Sunday, November 14, 2021


Just wondering: Have you received your NYSUT planning calendar yet for the 2021-2022 school year? My wife got hers last Thursday. The term started over two months ago. Did the UFT/NYSUT just forget to print these or is the mail to the schools that slow? I am still waiting for my version.

Maybe the calendars are going out of style like the printed UFT Contracts that were last distributed to members in 2007.

Maybe I am just old-school but I believe having a book with some information makes life a little bit easier. The calendars are full of phone numbers and useful facts about the UFT and NYSUT. Sending them in the middle of November makes them kind of outdated as a planning document. Perhaps they are just like phonebooks and they shouldn't bother printing them any longer. 

I know I have complained about the Contract not being printed in the past. A basic function of a union is to distribute its agreements with management to the union members. Not having a printed contract distributed to members is surely a way to make UFTers less interested in figuring out what their rights are. I recall seeing my copy in the mail as a new teacher way back when and just going through it to notice so much that interested me, not just the salary steps. I cannot figure out why the UFT stopped printing the Contract and sending it to all of the members as an absolutely essential document for every UFTer to have. If they are like the yellow pages, then at least incorporate the 2018 Memorandum of Agreement into the Contract and on the main UFT page tell members where they can readily access it.

I may be dating myself here but is having the information online a sufficient substitute for a printed Contract? 

For those wanting to know where to look up the Contract online, the UFT Contracts from 2009-2018 are here.

The 2018 Memorandum of Agreement that as far as I know has not been incorporated into a new Contract is available here

Your Chapter Leader should have received your NYSUT calendars. Ask her/him if you never received one.



  1. I too like the printed contracts and calendars.not every event gets into Google has caused double booking and missed zooms.there are likely a few tier 2 folks who might agree.i think we are entitled to a written is easier and faster to look up info and easier to read.

  2. We got our calendars a week and a half ago. I'm using mine.

    It's embarrassing not to have a printed contract. Every year there are more side-agreements that put my last printed copies (I have teachers, counselors, secretaries, that's it) further and further out of date.

  3. Don't hold your breath waiting.
    Keep paying dues.

  4. Every building has one veteran teacher who knows the contract like the back of their hand. Newbies need to seek out these folks.

  5. I like chalk and chalkboards. I can't wait for those to return as well.

    Serious comment.

    1. I work after school at uft helping members w pay issues. We use a program that has salary and other basic info including placement. Since you wondered publicly if you were still an ATR, I looked you up. Your status changed this year. You are placed at X320. Not an ATR.

    2. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate that


  6. Again, blah, blah blah...But it will change.

    1. 10:07. are you helping us fight? being a defeatist is as good as giving up. don't quit, join your colleagues in opposition to Unity caucus.


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