Saturday, January 01, 2022


Happy New Year!

United for Change is hitting the ground running. The group is serious about building a better Union. Get to know the top officer candidates on Zoom Sunday at 4:00 p.m.

Here is a link to register.

Here's the link to submit a question.


  1. please post link to register.

  2. I am pro-union too.
    But this leadership is constantly and reliably voted in by 80%+ members of this union.
    I can not be pro this union.

    I am quitting this union, even though in theory I am still pro union.

    1. Wrong. About one quarter of members bother to vote. That's .80 times .25 of the membership. Mulgrew/Unity voter suppression tactics aims to keep it
      that way. As long as most seats on the Exec Board are controlled by paid Unity staff, this will not change. Start explaining this to your colleagues at work. Kick some butts to the polls...

  3. Complaining about a defined pension, protections of tenure, free Healthcare, 180-day work year,sabbaticals, child care leaves, temp disability pay of $475/week, preference rights, TDA, weekly vacations at Xmas, Easter, Presidents. You'll still get all that if you quit, which makes you a dirty scab.

  4. I plan on staying with the union no matter how much I disagree although I am hoping for a UFC upset win. However, when I read comments from others like 10:37 I do not agree with the sentiments that 3:00pm wrote. I will not call anyone a scab or judge anyone any differently. Yes, having a union has given us benefits that many don't have in our I didn't have in private school. I appreciate all of that but it's clear this union has disenfranchised others, pitted us against each other because of politics, ideology, and fear. I understand how 10:37 and others feel and you should know that for those who choose to leave the union there are people like me who fully support and respect your decision and will happily work side by side with you.

  5. None of you cowards will crawl from under the rocks you hide under to attend the Zoom meeting tomorrow. I'll be there.

  6. 3:00 good points.those non payers should lose it all and negotiate pay and benefits and tenure, etc on their own.cheapskate freeriders.i don't like mulgrew, but that doesn't mean I turn around and screw my colleagues and do them jewish circles, the word schnorer might apply here.take your dues money and pay for your own health plan!

  7. 3:40
    You sound like a comic book villain. Are you a frustrated writer ?

  8. I gotta laugh at the logic. If 80% of members vote for Mulgrew that proves that you should leave? Doesn't that provide evidence that your assessment of him is faulty? If he loses the active membership but somehow squeaks out a win because of the retirees, then your statement would have some basis in logic. But if the man is popular across the board or mostly so, then you may not like the outcome, but it does not justify your quitting the Union.

  9. 80% of the active teachers don't vote. Majority of those who do vote are in Unity schools where Unity CL's bullshit with UFT propaganda. That is changing this year. Go UFC!

  10. Anyone who doesn't want to pay dues should work for doe as an independent contractor.with no benefits or job protections.u think even subs pay dues. Pay or work as an independent.fair.

  11. Or maybe it just makes the rest of you suckers @3pm. I’d rather be a scab than a sucker. Thanks for the free ride, suckers. Not 10:37 btw.

  12. That makes you a thief.

  13. 10:39 - whether you actually are 10:37, either way, it makes you an amoral person, and one of very low character who pretends to take a real stand for your beliefs, because that would mean, NOT paying, while also NOT accepting services.

    You want to pretend to take a stand while continuing to receive all the benefits and then mocking everyone who wants to preserve the union as being suckers. You really are a scab. You're probably the type to talk about people who receive $200 in food benefits while being the first in line for other government giveaways. A hypocrite and a scab.

  14. You forgot THIEF! Lol.phoney baloney.we should vote for a change in the union whereas only dues payers get the value.all others on their own.we don't need to support these freeloaders who just want an excuse for a free rude.if u don't like the ride, don't go on it.simple!


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