Friday, November 12, 2021


This post is dedicated to the guy who keeps telling us how the terrible Democrats are the cause of high inflation. You can be on-topic if you want to comment here. 

I have no love for corporate Democrats or really any Republicans. Please read this piece in the Guardian from Robert Reich, Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton. Reich makes the case that lack of competition is largely responsible for fueling high prices as corporate profits are going up during this inflationary period which wouldn't happen if there was real competition. Reich writes:

A major reason for price rises is supply bottlenecks, as Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, has pointed out. He believes they’re temporary, and he’s probably right.

But there’s a deeper structural reason for inflation, one that appears to be growing worse: the economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to raise prices.

If markets were competitive, companies would keep their prices down in order to prevent competitors from grabbing away customers.

But they’re raising prices even as they rake in record profits. How can this be? They have so much market power they can raise prices with impunity.

Viewed this way, the underlying problem isn’t inflation per se. It’s lack of competition. Corporations are using the excuse of inflation to raise prices and make fatter profits.

In April, Procter & Gamble announced it would start charging more for consumer staples ranging from diapers to toilet paper, citing “rising costs for raw materials, such as resin and pulp, and higher expenses to transport goods”.

But P&G is making huge profits. In the quarter ending 30 September, after some of its price increases went into effect, it reported a whopping 24.7% profit margin. It even spent $3bn during the quarter buying its own stock.

It could raise prices and rake in more money because P&G faces almost no competition. The lion’s share of the market for diapers, to take one example, is controlled by just two companies – P&G and Kimberly-Clark – which roughly coordinate their prices and production. It was hardly a coincidence that Kimberly-Clark announced price increases similar to P&Gs at the same time P&G announced its own price increases.

Or consider another consumer product duopoly – PepsiCo (the parent company of Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Quaker, Tropicana, and other brands), and Coca-Cola. In April, PepsiCo announced it was increasing prices, blaming “higher costs for some ingredients, freight and labor”. Rubbish. The company didn’t have to raise prices. It recorded $3bn in operating profits through September.

If PepsiCo faced tough competition, it could never have gotten away with this. But it doesn’t. To the contrary, it appears to have colluded with Coca-Cola – which, oddly, announced price increases at about the same time as PepsiCo, and has increased its profit margins to 28.9%.

You can see a similar pattern in energy prices. If energy markets were competitive, producers would have quickly ramped up production to create more supply, once it became clear that demand was growing. But they didn’t.

Why not? Industry experts say oil and gas companies saw bigger money in letting prices run higher before producing more supply. They can get away with this because big oil and gas producers don’t operate in a competitive market. They can manipulate supply by coordinating among themselves.

In sum, inflation isn’t driving most of these price increases. Corporate power is driving them.

Business Insider agrees with Reich. They note that profit margins for the third quarter are at 12.9%.

FactSet noted this is the second-highest net profit margin for the index, following only the record-breaking 13.1% margins posted in the second quarter of this year.

This is not what you'd expect to see in an inflationary environment. Rising costs should cut profit margins dramatically — higher bills for materials and labor are supposed to eat away at the bottom line. But in spite of supply shortages and rising wages, pandemic-era Corporate America is still doing just fine — somehow.

No competition! How do we fight back? It would be nice if the government enforced anti-trust laws to reign in large businesses. That is not likely when corporations are major donors for most politicians. What about the government  empowering workers to unionize? This would be quite popular. From Gallup:

Sixty-eight percent of Americans approve of labor unions. Though statistically similar to last year's 65%, the current reading is the highest Gallup has measured since 71% in 1965.

This popularity for unions is across the political spectrum.

Democrats are the most approving of unions. Their latest approval of 90% is the highest it has been in the past two decades and is up seven points since last year. At the same time, Republicans' (47%) and independents' (66%) approval is essentially unchanged. Each partisan group's current approval of unions is more than 20 points higher than its lowest 2001-2020 rating.

The problem is that only 9% of Americans self-identify as union members. The Democrats in the Senate are not showing much inclination to push through the PRO Act which would make it much easier to unionize. The bill is stalled in the Senate as not even all of the Democrats are on board. 

At the end of the day, giant corporations truly rule this country. Stop blaming each other for our problems.


  1. Well, it does seem we have inflation and the president and his party (rightly or wrongly) are traditionally blamed for this sort of thing. And, rightly or wrongly, the president and his party traditionally point to other forces and circumstances beyond their control to account for the rise in prices.

    There’s been a string of failures (Afghanistan withdrawal, border/immigration, Covid, etc) for the current president and his party already so expect rather vigorous arguments regarding inflation and its causes. Vigorous and rational are not synonyms. Beyond the economics, there is robust damage control in play to protect a damaged brand. . (I do realize there are Americans who view the president’s efforts on Afghanistan withdrawal, border/immigration, Covid, etc. to be successful so, for them, my point makes no sense.)

