Saturday, September 11, 2021


We received the ruling tonight from the arbitrator on exemptions to the city's vaccine mandate. There is no surprise that the award is mostly in favor of the Department of Education. It was decided by arbitrator Martin Scheinman. He ruled on very narrow medical and religious grounds to obtain an exemption to the vaccine mandate. Those who get an exemption as well as those who are immunocompromised will be assigned to do God only knows what in offices or somewhere else unspecified. Unvaccinated can take an unpaid leave and stay on the medical plan until Srptember 2022.

I don't understand why the UFT keeps going back to Sheinman. This is the same Martin Scheinman who extended the interminable nine year 2014 Contract because the city didn't put enough money aside to pay the full retro for the many UFTers who retired in 2014. He is also the arbitrator who helped the UFT agree to allow the city to stiff us for half the final payment of our interest free loan to the city for almost another year. 

If this is the best arbitrator out there, no wonder we usually don't do very well. If I was ever in charge of the Union, he would no longer be an arbitrator in UFT cases.

Usually I am furious when these arbitration decisions come out mostly in favor of management but here as a pro-vaccine mandate person, I am not really angry about the narrow exceptions. However, I am fuming about the immunocompromised and those with vaccine exemptions being sent to offices (rubber rooms) and not being guaranteed they will be assigned teaching duties. The immunocompromised should be able to teach from home. We need a remote option.

I also read the DOE will be paying exclusively for appeals to Sheinman Arbitration and Mediation Services that UFTers file. Who are you likely to side with: the party paying your hefty fee or the working man filing an appeal?

Finally, there is more than a little sad irony in that those who appeal not getting an exemption will have their appeals heard on Zoom. In addition, the UFT Executive Board meeting this Monday is remote. It is okay for UFTers and students to work live all day in crowded classrooms but for Martin Scheinman's arbitrators and the UFT leaders, it is remote only.

Mulgrew’s email tonight:


  1. Unpaid leave, collect unemployment, keep health insurance, return to your school in sept 2022. Or get vaccinated. I think I’ll get paid to stay home for a year. I can make do with less for 12 months. I’ll spend the time looking for my new religion that trusts God over vaccines. There’s always loopholes in bureaucracies.

    1. You can't just choose that, right? Or can you just choose not to get the shot and stay home?

    2. they can't collect unemployment when they are on unpaid leave

  2. Religious exemption is baloney. Authentic autoimmune members are getting the ATR treatment. They are not stupid or incompetent, just medically vulnerable. Thinking about a colleague with spouse under treatment for cancer. And several people caring for elderly frail parents at home to keep them out
    of nursing homes. We pay a fortune for a grievance dept. that cannot choose qualified arbitrators nor read and act on the decisions from the lemon Mulgrew keeps squeezing. All the more reason to show MM and entourage the way out the door and soon.

  3. So is covid dangerous or not?

    DOOCY: Vaccines are required for "people at a business with more than 100 people. It is not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?"

    : "That's correct"

    *moves to the next question*

  4. If I was vaccinated can I take the severance? What if i was but haven't provided proof that I was? Serious question. I would like to resign.

  5. From CNN interview:

    Fauci is asked why people who had Covid already are being required to vaccinate, even though they’re likely more protected than vaccinated people

    Fauci: “That’s a really good point…I don’t really have a firm answer for you on that”


    1. Did fauci mention this. Was he asked?

      DOOCY: Vaccines are required for "people at a business with more than 100 people. It is not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?"

      : "That's correct"

      *moves to the next question*

  6. Unvaccinated parents are banned from DOE buildings. Including long time PTA members. Keep cheering for more segregation, you pathetic cowards.

  7. This is about the arbitration and not really the efficacy of the vaccines. Please keep that in mind in the comments.

  8. As far as I understand, The city/state holds the upper hand in the vaccine mandates to work as per US Supreme Court case law. I think Mulgrew has acknowledged that fighting the mandate is a battle the union cannot win.

    It would be nice if the union focussed on issues they can win such as spring break pay.

    The fact is ,Some members got comfy working from home.

  9. So pops Biden wants to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, even though only 1 in 160,000 vaccinated people end up in the hospital(his words) Now are you finally convinced that we have a dope in the White House?

  10. So they waited till after school started and after programs were made to have people walk out, resign and take leaves. Smart.

