Wednesday, August 04, 2021


 I relistened to the part of Michael Mulgrew's town hall yesterday where he makes fast mention of the Attorney General's Report where Latisha James concluded that Governor Andrew Cuomo engaged in  “unwanted groping, kissing, hugging and making inappropriate comments.” Mulgrew in his report actually starts to say Cuomo is having a bad day and then pulls back. 

The part about the Governor starts at around the 17-minute mark on the recording. Here are my notes:


Attorney General's report has come out. It's pretty damning. NYSUT held a meeting about it. Governor says the report was all political that women misjudged him. We are basically saying he is unfit for office at this point. If it was a teacher, they would no longer be involved in education after an investigation. Governor said he was considering mandating vaccines for teachers. It is hard to deal with the governor's office today because of the report. They are preoccupied with sexual harassment which the attorney general says has happened.

Mulgrew gives the governor's side and doesn't use the words sexual harassment until the last sentence. He never says sexual misconduct. He then hides behind the NYSUT statement rather than demand that Cuomo resign now.

The NYSUT Statement:

The attorney general has detailed conduct that is repugnant and indefensible in any workplace and especially in the state’s highest elected office. Equally troubling was the governor’s response to the report. Sadly, both show he is unfit to serve in office.

We are basically saying he is unfit for office. No, he needs to resign immediately or be impeached forthwith! Case closed.

Mulgrew as usual is still a bit timid when talking about Cuomo. 

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams has it right:

“F–king resign,” Williams demanded Wednesday at a rally outside the embattled governor’s Midtown Manhattan office.

“Governor Cuomo: if you have any decency at all, any at all, any at all, even a molecule of decency, you have any chance to provide, any chance to provide goodness in your reputation, f–king resign,” Williams fumed.

“Haven’t you done enough to the people of New York State? Haven’t you harmed and hurt enough people? Do not do this any longer, please. Resign. Get out. Leave,” Williams prodded.

How about some outrage from our union?


  1. Not to pile on our Union Leadership, but is this the retirees "Medicare Advantage" this article is talking about?

    OK, so I may be piling on.

  2. Here' what NYSUT President has to say-

    For his part, New York State United Teachers President Andy Pallotta said Cuomo is “unfit” to serve as governor.

    “The attorney general has detailed conduct that is repugnant and indefensible in any workplace and especially in the state’s highest elected office. Equally troubling was the governor’s response to the report,” said Pallottta.

    “Sadly, both show he is unfit to serve in office.”

  3. It's just yet another example of no balls Mulgrew. He is like the little boy who hides behind his mothers skirt.

    How about saying teachers don't below in buildings with poor ventilation. Ventilation is key. Hepta filters should be installed in ALL NYC classrooms NOW, classes capped at 12-15 students NOW and then we can enter buildings. Won't be 100% safe but at least it is something.

    Right now, we will be closing within a few weeks and slow Joe will realize it too way too late. Many Urban classrooms are not the same as one floor suburban schools with cross ventilation, A/C, and new working filtrations systems.

    Opening a window and hoping for a breeze is not it.

    Cuomo should take his big jerk jake video sexual harrassment training we have to sit through each year.

  4. The harassment/bullying of of teachers by Cuomo is linked to the culture of harassment and bullying by Cuomo in the governor's office. How did Cuomo harass teachers? 1) The teacher evaluations bases on standardized testing. 2) Expectation that teachers work during spring break 2020 was from Cuomo. 3) bullying the UFTG and its coward leader into total submission to the will of Cuomo. Cuomo conducted himself as the alpha male of New York politics.

    The cowards leading the UFT and NYSUT are still terrified of Cuomo.

  5. I saw Cuomo and Mulgrew resign now. DeBozo too. Cuomo and Mulgrew and DeBozo can work daily as subs in the wonderful, poorly ventilated schools and crowded classrooms. They can show us how to have all students keep their masks on in classrooms and what consequences they will give being there is no remote option.

    No more hiding behind a tv or computer screen.


  7. This Jumanne Williams keeps shouting ‘ resign, Cuomo’ —So where’s the decency of this NYC Public Advocate with language like that?

  8. I don't know what New Yorkers saw in Andrew Cuomo to vote for him to serve as their governor, period. He was always unworthy of public service.

  9. Cuomo is basically saying it’s all fake news. Gotta love it. CNN bro’s bro now admitting cnn and others are fake news. I hate Cuomo but I’m not faulting him for Mulgrew. Mulgrew sells us out because it costs him nothing with the membership while he scores mega brownie points with the democrat party in Albany and elsewhere. Mulgrew works for them, not us.