  2. The rich getting richer why you idiots blame each other. Makes perfect sense.

  3. Inflation is the watchword employers circulate when unemployment is too low and workers aren't scared enough.

  4. It's true. Presidents get credit and blame for things beyond their control and for things in their control. Afghanistan was handled badly. Gas prices and inflation in general are not Biden s fault. The border is his disaster. So, not a stellar performance.Trump benefitted from robust economy he had little to do with. He totally bungled COVID which led to his defeat. Biden has time for both his performance, and luck, to change.

  5. If Trump had tempered his crazy talk and taken COVID seriously, he could have walked to an easy win in 2020. People have short memories. Just 3 months without disgusting tweets and all would've been forgiven. He beat himself.

  6. While I like RR a lot, he sometimes sounds like he lives, if not on another economic planet than the rest of us, at least in Portugal, where recently, they passed a law that bars companies from emailing and sending work to employees outside work hours. Maybe Mulgrew should hold his next fancy UFT wine and dine in Lisbon. Yes, RR, huge U.S. companies with monopoly power also have pricing power and can, at least right now, pass on their higher input costs and rising labor costs to consumers. As cost push and demand pull accelerate, and as the Fed finally figures out how to catch up and get in front of the transitory inflation that is now sticky, one wonders what Mulgrew and his crew of floundering negotiators are stumbling into as they sit down with the mayor they endorsed, a mayor who wants to cut our compensation. The ex-Labor Secretary’s critique is spot on and he has his heart in the right place, but bleeding hearts and progressives are not going to make policy for this democratically controlled government, so, well . . . interesting reading if you are no longer working for the DOE, but for us poor ordinary and essential workers who need a raise, a real raise, that is, one that is a couple-few percentage points above the highest inflation print since Volker crushed inflation and ignited the greatest bull markets in history, well . . .we can’t worry too much about things we can’t so nothing about, like those giant US companies that can raise prices and buy back stock and raise dividends.

  7. Trump didn't just engage in crazy talk and disgusting tweets. He's a criminal and used his power to try and illegally coerce other heads of state. Then he fired Lt Col. Vindman for telling the truth. But yeah, people do have short memories. Not me. I'd vote the bum on the corner before ever voting for him.

  8. Agreed. Trump would have won had he handled Covid better.

  9. Just remember, Mulgrew set you for economic disenfranchisement:

    Low wage increases failing to keep pace with inflation, hazardous working conditions
    during the pandemic, fake grading and fake diplomas, rigid ideological indoctrination, endless
    useless PD Mondays, toxic observations and a culture of professional disrespect.


  10. This blog is all peasant talk.

    Nothing will change without activism.

    This blog reeks of passivism, whining complaints and paralytic analysis.

  11. @8:10 this may come as a surprise to you to Mulgrew is not the Mayor.

  12. The voting fix was in the can. There is no possible way Trump was going to win. Votes would have been "found" for Biden until there were enough votes for Biden to be declared the winner.

    Greedy people are as old as the beginning of time. Nothing will change in that department. We, as consumers, do not need to buy everything they are selling. Whether it is Pepsi or Facebook.

    Has Adams specifically said that the DOE/UFT should cut teacher salary? I think a couple of years ago there was a blog post here that asked the readers where the DOE can easily cut and trim. This year so far, my school has spent about $100,000 in guest presentations to uplift the morale of the children and it is only November. There is a lot more waste to come. My school could easily handle a budget cut of 10% in OTPS and it would not change a thing.

  13. If Trump committed an actual crime, prosecute and show the evidence. I don’t believe he did. I don’t find Vindman credible at all. I’d vote for Trump again.

  14. @5:37 AM

    Hold Mugrew's feet to the fire. He is de Blasio's number one stooge

  15. People are so willing to believe conspiracy theories. Both sides. Life is just chaos. If the votes were fixed, Hilary would have won. Biden got millions more votes, and squeaked it out in key states. Each state he won would have had to have been a separate conspiracy. And even the bogus audit in AZ showed Biden won. Please, for the sake of the nation, give up the steal lie. He lost. Now get to work and try to win next time.

  16. "I'd vote for Trump again." You'd vote to go back to that constant uncertainty, chaos, cruelty, lack of respect for democratic process? Can't we find a more moderate person?

    1. I would vote for Trump again. I rather enjoyed the chairs that lead to ask of the prosperity. Where is the current respect for the Middle class and voters. There are two sides to every coin, but at the end of the day it's still a coin. I'll take anti establishment trump over the craziness playing out now in the Democratic party.