  11. HAHA now let the pro-choice educators go and see their doctor

  12. Does anyone know the timeframe of MLU lawsuit?

  13. From Arthur Goldstein, nyc educator:

    “I've seen teachers crying in the hall. While I, being the macho man I am, have not actually cried, I fully understand their apprehensions. At this point, it's tough for me to differentiate Mayor de Blasio from some of his MAGA counterparts. He's not as bad as the lunatics running Florida or Texas.”

    Maybe they are crying because they are about to lose their jobs and forced to leave a rewarding job they love even though they are no more of a medical threat than their unvaccinated students and their vaccinated colleagues. Even the CDC admits the vaccine does not stop the spread. Why do people like the Mayor and Chancellor and other mandaters ignore this glaring fact?

  14. This issue was settled in 1905 by the Supreme Court in Jacobson v Mass. Vaccine mandates are constitutional. The UFT-DOE even set up due process in this arbitration. The MLC lawsuit I predict will get other unions to have procedures like the UFT. Don't count on it reversing the mandate.

  15. As it stands right now: the only municipal union without a testing option is the UFT. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Why would other unions fight for more mandates? We know already other municipal unions are clearly fighting it. So James, what are you talking about?

  16. 1905 lol, when people can die from sneezing. This is what Nazis did, not the crap you all spew about Trump. Devils advocate if Trump did the same you would all be revolting because you did not trust it!

    This is James' savior along with millions of others and he does not have the answer to natural immunity???!!!!🤬🤬🤬

  17. You don't want to hear about the 1905 precedent? How about August 2021?

    This is from Newsweek:

    Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett struck a surprising blow against those seeking to defy COVID vaccine mandates on Thursday when she dismissed a challenge to a college's mandate without comment.

    That is a Trump justice. The MLC lawsuit does not have much hope of reversing the mandate.

  18. Why wasn't this decided months ago? Now students may have their education disrupted if their teacher gets an accommodation, which I don't think will happen much anyway? Who is going to replace these teachers in the classroom? Also, the people who are reassigned to non-school buildings, how will they be evaluated for the year? Right there, I think is a Union grievance. Either everyone gets evaluated or nobody gets evaluated. I also find it interesting that they are allowing 1 for 1 days as a severance option for the first 100 days. Now people are probably sorry they used all their sick days. I have 200 banked, so I would get 150 days paid. Too bad I can't take the severance option.

  19. I wonder if the obese and smokers will be able to get the accommodation.

  20. Anon 2323, When did you ever see anything here on Dr Fauci? He is nobody's savior, least of all mine. He has made some decent calls but overall he bears some of the responsibility for the US disastrous Covid policy.

    I don't believe he is a savior nor the devil the right wing has turned him into.

  21. Conventional wisdom tells you... Whoever applied last year will do it again.... BUT How long does this round of accommodations lasts? Half a year/whole school year? Where do they report? Who is "supervising" them? What kind of "work"? and more.... Only one week to apply and there's more questions than answers.. ANYONE KNOWS?

  22. No one with an once of fairness would be against the medically fragile. However, I would like to read more interpretation about the religious exemption & unpaid leave.
    On what grounds should people be granted a religious exemption? What would actually qualify? NO MAJOR ORGANIZED RELIGION is against vaccines.
    How does the unemployment work? 26 weeks @ 500? Does this kick in while on a leave?
    Or after November 2022?
    In the real world of work, getting a year of free healthcare and unemployment benefits is a huge win. The majority of teachers/ADMINS I have ever met have absolutely zero understanding of the real work world. The only losers in this agreement is the NYC taxpayer. Once again they will provide socialized healthcare to the idiotic conservative.

  23. The issue challenged is that the mayor does not have the legal authority to issue the mandate.
    Im thinking:what if we go on leave till he is out of office.maybe the next replacement would reinstate the option to test.
    Next, fyi, the Childrens Health Defense Fund is suing Diblockhead.RFK jr. Note: i found out via email.i did not hear that it was retracted.however, i just briefly searched the site to link it;i could not find it, so not sure...

    On another note, i am curious about the arbitrator's stipulatiing that you cannot accept employment elsewhere.does this make sense to anyone? I was thinking if i find a decent job somewhere else, i can just leave then.i also notice that there is no mention for car days if people opt to not granting one for one as is the case for other options.
    I think that regardless of your opinion, everyone should wake up re the Biden power grab.i thought laws go through now he is a ductator who can capriciously issue edicts at his whim and "go after"those who buck this?
    Does it still seem like right wing conspiracy now?usa is almost a will this be different than North Korea and other dictatorships?it seems that covid is the least if our problems. I thought that the early anti mask protestors were nuts, spouting it seems like it is about freedom, not about masks(i do not mean freedoms re covid).i mean now anything capricious is out there this is more frightening than any covid concern.
    I left message for pension dept last call back.

