Sunday, April 10, 2022


I have been doing just about everything I can to promote Camille Eterno leading the United for Change-For A Better Union slate in the UFT election.

The election is upon us. Please help now! A low turnout is Michael Mulgrew's best hope for keeping his job. All of you can stop that by voting and just as importantly by getting out the vote.

From UFC-Solidarity’s Lydia Howrilka, a candidate for the High School Executive Board:


  1. Social media, social media, social media. She needs to be on it every day. Way too many teachers do now know about her or UFC.

  2. Vote for Mulgrew and Unity. He steered a steady course through treacherous waters. Leadership, prudence, intelligence.

    1. 936.. yeah, for private insurance, private hospitals, for the Mayor, and for business leaders, all while drowning out the voices and opinions of members. Mulgrew is not a fighter for working people, and not a fighter for the rank and file. He is trash, and just like trash, we need to take him out.

  3. Strongly disagree with 9:36. The commenter might even be Mulgrew himself.
    Voting for Mulgrew would send the message that you are in favor of the same old thing—but 12 years plus of his presidency is enough.If he wins—that means 15 years—the longest tenure of any UFT President.
    Time for a change and the less votes that Mulgrew receives—maybe he will get the message. The retirees voted last spring and although Tom Murphy won again - he lost 20% points compared to the previous RTC election—due to the mistrust of Medicare Advantage.
    And now with courageous court battles against the city by smaller city educational unions—Mulgrew just keeps talking out of both sides of mouth when it comes to the implementation along with several inconsistencies that are found in this medical coverage plan. Mulgrew once said this was the best medical coverage ever—in the country—as he was the one that negotiated along with MLC cartel—before he finally said last month—that he can’t accept this Med Adv plan—and it should be sent back to the city—whatever that means.
    And by the way, for all active members-with an expiring contract in September—have the feeling you will have to choose a pay freeze or high medical coverage cost plans—in times when inflation is running rampant.
    PS—There is the monthly RTC virtual meeting today at 3:30.

  4. This is a battle between Eterno vs, Eternal.
    Mulgrew doesn’t deserve to be in office—which seems like forever

  5. Voting for Mulgrew is voting for a continuation of the corruption , appeasement and bad contracts. You would have to crazy, lazy or incompetent as a human being and as teacher to vote for Mulgrew.

    The problem with our school system is that that are many very bad teachers willing to vote for Mulgrew nor just too lazy to vote against Mulgrew.

  6. Now is not the time to complain but to spread the word to vote United for Change.

  7. Vote for the side that says I’m lazy, crazy or incompetent if I don’t vote for them? Yeah keep up the insults. That’ll surely get people to vote the way you want.


  9. Ms. Eterno could distinguish herself by opposing vaccine mandates of NYC teachers. Instead we hear crickets on the topic from her. Since she appears to share the same view as Mulgrew, that
    NYC teachers have no medical choice regarding their bodies, I will just stick with the status quo. The devil I know.

    1. 634. supporting the people that gave you the thing you dont like will only empower them to do more things that you dont like.

  10. Under Michael Mulgrew we have faced such adversity throughout the years. Mulgrew when he first took the position was dealt an impossible blow with the award of Michael Bloomberg the Mayor of NYC now also in control of NYC schools.

    For many years Mulgrew exchanged blows with Bloomberg over teacher pay and just about everything else. Bloomberg wanted to fire all teachers or as many as he wanted. Bloomberg created the awful ATR pool. Bloomberg refused to give the UFT and its members a contract because he was a miserable person who had all the money in the world but was deep down inside a miserable bastard.

    Mulgrew fought and stood up to Bloomberg fighting him all the way. Mulgrew had to put up with Mikey Blooms hiring Kathy Black as chancellor. Bloomberg hired Joel Klein as Chancellor - both had zero education experience but were bloomberg cronies.

    Mulgrew dealt with the pandemic as well. We educators did not miss one day of work as Mulgrew negotiated with the stubborn DOE daily. Yes, Mulgrew made some mistakes but my paychecks did not miss a bi weekly payment.

    So now we have a new mayor in Adams and Mulgrew now has to deal with Mr. Swags who does not want to give raises to anybody except for him and his brother. All in all, its no easy task representing hundreds of employees and having to deal with dysfunctional politicians and organizations.

  11. I do agree with @ 6:34. My hatred and disgust to Mulgrew and his corruption supersedes Camille and james even though their politics are on wrong side. Mulgrew should never eb able to run again.

    Once the republicans win the midterms, the will take away these ridiculous nazi mandates and they will be gone. Instead of getting ahead of this, james and Camille are stuck in cement on the wrong side after 3 years of russia being wrong now 2 years plus being wrong on covid and vaccines.

    Inflation now 9% but way higher all over.

  12. Finally there is a city taking COVID seriously. Let’s do the same here in NYC and just do electronic voting for the UFT election.

    For example, according to the NY Times:

    all international flights to and from Shanghai have been halted

    many roads to the city’s two airports have also been closed

    the government performed P.C.R. tests on 25.67 million people

    the government has not allowed residents to go to grocery stores

    the government has put together tens of thousands of cots in two convention centers as quarantine centers

    If we did all this, Mayor Adams would never have gotten COVID! We are in this together!

