Sunday, October 31, 2021


The UFT Twitter guy is criticizing the Department of Education for not having the $225 for setting up digital classrooms in teacher accounts today, October 31.

The UFT in their sales job on this deal said:

You will receive $225 on Oct. 31 for setting up your digital classroom.

But, here is the actual language that the UFT agreed to in the MOA:

School-based teachers and mandated related service providers on payroll as of October 1, 2021 shall be paid $225.00 via supplemental check on or about October 31, 2021 for setup of digital classroom(s) as described in this section.

Notice the words "on or about October 31" in the actual MOA. The DOE as usual is a step ahead of the UFT as "on or about" means they will pay you when they good and well feel like it and there isn't a damn thing you can do. 

The UFT in their sales job doesn't tell you what they actually agreed to. You have to dig deep.

This is just a small example of how the UFT is easily defeated by the DOE in the fine print in negotiations where every word matters. This is not unique to this situation.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Way down on my list of issues...But...Uft as usual. Dues well spent.

  2. Do you hear how petty you sound, James? Do you hear yourself? Had you lived in 1942, can you picture yourself fighting with the Marines at Guadalcanal, and then, after surviving that hell, can you see yourself complaining about the words "on or about Oct 31"? Where's your sense of proportion?

  3. My words: "This is just a small example..."

    Do I have to be clearer that in the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal? More symbolic.

  4. I am glad that I stopped paying dues for the incompetent UFT.

  5. I will be happy when all these useless UFT reps are removed and placed back in classrooms.

    Like I have said, the current UFT is very weak so this is not a surprise at all.

    Looking forward to better things in 2022 once we get rid of Mulgrew and his garbage party.

  6. Do you know for sure that the DOE didn't change the wording after the agreement? Perhaps they agreed to "by October 31", and they changed it to "on or about". They are notoriously deceitful afterall.

  7. I don’t always agree with James’s views and opinions, but he is exactly right. This is not a huge deal, but it is something to take a look at if you are UFT leadership. Give the doe credit where credit is due. They play the UFT and play the UFT very well. The doe has the UFT in their back pocket when it should be the other way around.

    How many times have we been used or abused by the doe and the UFT doesn’t pre-plan for it? It really is a pattern.

    We can all cite the examples(spring break pay, pay increases(not raises), danielsen, money being withheld, money late with zero interest).

    This is not a huge deal, but it’s something in the grand scheme

  8. Haaaaa! Where in the hell were all of these complainers when the UFT agreed to 4 observations when the rest of the state had 2? (Thank god that crap is over now) Seems like money is the only thing a lot of teachers care about. Glad I am at top salary right now. I got bigger beefs with the UFT then some late payment in the amount of 225 bucks.

  9. @11:01 you just couldnt resist. Lol. Im surprised James let that trollish comment through.

  10. The doe uses vague language too. They said students should be spread 3 feet apart if possible. Possible has a lot of possibilities. It is possible to space the kids 3 feet apart at any school, but the doe doesn't want to spend the money or make the effort to make it happen. All in all it is possible in any situation to spread the kids 3 feet apart at all times.

  11. What incentive does the UFThave to fight for you? None! Get used to it. They will abuse you until you retire. Then they’ll abuse you with shitty healthcare and and even shittier COLA.

  12. You will never get paid the $225
    because the UFT is a scam

  13. Are there dues coming out of the $225?

  14. So when are we getting this money?

  15. When the DOE decides to pay you peasants.

  16. The mayor does not have a fully functional brain in my opinion, yet he plays the UFT like a fiddle.

  17. Who is the fool who keeps asking about Spring break money? The answer is that the arbitration will be heard in December. How many ways are there to say it?

  18. It shows UFT incompetence. Keep raising it until we get our money with interest.

  19. Hey 9:03 - don't blame the poster. It's hard to keep up considering how many times they've changed it. But, I wouldn't bet on it in any case. There's no telling if we'll get anything.

  20. don't worry as soon as arbitration opens up spring break pay will be first in line

    don't worry, even though arbitration is open, its only partially opened, so when it fully opens, spring break pay will be first in line

    don't worry, even though arbitration is fully open we are hearing in july they will hear the case

    don't worry, even though its now September, we believe in October they will hear the case

    don't worry, maybe by December, de Blasio's last month, the arbitration will hear our case.

    I mean this very funny if you think about the timeline hahahha

  21. I had the UFT DR come to my elementary school about over crowding. She stated to my Principal that the rule is now 3' nose to nose. Which basically makes all desk spacing irrelevant. Completely cut the legs out from under every teacher in our building.


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