  24. James and others...have you not seen the proofs about Fauci's lies?that includes his role in manufacturing the crisis, the coverups, the patents, the profits?why does anyone still believe anything he says?

  25. I feel sickened that the haters on this blog have zero compassion with those who are seriously ill.i bet you hate when staff and kids in wheelchairs have use of school elevators while you have to climb a flight of stairs...or when those in wheelchairs take up the front seats on a bus or get priotity boarding on a plane? You are so wirried that their workload may be less challenging than yours? Would you seriously want to trade your good health for a few "privileges?"
    Such pettiness...
    I feel very bad that this mandate is being imposed and those in their first and second trimesters if pregnancy, while the brains are developing!so if a woman wants to protect her unborn child, she has to resign for a year?what about the rest of the maternity leave?she loses it?This country is run by sickos and when peoole have no compassiin, its a shitshow!i dont want to think about it my coworker is advocating for massive violence on the scale of BLM burning not too long ago.

  26. 500 a week to pay bills would render people homeless if it is the only income.meanwhile all these loafers had massive stimulus checks and benefits that disincentivized them to work because they made more staying in point, a friend sais she made more money than she ever did going to work.
    I windwr hiw unemployment would wirk out, ir if it might be challenged.thevreasin is that while on unemoloyment, you must prove that you are available for and seeking emoloyment in order to collect.yet, with this agreement, you are not allowed to accept additional work or else yoy lose benefits and right to return.this should be quite the shitshow, but u must be vaxxed in order to watch.

  27. My prediction is that there will be legal hell if pregnant women who cant afford not to work and are jabbed give birth to handicapped babies or suffer increased miscarriages(studies already show this).
    Who will be sued?the gov?doe?the docs who sold out claiming there was no danger(even though preg women were deliberately excluded from trials)
    No morals exist.


      How about listening to experts?

      Vaccines are recommended for pregnant women by the CDC.

      "While the overall risk of experiencing a severe course of COVID-19 is low, if you’re pregnant you have an increased risk of getting severely ill if you contract COVID-19."


      To maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, get vaccinated as soon as you can and wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.

      Pregnancy or Breastfeeding
      Updated Aug. 11, 2021
      What You Need to Know
      COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.
      Evidence about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy has been growing. These data suggest that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy.
      There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men.
      Pregnant and recently pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill with COVID-19 compared with non-pregnant people.
      Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can protect you from severe illness from COVID-19.

  28. 12:26 i found numerous religious statements online for several religions.since when is the use of fetal tissue approved?

  29. How can anyone prepare an appeal in 24 hours?that us a giveaway that this is all a joke?
    Btw, i read that rotten randi fired her unvaccinated workers! I still say she and mulgrew are at the root of this because the test option available to other unions was not fought for.on one hand, i do not want to support this crooked union.on the other hand, if it crumbles due to us leaving, what is left?not that there is much there now.

  30. How can anyone prepare an appeal in 24 hours?that us a giveaway that this is all a joke?
    Btw, i read that rotten randi fired her unvaccinated workers! I still say she and mulgrew are at the root of this because the test option available to other unions was not fought for.on one hand, i do not want to support this crooked union.on the other hand, if it crumbles due to us leaving, what is left?not that there is much there now.

  31. You really love to reference the regulatory captured CDC. How about we read the label again?

    Notice the pregnancy registry includes an ongoing study. And look at the robust animal data. They tested on 4 rats !

    8.1 Pregnancy
    There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to COMIRNATY during pregnancy. Women who are vaccinated with COMIRNATY during pregnancy are encouraged to enroll in the registry by visiting

    Risk Summary
    All pregnancies have a risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the US general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2% to 4% and 15% to 20%, respectively. Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.
    A developmental toxicity study has been performed in female rats administered the equivalent of a single human dose of COMIRNATY on 4 occasions; twice prior to mating and twice during gestation. These studies revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to the vaccine (see Animal Data).