  17. 8:17 you can't possibly be that naive, or maybe you are. He didn't have people in power in Congress providing cover, and then used Executive Privilege to hold off any questioning by Prosecutors? Don't be stupid but then you say you'd vote for him, so that speaks for itself as far as your stupidity.

  18. 10:28 nobody said Mulgrew's feet shouldn't be held to the fire, but to blame him for everything under the sun is petty and sounds like a personal vendetta, as some have already figured out.

  19. Amazing how Biden doesnt get the blame for anything but Trump is at fault for everything. keep drinking the Kool aid as the country continues on a downward spiral.

    PEOPLE how about you Hold everyone accountable not just the ones you like.

    Biden Harris are an incompetent disaster ..what else do you need as proof? It has barely been a year and there is buyers remorse from most of his 81 million voters.

    .If you believe he got 81 Million votes

  20. 12:38 where has ANYONE on this blog defended Biden? Do tell.

  21. You sound ridiculous @12:38. The choices are Biden or Trump for 2024? WHY?? And yeah, the votes were certified by Democrats, and Republicans, over, and over, and over.

  22. Republican leadership won't even consider anyone else other than Trump. So if his opponent loses, whoever it is, it YOUR FAULT.

  23. TYPO: Republican leadership won't even consider anyone else other than Trump. So if his opponent WINS, whoever it is, it YOUR FAULT.

  24. Not his fault: covid, inflation
    Is his fault: border, democrats in disarray, Afghanistan withdrawal

    I'd say he has time to pull things together.

  25. 7:27: Don't forget the DOE spent 18 million dollars on those DESSA surveys.

  26. Nobody ever loved Biden. Just had to get rid of Trump. We needed a break. So, nobody is really loyal to Biden. It wasn't love, like Obama or Bill Clinton.

  27. 2:04 everything has to be ezplained to them.

  28. Union? Teacher?

  29. Don't worry, it is almost December which means we will be showered with spring break 2020 pay...RIGHT?

  30. With inflation rising at 6.2% per year and likely to stay high for several years,
    you were cheated by Mulgrew. The eventual spike in inflation was foreseeable.

    Mulgrew kowtowed to the Democratic party bosses in NY City and Albany.

    He threw you under the bus as you now experiencing his handiwork with higher prices
    and reduced purchasing power. His failed leadership is destroying the UFT.

  31. 3 stupid bananas for 5:46. Nobody ever can foresee inflation. Scolds have been predicting it for 3 decades. Our salary is among highest of any urban district in country. Not perfect, but not failure. Inflation will inform future negotiations.

  32. 6:56. yes we have the highest salaries, but look at how much rent is and how much homes cost as opposed to the rest of the country. I could get a house 3 times the size of my house in another part of the country for what I paid on Long Island.

  33. Here we go blaming TRump when Biden had 85 billion disaster on top of leaving americand behind. Purposely, cutting ties with oil pipeline to rely on other countries and begin driving up oil prices. Inflation is nearly 7% and rising and you all blame TRump. TRump got your vaccine that you all love so much and force and coerce. Ifff Trumpo mandated it 80% of you would never have taken it.

    More people dying this year with the vaccine than previous year. Paid 2.09 in oil to heat my home now its 3.30 and you fools are ok with this dementia patient who falls asleep and cannot even speak. His own daughter said he took improper showers with her for gods sake. When nothing is reported in your fakestream media you all act like its not happening.

  34. Anon 2323,

    I haven't had to fact check you for a while. The shower thing from the diary. Even Project Veritas wouldn't print that.

    This is from The Hill:

    O'Keefe stated that his group decided against publishing the diary because they could not confirm its authenticity. He also claimed they tried to give it back to an attorney for Biden, and that they later gave it to law enforcement.

    "The FBI took materials of current and former Veritas journalists despite the fact that our legal team previously contacted the Department of Justice and voluntarily conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate Project Veritas' lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent," O'Keefe said in the video.

  35. Anon2323 says "Trump got your vaccine...that more people are dying from this year than previous year". Is that your idea of a success story?

  36. So the vaccine is useless 8:27? If more people are dying? No of course not. The vaccine according to the so called experts lessens likelihood of serious illness. It doesn’t stop transmission. Anon2323 is pointing out Biden failures. His authoritarian tactics have made the unvaxed dig in their heels. Just like the left would do if Trump were in office promoting the vaccine. I do not trust the fda or cdc or fucking Biden just like the left doesn’t trust Trump. But since the vaxed can transmit it to me too I don’t care who is vaxed or unvaxed. Retired. No one has leverage over my choice.

  37. @5:24 are you Anon2323's puppeteer who needs to speak for him? Right wing wackos, and others believing right wing propaganda, digging in their heels have nothing to do with Biden's failures. Frankly I'm convinced that right wing PSYCHOS would rather people die just to see there be more deaths than the previous year under Trump.


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