Thursday, September 23, 2021


 From Politico today:

DETROIT, Mich. — Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Thursday declared his support for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for eligible schoolchildren, saying the FDA’s full approval of jabs for certain adolescents should clear the way for state officials to implement plans to begin vaccinations.

“Not only do I support it, but I’m encouraging states to come up with a plan to make sure it happens,” Cardona told POLITICO between stops on a multistate tour of schools and child care facilities. “I would like governors who hold those decisions to make those decisions now that [vaccines] are FDA-approved.”

Please read the entire piece.


  1. You'd be a fool to injected your child after 18 months worth of data showing children are not affected by covid.

  2. What about DC37? Do they object the mandate onto them? I agree with the first commenter. This COVID-19 vaccine is new, they should not be forced on to children, who could live for another 70 years to experience the possible bad side effect.

  3. OH NO, vaccine mandates for children. They've only been doing that since the 1850s. LMAO.

  4. Can we hear the new excuse from Anon 2323 after even the Cyber Ninjas conclude Biden won?

    1. I coulda shoulda taken that bet. Why oh why didn't I? I woulda coulda been 500 whole hundred dollars richer.

  5. Of course he does. Biden/Harris admin are fascists and racists. I’m making the popcorn now that the lefties are at war with each other. Guess Biden is going to have to round up BLM who now agree with Trump on vaccine passports. Better than the shit Netflix streams. Is Eric Adams going to kick kids out of school? That’ll be fun to watch him try but it will never happen. Keep dreaming lefties.

    1. 831.. the irony here is none of the people you mention are "lefties." aside from that, why would you want to entertain yourself with the failure of our State? there is no joy in this.

    2. @1151am... @831 am is struggling to retain some pseudo power that they believed in. It's a daily hardship. Chaos is comforting for this type of personality. Poor thing.

  6. "Maricopa County, Arizona, said Thursday that a draft report from a company in a contentious, partisan review of November's election has confirmed the winners.

    The "draft report from Cyber Ninjas confirms the county's canvass of the 2020 General Election was accurate and the candidates certified as the winners did, in fact, win," Maricopa County tweeted Thursday night."

    Ok - so I took him on his bet and raised it to $1000 so where do I collect my money or is he a deadbeat along with his other unendearing qualities.

    1. @839 am...Anon2323 has gone underground. Good luck collecting.lmao

  7. Watched a sub walk out during his shift yesterday. First time I’ve seen that on all my years at the DOE.

    "Smooth start"

  8. When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

    Think about if that quote sounds like us.

  9. Biden won, that is why everything is going so well now.

  10. "Former President Donald Trump backpedaled hard from praising a group of "highly respected auditors" in Arizona after their "audit" of the state's election results confirmed that Joe Biden won in the general election. He also released a second statement Friday morning claiming the audit found "significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD!"

    In fact, the audit by the GOP group Cyber Ninjas concluded that Biden won by a slightly higher margin than was previously known."

  11. @8:31 said "lefties at war with each other". Have you seen the Lincoln Project group? What about the Anti-Trump Republicans Renew American Movement. What about the Anti-Trump "Republican Accountability Project"? Never Trump? Liz Cheney and her comments? But she's now so obsessed with BLM because the "terrorist group" as right-wingers usually refer to them, doesn't want vaccine mandates because of their own self-serving motives. She'll continue to spread propaganda about people being "rounded up".

    It's too bad that this poster is too much of a coward to stand with them in real-time. She's posted that she's vaccinated so just as she sits in her AP's comfy chair grinning and snitching, she'll support the anti-mandates from a distance, with her popcorn while everyone else does the heavy lifting and legwork. Pathetic.

  12. "Follow the science"

    After CDC director Walensky overruled her advisory committee on boosters, the WH adds a Biden speech on vaccines at 9:45 AM

  13. 8:31 has her up BLM's colon trying to hide there. She's hoping they'll fight her battles for her. Coward.

  14. No 11:42. I’m no snitch. You have me confused with the progressive wing of the UFT. I get the comfy chair because I’m a damn good liar and administrators think I agree with their woke agenda. I have them 100% fooled and eating every line of bs I spew. Heavy lifting? That’s for the working class, not for those of us in the investor class.

    1. @1250 pm. Lmao. I love it. A proud sociopath. I have been saying this for years that the DOE is littered with these folks. I think i worked with 12:50 one year. The running joke was that they assumed they were fooling someone but some folks had their number. What school do you work in?

