    Her uniquely absurd meme would make for great satire on tik-tok.

  7. Yes, no remote options for teachers or high schoolers. I agree, the teachers don't feel safe, let them take a sick leave.

  8. Ok, so you are saying everyone over 12 must attend? And all teachers? And how many absences till a student fails?

  9. Two points! 1) Randi does not speak for me nor any other member unless she takes a poll of every teacher who pays dues. 2) The mayor does not need friggin' Randi's endorsement of a vaccine to make them mandatory.

  10. My kids are all grown, but I think there will have to be a remote option because a lot of parents will keep the kids home. I remember parents coming to my middle school to pick up their kids after the Twin Towers came down. I don't know how many parents will do this in September, but the DOE will end up having to make this an option.

  11. I hate going down this rod, but I think we need a remote option at least for the start of the school year as awful as it will be.

    I’ve been in denial about delta, but it’s bad. Very bad.

    We can’t have what happened in March or April of 2020 happen again.

  12. There should be a remote option for kids 12 and under as there will be no vaccine for them until mid-winter. Instead of being proactive and doing this now, they’ll wait until children attending school start to die from the variant caught inside a school. Then deBlasio and Mulgrew and the rest, will wring their hands and cry to the heavens, ‘out of an abundance of caution, we are going fully remote for children 12 and under’. The only thing they are consistent on is being reactive after a completely predictable and avoidable tragedy. You don’t have to be psychic to see what’s going to happen.

  13. Obama has his 700 person maskless booze filled party complete with people flying in from around the world including Nancy Pelosi
    Keep voting for these Democratic liberals that cant even keep track of the information they are feeding the sheep of this country who gobble it up.

  14. People cram music festivals unmasked;refuse to follow mask mandates on busses...but blame the unvaxxed!sad to say, lately, the worst (most number)of unmasked riders is are older folks.should I feel sorry for them or wish them dead and buried so they can stop infecting us...I have turned from a compassionate person into a hateful one.sad...
    I don't agree with DeSantis, but in part, at least he is for choice.if these party goers choose to revel unsafe despite precautions, so be it.they cared for the elderly, so it's the young ones who are idiots.good.if they die, there will be more housing for the rest of us. I do agree that they should have mask wearing though.again, I repeat the sentiment that if people aren't willing to something simple like wearing a mask, why should they expect people to take a risky jab?

  15. Weingarten is a horrible leader. Consider the state of the union now resulting from her ability to sell us out in favor of a higher position. While I'm in favor of vaccinations, they should not be forced.

  16. Percentage of those 65+ years old (highest risk) who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19:

    California 82.6%
    Illinois 79.6%
    New York 85%
    Washington D.C. 82.4%
    Florida 86%

    Data matters. Relevant data matters more.

    1. Yup, relevant data as of today.

  17. More of a chance to get covid in school or get shot/stabbed/assaulted/robbed walking to school?

  18. Whether Randi calls for mandatory vaccines or not, it's irrelevant. She has no power -- but if the UFT follows suit - that will push de Blasio.
    But kids are not vaxed and teachers may be safe(r) by being vaxed, what about the kids?

  19. 3:00 vaccinations are not forced. Nobody is forcing you to work anywhere either.

  20. People should not be denied a luvelihood.i am not a new hire.coercion is what is happening with the jab.not incentives.that is forbidden, according to what I read.

  21. Teachers who were medically advised not to vax should not be penalized.nobody asked for this virus. Many who milk it should have to give back their salary.they ruin it for those who work hard.too bad they didn't trace people.i know paras who never came on a meet.they should be terminated or return their salary.those who play golf on school time are taking advantage of the accommodation.shame on you.
    As for Randi...NO diblockhead doesn't need her to mandate.but it only encourages and emboldens him.if unions want what he wants, he will do for covid and delta, we have been fed so much horseshit that it is difficult to sort the truth from the fear mongering. I hear its more contagious, but not more dangerous.2 uglies, Randi and Pelosi can go fuck each other.we should blame the voters who put them there.fuckin Randi pledged that she was leaving uft to be in a better position to help??what a phony.
    If u think this is all about covid and not a grab at freedoms, read up on what is going on in Australia now.james, I guess my hateful rants were too much to post, but I was fuming and needed to vent.i think my friend is sick of hearing it.she just goes and takes risks saying she doesn't want to live in other friend made a good enjoy what we have left in life...whether we die from covid or from the jab.cuz worry and stress is a recipe for ill health...I can no longer sleep at night from all the stress of this bs.but I do hate Randi and Pelosi and biden nevertheless...and I do not wish them well.
    My family was democrats.i was always told how bad the Republicans were for the workers.i still hear it.but I cannot align with these extreme loonies.

  22. Lollapalooza goes on unmasked but the unvaxxed are the spreaders?they can't admit that the vax is a failure. Keep drinking flavor every few months.see what happens to your health...

  23. As much as I despise (and that may be too weak a word) Randi, she is relevant, especially when she’s right - which is about 25% of the time. She must be getting ready for an ambitious self promotion campaign for a better job. Her statement should be stronger, as in having kids 12 and under go fully remote. Kids are especially vulnerable right now, no matter what way you want to look at it because there is no vaccine for them. What parent, teacher, principal, union leader or mayor wants to see a kid die because the data seems to point in one direction, when it could just as likely turn on a dime and go the other way ? No one, especially Fauci, understands this virus the way they should and it’s just not worth risking any lives, especially when there isn’t a vaccine available for kids 12 and under.