    Animal Data
    In a developmental toxicity study, 0.06 mL of a vaccine formulation containing the same quantity of nucleoside-modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) (30 mcg) and other ingredients included in a single human dose of COMIRNATY was administered to female rats by the intramuscular route on 4 occasions: 21 and 14 days prior to mating, and on gestation days 9 and 20. No vaccine-related adverse effects on female fertility, fetal development, or postnatal development were reported in the study.

    8.2 Lactation
    Risk Summary
    It is not known whether COMIRNATY is excreted in human milk. Data are not available to assess the effects of COMIRNATY on the breastfed infant or on milk production/excretion. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother's clinical need for COMIRNATY and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed child from COMIRNATY or from the underlying maternal condition. For preventive vaccines, the underlying maternal condition is susceptibility to disease prevented by the vaccine.

  32. Reality:

    COVID-19 crisis was on full display this week as health officials announced the deaths of eight pregnant women, a surge in pediatric deaths, and the first death of an infant since the pandemic began.

    At a Wednesday press conference, health officials said the baby was aged under 1.

    “It’s been a rough month and a half,” State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs told reporters, noting that the Delta variant has “caused a lot of unnecessary deaths.”

    Among the most recent deaths were at least eight pregnant women who left behind their babies.

    “Sadly, we’ve seen a pretty significant number of pregnant women not survive COVID in recent weeks,” Dobbs said, per the Sun Herald. “Currently we are investigating eight reports of pregnant women who have died within the past several weeks, all of whom are unvaccinated.”

    He pleaded with expectant mothers to get vaccinated; the state has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

    “Please get vaccinated. You’ve got to protect yourself, you’ve got to protect your baby. You’ve got to protect your family. The vaccine is phenomenally safe,” he said. “Lies and fear-mongering out there have caused unnecessary fear. We know that COVID kills moms, and we know that it’s very dangerous.”

  33. Lewis County General Hospital upstate NY pausing maternity unit.. 30 Resignations over mandate. May have more resignations out of 165 unvaccinated staff. Hospital exec thinks mandate ensures a healthy staff. I think things are going to get even more unsafe because the Fascists in Albany and the WH didn’t count on some health care workers standing their ground. Less staff, less procedures and services, less care and then less profit and that will make ceo change his tune.

    LOWVILLE, N.Y. (AP) — An upstate New York hospital will stop delivering babies later this month, in part because of employee resignations over a requirement they be vaccinated against COVID-19.

    Six maternity staff members resigned from Lewis County General Hospital during the past week, worsening an existing staff shortage, the Watertown Daily Times reported. The department has seven other unvaccinated employees who also could decide to leave, hospital officials said.

    “The number of resignations received leaves us no choice but to pause delivering babies at Lewis County General Hospital,” Chief Executive Gerald Cayer said at a news conference Friday. “It is my hope that the (state) Department of Health will work with us in pausing the service rather than closing the maternity department.”

    Services also may have to be curtailed in five other departments if staff members resign rather than be vaccinated by the state’s Sept. 27 deadline for health care workers, authorities said.

    About 165 unvaccinated employees, 73% of whom provide clinical services, have yet to declare their intention to stay or go, Cayer said. The county-owned health system employs about 650 people.

    Cayer said 30 people have resigned since the vaccine mandate was announced last month, most of whom held clinical positions like nurses, therapists and technicians. Thirty others have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, he said.

    “Essential health services are not at risk because of the mandate,” Cayer said. “The mandate ensures we will have a healthy workforce and we are not responsible for (causing COVID-19) transmission in or out of our facilities.”

    The health care system’s nursing home has seen one resignation, but 48 people have yet to take action, he said.

    The maternity “pause” will begin on Sept. 25.

  34. Where is the severance application? I'd like to resign.

  35. PLEASE can someone who is knowledgable please let us know if we can take an unpaid leave and get unemployment?

  36. Nuce job uft.

    I emailed the department of education's division for PE to ask if certain activities were restricted this year and if locker rooms could be used. They said they're still finalizing things and will update soon. SCHOOL STARTS MONDAY!

  37. Infections only up 300% vs 1 year ago, when there was no vaccine. So much for shutting down the virus.

  38. Even with a religious exemption you are done with your school and sent to an unvaccinated nazi location. No liberal on here cares about Fauci's emails or where this came from which is obviously Wuhan.