  15. 12:50 you're an ignoramus. Heavy lifting is an expression which people who are activists and advocates engage in, which you clearly know nothing about but you sure do love to whine and bitch while airing your grievances and expecting others to fight your battles. Certainly not referring to actually physical labor you dope, but it might involved getting off your fat ass and actually taking a stand for something you believe in, which is clearly nothing at all, since you are a self-admitted fraud and liar which means none of your posts are to be taken seriously at all. You're a fraud, liar, and snitch.

  16. 8:31 the poster you responded not only entertains the failure of our state, but encourages and celebrates it. She's a fraud and a snitch posing as a teacher. Or maybe she's just a troll.

  17. 1:59. I didn’t post the picture of the teacher with the mask slip. A progressive did. I didn’t threaten to blast that teacher for her mask slip. A progressive did that too. I didn’t further attack the teacher by saying the mask slip looked intentional. You progressive doe snitch culture teachers did all of that. I’ll go back and forth all day every day for as long as you want. It’s just another opportunity to expose UFT progressives as the teacher bashing snitches they’ve become.

  18. Staffing shortages and safety crisis expected as only 40% of school safety agents are vaccinated

  19. Israel figures out that vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID.

    It merely reduces the severe effects.

    If you’re unlikely to have to severe adverse reaction to COVID, there’s no point in getting the vax.

    Which is what we’ve been saying all along.

  20. Most of, if not all, security and custodial staff in my schools do not wear masks...

  21. 96% of duplicates ballots arrived after election day. Over 17,000 duplicate ballots. So glad biden won and elevated black crime to a number we haven't seen in decades while harming black employment.

    You won.

    I lost.

    Trying to get over it.

  22. More duplicates than original ballots. Probably nothing.

  23. Just emailed my principal. I will be resigning and taking the severance effective Tuesday. Good luck. You're gonna need it.

  24. Lol.

    Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots.

    Real total is 17,322.

  25. As a 25 year teacher in the Bronx, I am going to tell you all straight up that there will NOT be a whole lot of parents who will line up to get shots for their kids in my school.

  26. Where is Anon2323 today?

    The latest from NPR

    A widely discredited GOP-led review of the 2020 election in Arizona's largest county has concluded that Joe Biden did indeed receive more votes there than Donald Trump.

    "That is a true statement," Republican state Senate President Karen Fann said Friday as she opened a presentation to detail the results of the Maricopa County review.

    The probe found that a hand recount of the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in the county hewed closely to the official canvass of the results approved by county leaders.

    In fact, the hand recount for Biden exceeded the county's tally by 99 votes, while Trump received 261 fewer votes than the official results.

    The tally presented Friday matched a draft copy of the findings obtained by NPR member station KJZZ ahead of the event.

    Randy Pullen, a spokesman for the election review, confirmed the validity of the draft. "It's not the final report, but it's close," he said Thursday.

    The draft copy was obtained by KJZZ from a source familiar with the review less than 24 hours before the scheduled presentation in the Arizona state Senate.

    A further quote:
    "This has never been about overturning an election," Fann said in her opening remarks Friday. "This has never been about anything other than election integrity."

    1. @ anon2323 is out doing the recount on his own. He said he's going to give it all he's got. Anon2323 and Rudy went down to Maricopa to try and get a looksy at those pesky ballots. He will be back soon with more news.

  27. NPR? That says it all. Doesn't taxpayer money also pay the salary of Yamiche Alcindor? LOL.

    “Trump’s not gonna win. I made fucking sure of that!”…Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

    According to the results of the forensic audit, Maricopa County counted 9,589 excess mail-in ballots with bad or no signatures, approving and verifying blank votes.
    Dr Shiva Ayyadurai gave the first presentation of the Maricopa County forensic audit to the Arizona Senate. Ayyadurai’s analysis focused on the mail-in ballot envelopes sent to Maricopa County. During the presentation, Ayyadurai explained that the audit examined the signature area of the ballots, and compared them to the official canvass results that Maricopa County gave in their report. When using signature presence detection analysis, the audit found an excess of 9,589 votes with signatures that were either blank or were “scribbles.” Photos shown in the presentation included totally blank ballots being stamped “approved.”

    You won. I lost. SO you are making people suffer at the border? Drown? I though Mayorkas was talking about the horrific abuse people from Haiti were experiencing.

    Glad you won. Enjoy. Convenient how you don't feel sorry for the immigrants.