  24. Can anyone make sense of why parents are protesting because they want their kids back in person UNMASKED?
    I know there are opinions on both sides about masks.i am in the middle...NO guarantee, but helpful, especially against up close and personal large droplets.again, my doc said it doesn't work...I guess he means aerosols that slip in..definitely better than no mask.what is wrong with them??Randi is just bad all around.she prob got by on Sandi feldman,Feldman, coattails.i can't think of anything positive about do all these corrupt people sleep?they don't count sheep.they count their dollars.i responded very strongly to her idiotic emails.i never got a response.probably nobody reads them or nobody cares.i hear that song in my head now:"go on, take the money and run..." well the bigger they are. The harder they fall.i relish to see that day when these awful people fall.if not in this world, they will have their day locked out of kingdom come!I hope for conscience, worse than a jew, she is a shonda, ie an embarrassment.i am embarrassed that she is in my tribe.

  25. embarrassment. My whining.its my only outlet.i know these are awful things to say and think about people.but I guess all these puppets and clowns serve a purpose or God would not allow we approach the Jewish new year, I reflect:perhaps there are people who are bad in order to teach us and warn us of how NOT TO BE.IE, HOW UGLY PEOPLE CAN BECOME, HOW LOW AND DEPRAVED THEY CAN FALL.LIKE FAUCI AND RANDI.I CAN FORGIVE DUMMIES LIKE DIDUMBIO BEC HE IS just SIMPLE MINDED, MAYBE NOT EVIL BY PREMEDITATED INTENTION..he just has shit for brains, America's dumbest... I pray for salvation and enlightenment in these dark times of thick darkness, where good and bad are not always clear.let's all put out positive energy so we can put this awful Era in the history books of the fucksters!1pardon the ramble!

  26. Weingarten is a liar, and you can't believe a liar even when they're telling the truth.

  27. Yes the Delta variant is more contagious but it's death rate is just a fraction of that of the original covid, which was tiny to begin with..
    Those leaders calling for vaccine mandates have a hidden agenda. And those sheeple who believe that forcing an experimental drug onto the entire population is the solution are beyond stupid, they have been totally gaslit.
    Pathetic. Just what will happen with this sad population when something REALLY BAD comes along? Heaven help us

  28. 600,000 dead, yeah no big deal. Try those memental tricks somewhere else.

  29. people we can talk all day about a remote option but to start the school year it's all about the money. They want to have students show up in person and not stay in the DR or wherever they may be. If no student shows up by October 1st the will be taken of the schools roster. They want these kids in person so they can get there money then go remote sometime in October.

  30. "John Eyers didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok," his family said.

    The father-of-one told doctors in his final days that he regretted his decision not to get a vaccine.

    An unvaccinated 42-year-old fitness fanatic who regularly climbed mountains and competed in the ironman has died of COVID-19, his family said.

    John Eyers, a construction expert and bodybuilding competitor from the seaside town of Southport, England, died last week, one month after catching the virus.

    The father-of-one was a "healthy" and "very active" person who was climbing mountains and camping in the wilderness just four weeks before he got sick, his twin sister, Jenny McCann, said on Twitter.

    Social media pictures show Eyers' bouldering, cycling, running, and lifting weights. A friend who paid tribute to him on Facebook described him as "one of the most active and fit people I knew."

    McCann told Sky News that her brother didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok" and "didn't know anyone who had contracted COVID."

    "Secondly, he had bought slightly into this age of disinformation that we are living in and some conspiracy theories about the safety of the vaccine and what's in [it]," she said, according to Sky News.

  31. The vaccinated are called cowards, yet the unvaccinated are afraid of a little vaccine. Don't want to vaccinate, don't want to mask, don't want to show vaccination status, want the right to work without showing anything. Someone mentioned those who can't vaccinate due to doctor's orders. Those people should get remote option. Those who willingly don't want to vaccinate - why should they receive a remote option? There is no rational reason to give them a remote option.

  32. @10:47 "those sheeple who believe that forcing an experimental drug onto the entire population is the solution". So, what's your solution? What's really gaslighting is the right-wing media and politicians who are doing everything to discourage vaccinations, even though they made sure to get their own little jab. ROFLMAO.

  33. 600000 UNVACCINATED people dead and mostly people in the 70+ category. Asking questions and pointing out inconsistencies in the official narrative does not mean someone thinks the virus is a hoax or that they don’t take it seriously. We, the country, can’t get a handle on accurate information and some us are not okay with that. I’m vaccinated pro choice and I’m sick of not being able to get anywhere near the truth on all the things brought up about things related to COVID. 90% of Florida hospitalizations are unvaccinated. 10% are vaccinated. But the articles I’ve read don’t mention if it’s people who were hospitalized because of COVID or because they had a motorcycle accident. Politicians and news media are not interested in giving us accurate information. They all have an agenda and they cherry pick stats to suit that agenda. We are being manipulated. Does the statistic hold that if you’re vaccinated you have something like. .04% chance of being hospitalized or dying from COVID? If it is accurate, that’s the news we should all be hearing all day. If it’s more dire than that we still need to hear it. The longer I live the less I trust the government, fda and cdc and forget so called journalism. What about the scientists who say the current vaccines can lead us down the path of mutations far more dangerous? Any truth or accuracy in that? I’m not a scientist. I shouldn’t have to be. We should have reputable science journalists who can explain this stuff. I’ve ranted enough. — Disgusted American

  34. I agree with educat.this is not about covid.why would CNN call for unvaxxed to lose drivers licenses and the ability to purchase food?and PayPal threaten to shutdown accounts.and other businesses discriminate?there are martials in Australia making sure you don't leave your home.this is insanity.still 6hink this is about a virus with a 99.9% survival rate??

