Friday, June 24, 2022


This is in the UFT Chapter Leader Update:

Efforts begin to rein in health care costs

The Municipal Labor Committee, the umbrella group of nearly 100 municipal labor unions including the UFT, negotiates the health care benefits of all city workers. The top priority of the MLC and the UFT is to maintain high-quality, premium-free health care for all city workers even as costs increase year after year. The city, with the MLC’s support, issued a request for information on June 16 to let the health care industry know that the city is seeking a 10% decrease in health care costs without sacrificing any of its employees’ existing benefits. This process has been successfully used many times over the years to preserve our excellent health care without raising the out-of-pocket cost for individual members. In fact, the city and the MLC have saved more than $10 billion over the years by aggressively using our buying power to save money on health care. As health care costs continue to rise, it’s more important than ever to find cost-saving measures so we can preserve premium-free health care for all our members.  

Right now teachers are by contract entitled to a choice of premium free health plans as we pointed out last week. Michael Mulgrew and the MLC appear to be in a giveback mood here for this round of collective bargaining. It looks like Mulgrewcare might eventually be coming to active people. Only a judge stopped a healthcare plan that would have denied a choice of free plans for retirees. We called the inferior plan Mulgrewcare.


  1. Interesting read for our students.

    1. Totally off topic, 7:51 but I read it and printed it.

      Going backwards isn't the answer.

    2. Going backwards isn’t the answer but knowing the real problems and who’s policies are causing/impacting our great nations communities of color is. Come James even my 8yr old son knows the answer why don’t you?

    3. What has Clarence Thomas done for minority communities? Not a damn thing. If we want to change things in this country, then we have to move away from right wing economics.

    4. I believe he just stopped them from aborting their unborn children at astronomical rates. But let me fact check that lol. You liberals want to save the trees, the environment but won’t lift a finger to save our great nations unborn, precious and defenseless children. Gotta love the liberal mind.

    5. 553. you mean he took away the rights we fought for? that is his victory? doing something the majority of people in this country didn't want?

      shall we add to this that denying access to abortion will result in more pregnancy related deaths, since you care about life so much? fetuses over moms, gotta love the feeble reactionary mind.

    6. 5:53. Correction. He didn't do a damn thing for us.

    7. Supreme courts don’t give or take away rights. In our current system of government the Supreme Court interprets laws not make laws. In our current system of government we have federalism, the supremacy clause, and the 9th and 10th amendments. Only a duly elected legislature can make laws. If you want abortion to be legal you need to lobby your state/federal legislatures to pass a bill that guarantees that right. Or if that doesn’t work you would need to pass a constitutional amendment. Don’t get me started on that process.
      Personally I am on the fence when it comes to the right of abortion. I see the argument of both sides but with that being said laws are passed by legislatures not courts.

    8. What ever happened to safe, legal and rare for abortions? Why are we celebrating the death of a child? When did we start thinking it was alright to end the life of a child in the 3rd trimester an allow partial birth abortions? We’ve come a long way from the original intent of the roe decision. How did we get here? I guess harvesting, can’t believe I’m even saying this, the parts of dead unborn babies become a lucrative business.

  2. Too busy ignoring grade fraud.

  3. Make no mistake, Mulgrew is going to sell out current members on healthcare and it WILL be a part of the upcoming contract. Only way to fight it is to vote no when we have the chance to ratify it.

  4. NYC teachers are complacent. They have just enough to be satisfied. Those of us in the system for decades have seen the erosion of rights and benefits. The city chips and chips but most teachers don’t notice. Shitty health coverage will be noticed by active and retired teachers. We will all need to suffer. If we’re lucky it will only be for a while until the complacent take notice. If we’re unlucky, this is just the beginning and we are totally screwed. This is why I believe the opposition should focus only on salary, benefits and working conditions. Causes divide us.

  5. Now try getting rank and file to vote no for the contract!! That will be a BIG job.

  6. The Democrats have sold you out to satisfy the greed of their patrons in the insurance industry.

    The insurance industry stands to profit handsomely from privatization of Medicare.

    The Democrats are throwing ordinary citizens under the bus with Medicare privatization.

    We the people want and deserve Medicare for all. Politicians are elected to serve the interests of all the people, not just their insurance executive friends.

    The Democrats under the aging Joseph Biden have sold out their constituents and are acting as agents for the greedy insurance industry.

    The aging Joseph Biden is the face of the Democratic Party.
    Remember that face when you to the polls and vote this year.

    1. The Republicans installed 7 Supreme Court Justices who took away a half century right for a woman to do what she wants with her body.

