Wednesday, October 13, 2021


There will be a statement made inside and outside the first live Delegate Assembly since March 2020 that business as usual conseasionary unionism is no longer acceptable to UFTers. Today at 4:00 PM is a rally outside 52 Broadway with the theme, "Hands off our healthcare." 

The UFT and many other unions forced through privatization of retiree Medicare effective January 1, 2022 and the contracts for active employee healthcare are up for renegotiation next year. The city wants more savings. There have been givebacks already in 2014 and 2018 such as new city employees being forced into HIP for year 1 which severely restricts choices of doctors, emergency room co-pays tripling to $150, and more. The only way to stop more concessions on healthcare and everywhere else is to draw a line in the sand and say that's it.

That process begins today outside the DA.


  1. At least the amazing uft helped us in other places, like with huge raises to battle wild inflation...

    Where are Americans seeing inflation?

    A lot of places:
    Rental cars +43% over last Sept
    Gas 42%
    Used cars 24%
    Bacon 19%
    Hotels 18%
    Beef 18%
    Pork 13%
    Eggs 13%
    TVs 13%
    Kids' shoes 12%
    Furniture 11%
    New cars 9%
    Chicken 8%
    Apples 8%
    Restaurant prices: 5%
    Electricity 5%
    Rent 2.9%

  2. Rising prices — including the fastest rising costs for seniors, drug prices — led to the biggest adjustment to benefits in four decades.


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