  28. Assume all of those over 9,000 votes with the scri ble signature voted for Biden. Subtract them from his total and he still wins. He won by over 10,000 votes.

    I gather in reality most voted for Trump as many Trump voters can't read clearly or do math.

  29. LOL 628. I voted for Trump and I make $128k base to babysit people who can't read or do math.

    1. Lol @738pm... and your tax dollars will continue to pay for them. Hopefully some will be like you and stay on the dole for years. You are an educated moron. That $128k is a small price that the doe pays for your cowardly azz to stay on your knees after you spent 5 years in school to earn your degree. You are correct. You are not only a babysitter but a spineless babysitter. Lol. You think they can't read or do math? They can run circles around your sorry azz when needed. They are more resilient and smarter than you will ever be. It took you a few years to break. I respect them more than your clownish azz. Lol. 128k+ and you think you are winning. You come cheap

  30. what if this blog is significant? What if what people pretend to debate here is important? Don't worry . . . but do consider the only method left to sensible members of our union, to members who believe in unions, people like me who are proud trade unionists, that is, people who are pro-labor, pro-union . . . for us there is but one method that will bring about change and this blog is against it, as James is part of the problem, part of the established and corrupt union we call the UFT, that is, our Union in all of its caucuses. Unity and ICE and MORE and SOLIDARITY are part of the problem not the solution. How can we change that? WE CAN'T. sO QUIT. gET OUT. sTOPPING PAYING UNION DUES.

  31. I think DeBlassio is going to relent like he always does right at the 11th hour and extend the vaccine requirement for a month at least.

  32. 7:42, I put your comment through but we are not starting that debate again. I asked and people here were 9kay with us ending it but you may be new.

    If you were willing to support fellow non dues payers in a drive to protect each other and then organize a betterunion, then I might be inclined to at least listen. Dropping out individually just plays into the hands of the anti union people who want to destroy our profession.

    That is the end of the discussion.

    1. While James offers no suggestion, except to continue getting beaten, because any union is better than nothing.



  35. @7:38 & 3:41 (same person) with teachers like you, of course they can't read or do math. I've taken students who couldn't read or write a single word of english and they read and wrote at the end of a summer class. You are simply a loser.

    And big fucking deal you didn't post the picture of the maskless teacher or claim that it may have been intentional. Again, big fucking deal. But you did post a lot of derogatory and disgusting things, especially your comments showing that you are a racist, that you are a liar and a fraud who gets paid to babysit and don't give a fuck about the students. That is far, far worse than some passing comment that a maskless teacher should be put on blast.

  36. People who wander outside the scope of the topic should be eliminated from posting. I am happy to see other ideas and learn from varied points of view and credible sources of information. Tired of the irrelevant chicken shit in this stream... and several others...

  37. Regarding the temporary stay of the injunction I wouldn't start celebrating just yet "The review, which is on an expedited basis, could possibly occur over the weekend."

  38. 10:43 - you have wandered outside of the scope of the topic by posting what you did.

  39. The scientific illiteracy in this country is disgusting. From the idiotic millionaire demagogues who peddled this b******* to the working class people who are unfortunately duped by it this will destroy our society. All of you who reject science f*** you, All of you who think you're conspiracy theories elevate you above scientific reasoning you'll meet the red army one day f****** assholes.

  40. I’m 7:38 I am not 3:41. 10:39 says I’m a racist. I say 10:39 is a typical lefty that now believes everyone she disagrees with is a racist. Call me racist all you want. I think you’re a homophobe AND a racist.

  41. @7:50 homophobe? Did you announce you are gay? "typical lefty". Because folks right wing nuts are the only ones allowed to paint with broad brushes and get their delicate little feelings hurt when their disgusting comments are pointed out.

    Do you think this is appropriate on a teacher's blog? "LOL 628. I voted for Trump and I make $128k base to babysit people who can't read or do math." So yeah, go cry elsewhere because your comments are nasty.

    Whether you actually *are* 3:41, you are two peas in a pod.

  42. 12:50 says "I get the comfy chair because I’m a damn good liar and administrators think I agree with their woke agenda. I have them 100% fooled and eating every line of bs I spew. Heavy lifting? That’s for the working class, not for those of us in the investor class"

    Everybody may have to lie, or go along to get along and many of us are in survivor mode. Much different from what you repeatedly post. You think it's cute and funny, but you are only showing that your entire life is a lie. You pretend to be a teacher just to collect a paycheck when you have absolutely no desire to teach, and you pretend to agree with an Admin you despise and sit in their face and lie all day long just to keep your job of "babysitting". Unless you are some sort of sociopath I would think that's a very unfulfilling way to live day after day. It's no wonder you're so angry on this blog. What you can't express in the real world, you take it out on everyone online.