    Let this play out, 35,000 teachers on Sept 28th are gone. The city does not have 15,000 subs let alone 35,000😂 to cover for that. Schools would crumble, all you vaccinated whiny, fearful, babies will be doing coverages every day. Then parents find out they have all these terrible subs and they are learning 1/3 of what they were before. It's a bluff!!!

    James if it is not a bluff your union lost a leg and all it needs is a push to fall over. 50 million gone from the UFT will hurt more than they know.

    Long island is testing, we need Hochul to override, will be calling her all next week.

  39. Republicans were all over the media saying that the elderly had already lived their lives and they should keep themselves holed up so that younger people, who were not as personally affected by the vaccine, could live their lives.

    So now that the virus is affecting younger people why don't middle-aged Republicans sacrifice themselves for the younger generation. In other words, they think if they get the vaccine now, they'll have issues down the road, but shouldn't they be responsible for staying alive today for the sake of their own children? What about for the younger generation in general?

    Not sure if this couple was Republican but there was a story or an unvaccinated married couple, high school sweethearts, who died a day apart and left 7 children behind, the youngest being 10.

    Don't be selfish hypocrites you adult anti-vaxxers. You've lived your lives now get out of the way so you don't infect and affect the younger generation. Isn't that what Fox News was saying?

  40. Mulgrew supposedly supports vaccine mandates because he cares about students and teachers.

    Then why is it that the DOE Adult Education teachers are mandated to be vaccinated, but the adult students that they teach, do not. That includes immigrants who are learning english, and adult students putting in hours and studying for their exam.

    What is the policy is someone is showing symptoms? What is the process of reporting it? How do you know who is vaccinated and who is not? Do the quarantine protocols apply to them? Apparently not. There are zero safety protocols in place. There is nothing, zip, nada.

  41. Question...if hospitals are so overwhelmed, would they be firing nurses for not getting vaccinated?

  42. It's a big country. Hospitals are not overwhelmed everywhere but they are in plenty of places.

  43. Oh, so some cities can fire nurses left and right. Ok. I'm confused. Who cares if the nurse is vaccinated if the patient is vaccinated? Wouldn't the patient be protected?

  44. How is it that the UFT always gets bad outcomes in arbitration with Scheinman.

    Why has the UFT continued with an arbitrator such anti-UFT bias?

    Why has the spring break pay not been arbitrated?

    The Covid medical accommodations were
    arbitrated in a timely way.


  45. Universities are supposed to be bastions of science. Stunning that their universal vaccine mandates dismiss natural immunity from prior COVID infection, which is stronger longer lasting than from vaccines. Will take years to recover their credibility.

    In Israel, vaccinated individuals had 27 times higher risk of symptomatic COVID infection compared to those with natural immunity from prior COVID disease [95%CI:13-57, adjusted for time of vaccine/disease]. No COVID deaths in either group.

  46. 7:13: Sorry, unemployment is only if you are terminated or laid off temporarily. Willingly taking a leave of absence doesn't warrant unemployment benefits.

  47. 8:05 Anon2323 - YOU are the only one incessantly crying and whining and fearful about a damn vaccine. Don't you worry your pretty little head about subs and coverages. How is that your problem? You can't even solve your own problem with the mandate, how 'bout you worry about that Mr. All-Day Whiner.

  48. 8:03 there's no shutting down the virus while there are so many roaming around society while refusing the vaccine during a pandemic. That's about to change.

  49. Test options don't work. Just one more thing for the unvaccinated to whine about. They want to vaccinate on company time, or get paid for doing it on their own time, so they want to get paid for not being at work.

  50. @9:53 you're the pathetic coward who is afraid of a little vaccine. Yes, we want to segregate ourselves from pathetic idiots!

  51. nerd @10:53 that's exactly right. Everyone wants to blame Mulgrew for decisions that are over his head, not to mention, the majority supports mandates. They're just trying to be their usually bullying selves thinking if they cry the loudest they'll get their way and sit at home milking the system. They don't give a damn about NYC students.

  52. All politics! Sadly, everything is.

    I wear a mask at work, do food delivery and wear a mask. I work out at gyms(no mask) and traveled all aujmer(yes. Even on an airplane and had a mask off when I had a cup of water and lived to tell about it).

    I’m vaccinated.

    It’s time to stop living in fear. Plenty of people listen to fun police captain fauci and run for cover. That dude is trying so hard to stay relevant.

  53. On April 29, 2020, Martin Scheinman was approved for a loan of $150,495 in the first round of the US Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.

