Friday, October 01, 2021

DE BLASIO SAYS MANDATES WORK AND 93% OF NYC TEACHERS ARE VACCINATED (Update: US Supreme Court Justice Upholds Vaccine Mandate)

Bill de Blasio on Morning Joe says 90% of DOE employees are vaccinated with at least one dose, 93% of teachers, and 98% of principals. He adds that mandates work. 83% of adults have had at least one dose in NYC according to the mayor. He is asked about shortages for next week when the mandate that sends unvaccinated school employees on involuntary leave policy goes into effect and he answers that we have thousands of thousands of qualified substitutes who are ready to go. 

The hosts don't press him on COVID-19 cases in schools. 

The information from the NYC Situation Room:

  • A grey dot indicates a member of the school community has tested positive but the school community was not exposed.
  • A blue dot indicates one or more classrooms closed in a school.
  • An orange dot indicates one or more classrooms are partially quarantined in a school.
  • A purple dot indicates a school has one or more non-classroom quarantines.
  • A yellow dot indicates a school has multiple cases under investigation.
  • A red dot indicates a school that has transitioned to fully remote for 10 days.

There have been 3,030 positive cases since September 13. 

When the Morning Joe crew asks the mayor about his biggest disappointment, de  Blasio says it's homelessness but the panel never follow up by talking about the mayor's delayed COVID response in early March of 2020 that let COVID-19 get out of control. NYC was the epicenter of the pandemic and to date has over 34,000 deaths from the coronavirus. His and former Governor Andrew Cuomo's weak and delayed response helped lead to a good many of those fatalities as I see it. 

I hope that the mayor is right and that schools are safe so COVID does not spread out of control in the schools but I think we should keep our guard up.

I support the mandate but I don't want to see anybody go on involuntary unpaid leave because someone doesn't have at least one COVID shot. Please get vaccinated if you have not yet done so. 

US Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor decided today not to block the mandate so the vaccine mandate went onto effect for school employees in NYC at 5:00 p.m. today.


  1. I know of 2 teachers at my school who are not coming back. Also heard rumors of some paras and secretaries leaving as well. This is gonna bite the Mayor in his big, fat ass!

  2. Mr. de Blasio,

    Mayoral control does not work.

    Your cumulative record of criminal mismanagement validates that mayoral control has not worked. The evidence supports this claim.

    Mr. de Blasio, you have a consistent record of criminal mismanagement of the schools.
    The newspapers record this almost weekly.

    Here is this week's story.

    It ill behooves the children of New York city to have Mayor de Blasio and his ilk in charge of running our schools, period. Mr. de Blasio, you are a menace.

  3. Breaking News: SCOTUS is NOT blocking NYC vaccine mandate for DOE teachers.

  4. Another confirmed case in my school. 14th street-Manhattan.

  5. de Blasio's legacy of criminal mismanagement will follow him after he is out of office.
    What a laughingstock incompetent politician! Dramatists will forever satirize de Bozio, as the character name for the inept urban politician.

  6. Here is more on de Blasio:

    And so on and so on...

  7. One more...

    and now de Blasio wants to run for governor?

  8. If you don't want to be vaccinated, you shouldn't be working in a school setting. You are putting many people at risk.
    Try the National Park Service.

  9. Also, you're sending the message to the kids to not get vaccinated either.

  10. Good riddance to the unvaccinated scaredy cats

  11. 6:63 i offer a different perspective.We can teach children to do their own research and think critically before accepting dogma blindly.

  12. Morning Joe Hahahahahah. These people you respect James? Ha ha ha ha ha That explains your screwed up views on this whole issue

  13. Now teachers have until Monday morning to show their vaccination cards.

  14. There are many unions throughout the country that took the correct position of honoring their members personal choice in whether or not to get vaccinated. Especially those who had covid and had the antibodies for natural immunity. Not the uft. And not James Eterno, advocating for the firing of brothers and sisters, you James are a totalitarian. And to think you would side with a mayor who has time and again proven himself to be an incompetent dope. And don't respond with the bullshit that you're interested in everyone's safety. That's a lie and we know it. For people like you it's all about control. Communists always want to tell everyone how to run their lives.

    1. I am not advocating for the firing of anyone, Miles. I am hoping for everyone to get vaccinated or have a reasonable exemption.

  15. If you read the piece, I was critical of the softball questioning of de Blasio by the Morning Joe panel.

  16. So what's new? MM was still gaslighting the retirees this afternoon during their Medicare (Dis)Advantage meeting, still selling a pig in a poke. Almost everyone on screen carefully steered away from anything really important. Only two people were allowed to ask preselected, non controversial questions. Some retirees were very puzzled. They've been out of the loop way too long to know that this is the way UFT does business under Mulgrew.
    Few colleagues ever pay much attention to UFT endorsements. Even sadder, the vast majority do not bother to vote in union elections...the scariest part...for all of us!