  43. @11:08 am...
    You've hit the nail on its head. When someone has to spend at least 8 hours a day in pretend mode, their mental state is being compromised. An outlet is needed and it appears this blog is that outlet. It just proves that sociopaths are in all careers. That's why i don't believe in a blanket protection for everyone who happens to choose the same profession. We have some sick hombres among us.

  44. Weak minds get compromised. Strong minds that know how to play woke fools like a fiddle are doing just fine. You’re pissed because the system can’t break some of us. I do community theater. Acting is fun and fulfilling. More fun when fooling the woke doe.

  45. @waitingforsupport, it's so strange how they wear it like a badge of honor. The poster has been going on for weeks talking about snitches because of a comment about a mask and yet she claim to laugh and smile with the Admin who offers "her" the comfy chair. Well how does the admin treat everyone else? Are they fair, honest, caring? Doesn't sound like it or why would anyone have to go to such shameful, lying measures with a kind Admin. None of that matters to her as long as her lies are swallowed and she gets to sit in the chair. That's rather disgusting, but yet, the comment about a mask is the problem? Yeah, sick hombres is right.

  46. 8:06. Yes the comment about wanting a teacher fired over a mask slip is a problem. A big problem. The progressive wing of the UFT doesn’t see it as a problem because they fully embrace, support, make up the majority of the doe snitch culture. How are others treated? All teachers are treated equally but some teachers are treated more equally than others.

  47. 7:07 people who are doing fine, and are happy, do not sit in the toxic Admin chair lying all day every day and then get on line vomiting their negativity all over a blog. You may think you're doing fine, but you are not. You need help.

  48. 9:36. People who respond to such people are not fine and need help. Get the help you need.

  49. Two posters:

    9:33 One makes a remark, incredulous that there is a teacher breathing over a child without a mask. The mask way below her mouth.

    Second poster (6:07) is going around screeching for days about it, while at the same time posting that she sits in her toxic Principal's office, chewing her ear out, lying day after day, ratting on her colleagues to curry favor.

    We know who the real snitch and rat is: 9:33

    9:53 - yeah, I'm sure you'd love if everyone just allows you to spew your disgusting lies unchallenged. Not happening troll.

  50. 9:33 never has an original thought in that thick skull of hers, and always repeats what was said to her like a good little parrot, which is the first "tell" that 9:53 and 9:33 are the same person.

  51. 7:07 You sound compromised if you have to live your life as if you're on some sort of imaginary stage. You seem to have lost all sense of reality and think that acting in a community theater is the same as lying all day to pacify your Admin. You say you lie and pretend that you agree with her "woke policy" whatever that is. There is no way in hell I would ever sit in any Admin's office and pretend I agree with her on Trump's policy if that were the case. That's just crazy to have to go against your own belief systems especially when you're not obligated to sit in that comfy chair as part of your job description. WTF is that?? LOL

  52. The evidence of snitching is in the comments sections of several posts. Progressive UFT members outed and called for the firing of a teacher. In order to distract from their snitch culture, they use the Marxist tactic of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of. Progressives in this blog confessed. Their confessions are right in their comments. Yet they still lie and try to label others snitches. The only snitches on this blog are Progressives. Progressives want that teacher fired. Your daily reminder.

  53. The fraud @ 7:02 - you've admitted sitting in your Admin comfy chair while ratting out your colleagues. You admitted you lie, pretend to be who are not so that the Admin doesnt uncover your fraud and you said you dont teach. And youve blabbed about it on a blog you say the NY Post reads. Whatever you want to say about one post about the maskless teacher you are FAR, FAR worse. You should be fired. You're a right wing wacko. Another daily reminder.

  54. No 11:00. I never admitted to any such thing. I never admitted it because it never happened… unlike the progressive snitching comments. They happened and they are all still on this blog for all to read. Keep lying. I’ll be back to remind all of the truth.

  55. 11:46 Of course you admitted it you lying sack. You bragged about being a fraud, not teaching the kids, living a lie, stealing from the DOE by collecting a check you didnt work for, kissing youe AP's ass, and snitching on your colleagues.


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