  35. Serious question. If the vaccine prevents 99.9% of recipients from getting seriously ill from COVID, why does it matter to you if you’re in a room with unvaccinated people?
    Although flu is less deadly than COVID thus far, it’s still deadly among the unhealthy, elderly and children. Those of us getting flu vaccines never gave thought to who isn’t vaccinated. Also, every time my principal publicly congratulated classes for 100% attendance, I used to think, thanks asshole, for encouraging sick kids to come to school. She did this up until we closed in March 2020. Anyone else have dumb principals like this? Wondering if this idiocy will resume if/when COVID passes. Sick people going to work saying “it’s just a cold.” Maybe. But maybe you’re super healthy and the bug you have isn’t “just a cold” to someone else. These were things I thought before COVID. Knowing the doe, they will snap back to their regular stupid ways soon.

  36. Sad part is this pandemic would be near to being wiped out by now at least in the US if everyone who was eligible got the vaccine.

  37. 6:57 one what day/time did Cnn call for people to lose driver's license and ability to purchase food? I havent seen it but if true I imagine it came from some nutjob guest spouting nonsense.

  38. I've only posted on this blog once or twice (I wrote a short, satirical poem about Winston Churchill being skinnier than Donald Trump in August 2020). Overall I think you are doing a great job in highlighting issues of concern for UFT members.

    Maybe you will post this comment, and maybe you won't. But "put this awful era in the history books of the fucksters!" by Anon 8:57 is one of the funniest sentences I've ever read.

    Incidentally, you should feel more empowered to not publish comments. Trolls and bad actors love comments sections, as well as people who don't know how to put a space after sentences. The best place for a response to a blog is another blog. Have a great day!

  39. Don lemon said you can't go to work, the ballgame, the store, if not vaccinated.


    Here is a link to a petition for a remote option.

  41. There has been a +112% increase in COVID cases in the USA. Ranking by state:

    1) New Hampshire +310%
    2) Wisconsin +259%
    3) Vermont +242%
    30) Massachusetts +127%
    31) New York +127%
    38) California +103%
    45) Florida +84%

  42. No 855. We don’t yet have a vaccine for everybody just over a certain age. According to some scientists this is why the rollout may cause mutations resistant to vaccine. Instead of attacking and censoring these scientists, this should have been discussed publicly with no agenda but science. No politician or political appointees ….. scientists debating. That’s it except for including someone who can dumb it down but translate accurately for science dummies like me.

  43. @10:39, wheres the part about the driver's license? I doubt very seriously Lem9n was referring to food stores. We've already heard about workplaces, ballgames, and theaters mandating the vaccine. Dont Conservatives say we should keep government out of our business. It's the business'call. Maybe Lemon was just reporting what's happening.

  44. link to CNN video

  45. Randi is bucking for "brownie points" from the political elites in the Democrat Party

  46. @11:57 how is that pandering to Democrats? They want schools open. Don't YOU want a remote option?

  47. Democrats know kids under 12 aren't vaccinated and many kids over 12 aren't either. If you think the way they're insisting all the kids return to in person school for the fall sounds a lot like Trump you are not mistaken.

  48. I watched most of an interview with DeSantis and some fla seems that they protected the elderly, encouraged vaccinations. But did not force..hospitals seeing younger patients but they said most are not covid patients.interesting how the media spins things.still, I think it is irresponsible for people to party in throngs and disregard the possibility that others can spread it to elders.a person concerned about their circle should reconsider this partying.maybe when more young people get covid, they will come around...but maybe not.some people think they are invincible.

  49. I did share the link for the interview with lemon.i do not see it posted as of yet.

  50. 11:16 petition link not working.can you correct it?

  51. CNN is who allowed Chris cuomo and that fiasco...hmm

  52. 7:35 why should being "seriously ill" be the measure? Staying unvaccinated or being exposed to the current mutation is causing more mutations which are not vaccine resistant. Frankly I think its selfish. Many people say they're waiting it out. Sure, let others take the risk and if all ends well you'll join in. And they call the vaccinated the cowards? Frankly I dont care if people vaccinate, but they dont even want to share their status so now everyone has to mask. You've had the unvaccinated say they should work from home, while the rest of us supervise their in-person students? So again, dont vaccinate but you dont also get to dictate what activities you should be allowed to join.

  53. Don Lemon compared the unvaccinated to reckless drivers who have the consequence of losing a driver’s license (unless you’re in a Democrat city where you can do whatever you want.) Thats the confusion here.

    1. 128. wait, we can do whatever we want here? so then, why do we have so many complaints regarding the limits on what we can do here? yea, confusing.

  54. 1:04 I’m vaccinated. I think it’s wrong to force vax. Even if every adult got vaccinated by now,we still do not have vaccine for children. Thus mutations anyway. That’s why some scientists were hesitant about the vaccine rollout. Vaccinated people can still contract virus and transmit according to cdc. Aerosoled virus is not contained by masks. This is more complex than mainstream media reports. 99.9% of vaccinated people will be fine if they contract virus which is why for now, I’m not worrying about who is vaccinated. The data shows that our poorest nyc neighborhoods are not vaccinating. If you work in one of those schools,how do you think these people will react to a mandate. In my school the parents will curse you out and probably punch you in the face. That’s the reality we’re dealing with. What’s the end game here? DeBlasio tried bribery. Didn’t work. Will now try keeping these people from entering restaurants and clubs. It’s going to get violent at some point unless establishment owners turn a blind eye. Or , looking at the card stock of my vax card, some criminal entrepreneur will start selling phony cards. The democrat mayor can’t say they need a smartphone and need to have ID to get vaccinated plus an app with vax status and yet claim it’s racist to ask for ID when they vote… while also saying kids in a classroom is ok just don’t take them to Legoland or wherever. This is a giant shit show. The government is incompetent.

