Monday, December 27, 2021


This came our way this evening. Please take the UFT Solidarity survey on COVID testing.

Testing in NYC Public Schools- A Survey by UFT Solidarity (with the support of folks in the UFC Coalition)

Per an email sent out by UFT President Mulgrew on December 2, "the city will now allow the testing of school staff on a voluntary basis. Beginning on Monday, Dec. 6, school staff can request to be tested on their school’s scheduled test day. 

"According to the new policy:

1. Student testing must be completed before any adults can be tested.

2. Test providers must maintain their schedule and may not extend their time at the school to accommodate staff who want to be tested.

3. Test providers may test up to 10% of staff.

4. All COVID-19 testing of DOE staff is voluntary, but staff must give consent via the DOE’s daily health screening form. It may take up to five days for the DOE to process your consent so please submit it as soon as possible."

We have been hearing troubling reports from schools. Some staff have not been informed of what days testing is scheduled to arrive at school. In other schools, we are hearing of staff members being turned away. 

What is happening in your school? 

Remember, we keep each other safe. 

This information will only be shared with a small group of people so including your name and email is optional.

Start the survey.


  1. In New World, if players buy New World Gold, they will increase the gaming experience greatly.

    Attached link:

  2. So this was emailed a ways back.assuming that some people responded, the results meant nothing to why make a fake survey that u won't pay attention to?.system was lousy since got worese...still not a peep!not till Xmas break.

  3. Pres. Biden's COVID plan released Jan. 21, 2021: "For the past year, we could not turn to the federal government for a national plan to answer prayers with action — until today."

    Pres. Biden, 12/27/21: "There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level."


  4. New York City public schools will double their weekly PCR testing volume, test both vaccinated and unvaccinated students and open the option to teachers and staff as well in a bid to quell concerns over spiking COVID-19 hospitalizations among kids ahead of their return to class on January 3 following a week-long holiday break. - deblasio

  5. Why do they have to double testing when Biden declared victory on July 4 and has already shut down the virus?

  6. Adams and Hochul said that remote learning is a failed experiment—(remember that if Adams calls for remote during snow emergencies)
    . So testing at schools with widespread positives will determine if schools will close. But, there are still many parents that are reluctant to testing—so then what? How can they really know if schools are safe? Just 17 closed schools are unsafe?
    And of course—every one is waiting for Mulgrew’s weak response to the revised city plan for keeping schools open.

  7. FUCK YOU is the message from the my leaders to us re Jan 3.and how date Hochul call our remote learning a failure! Some students grew by leaps and bounds.granted, others CHOSE not to engage.not our fault though.big shit on doubling the testing which is near zero. Bullshit on saying if a close contact gets a neg test, they come right takes awhile to incubate.they will return, be symptomatic in a few days, and be out.nothing from our fearless uft leadership of course.preduction:it will be worse than 2021 with the softened restrictions.that is why I hate to get my hopes up that anything will be better.

  8. Still no testing in Pre-K and 3-K.

    No negative test to come back on Jan 3rd

    No achknowledgement that the situation room never sent letters about postivive cases which includes the principal testing postitive and students positive as well.

    They are including vax students now big deal. What about the unvax?? We spend over 6 hours a day with them, no vax, no testing of them, parents lie on the wavier they will lie with at home tests as well.


  9. The leaders said Tuesday they will not delay the return of school in the nation’s largest district on Jan. 3 and instead take a new approach that includes sending rapid test kits home with all students and staff when someone in their classroom tests positive. The incoming and outgoing administrations shared a message: “Stay safe, and stay open.”

    Under the new plan, students who are asymptomatic and test negative can return to classrooms instead of quarantining at home. They will take another at-home test within a week

  10. Have no fear, Biden is on a "working vacation" at his beach-house with the 2 million dollar fence around it.

  11. the Covid Bubble I've never made so much money working the DOE as I am now. Between coverages for teachers out sick and per session for programs that are needed to keep the kids busy and this and that and that and this. Wow! Great opportunity now to score.

  12. The State of New York recently issued updated guidance on isolation periods for essential staff, which includes teachers and school-based staff, the “Advisory on Shortening Isolation Period.” This guidance shortens the isolation period for these individuals who test positive, but are asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms, from 10 to 5 days. Teachers and school-based staff who are fully vaccinated may now return to work on Day 6 after testing positive for COVID-19 under the following conditions:

    · Per State guidance, the positive teacher/school-based staff member must be asymptomatic OR have mild symptoms only:

    o They must be fever-free for 72 hours without the use of medication;

    o They must not have a runny nose; and/or,

    o They must have a minimal cough only, cannot be coughing up phlegm.

    o Symptoms must be improving or mild.

    · At work, from Day 6 through Day 10, the positive teacher/school-based staff member must consistently and correctly wear a well-fitting higher-level face covering, such as a KN95 mask, which will be provided to staff if they do not have one.

    Individuals who do not meet the above conditions should still isolate for 10 days.

  13. Soooo, DeBlasshole and Adams do not have the good sense to offer a remote option for parents who want it? There is gonna be a ton of uproar from parents come January 3rd.

  14. just posted the new school covid testing rules for January. It will be doubled (lmao) Sixteen kids in each building now instead of 8??? By the way, did any parents ever sign the permission slips??? Really sad...

  15. Once again, Mayor Adams—you are invited to have your Inauguration Day on January 3 in the Auditorium or Student Cafeteria of any ‘Stay Open, Stay Safe’ public school.. Save seats for DeBlasio, Mulgrew and Hochul and let them sit among teachers and students.
    Afterwards, kindly remain in these safe buildings and visit as many classrooms and repeat these visits at other public schools during each day in January. And Mulgrew , especially you—do not go leave or go home—till at least —3:30 -each day.

  16. So kids given a test or two in a backpack.they will need a steady supply.was that considered no money for raises wasted on covid.


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