Friday, February 11, 2022

CAMILLE ON TALK OUT OF SCHOOL SATURDAY AT 1:00 PM (Updated with Link to the broadcast)

United for Change presidential candidate Camille Eterno will be on Talk out of School on WBAI (99.5) on Saturday at 1:00 PM. You can also listen at

 Here is a link to the broadcast in case you missed it.

Daniel Alicea NYCDOE educator & parent, Camille Eterno, about the state of our city schools and her run for president of the UFT. We discussed smaller class sizes, mayoral control, health & safety during the pandemic and the response by the DOE and UFT, changes to retiree healthcare, our upcoming teacher contract, school segregation, specialized high school admissions testing, and more!


  1. Is all of ufc in favor of the mandate? If not, where are they going to share their views on this?

  2. She really, really, needs to get out more on social media. She should be posting videos every other day stating her stance on educational topics for teachers in NYC. She also needs to share how she is different from Mulgrew. Most importantly, she needs to say "I am Camille Eterno and I am the only person running against Mulgrew.". The election is gonna be here super soon and UFC needs to plaster her image, voice, and message to all the teachers who want Mulgrew gone but don't know how or who to vote for.

    1. It's going to be too little too late. Most teachers at my school don't even know who she is or that there is an opposition candidate.

  3. If those who want Mulgrew gone see one other choice they will vote that choice even if not knowing who Camille is. But the key is to use the next 8 weeks to blitz schools starting right after the midwinter break. What can you do? Pronote the election and get out the vote in your schools and offer to distribute lit.
    As for the first comment, if you are against mandates I suggest you vote for Mulgrew.

  4. Tell the teachers to listen in. They might like what they hear, 6:40. The ballots are not even out yet.

  5. I'm against mandates and won't vote for anyone who supports mandates. Like the mandate that we arrive on time. Or cover our classes. Or enter grades. Or meet with parents open school night. Or forcing kids to have any vaccines before entering a school. Outrageous interference by government control. Refuse to stop at red lights and defend your right to resist.

  6. I'm hoping she can get on NY1

  7. 832, argument via non sequitirs. How tiresome.

    I think, despite your dementia, you can differentiate between existing childhood vaccines and experimental gene therapy that does not provide sterilizing immunity.

    Ask yourself. Do you really want a lifetime of forced boosters?

    Particularly when we already know the following.

    1. 1045 Firstly..

      Secondly.. please, try to remember that not all of the Coivd vaccines are mRNA vaccines anyway.

  8. Radio? You must be after that retiree vote. Get with the times. Get her on Instagram live and Only Fans.

  9. I agree with some of the others. She needs to be on Facebook, Instagram, etc as well as the radio (for the retirees). Unless I am reading your blog, where else are people talking about UFC? For teachers, Mulgrew is a household name. As of now, Camille Eterno is not. I hope UFC has a plan to change that.

  10. Does Camille really want to be president of the largest teachers union in the country? It sure does not seem like it since she is not out there everyday posting in the social media world. If she got elected she would be earning over $300,000 bucks a year but I don't see her putting up much of a fight for the spot. I hope she steps up her game.

  11. James is the one who really wants to be President, and Camille will be the face in the front.

    1. 10:56, You clearly don't know Camille's background, record or beliefs. She is nobody's face in the front. We work well together on UFT issues but she is the leader here. She would be President, not me.

    2. Worked with Camille and I can tell you certainly have not!!! Always a positive presence who delivered for chapter members. Never wavered on fairness for teachers and always believed everyone deserved due process.
      By the way, she is a teacher, more than a full time job, every comes to this contest without the advantages of certain Unity trolls...

  12. There are thousands of vaxxed teachers who support these ridiculous mandates and would also be joining with the anti mandate group. Camille and James made their ridiculous bed with boosters and shots now they sleep in their shit. Camille has a better chance of polling more than 10% than an ERI at 50. United for Change? My ass.

    UNited for group think.

  13. Well done Camille! Spoken like a true leader of the UFT. United for Change is planning events over the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

  14. Camille did a wonderful job and I encourage all UFT members to listen to this interview. With future President Eterno at the helm, I am confident that our union will finally do what it takes to tackle issues like: restoring union democracy, reducing class sizes, restoring contractual rights lost to give-backs, and making our healthcare what it needs to be. Listening to Camille, I am filled with optimism about the future of our union. Vote United for Change!

  15. Not voting for someone who promoted mandates and got teachers fired. UFC blew it. I’ll stick with shitty Mulgrew’s until a pro freedom candidate emerges.

    1. 708 you don't want mandates, but will vote for the person that was in a position to do something when it mattered? im voting UFC because i want better working conditions. Mulgrew will not do anything for us.

  16. 7:08
    Me too.i was already censored enough here for pointing things out about ufc.i don't agree with unilaterally dismissing people with years of experience in uft, many of whom have demonstrated that they are truly helping members. Anyone who doesn't care about members being forced out is not getting my vote.
    When I found this blog early on, I was truly interested in helping the cause, as I am not a mulgrew more.maybe ufc can prove themselves and run for the following election should they demonstrate anything besides talk and no action.only Lydia stepped up, Thank you Lydia! It was too little too late though.btw, why didn't Camille step up if she wants to be prez?

  17. 7:08 - You think people got fired because of Camille? Lolololol.

  18. Camille wanted mandates. She got them. Those mandates got teachers fired. Camille may not be solely responsible but she like all mandaters are not people I will vote for.

  19. I contacted NY1 hoping they would do a story on Camille.
    I suggest others that support United for Change to do the same.

  20. Grow up @ 4:25 and stop living in an alternate. She had NOTHING to do with people getting fired, not "solely" or any other way. Thats why you people are never taken seriously.

  21. @402. Did you not see her selling her soul on CNN last summer in favor of mandates? She clearly lacks critical thinking skills. She must rely on the same COVID hysteria Twitter feed as Sotomayor or Weingarten.

  22. 12:03 whatever you thought about her interview she had NOTHING to do with people getting fired, and to compare her to the power that Sotomayor yields, you just sound DUMB. YOU must rely on the same Anti-vax hysteria as Tucker and the other nutjobs on the right (many of whom are already vaccinated but don't care if the rest of the dummies die so that Biden can be blamed for it).


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