  55. My dad passed away last year and we had to choose which 10 family members could attend his memorial service

    But Obama & his elite & rich friends can party it up for his 60th birthday.

  56. You were doing ok until you start stereotyping poor NYC neighborhoods and already accusing them of resorting to violence. Seems to me the people resorting to "cursing you out', and "punching people in the face" were right wingers having meltdown all over the country because of OTHER people wearing masks. And then you use "bribery" instead of incentives. Like I said you people don't want to mask, don't want to share vaccination status, don't want want to vaccinate, just want free reign. Well, no. Not going to happen, and it doesn't matter how many right wing talking points you resort to. The government IS incompetent and crybabies refusing to cooperate in ANY way is just making things worse.

  57. Phony vaccination cards are already being sold. So then when they resort to a chip, or whatever, you can blame Democrats again. They tried the honor system (wear a mask if you're unvaccinated), and we see how well that worked out. The unvaccinated are causing all of these issues and there's not way around it, AND right-wing media is spreading disinformation.

  58. Diblunderer doesn't care...he won't get physicJan. attacked.he has a body guard.he sets it in motion and leaves in jan.

  59. Regarding fake vaccine cards: "In March, the concern over fake COVID-19 vaccination cards prompted the FBI to issue a joint statement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urging people not to buy, create or sell fabricated vaccine cards. Unauthorized use of the seal of a government agency such as HHS or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a federal crime."

  60. Am I the only one who thinks that this is setting a really bad precedent? Having to show your papers in order to participate in society or keep your job? Maybe maybe I could understand if we were dealing with a disease that killed 20% of the people that came in contact with it. But the fact is 99.97% of people who contract covid survive! The fear that has paralyzed so many is really pathetic. It's a wonder they can muster up the courage to cross the street.

  61. @4:33 key words in your post: LAST YEAR. Crybaby still whining about Obama.

  62. During a pandemic, which is a public health emergency, you have to do everything to save lives.

    In NYC schools, the vaccine for teachers, other staff and those 12 years and older must be mandated.

    Handling elementary schools students is going to be tricky. In short-term, they should wear masks and physically distance.

    Those adults who work in school and chose not to be vaccinated can seek a different job.

    Parents of children over 12 who don't want the vaccine can home school.

  63. 4:45 I said in MY SCHOOL. Let me put it into Lib Speak: it’s my lived experience. You’re the only stereotype anywhere near this blog. Stereotypical knee jerk liberal. And oh yes. It’s going to happen.

    1. @6:11 Stop fucking lying. Teachers in your school are NOT getting punched in the face by parents. Not to say it never happened but to act like its a regular thing is just a bald-face lie. Let me guess, you work in a black school right? If you're so afraid go hide under your bed, you'll feel safe there.

  64. You think the restaurant order is calling the feds? Hahahaha.

  65. Its also a crime for fauci to lie to congress.he is paid more than the prez

  66. I doubt the poster was racist.i didnt read itvthat way.i assume it referred to a group that is already struggling and oppressed on many tp add this is over the top.i dont want to see violence from anyone ever.but sadly, sometimes is the only pressure for change.people should not harm their fellow man or their property cuz its not their fault.i wouldnt mind seeing the folks that institute and support these injustices get their share though. Im prayi g that enough people will morals will stand up.i do not like Ted Cruz.but i saw a video of him calling out the way usavis running the plandemic.i wish i could find the link.if i can, i will post.maybe someone else saw it?
    Maybe this in fighting is part of their divide and conqueor plan.
    James. Why did u not post the link to the protests in europe?is that also fake news??

  67. 5:52 you dont have the courage to take a vaccine so it works both ways. You're afraid you're going to die or grow two heads.

  68. Ted Cruz is a piece of shit with no backbone and even less credibility.

  69. We have already explained our standards for posting links. If Media Bias Fact Check rates something as conspiracy theory pseudoscience, we won't link to it nor are we going to post comments where people throw around statistics but can't back them up with a reputable source.

    I have neither the time nor desire to refute some of the nonsense posted here. I welcome discussion and debate but draw the line at posting outright BS even though sometimes with so many comments, things get by me.

  70. But no problem with "Ted Cruz is a piece of shit with no backbone and even less credibility." James, you are a first class scumbag. I'm glad uft voters thought the same thing in 2010. I can't believe I'm saying this but you would've done a worse job than mulgrew. You censor based on political ideology, not fact.

  71. @11:39 "Maybe Lemon was reporting" 😂😂😂😂. The dude is a joke. I find it infuriating for people on here to say right wing disinformation where the entire left media has been caught red-handed for the last 5 years doing it!!! Fox, newsmax, an OAN so much more accurate than this propaganda left media which has absolutely torn this country apart with it's blatant lies (project veritas exposed the obvious).

    Obama party and Lollapalooza are perfectly fine.

    James won't mention disaster at the border, either will the left media. Thousands of illegals are being bussed into communities around the country. Close the border take it more serious and maybe I will slightly believe the delta crap and how bad the virus is. Cuba uprisings shhhhhhhhh, europe uprising in France shhhhhh.

  72. 4:08 I meant we can rob and loot and drag race down streets if the political authority agrees with our cause. Hope this clears things up.

  73. How many call every political figure from each party a pos? Please spare me the double standard nonsense. Oh yeah that one went through too calling me an s bag.