  54. 9:40. That’s the issue never really addressed here. If the vaccine works like the scientists say it works and transmission occurs like they say it does (by both vaxed and unvaxed) then the only people who are vulnerable are the unvaxed. Those medically unable to get vaxed should be given accommodations. The rest are making a personal choice. If you can contract COVID from the vaxed, there is no need to push this vaccine on people who don’t want it. The flu effects more children than COVID. It’s not about the kids if no one is forcing flu vaccines.

    If the hospitals didn’t collapse pre vaccine, they’re not collapsing now. The Javitz Center and the navy hospital ship in NY weren’t used at the height of this. Fear mongering and force will not work on many. I’m vaccinated and the only response I have to Biden’s speech is go fuck yourself, you incompetent corrupt piece of shit.

  55. Nurses can do this easily.there is a huge shortage.hospitals offer HUGE bonuses, raises,incentives, free housing, etc.teachers are paid much lower if they leave.sure, the cost of living is lower, you can say.But we still have the current expenses, unless you have no financial obligations left.

  56. You gotta luv it. First Biden is too weak minded to do anything. Now he's an authoritarian Strongman.

  57. Add England to the list of sensible countries in regards to medical freedom.
    That list would also include Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Japan, Mexico, and others not imposing medical tyranny.

    “It's fair to say, I think, most people probably instinctively don't like the idea,” Javid said. “I've never liked the idea of saying to people you must show your papers or something to do what is just an everyday activity.”

  58. @7:36 AM

    Was the PPP loan to Scheinman forgiven? Do you know if there was a loan forgiveness to Scheinman? Was there a quid pro quo? Something seems very disturbing about Scheinman's consistently biased arbitration decisions. Follow their money trail.

    1. I don’t know. Your questions deserve to be investigated. Is anyone on this blog willing to write to Mr. Scheinman and the Small Business Administration?

      7:36 A.M.

  59. This is the issue people ae missing. If you are vaccinated, you should have no care if I'm vaccinated if the vaccine works. People keep saying the unvaccinated are casuing the problem. What % are either vaccinated or already had the virus? 80%? Fauci said less than that would be herd immunity. Something is wrong somewhere. Also, yes, you could be told to stay home by a princiupal and work remotely. It was at their discretion. I was one who worked from home with no acc. And yes, I am vaccinated now.

  60. Of course sci would not investigate quid pro quo.carranza scott free too.who woyls take on such a case?bryan glass?is scheinerman the last steo or can it be appealed?
    Only 4 school days given to submit an exemption?bet the portal gets over run.

  61. I predict quite a lot of teachers are gonna take the year long unpaid leave with health insurance. Any NYC teacher who is married to a partner who is well off would be an idiot not to take the leave. You are guaranteed your spot at your school. I also bet a bunch of teachers are gonna take the leave and work "under the table". Super excited to watch the shit show.

  62. Unvaccinated people are dangerous to everyone! "Studies show that unvaccinated people are far more likely to spread the delta variant than vaccinated people."

  63. On how many kids are vaccinated, she says "We have 65% 12-17 vaccinated."

    on vaccines for teachers, what percentage of teachers are vaccinated,
    says over 72%. She does not have numbers yet for how many teachers are saying they can't get the vaccine for health reasons.

    So all those people should be safe, if the vaccine works, even around those unvaccinated, right?

  64. Dr. Fauci on why Americans who’ve previously been infected should get vaccinated despite studies showing it’s unnecessary: “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that”

  65. DiBlasio has played hardball with medical exemptions so it only makes sense that he will not go lightly on those who get those exemptions. They will be given other work but it would interesting to see what that work is. Many teachers live on Long Island. Could he assign them to a building where vaccines are not mandated for office work in say Manhattan?

    It seems like the key reason to why teachers are not getting a testing option is because of us working around students. I would not be surprised if in the end testing is allowed for some DOE jobs that don't involve students but working from home would not be allowed while sending those exempt to those positions. Would there even be arbitration under those circumstances?

  66. “Hospitals are being overrun by COVID patients.”

    An upstate New York hospital said it will pause the delivery of babies in two weeks because of a spate of resignations by maternity unit workers who are objecting to COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

  67. It would be easier to use the religion excuse instead of a medical excuse to get out getting the vaccine. The doe isn't allowed to ask your religion. I know there are very few religions that discourage vaccines and as far as I know they discourage it but don't forbid it. Jehovah Witnesses started okaying vaccines in 1952 around the same time the Polio vaccine came out.

