Wednesday, March 16, 2022


State Senator Robert Jackson is a long time supporter of public schools and teachers. We have been informed that the UFT is considering supporting Jackson's primary opponent, Angel Vasquez who works for the Union. Why would someone who works for the UFT challenge one of our strongest backers in the State Senate?

Bruce Markens was a longtime teacher and served as UFT Manhattan High School District Representative for a decadewhen the position was elected by chapter leaders. Bruce is retired now and lives in Manhattan. He sent us this report. 

Robert Jackson's primary opponent in the Democratic State Senate primary, Angel Vasquez, has served as a special adviser to the UFT, pulling in a salary of $118,765 according to the 2021 LM-2. 

More importantly, he served as chief of staff for IDC stalwart Marisol Alcantara and most likely helped her solicit funds from Jeff Klein and other IDC members as well as from Democrats for Education Reform (the pro-charter, corporate Democratic group). In addition, Vasquez worked for a charter school conglomerate in Colorado called Strive Prep, according to his Likedin bio

Jackson defeated Alcantara in the 2018 Democratic primary, despite a UFT endorsement for Alcantara. All the progressive Democratic clubs on the Upper West Side have endorsed Jackson, who has consistently fought against charter schools and for full funding of New York City Public Schools.


  1. The UFT right now is anti-teacher! This is weird. We are living with a post-truth Union propaganda regime.

  2. All the Upper West Side progressives is why I will not vote for Jackson. Progressives have destroyed their brand. They abandoned the worker for identity politics. They need to lose now.

  3. Any update on the Eterno/Mulgrew debate? Is the Post running a story on it? Thanks for info as the masses are yearning for answers on this crucial topic.

  4. Another day and no debate news?

  5. Robert Jackson has advocated harder and better for public education than any other politician I know. His walk to Albany for the Campaign for Fiscal Equity was legendary. His support for smaller class sizes has been consistent.

    Jackson entered the NY State Senate with the group that swept out Jeff Klein and his slimeball IDC followers. Unity fought hard to keep the IDC in power, and to keep public education advocates like Robert Jackson out.

    What a sorry state of affairs, when Unity Caucus does the work of keeping charter school advocates in power, and tries to keep public education advocates out.

    It was such a happy day when Jackson beat the UFT's candidate. He will just have to do it again.

    Jonathan Halabi


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