  74. Journal of Medical Ethics

    Shelly Kamin-Friedman explored the legald ethical dimensions of this policy. This commentary makes three claims: (1) Mandatory vaccination is a valid exercise of the state’s police powers to protect the common good. (2) A disease eradication campaign is a sufficient ground for the exercise of those powers. (3) The state is obliged to use the least restrictive/invasive measure to achieve community-wide vaccine coverage, but need not use less effective measures; further, determining which measure is most effective is a fact-specific determination.

  75. @7:49 boo hoo Ted Cruz got called a name. That' the hill you choose to die on? Nothing could be more pathetic than that. He IS a no-back bone, no credibility piece of shit. That's not political, it's a FACT.

  76. Oh yeah @ 8:27. Like Trump allowed the storming of the Capitol, called them patriots, and refused to send in reinforcements because he agreed with their cause. Thanks for clearing it up.

  77. Not necessarily on topic, but has anyone here seen the Chancellor's latest tweet? There's photos of her at a middle school with kids sitting right next to each other, not wearing masks properly, not even any attempt at social distancing...I guess that's what's in store for September. They're not even going to pretend they're taking basic precautions.

  78. 8:21 - your post doesn't even make any sense because most of the time you post while drunk, or so it seems. The point about Lemon was that perhaps he was reporting on the various companies mandating the vaccine, and not necessarily "calling for it" as the poster claimed. Not to mention it was total BULLSHIT the he called for taking away someone's driver's license as someone else explained. This is supposed to be a teacher's blog, why the hell should James be obligated to post about the uprisings in Europe? Want the freedom to spread your disinformation, start your own blog. I'm sure there are plenty of weirdos that will come through. NEWSMAX and OAN. You forgot InfoWars. Bwahahaha.

    Still crying and boo hooing about Obama's party. My God, somebody shove a pacifier in his Anon2323's mouth already.

    1. @921 pm...
      Oh no...not drunk Lmao.
      A paci? Rofl.
      They won't start their own blog because they probably don't know how, are too lazy or know they won't have an audience. Lmao...drunk. i can't.

  79. So why dont they bring back prohibition as per your pov?dont drunk drivers cause countless deaths?diblockheas lets takeout alcohol thru as essential business...pot laws reformed.i agree, but now i smell pot at the red lights. This is bs about protecting people from this virus whetebthey distort everything...and how aboutbthe fact to keep us safe. They letvthe criminals out of much for that arguement.they change bail laws as well.repeat offenders terrorize the people.but they are protecting us, right? I gor into an arguement and told why do they blame immigrants...i blame the gov that knowingly sends them all over to infect communitoes. Case closed.

  80. So james, you think that rioting overseas is fake news?

    1. NY Times

      ORBETELLO, Italy — On Friday, the first day that Italians needed to present a nationwide health passport for access to indoor dining, museums, gyms, theaters and a wide range of social activities, Margherita Catenuto, 18, from Sicily, proudly showed a bar code at the Capitoline Museum in Rome certifying that she was vaccinated.

      “It’s like showing you have a conscience,” said Ms. Catenuto as she walked in. “You do it for yourself, and you do it for others. It’s very sensible.”

      Similar measures to stem the coronavirus pandemic have prompted large protests in France and bitterly split Americans between cities that will require vaccine passes, like New York, and entire parts of the country that consider even masks an affront to their rights. But Italians have mostly greeted their new Green Pass with widespread acceptance and, after some compromises, near political consensus.

      After a long populist period that prized anti-establishment fervor and viral propaganda over pragmatism and expertise, Italians are suddenly enjoying a high season of rationality.

    2. A recent poll published in Italy’s largest newspaper, Corriere della Sera, showed that 66 percent of Italians support the Green Pass, and populist leaders who once cast doubt on vaccines have largely gotten with the program.

    3. Fox News on protests in France

      Polls, however, show that most people in France support the health passes, which prove that people are vaccinated, have had a negative recent test or have recovered from COVID-19.

  81. They tried scaring us with the measles not long

  82. I have had a change of heart.i will not support you in the quest to change uft leadership.a previous poster pointed out(i am not endorsing the vulgarity) that you censor based on your own beliefs, just like you not think that we are intelligent to read, follow sources, think critically, and choose our path wisely?do you know that dr. Mercola is removing his entire library of health and nutrition posts freely shared ,thanks to the agencies and biden that have personally threatened him?Biden is trusted our constitution.instead, he is eroding it.isnt examining and evaluating sources a hs skill that is taught? Your censoring sources is as bad as the media the poster rightly pointed out, you allow hate speech, racially charged, and just plain hating on commentors go through.
    Alternative med saved mt friend's life.yet it seems like u think it is fake news.if the networks broadcasted a directive to drink bleach, why do you censor someone who is an md with a long track record.Is it because you are afraid that biden, fauci and all the three letter gangs will hunt you down as a spreader of misinformation? If nothing will change, then let the corrupt uft be...just as collectively, we have chosen to accept networks content as gospel, so be it for the uft.afterall, maybe you are a right wing conspiracy theorist when it comes to holding them accountable.
    Do you think this is nice when directed at you?
    I appreciate the blog for getting some updated info but that is it.we are all arguing for the truth in this column...

    1. I printed your comment as it was primarily critical of me which is fine 1:29 but I did the research on Mercola and here is what I found quickly.

      This is from NPR where they interviewed a researcher from the University of Washington who studies online conspiracies.

      GARCIA-NAVARRO: So give us a brief description of who Joseph Mercola is. I mean, he's been involved in the anti-vax movement for quite a while.

