Sunday, November 21, 2021


 ICEUFT directions for the 2022 UFT election: Bear right!

Please get in touch with us at if you want to be involved in the campaign. We need all of you to be with us if we are going to build a better union. 


  1. Please make an easy to read flyer for United for Change that we can download. I want to distribute it and explain it to my staff. BIG THANKS!

  2. Bear right? That sounds good. In other words, MORE will be marginalized. I suppose you didn't mean it that way. But I wish you did.

  3. Have you signed the class size petition?
    Did you volunteer to participate in the class size day of action?
    Do nothing but want change

  4. COVID season is about to be full throttle in the U.S. northeast.

    Sure hope they don't need the thousands of healthcare workers they fired due to mandates.

    1. 10:22 what we need is a union that will support the NY Health Act and not do everything in its power to deny people healthcare. Vote For Change!

  5. MORE are commies but UNITY are fascists. I'll take the United for Change slate anyday.

  6. Unity supports a lot of left wing stuff and hires lots of women and poc. They hold power and suppress dissent, but they are not right wing. Solidarity is to the right of Unity on most positions. Does 'bear right' signal that Solidarity will dominate UfC?

  7. This ad was put out by Educators of NYC which is not a right wing group in any way.Look at the United for Change platform. It is not right wing. UFT Solidarity signed off on it.

  8. I'll stop saying this if I can be persuaded I am mistaken, since I'm not sure. Solidarity wants to take no positions on issues not directly related to our jobs, and maybe education. No more support for outside issues no matter how noble. So,since Unity supports all sorts of left wing causes, a move away from that is a defacto turn to the right. Hence, Solidarity is ideologically to the right of Unity. They may be more democratic once they take power, which is leftward, internally. But that is a different question.

  9. Imagine MORE in power. They would use every trick Unity uses times 10. How do we know this? Just look how intolerant they are now when they only meet in diners and Bodega basements and wield no power.. Unity has a loyalty oath, but it isn't enforced that well. MORE would send dissenters to the Lubianka and thence to Kolyma.

    1. 655. no. We, and this entire United for Change slate, will fight for our members. Any "trick" will be beneficial to getting what members need, instead of the current leadership that tricks members into believing they are getting all the best things a union can offer. An inability to rationally deal with, and allow dissent, is the current problem we face. Part of the platform we are running on is to change that. Vote for Change! United for Change!

  10. Unity hack alert:
    Have you signed the class size petition?
    Did you volunteer to participate in the class size day of action?
    Do nothing but want change

    Have you worn a blue jockstrap for Unity?

  11. You do realize that retirees vote and very few active UFT members have voted in the recent past elections.

    Retirees are likely to vote again for Mulgrew and Unity.

    1. Retirees who will be back in court Tuesday morning won't be voting for MM.

  12. Retiree pique over Medicare is what has UfC salivating. Are the stars aligning?

  13. @7:37 Troll alert - who said everyone wants change? Clearly you don't have enough to do at work!

  14. Retirees could be influenced by their medical and therefore could issue a change. However, I think the biggest issue is the devil you know vs. the devil you don't. Change sounds good until you change and then you could be left with something worse.

    We have no idea who will be the head of this new ticket and what experience they have in negotiating our important rights. Negotiating skills are the key because no one can just demand things. If UFC believe we will just start striking to get what they want they will be met with resistance. And don't forget, a large part of the teaching force are the silent conservative people who completely oppose any woke agenda.

    This has to be teaching rights, salary, and working conditions driven not far left or right ideological driven. Leave the politics, bullying and extremism out of it and you've got my vote otherwise I'll take the devil I know.

  15. I agree with 6:49 and 6:55. And I don’t trust MORE or Unity. It’s a wash. I like Solidarity’s position. Stick to member bread and butter and working conditions. If the United Caucus does that, maybe they have a chance.

    1. 732 We have a platform that was voted for by every member of each caucus. Lack of trust is irrational. Everyone had an equal say, which is exactly what the United slate seeks to do.. democratize the union, something that Unity caucus fears.

  16. Over 25,000 have signed class size petition
    How many of you?

  17. “Lack of trust is irrational.” Now I trust you less. Members of MORE promote communism. Lack of trust in communists is completely rational to patriotic Americans.

    1. 733 is a cold war relic that belongs in a museum. leave the propaganda to the politicians, we have serious business about our working conditions, and our failing union, to get to.

    2. 7:33. we are a United slate of multiple ideologies working together for the things we all need and want. this is what democracy looks like in action. we will not leave you behind, and are extending a hand to all members. join us and take our union back.

  18. I'd bet money that 10:32 is a liberal, 12:09 is a Republican.


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