      If you think we will do better under their rule, you have officially lost all sense of reason. Look at contract under Giulliani,. Two years of 0 percent raises. Mayoral control passed under a Republican mayor and governor. A Republican Senate voted to take away our seniority rights. Only a corrupt Demovrat stopped it.

  7. IF you vote for the UFT contract, then you are voting for a real 20% pay decrease resulting from the erosion of your purchasing power due to inflation.

    You would have to be a fool to accept 2% and 3 % increases that the city will offer.

  8. @10:53: The Supreme Court decision has returned the power to the states and the people. Women can still get abortions, they just may have to travel. Pregnancy is 100% preventable. I really don't understand why so many people seem to have their knickers in a knot about this ruling. Also, women do not have the right to do what we want with our body as is demonstrated with the mask and vaccine mandates.

    Politics and education do not mix. Politicians, of all parties, only bring more corruption into an already corrupt system.

    Other than on blogs, where can I find more information on what Mulgrew is discussing regarding healthcare?

  9. The democrats have no incentive to take us seriously. If enough teachers voted republican the democrats would have to beg teachers to return. Blue no matter who or what they do to us gets us where we are... about to have major cuts to health coverage. The democrats are going to continue to abuse teachers. And teachers will keep putting their abusers in office. Guiliani was kind to us compared to Bloomberg who last ran as a damn Democrat. Continuing to vote for democrats is insanity until they earn the vote.

  10. Voting for Republicans is slow suicide for public school teachers.

    Bloomberg ran for mayor as a Republican.

    God help a poor woman in a Republican state who gets pregnant. Let's say she is raped and gets pregnant. This is a huge step backwards for all of us.

    Those 3 Trump judges, Thomas, Alito and Roberts support vouchers for religious schools. They are not friends of public education.

  11. The UFT needs to break with a f****** Democrats not in order to decide with the Republicans but in order to established an independent representation for the interest and needs of workers

  12. I agree.All I am saying is the Republicans are not the answer.

  13. The big question is.....
    Why is healthcare costs rising the way they are?
    Why is this happening?
    How can this be addressed?

    Things are out of control with rising costs and everyday WORKING AMERICAN's With Health Insurance are paying the price.
    Just last week I received a lab bill for regular blood work charging a whopping $874.00 from N.Y. Presperterian Health with a $20.00 copay. I addressed the issue, waiting to hear if this is the new norm or error.
    Can anyone explain this phenomena?

    Are these insurance companies looking for additional subsidies for profit off Working People/Citizens?

  14. The Big Answer to the Big Question:

    Without a single payer system, Medicare for all, the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the hospitals and doctors will
    continue to milk the rest of us. There are no incentives for them to control costs. They achieve their exorbitant profits from lobbying contributing to political campaigns.

    This is not hard to understand. The bigger question is why the general public allows this to happen. We need Medicare for all. We need to organize a march on Washington.

    1. Agreed 918. we are long overdue in the US to end private insurance and move to a non profit system

  15. My recent hospital stay was $7700 per day just for room and board. All procedures and doctor visits were 1,000s more.

  16. Yeah and you want to lecture on killing babies is a constitutional right, please save your breath, now I’ve seen it all
    Better hurry up and save the spotted owl or some other endangered species but all for killing the innocent unborn. Love in the debate thanks

    1. 908 sees women as broodmares. thankfully in NY we still have our rights. we cannot allow the right wing to take away any more.

    2. 814. tell the court that.

    3. Yes that’s what I’ve been saying the entire time. Only duly elected legislatures ( you know democracy) have the authority to pass bills into law. I’m glad you all took my civics class. My fee is in the mail. Enjoy your summer.

    4. The right wing didn’t take away anything, in fact it gave you the opportunity to vote for state and federal legislatures who share you values, beliefs and will enact legislation on your behalf. I believe they call it representative democracy. But I’m a right wing idiot so what do I know except racism. You liberals make me laugh every single f in day.

    5. @656
      The courts didn’t do anything but allow the states do what they are constitutional suppose to do

  17. The same people screaming for abortion are alive. WE have had enough of democrats, republicans aren't the exact answer but Lee zeldin or Guiliani would be a help.

    My body my choice!!!! Except if you want to take an experimental vaccine that if you do not take you can lose your home and family be on the streets, thats ok. Selling baby parts is a hugeeeeee black market special too.

    If you are baby whiny liberal in texas florida bye byeeeeeeee.