      MORAN: Yes. So he's an advocate for alternative wellness. And his activism around sort of anti-vaccination actually predates this pandemic. He wrote a book called "The Great Bird Flu Hoax" in which he argued that government preparedness for pandemics was scaremongering orchestrated by the government and drug companies in order to gain power and make money. And so he kind of positions himself as a sort of natural health advocate who says that we can deal with the side effects of COVID-19 and other health challenges through natural supplements and vitamin D and diet rather than vaccination and medicine.

      GARCIA-NAVARRO: Which he sells.

      MORAN: Yeah, he sells vitamin supplements online.

      If people want to argue with each other, I don't encourage it but I won't stop you but I draw the line at trying to post things that can easily be shown to be false. I ask for reputable sources as I did as a teacher. Note that we accept Fox, National Review and other right of center sources.

  83. I stand with the people in France, Australia and the UK who are demanding liberty not with the fascists who want to check my papers to eat lunch. I have my vaccine card. I’m not showing it to anyone to get in anywhere. Don’t believe the majority want this. It’s unAmerican.
    Ted Cruz is a pos. Doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Kamala Harris is a scumbag doesn’t mean she can’t be right on something either.
    914. I’m not a Trump worshiper. Insult him all you like. But I did like his policy of not allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals, some with COVID, roam across the border and go wherever they please. One third of them are refusing vaccines, they’ll be on a bus to the sanctuary city of nyc and their kids will be in your classrooms. All their medical care will be paid for by us. Don’t be a Xenophobe. Welcome these unvaccinated illegals with open arms. It’s what you voted for. I wouldn’t have cared if every politician in congress was beaten to a pulp on January 6th. I’m not losing sleep over them. Just like I didn’t lose sleep when Rand Paul was attacked by antifa. They’re politicians. They’re all useless.


    Overall, we rate a Quackery level pseudoscience website that advocates for sometimes dangerous, inaction or action, to serious health issues.

    In review, Mercola and colleagues advocate many unproven alternative health notions, including homeopathy, while promoting anti-vaccine positions. Further, in 2011, Joseph Mercola donated 1 million dollars to an organization that opposes vaccinations. They also claim increased cancer risks from mobile devices, which has been labeled pseudoscience by scientists’ consensus. In general, they frequently promote pseudoscience and make false claims.

  85. I can't spend my entire day debunking some of the misinformation people want to post in the comments. If you don't have a reputable source, don't bother. There are other sites where you can post and as we've said repeatedly, you can start your own blog.

  86. In the last forty years, the CDC, AMA, and FDA only gave doctors guidelines. Now, these organizations have control of doctors and facilities. We have seen our politicians become abusive autocrats. Doctors cannot treat their patients for fear of losing their licenses. The guidelines restrict doctors to even treat patients if it falls under CDC guidelines.

    Like many, I believe the mRNA vaccines do work. It is just the tip of the iceberg. The government and media are pushing for control. Freedom is something that can't be bargained with.

  87. I mentooned protests wasnt posted.a simple google search revealed covetage from your so called reliable news sources, although it was slanted act luke the protests are not happening is insulting.

    1. 9:46, See 9:30 pm last night. It was posted.

    2. @946...
      Do you need help creating a blog? I mean this sh^t is ridiculous. If it's not posted then oh well. Get over yourself Puh-lese

  88. No use starting new blogs.people on both sides are not budging.people can choose to bury their head.unfortunately, critical thinking is not mandated. If people dont want to at least listen to other possibilities, it makes no sense to invest any energy into it. I cant wait to say "i told you so" as is happening already.

  89. People will be the same regardless if uft or any other caucus wete to win.people are very is a fantasy to think otherwise ib the current climate...why waste any effort...until thete is total collapse, nothing woll change.

  90. Where are the other sites to post that u mention?

  91. There is a UFT Caucus dedicated to opposing vaccine mandates. Join them.

  92. I’m up near Albany and the virus is approximately 5% right now and the only one self quarantining is Cuomo. People are wearing masks inside and outside. It’s coming back a lot quicker than most thought, as in before cold weather.

  93. People who believe mainstream media and the politicized cdc, nih are dwindling. I’m happy to see other commenters asking for info and determining for themselves what is true and untrue. I don’t want to force or stop vaccine. I want uncensored information. Anyone who drinks bleach or eats avocados or dances on their left foot to stop COVID because someone told them to is a moron. Censorship decisions because of morons is not acceptable in a free society.

  94. Which caucus please? I will join


    @9:21 you had me laughing about the pacifier. Not crying at all about Obama I am exposing the hypocrisy, you are not a critical thinker. Keep watching Rachael Maddow and Don Lemon. Probably the type of person who wears a mask in there car alone.

    1. From the story you linked to Anon2323:

      The individual stories, even in large numbers, are not enough to prove vaccines are causing changes to menstruation. A healthy menstrual cycle is a complex hormonal process that can vary widely from person to person and month to month and is affected by many factors. Stress can contribute to lighter or heavier periods, for example, as can medication, a recent switch to a different form of birth control, or some herbal supplements.

      The Food and Drug Administration and all three manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S. tell NPR that they have not seen evidence that any of the vaccines cause menstrual irregularities — let alone causing any health problems related to menstruation or fertility. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says it is aware of the reports, but that vaccination is highly recommended and that there is no reason to schedule vaccination around periods or other menstrual events.

  96. I do not see it on MORE caucus.looked at SOLIDARITY.saw some postings re covid, but nothing solid.valid points made about how cdc doesnt care about teachers, etc.that is all.much of the site has old info.did i forget a caucus?

  97. It’s very simple, go get vaccinated and stop listening to these right wing ass whole Trump supporters who listen to right wing media( Fox News and the
    Likes) That ass whole got vaccinated himself.