    The "good old days" of the BOE were hardly perfect under a "so-called" independent board that was rife with patronage and corruption. The union generally supported the members, or could be kicked into doing so by vocal dues payers who often fought back. The destruction of the system under mayoral control is nearly total and complete. Any mayor should be kept at arms length until the school system gets a new deal.

    1. I was one of the people watching the presentation. I had turned on the closed captions just in case anyone wasn’t speaking clearly. I noticed two instances of “Michael Mogul.”

  17. There is a lot about the Corona virus and the disease that we, the general public, do not know, have been led to believe, or do not believe. CoVid information is manipulated up and down, sideways and back again. Fear is propagated but due diligence is ridiculed and denounced. This does not sound like where the US should be in 2021!

    To those of you who believe and insist on vaccinations for everyone regardless of circumstance, believe in segregation, believe in separate but equal, believe in total government control of our lives, believe that only certain people can be employed, etc. your thoughts and beliefs are leading the United States in a dangerous direction. You are opening the doors to a future that is reminiscent of the US past and modern life in many countries around the world. Yet, when this all comes around to smack you in a different form, you will claim innocence, surprise and outrage.

    It is so easy to understand how certain human-imposed atrocities occur and the public just goes along with or even insists on the program. This all reminds me of the "First they came for" poem by Martin Niemoller.

  18. 7:18 I've asked this before and no one will answer. Many people chose to be vaccinated before the mandates, so government control did not influence their decision. Teachers were not responsible for the mandates so what exactly do you expect them to do in these circumstances? I've heard the unvaccinated call for the vaccinated to leave their jobs and strike with them. I haven't heard one person insisting on vaccinations for everyone regardless of circumstance or in "total government control of our lives". You're arguing a Straw Man, but what exactly would you expect people to do about a mandate that didn't or doesn't apply to them?

  19. Facts:
    10-25% absent from each of my classes Friday.
    Several students in the building are showing symptoms.
    3 students emailed me about being in the hospital (last week & this week).
    Confirmed cases in our building - no class rooms closed.

    Barely testing 10% of those students (if they consented)
    Not testing any staff member - even though vaccinated can have COVID and be a spreader even if not symptomatic.

    Is any of our students lives, their families, our families worth this?
    Our union is complicit and should be held accountable for any loss of life.

    I would not send my child into an NYC school.

  20. Some good came out of this mandate. Stephanie Edmonds has left the building. Too fucking bad.

  21. One lawsuit filing sunday for tro.will likely be read on monday.maybe after the mon chaos, they will back off.

  22. 7:13 they may be too far in now. If they back off those people who waited until the last minute to get the shot are going to be pissed off. Watch how they support the mandate for other people once they were forced to get it.

  23. The big lie, that Facism is a right wing ideology, is in full view right here in NYC. Forcing the population to comply, or else, can be described in no other way than as Facism incarnate. And the extreme leftists want you to be so naive as to believe that Facism lives on the other side of the political spectrum. They are liars and many are beginning to understand it for themselves.

  24. Sounds more like Trump and Conservatives:

    “Mussolini thought that democracy was a failed system. He thought that liberty of expression and liberty of parties was a sham, and that fascism would organize people under state power,” Ben-Ghiat says. “Their idea was you would be freer because you wouldn’t have any class consciousness. You’re just supposed to worship the nation. It’s nation over class.”

    The corollary of that belief was the idea that anything that might impede national unity had to be gotten rid of, and violently. In fact, violence was seen as beneficial to society.

    And “society” was not a loosely defined idea. Rather, Mussolini and those who came after him had very specific ideas about who got to be part of the nation. It followed that those who did not fit the mold were seen as disruptive to that unity, and thus subject to violence."

    "The fear of white decline was a huge part of it. Women were supposed to go have a lot of babies to increase the white race. A lot of old-fashioned explanations of fascism don’t talk about that.”

    1. Nice cut and paste. Why do you try thinking for yourself?

  25. I guess BLM's threats didn't work this time. The anti-vaxxers who usually loathe BLM were hoping BLM would fight their battle for them.

  26. Educat - I'm sorry. I guess you prefer spewing your own opinions rather than sourcing your information. If it's one thing right wing nuts despise, it's FACTS.

  27. 10:05 - interesting words "why do you try thinking for yourself". Funny.

  28. Hundreds of teachers- assigned working centrally were already told, after cob yesterday, to report to schools Monday morning.
    No EA's were deployed, despite the staggering amount of central based EAs.
    Obvious conflict of interest favors the CSA when the DOE is essentially run by CSA members.