  18. When the left moves too far left the pushback is swinging too far right. Tried to warn you. You didn’t listen. MS wanted to ban abortion after 15 weeks and the left took it to court. The SCOTUS decision is the result of that. Democrats made it easier to confirm justices. The democrats changed the rules when it suited them and now cry when the rule they changed is used against them. 8:14 is correct. A lot of disinformation out there.

  19. You guys just don’t get it. The topic is the city attempting to water down our healthcare in order to find saving. This will impact all of us.

  20. Hey Right-wing Nut, Rudy really got hit hard at Shoprite and Trump on Jan 6 said to secret service driver to "tame me to the capitol, I'm the f'ing president. Your leaders make the do nothing Democrats look better each day.

  21. 9:04 thanks for getting us back on track.
    11:17 it’s not right wing economics. It’s neocon and neolib economics. They are one in the same. Which is why democrat controlled ny is fucking with our healthcare and democrat Biden wants cuts to social security. A Bush or a Biden. No difference on middle class woes.
    If you’re not willing to withhold your vote from democrats, they will continue to abuse teachers. I get it if you don’t agree with or like republicans but how the hell do you continue to vote for people who are literally trying to cut your health coverage while demanding that you vote for them? I’m sorry but that makes you their bitch. Slap me some more. Kick me whenever you want. Kill my dog. I’ll still come running to save you in November no matter how badly or how often you abuse me. You’ve taught that very lesson to ny democrats. You’re actually abusing yourselves at this point. How do you see ny politicians making you a good offer when they already own you? See it differently? Please explain.

    1. exactly 3:42, neoliberalism, which is a right wing economic philosophy, popularized by St. Reagan. get with it bruh.

    2. You guys should be gymnast’s. now it’s Reagan’s fault. I thought it was Russia’s fault, I thought it was Ukraine’s fault. I thought it was because states had confederate flags fault, I thought it was because of all the statues of racists fault, I thought it was because of systematic racism’s fault and saving the best for last , I thought it was the fault of the mean orange guy. You liberals continue to surprise me everyday with your very humorous posts. thank you once again for making my laugh. Bravo

    3. 545. are you responding to voices in your head? neoliberalism is right wing economics. a certain Saint popularized it, and it is pushed today by both parties. the blame, if you wish, is in those that support all these people and their garbage.

  22. My father always told me if you are going to be a nut be a right wing nut. Thanks for the compliment. Liberals make me laugh every single day

  23. How can teachers apply for the Schools Without Walls program?

  24. Then Trump grabbed the wheel and ran over Jesse Smollet as he zoomed to a NASCAR garage to hang a noose. He ended his day by throwing back a shot of bleach and showering with Joe and Ashley Biden. DC gossip. Don’t ya love it? Don’t forget…Blue no matter who! I’m gonna need that 1% raise to pay for the cuts to my health coverage.

  25. 10:47 you're really bad at satire.

  26. Return decisions to the states while taking away state decisions on guns. You are living in a weird imaginary world but I expect nothing less from Trumpies. Next you'll be telling us how that woman testifying made it all up.

    1. Can someone please read the constitution before they respond. Would love to have a debate on states rights, federalism, the supremacy clause, the 2nd, 4th, 9th and 10th amendments and how they were interpreted by this current Supreme Court in regards to their opinions on gun rights and abortion As so called professionals would like to hear other educated voices. you can call me trumpies all day but as a 27 year veteran of this system I’ve heard much worse don’t forget my boat is called suck my dick you old white mother fucker or SMDYOWMF. Enjoy your summer my friend and don’t be so angry

  27. 7:45 I always thought the NY law regarding pistol permits was unconstitutional. In NY you apply for a pistol permit. You get a background check, finger printed and an interview. You must first take a gun safety class. Depending on the judge you either get a concealed carry permit or a permit that limits your pistol to the home, hunting and target practice. Each county handles things a bit differently. There is no rhyme or reason as to who gets a conceal carry vs home/hunting/target permit. It’s whatever the judge feels about these permits or guns in general. I got a conceal carry. A friend in the next town with a different judge assigned got the limitation. We’re both squeaky clean and both of us can own pistols. My friend is limited because of an arbitrary law that allows judges to deny a carry license just because they feel like it. In order to carry that gun my friend would have to break the law. I can carry it around all day long if I want to. (Don’t worry. No legal gun carrying in schools). Arbitrary gun law that makes no sense was finally recognized by SCOTUS as unconstitutional. Gun laws do not keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Whoever shot that woman with her baby in the stroller last night on 95th St. didn’t use a legal gun whether it was a targeted hit or a random psycho. That’s a safe bet. Plenty of stories of legal gun owners stopping bad guys but you won’t see those stories on mainstream media.