  98. @11:47 I don't even watch Lemon you buffoon. Maddow, of course. She is way too sophisticated and high-level thinking in her analysis for you to even comprehend.

    I'll bet you think people are still clicking on those garbage links of yours. You accused James of speaking about VAERS when it was YOUR link that brought it up you fool.

    As for masks. You're probably one of those crazed Karens knocking over displays and harassing people for wearing one. You probably dont notice that people wearing a mask in their cars have passengers in their back seat. They're taxis you DOPE.

  99. I feel I was unfairly censored and I will not be supporting iceuft anymore. I'm sure you won't publish this comment, but at least you will see it.

    1. Is this a promise because i doubt if anyone is taking it as a threat. Byeee

  100. Cuomo resigns. He was a toxic influencer for NY state public education.
    He was a transactional politician who was an important stooge for charter school industry and its hedge fund promoters.

    He had a bullying, abusive attitude toward the teacher Unions and toward the teaching profession generally.

    He was a champion of punitive evaluations and high stakes testing.

    Cuomo will look handsome in an orange jumpsuit.

    I do not understand what NY voters saw in Cuomo to elect him as governor even one time.

    Need I say more?

    1. Cuomo was abusive and bullying to teachers cause the teaching workforce is mostly women. So happy that the dirtbag is gone.

  101. 1217. The only asshole is you. The dissenters are the same people that have said don’t listen to mainstream media. No one ever sang Fox, newsmax or OAN’s praises. We want the free flow of information. You morons listening to cnn, waPo, etc are delusional. Friendly reminder: Trump’s a dick … and evidentially so are you.

  102. 8:21pm did praise OAN, Newsmax and Fox as "more accurate". You lose. Where exactly is this unbiased free flow of information you're talking about?

  103. Bronx ATR is that you @12:59?

    1. Not me although I wholeheartedly agree. It’s a great day for teachers and New York State.

  104. @12:56 dont let the door hit ya.

  105. Y'all don't know what the fuck is in Tylenol, Sudafed, or Tums but you pop them all the time. Hell, you don't know what's in a box of instant potatoes and you still eat them. But suddenly you're an expert on messenger ribonucleic acid and spike protein shedding.

  106. My former coworker died from kidney damage from vioxx.btw his wife was a nurse. Tylenol causes liver damage.glyphosate on crops.yeah monsanto denied, now they pay out. Chemical instant true.ill recommended camel

  107. Thank god tjis is a blog and not a live would be a shitshow brawl worthy of tv but sad.

    1. I doubt that. Too many of these fakers would just sit quietly with a crazed smile plastered on their face. I don't get the pushback with wearing a mask--alot of fakers having been wearing "masks" for years. All of the sudden they don't want to wear a mask now. Stop with the bullsh^t and go back to work.

  108. Cnn made a claim that unvaccinated Americans are disproportionately Republican Fox viewers? The lowest percentage of vaxxed are Black.

  109. All this arguing and we're missing the point, that Randi again is selling out the membership. Why would any Union subject its membership to discipline or termination. No vaccine mandate currently exists for UFT employees (even for polio) so why would the Union ask for this?

  110. 2:49 it's not that people are missing the point, there is support for a mandate. You cant trust the unvaccinated to mask or self-report. There best argument is "the unvaccinated can get sick too". AND we'll continue to "get sick too" as long as a large percentage are not vaccinated And seriously, Polio?. There is no polio outbreak but when there was, there were quarantines and you couldn't travel between cities. There was a separation according to the history.

  111. TJL George Washington ordered his men to get vaxed. Mandated Vax goes back to the Revolution. You needed it to get into school, including college. Schools basically could assume you had it because of that.

    This is now a new disease and these vaccines are newer but have been tested and work. Please grow up, take your shots and get everyone to take it.

  112. So first qe had to look out for getting sick...they didnt care.they pushed us in march, thwn hate us for wanti g all to be, it seems like we are the enemy and people need to be protected from us.first we gotta worry abour catching from we worry abour giving it to them...joke

  113. @5:24 when is the dirtbag Trump going to be held responsible for his crimes? That would be a great thing right? Being that you really despise dirtbags.

    1. 5:24 here : Totally agree. Trump is a raging dirt bag also. He needs to be held responsible as well.

  114. Even Jim Jordan is crying over Obama:

    "President Obama didn’t have to wear a mask at his birthday party.

    But your kids have to at school.

    Rules for thee, but not for me".

    The responses were HILARIOUS:

    yeah tell us more about protecting kids jim

    I'm just trying to figure out when and how Obama managed to make the rules for the schools? He hasn't been President for a rather long time. How is he still making all the rules?

    Jim Jordan to astronauts: People on Earth don't have to wear spacesuits, so why should you?

    are you advocating children be vaccinated and schools subjected to daily covid testing

    Please learn the difference between a group of fully vaccinated adults congregating for a short time and a group of unvaccinated children congregating indoors constantly day after day.

    No critical thinking, just vibes.

    Barack Obama should immediately rescind his school mask mandate

    Well, first of all, Gym, Obama isn't the president these days.

    Jim Jordan doesn't care about protecting kids. Just ask Ohio State.

  115. Trump loss y'all.
    One termer.
    Obama served 2 terms.
    It's over. Move along.
    Focus on determining why those terrorists stormed the capital.

  116. Love your faulty perception I do not even drink 😂😂, might need to after listening to you left nut jobs. Trump lost 😂😂😂😂. Bet me your 5,000 to my 500 Trump lost, you are about to see Maricopa, waiting is going to need soooo much mental support 😂😂.

    @6:36 ummm you do not think Obama is in Joe Biden ear? Since he is basically running Obama's 3rd shitty term right now.