  10. It is not their job to get into this kind affairs. Their job is to fight for members' benefits. Union officers are not politicians.

    1. 820. Politics is everything between the home and the universe, my friend. Unions are political by design. It is the whole point.

  11. Look to Cassie Prugh, former Cuomo aide, not Cuomo's embedded agent in the UFT.

  12. This Jumanne Williams keeps shouting ‘ resign, Cuomo’ —So where’s the decency of this NYC Public Advocate with language like that?
    The language police --- You have to be FUCKING KIDDING? Do you live in this century? Go find a Georg Carlin routine.

  13. Ed notes—Hey, Cuomo will get what he rightfully deserves. And—No, I’m not kidding with my comment. I was a big fan of George Carlin—but he was a legendary comic genius but he was not an elected public official . This was the language of the NYC Public Advocate and he was leading that chant. If that’s the norm then that’s shameful. Just because it’s 2021 and not 1971–doesn’t make it acceptable for any public official to engage in such a manner.
    And by the way, to quote Carlin—‘here’s a big resounding additional comment from one of the many his routines that’s directed toward you—‘‘Fuck you’.
    There, that should make you feel more comfortable.

  14. Mulgrew’s going to come down hard and stop Williams from cursing. Mayor Adams will have teachers working 10 hour shifts with 0% raises but rest assured there will be no dirty words coming out of Adams’ mouth.

  15. Jumanee Williams was diagnosed with ADHS and Tourette’s Syndrome as a child. But he has overcome. He lost to Kathy Hochul for Lt.Gov in 2019. Hochul will be Governor —when Cuomo resigns or is impeached. Williams could run for Governor if NYS Attorney General Latisha James doesn’t in 2022. Who will the UFT support? Would any of these candidates actually want the support of the UFT or NYSUT?
    Do the NY State Republicans have a rising star than can beat ant Democratic in the 2022 Governor election battle?

  16. Why isn’t the Uft jumping on the bandwagon against sexual harassment and calling out Cuomo ? The obvious answer is that they may have some of that going on in their own organization.

  17. 6:19 some of that going on in their own organization? They are going to have that going on in any organization where men and women are working together. There is a Principal in Queens who is rumored to be having an affair with one of his very young teachers. What's the likelihood that she would claim sexual harassment if things didn't work out?

  18. 7:12-excellent point. I know a principal in the 90's that had a wife and was involved with many young different teachers over the years. One teacher was involved with him over 10 years until he broke it off to become involved with another teacher. It was known all over the school and district. Nothing happened to him. He retired and is now collecting his pension. He did marry one of these much younger teachers. Wouldn't be surprised if they read this blog!
    Jim, Jim, Jim you got away with sooo much!

  19. @9:46 the 90s were a much different time. The "boys will be boys" nonsense is just not cutting it anymore. Not because because "higher-ups" give a crap but because of the pressure that is being exerted and the lawsuits. I had a co-worker who fooled with the wrong one. Lost his career over it because she had family in high places in the company" and didn't like it when he broke it off and she lost her perks. His bosses told him "I'd rather get rid of you then deal with them". His defense was "everybody does it, and you let so and so get away with it for years". Crazy talk.

  20. The mighty one cuomo who can't control his mouth or his roaming appendages is the biggest control in doe at times.loves to control everyone else, yield power and control and he can't control himself.sad but trur

  21. Cuomo has had a lot of enablers. Smart people got ahead of this, others are speaking out now, and those who say nothing-well, it doesn't look great for that group.

  22. 7:12-interesting that you mention Queens-I know there was an elementary principal in district 25 that dated many teachers(both married and unmarried) from the building that he was principal in. nepotism absolutely happened when f status positions were given. Another district 25 principal would call teachers into his office and check shirt length and blouses. He would make these comments directly to very young teachers who were called into his office when they entered the main office. No cell phone recording in those days. This was another married principal. Custodians who do and not do whatever they wanted because they new where the principal would bring his "dates" in the building for private time.
    I personally am glad Cuomo is being called out and told he can no longer do what has been accepted as ok for men in power for so long.

  23. Let's look forward. What does Hochul's ascension mean for our working conditions? She appears to be another NYS political leader who is privately educated, no public institutions in her portfolio. How has she interacted with educators who work in classrooms? How has she interacted with a unionized work force? What has she said about those who cannot be vaccinated? We need to hear more from our colleagues outside NYC metro area. Time for serious research, and fast ...

  24. Randi made a (robo) call for her during her first primary run for lieutenant governor. Especially notable because the union did not support Cuomo. Also it was a close race.


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