Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Kymberley Walcott is one of the most remarkable students I have ever had the honor of teaching and advising at Jamaica High School. 

Kym did a PSA for the Network for Public Education. It is well worth watching again and again.  Kym now attends St. Johns Law School.

The video is part of a series called Public Voices for Public Schools. Kym's video truly moved me, particularly since my colleagues and I are the teachers she is talking about.


  1. Well then. There ya go. You and your colleagues did your job. It's amazing how that works out. I love it. You folks are a part of the fabric of her life--forever. Go Kym go. I love it!!!

  2. Needed this today ! Thanks for sharing! Love the pride and excited to hear many more success stories like this one !

  3. So what became of Jamaica High School?
    The DOE must have seen Jamaica High School as a great success, right?

  4. Pretty sad, James. Here you are, a man who loved teaching kids. It was always more than just a job for you. And now you host a blog peopled by the most selfish transactional idiots. From the racists and kid haters to the time servers to scabs, to me, me, me egoists, you have managed to surround yourself with such awful people. How often does anyone on this blog say anything nice about our profession or the kids? You gotta take ownership of it. You've created a cesspool of selfish negativity.

  5. Are you serious? The only negative comments were the last two. You couldn't help turning a real moving piece into an attack on the commenters and me for letting people vent here.

  6. @8:15 pm

    You completely do not get this blog.
    You take it all too literally.
    This blog is all about venting to the max.

    It is sad that you are so clueless.

  7. Letting people vent? Is that what your blog is? This pack of rabid dogs, half of them racist pigs, the rest scabs and slackers. I couldn't believe that there was something upbeat on here about the profession. So yes, I pointed it out. Maybe the truth hurts?

  8. 7:48: Remember things like this are just bows and ribbons on the package to the doe. All they care about are their numbers, numbers, numbers.

  9. The blog is my views on union issues as well as education issues with a healthy dose of UFT politics. I write it with occasional guests like Georgia Lignou. Jeff Kaufman doesn't write much here these days. The comments are your reactions. Sometimes they go off the rails and get way too personal. That said where else can UFTers react anonymously to what is going on in the DOE and UFT? Most readers by the way do not comment.

  10. We also provide information from UFT and DOE which you might not get from official UFT and DOE sources.

  11. Yes, I used to always comment on Chaz School Daze. The blogs are also good so we can see what is really going on in other schools and who says the people in the DOE aren't reading this. Maybe Chancellor Porter ended the ATR pool because so many people on here wrote how they were being treated unfairly in their schools. Once one of my comments on Chaz ended up in the NY Post.


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