  29. Educat did you finally get vaccinated? You were really advocating for remote teaching for unvaccinated teachers but you never answered when someone would ask you if you were vaccinated.

  30. Republicans voted to not certify a duly-elected President to try and keep Trump in power? And then they went around their States passing laws that would make it easier for them to disregard the will of the voters, overturning elections and install whoever they want, yet Democrats are the fascists? Fascism most certainly is a right wing ideology.

    Here's another cut and paste:

    "Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism, controlling all industry and commerce, and promoting nationalism and often racism."

    1. So irrational I could barely keep my balance. You are a hopeless case.

    2. 11:55 in other words you can't refute or deny anything so you'll just spew "irrational". Uh, SURE. I guess the post stands.

  31. 11:33 what's wrong with stephanie edmunds?she seems dedicated and caring and upset to be leaving.i thought she was very brave to be emotional on tv.

  32. DeBlasio and the DOE expect subs to replace the teachers who for their own personal reasons refuse to get the vaccine. I work in a school where subs are difficult to get.

    What if the sub does not know the subject? Will the students get the credit? Have to take the Regents? I think the students will probably be placed in some kind of online course. It is going to be a mess.

    It would be helpful to know what other schools are doing.

  33. @11:55 Maybe if you weren't drunk you could keep your balance.

    "Other GOP-controlled states have already changed their laws to make it easier to void election results. As part of its sweeping voter suppression law, Georgia’s heavily gerrymandered legislature removed Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger as the chair and a voting member of the state election board after he rebuffed Trump’s attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s victory. The legislature will now appoint a majority of board members, and the board, in turn, can take over up to four county election boards it deems “underperforming”—raising the prospect that Republicans could assume control of election operations in heavily Democratic areas like Atlanta’s Fulton County. In concert with a provision allowing right-wing groups to mount an unlimited number of challenges to voter eligibility, these changes will make it easier for Republicans to contest close elections and possibly overturn the results."

    "G.O.P. lawmakers have also stripped secretaries of state of their power, asserted more control over state election boards, made it easier to overturn election results, and pursued several partisan audits and inspections of 2020 results."

    This is not to say they will be successful when it's challenged in the courts, but these are FASCIST moves. So either put up, or shut, in refuting it. Stop crying about the vaccine mandate in NY. You have the right to find a job that doesn't require the mandate, or move to a red state where you can move around freely without a mask, and where people are still getting infected in large numbers.

  34. 6:01: I know many schools are offering teachers to take a 6th class in their license, but many are not offering to replace professional period but to replace prep period. You can only get paid as a coverage which is about 175 a week extra. Technically, you should be paid pro rata when you take a 6th class, but that needs to be worked into the school budget before the school year starts. I know some schools are forcing teachers to do emergency coverages even though it's not an emergency as De Blasio said there are 5,000 teachers not coming back but 9,000 subs. So don't take any crap from your principal when he/she says it's an emergency coverage.

  35. You should get paid at the Article 70 special per session rate if you teach a sixth class in a secondary school. This is not an emergency.

  36. 10:50. I’m vaccinated and retired. Your question is sincere. I send one sentence weekly or biweekly emails to all my elected officials, I will not frequent any establishment requiring proof of vaccination and instead of small talk with neighbors,friends, acquaintances I express my concern about the government having too much control over our lives and give an example. This week’s example is the guy who wants to be governor of Virginia just said, “ I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” This issue for me is larger than the vaccine mandates. Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, Communism, whatever…. It’s disgusting and anti-American. I take every opportunity I can to share my opinion and criticize my government. I think doing that accomplishes a few things. Exercising our rights is important to keeping them, let’s others who agree with me know they’re not alone and basically lets everyone know where I stand so I don’t have to waste time engaging with anyone who can’t emotionally handle disagreeing with me. They disassociate. I think not allowing apathy or fear to silence you is a start for most people. Everyone has their own starting point.

  37. If this is not an emergency, then the vax mandate for emerg use should be rescinded.which is it? Lol
    There is an emergency when there is a delusional gov who thinks god is talking to her.put her in a psycho ward hospital with national guard or nursing students who accidentally gives her an OD of bad meds.does she silence the voice of god telling herto treat others with kindness and respect?is gratitude not in her satanic religion?she is from Rosemary's Baby-some may recall the film. She villifies the front line heroes.she should not be voted in.she is eorse than cuomo copping a feel or more(but he sent old folks to die due to politics).this country is depressung cuz people are begging to have power pulled from them.hope i survive long enuf to leave with soc security and medicare, but the latter is a few years away.idk...prayers to all!

  38. 6:56: I think you misunderstood what I was referring to as an emergency. I was talking about the staffing issue, since there are supposedly enough subs to cover all the missing teachers, so principals can't use emergency coverage reason since there are supposedly enough subs.


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