  28. 7:45 - you really have a boat that's called that? Fat chance anyone can have a mature discussion with you. But sure, another know-it-all with a junior high mentality wants to lecture on interpretation of the Constitution. Apparently a court before them saw it differently, and a court afterwards will too.

    1. Who’s looking for a mature conversation. Was looking for an intellectual one. Good job trying to deflect. So what’s your opinion on the constitution and the supremacy clause, federalism…. Etc.. go look them up and get back to me .
      And yes my boat is called SMDYOWMF. Anything wrong with it?
      Look forward to your intelligent response about our constitution and how it applies to the current decisions. Enjoy your summer my friend and my junior high mentality has served me well In my 27yrs dealing with so called liberal elite’s in the DOE. Thanks for not calling me a racist because that’s usually the first move written in the liberal debate playbook. Bravo to you.

    2. Oh one more thing, I agree that future courts will probably rule differently but the question I’m asking is why? Why can one court interpret the constitution differently than another? That’s why I think and have said numerous times on this post that duly elected state or federal legislatures need to pass laws to guarantee the rights people desire. Or add a constitutional amendment. Everyone please read the constitution. Thanks and please enjoy the wonderful July 4th holiday and reflect on ongoing experiment of democracy we are privileged to be involved in.

  29. 11:54 - nice try. You want to start the debate, whats YOUR opinion?? You havent said a single thing about how it was interpreted. Where's your intellectual contribution to the topic? Nice try at deflecting yourself.

    1. I’m not here to lecture
      I sincerely asked for others opinion

    2. I guess you missed the part about courts don’t make laws only duly elected legislatures
      Please read again thanks

  30. Deflection happens when one has no facts to back up their claims or when one is ignorant on the topic at hand and doesn’t want to expose one’s ignorance. I like your style 12:02. It seems to me that there are different interpretations of the Constitution because some justices stick to language in the Constitution and other historical cases/documents and anything not strictly prescribed in said language is kicked back to states’ rights. Other justices want to expand on the meaning and intent found in the language. Roe was tied to our right to privacy which is an expansion. Politicians try to get judges to legislate. Democrats could have tried to pass abortion laws that allow for abortion up to any term they want under any conditions they want. They didn’t. Didn’t democrats have the WH, Senate and House at some point during Clinton, Obama and now Biden? Legislators pass laws. Courts decide if laws are constitutional. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. The left took Mississippi to court over a 15 week ban and it cost us Roe. Wouldn’t fetal viability and the health of the mother been a good compromise to legislate? I’m pro choice but come on, at some point it is a baby in there and it has rights when it can be viable outside of the womb. My attempt at an intellectual conversation.

    1. Thank you for your opinion and having an intelligent dialogue, much appreciated

  31. The recent comments on decisions made by Supreme Court is appearing to shred this nation apart as states are responding in different ways to abortions, gun rights, voting right laws religious priorities- and who knows what -over the next few years—maybe the rights of same-sex marriage-and of course federal funding for public education might be in jeopardy—even the 1954 Little Rock decision.
    This country is going backwards—and as Howard Stern said last week—that if Clarence Thomas gets his wish list—it could eventually be unlawful for inter-racial marriages—and maybe Thomas could become someone’s property as a slave.

  32. 3:12 - I haven't made a single claim about the matter. You asked for debate and then asked other people to look it up. I see YOU are deflecting by not commenting on the very topic you want to discuss. All you did in this post was blather and didn't address what you initially asked which was "the 2nd, 4th, 9th and 10th amendments and how they were interpreted by this current Supreme Court in regards to their opinions on gun rights and abortion".

    You did say this "Roe was tied to our right to privacy which is an expansion" Was the intellectual bombshell you were talking about? I think even high schoolers know this. Looks to me like you just wanted to hear yourself talk. Carry on then.

    1. Different person commenting. Not the original poster. So what do you think

    2. Still waiting for your opinion

  33. I’m not sure if I would quote Howard stern but doesn’t judge Thomas have a point that states should decide laws within their boundaries as long as those laws don’t conflict or are a contradiction to federal law. I believe and hopeful the person who challenged my intellectual contribution is listening, legislatures have not fulfilled their constitutional obligations over the last 70 yrs or so and have allowed or differed their authority to the courts.

  34. 5:45 does it have to be only one thing? I think not.

  35. Still waiting for yours 10:02. You're the one who threw the topic out there, do you have nothing to contribute?

  36. I said my thoughts like 5 times please read them, I can expand them if and when you share yours. please don’t turn this into what most conversations on this blog turn into . Thanks again


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