  68. Yes, when your spouse is well off, it's easy to take time off. Do you ever wonder why more women take sabbaticals than men, because they can live off their wealthy husbands with the reduced salary.

  69. JEN PSAKI IN JULY: “Can we mandate vaccines across the country? No. That’s not a role that the federal government, I think, even has the power to make.”

  70. 6:48 I think the Church of Christian Scientists and Dutch Reformed Church discourage vaccines.

  71. 12:23 noone is missing anything. As long as huge segments are not vaccinated the hospitals are overrun, we all have to wear these annoying masks, our children, elderly, and immunocompromised are at high risk of severe illness, and we can't get back to normal. What part of that don't you understand?

    But besides all that, vaccinated teachers are not responsible for these mandates.

    1. This is what I miss...Why do I need to wear a mask if I'm vaccinated and protected?

  72. Last year, having an immunocompromised family member (elderly or infant) was cause for accommodation. This year no. Is anyone concerned that vaccinated adults can and will be infecting family members?

  73. Biden said "Protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated." Why do the vaccinated need to be protected if they are vaccinated?

  74. 6:48 I doubt very seriously that the DOE or anyone is just going to accept a "religious exemption" on anyone's say so. The burden of proof is on the person requesting the exemption, not on the DOE.

  75. Someone wants me to print this from a linked article:

    "Only seven states of the entire 52 reported no deaths among children, the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics report."

    Is this publication aware that the USA has 50 states?

  76. This is what

    “What I'd never do is I would never put any child in a place I wouldn't put my own. So, we're family."

    Are you kidding me ! She’s doing the opposite.

  77. 7:40: Discourage is must different from forbid.
    9:26: Does the DOE have the right to prove our religion? And how do you prove your religion?
    I just read an article in the Post that the blue masks are only 10 percent effective in protecting you from the virus.

  78. The battle against James and the ridiculous mandates is off. Looks like a school in Brooklyn will be going remote once 27th comes. Testing once a week should be sufficient with all you vaccinated folks who have the best vaccine imaginable.

    Need a mask to walk into a restaurant, but magically when you eat or drink with your masks off inside, the virus knows to take a timeout and not come 😂!!!

    @1:51 you prob live in your parent's basement, bullshit mandate go live in china, this is America.

    1. @10:33 Anon2323, My God really? "You probably live in your mothers basement"? What are you 12? How about you go live somewhere. In America we vaccinate against contagious diseases. Dont like it? Quit. One less deranged propagandist running around the schools.'d that Maricopa thing work out for you? Your usual dud. Are you ever right about anything?

  79. Of course we're getting
    safety protocols at 10:37pm thru
    the night b4 the 1st day of school
    -kids can be suspended/put on remote learning if they refuse to wear a mask
    -staff get forced into/paid 4 instructional lunch Unamused face
    -unvaxxed teacher testing policy

  80. 9:05 and 9:06- Why do the vaccinated need to be protected if they are vaccinated?

    Because the covid vaccine is called a vaccine yet it does NOT do what it is supposed to. It does NOT offer full protection like the numerous other vaccines we have taken.

    I and my spouse are fully vaccinated. I got covid had it for a week thought it was done then ended up in the ER for chest pains thought it was a heart attack turns out it was covid pneumonia.

    Husband went to the ER for covid, he has been hospitalized for over a week.

    You would think our cases are unique but they are NOT. At least half of the people in the ER who had covid were fully vaccinated. Some already had the previous covid, were vaccinated and now got the delta.

    I honestly think it is insane to open schools and pretend this vaccine works or that unvaccinated children should be exposed to an air born disease. Oh at as for the DOE screener-I would have passed it. I had no temp, cough etc-I was past the 10 days.

    Please double mask or wear an N95-doesn't matter if you are vaccinated-you can still get it and have painful affects and also you can bring this home.

  81. To 6:48...if the DOE accepts people being "other" gender by just saying so then they could accept me finding Jesus because I said so.

    1. 7:08. Go ahead try it, lets see how far you get.

  82. @Anon2323 or anyone:
    What does it mean when someone says "this is a America"?

  83. 441 am, so they should just say the vaccine doesn't work.

  84. Anon2323 has been more right than you freedom haters, 3:49.

  85. You sure about those hospitalizations from COVID, fear mongers?


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