  117. Dominion Voting Systems sued Newsmax and One America News, accusing the right-wing networks of spreading disinformation about the 2020 election.

  118. 7:47 no, I don't. Besides, I thought you guys said VP was in charge? Nobody ran a shittier term than Trump. He took the robust economy he was handed, and dragged it straight to the gutter. Highest unemployment rates in 50 years because of his total mismanagement of a health crisis. Too much foolish pride to seek guidance from anyone except right wing wackos. He was a complete disaster in terms of economics, education, labor, law, politics, gender, you name it.

  119. Didn’t Dominion have to drop their last suit because when you sue there’s discovery in the courts. Dominion does not want to open its system up.
    The DOJ brought terrorism charges? Nope. Wrong again. James why isn’t this banned fake news? Your bias is showing. Some Jan 6th defendants are pleading to misdemeanors. If terrorism accusations are not fake news than Biden is so weak on crime terrorism is now a Misdemeanor. Top cop lock ‘em up Kamala is gonna be pissed when she finds out.

  120. What suit did Dominion drop? More propaganda lies swallowed up by the deliberately dense. Fact-checked by Reuters and - suits are ongoing.

  121. @11:59 where's the post saying the DOJ brought terrorism charges?

  122. 1:44 Teachers and other staff have been punched by parents. I work in a predominantly Dominican neighborhood but one of the crazy parents was Polish if that makes you feel better. Never meant to indicate all the parents were nuts. But there’s enough who will start a fist fight to get their way. Everyone in my school knows the principal gives the violent parents whatever they want. Fear motivates most nyc administrators.

  123. @5:01 - Why would it make me feel better? Nope, don't believe it. That's assault and most assaults on teachers, by parents, are covered by the media. Any Principal who allows their teachers to get assaulted without calling the police should be brought up on charges, and frankly you don't need the Principal's permission to do call the police. But the point was not that it never happens, but that it doesn't happen on a regular basis. Moreover, that's not going to be the reason for not having a mandate if one is needed. Fear that the parents will start attacking. That's just ridiculous.

  124. You made up the argument that most parents behaved this way. Then you said you didn’t believe it.
    Assaults on teachers always reported in the news? Hahahaha Are you a newbie? Police were called. Arrests were made. Released. Pleas to misdemeanors. Anger management and so it goes…. The nyc justice system. I’m talking about a punch to the face, a handful of whips with a dog leash (not metal) and a shove to the ground. Things like that. If you don’t think these things go on, you’re in the minority of nyc teachers. And not that I’m a fan of my administrators but the assaulted teachers always got escorts to their cars or subway etc… for a long time after the assault. So I have to give them credit for that.

  125. @7:35 - can you even remember what you say from one post to the next. "If you work in one of those schools, how do you think these people will react to a mandate. In my school the parents will curse you out and probably punch you in the face. That’s the reality we’re dealing with conversation".

    So I didn't say MOST parents behaved this way, in fact I said the exact opposite "Not to say it never happened but to act like its a regular thing is just a bald-face lie".

    Ya know, probably, as in probable. That was YOUR argument. Idiot! That's the entire basis of your argument about vaccine mandates that you were trying to use as a fear tactic. Oooh, we don't want to get those people angry, because we know how they are. I don't believe a word you liars say. I have plenty of teacher friends all over the city and what you say is bullshit. I've worked in a place that was notorious for violence, and after that I work in a tough neighborhood and parents are not attacking the teachers, and if they were, we would definitely have the UFT involved.

    You can't even make up your mind whether the Principals give the violent parents whatever they want, or if they call the police and then give the teacher escorts.

  126. The teachers called the police. Principal a chicken shit. Never said principal herself escorted teachers. APs and other staff did so at the request of the principal. Any other questions?

  127. So your issue is with the Principal. Go to another school. Or not. Deal with the chaos for all I care. First people say parents are nowhere to be found, now when its convenient they're around all the time assaulting teachers. If true the chaos in your school and incompetence of your Admin should not be the benchmark for whether a not a mandate of any kind is issued.

  128. 1110. Can you not fathom the idea that multiple things can be true simultaneously? Too many parents uninvolved. Too many parents get violent. Never complained about principal other than saying she’s a chickenshit. Not really a complaint.

  129. @7:57 - what are you babbling about? You're trying to use the experience at YOUR school with the admin incompetence, and it IS incompetence if teachers are getting assaulted and some safety features haven't been put in place, to say we shouldn't have a mandate for vaccines. Well, that's just lame.

  130. "In my school the parents will curse you out and probably punch you in the face. That’s the reality we’re dealing with tried bribery. Didn’t work. Will now try keeping these people from entering restaurants and clubs. It’s going to get violent at some point unless establishment owners turn a blind eye"

    You were race-baiting and using the current right-wing talking point. "We don't want to get the black/brown people angry because they'll get violent so let's not have a mandate". It's disgusting and pathetic because you guys can't seem to get any traction using your fake ass so-called freedom right-wing talking points, so let's drag the black/brown people into this". You weren't fooling anyone and I just called you out on your shit and you then tried to claim it was my argument that most get violent. You guys are cowards and disgusting and are only good for regurgitating lame talking points.

  131. Maybe black and brown have had yo suck up so much garbage that they arr sick of it and dont want this foolishness and deliberaye shit aimed at them.maybe this is the coup d grace.whites may not have as much pent up anger, although i am white and i have been pretty stressed these days thinking i may have to pick up and find a sendible place to live. If it even idea, instead of a leper colony, have an unvaxxed colony and leave us alone.we will recover if we get the covid 99.5%of people and we can live in peace


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