    1. 127 we also would have half a million people still alive today. and unlike your post, this isn't a sarcastic statement. some places keep people safe, other places let em take their chances. the results speak for themselves.

  13. Let’s be more like China. New York’s brightest? I think not.

  14. I can’t bring myself to vote for a new caucus that encouraged mandates that got teachers fired. Mulgrew sucks but until there is a pro freedom caucus I’ll stick with the Unity losers. Too much Marxist influence in UFC. That and the pro mandate stance is enough for me to vote Mulgrew.

    1. 403 is an example of pure ignorance.

  15. UFC candidates come from across the political spectrum. Don' try and label us. You would be off. We are United to change the UFT and make it a better union.

  16. @420 “ some places keep people safe, other places let em take their chances. the results speak for themselves.”


    Hey 420, you would love the message from this CCP drone:
    “In the video, the drone is seen flying over buildings, and a robotic voice broadcasts the message: "Residents of Jiuting. During the pandemic, we request that you strictly abide by COVID-19 restrictions and related guidelines. Control your soul's desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing. This increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission."

    1. 930. educate yourself my brother

      try some reporting from inside of China to better understand how the lockdown works. food is brought directly to the people in their homes. there is no food shortage, though there has been waste and some logistical problems with deliveries. some sources to help you out...

      it is very nice to see drones used for things other than bombing civilians. also, understand compliance is very high, and the majority of Chinese support the zero covid approach. and sure, the translation sounds funny, but they are just guidelines asking people to stay inside even though we know it may be hard to do at times.

      and look at those results, the numbers, deaths and infections. some places keep people safe. other places have over half a million dead, regular mass shootings, rising crime rates, growing poverty.

  17. Eleven Reasons To Vote Out Unity - Why Only 11? --

  18. I will be voting for Change. I have a few years to go so what the hell. I told as many teachers as I could but in my dealings I noticed that people are throwing away their ballots and couldn't care less. It would be interesting to see the total number of ballots cast out of the total sent out. Does anyone know the numbers from last time? Do more or less than 50% vote? I'm thinking less. Lot of determination by Change this year but Unity wins because communication amongst teachers in our union is not organized (purposely). I'd say less than 50% vote and the numbers reflect Unity wins by over 75% of the dismal participation.

  19. If Mulgrew loses will he return to teaching?

  20. He will become Adams deputy mayor for Education so Camille will have to deal with him. I have that from an 8nside source. At least Mulgrew will officially be on the side he supports: management.

  21. Marxist influence. No one said you were all marxists. You literally have people who praise China and bash America on your side. To some of us that means something dangerous to avoid. Respect for the good things you want to accomplish.

    1. 249 is doubling down on ignorance.

      How dare people praise the accomplishments of other nations! How dare people be critical of their own nation! Meanwhile, I'd bet that 249 calls people sheep if they follow what our government officials tell us.

  22. Thank you comrade. I am also proud that the CCP is close to achieving fully automated luxury space communism.

  23. 2:49 - "You literally have people who praise China and bash America on your side. To some of us that means something dangerous to avoid". Say what?? Get real. You mean people like TRUMP who praises Russia and Putin over our own leaders, our own intelligence, and our own country? And let's not get into "bash America", because his pep rallies were nothing but one big bash America spectacle. Do you forget how he brought pro-Russia Manafort into the fold, and sloppy Steve who wants nothing more than to dismantle our Government. YOU PEOPLE are the ones who are "something dangerous to avoid"

  24. You know what is funny. China is known for stealing American intelligence, China is famous for stealing our home made goods by undercutting our American workers. People in China work for peanuts causing most US companies to have their products manufactured in China.

    China is famous for lending the US billions and billions of dollars. China has taken advantage of our weak illiterate politicians for decades now. The result is now the baby is all grown up.

    Its so easy to bash our politicians but let us distinguish between bashing the US and bashing the politicians. American politicians have ruined Americas image around the world let alone domestically. Biden is so weak that the Saudis have made a video mocking the President. Shameful

    1. 931 and where do you think these politicians come from? an alternate universe? they are a product of the US system.

      China is famous for ending extreme poverty. They work for "peanuts" because they are not wage slaves in this competitive rat race. They have their needs met. US companies make the choice to outsource jobs because they don't care about anyone other than themselves. this system enables and allows that. Shameful.

  25. And you wonder why the rest of us non commies will vote for Mulgrew. As much as my colleagues hate Mulgrew, they hate the pro commie pro China comments I show them on this ufc affiliated blog even more. Thanks for more ammunition. Please keep the pro China comments coming. It’s getting Mulgrew extra votes. I show the latest comments and just ask do you want these people running your union? Everyone I ask says no way. You idiots are making Mulgrew look better. One more week and my school will be convinced Mulgrew is Captain America.

  26. Camille isn't making those comments. She is running for UFT President. You base your vote in anonymous comments? I don't think that is wise.

  27. 10:48 - oh sure - there are just loads and loads of pro-China comments on this blog. They abound. Except they don't and it must be all in your head. You're either a liar, delusional or both, and I'd bet money that you support Putin and Russia. I'm sure that folks in your school building have you all figured out. Please do tell them you're voting for Mulgrew so that they can vote the other way. Go back to reading your comic books and living in la la land.


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