Tuesday, June 07, 2022

PRELIMINARY 2022-23 SCHOOL BUDGETS SHOW HUGE CUTS (Updated with Sienna Poll Results)

This is on Twitter:

The UFT also tweeted out that Mayor Adams has made no cuts to the central Department of Education bureaucracy. 

Why again did the State Legislature just vote to extend mayoral control?

It is clear from the proposed school budget cuts Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks are releasing that the City-DOE have no intention of complying with the new lower class size bill that passed the Assembly 150-0 and the Senate 59-4. Whether Governor Hochul signs it or not is mostly irrelevant to the City-DOE. The DOE has ignored inconvenient laws they don't like (see special Ed mandates) for years but the Legislature keeps renewing mayoral control.

Is another lawsuit coming? We can wait another 15 years to settle it like we waited for the Campaign for Fiscal Equity suit to be adjudicated. Unfortunately, that settlement has still not been fully implemented and it is now 30 years since the case was filed.

Where is the UFT action plan to stop the cuts? It better be released quickly. 

How about making sure those lower class size limits that could be in state law are in our contract now that funding is being provided?


Adams has no popular mandate on the schools as results from this NY 1 Sienna College poll show. 

I understand that we can't read too much into one poll but if school budgets are slashed those poll numbers won't be rising, only the class size numbers will go up.

Update 2:

Link to UFT school budget page.


  1. Now he'll say the lower class size will have to wait until he gets more money in the budget. Maybe there would be more money if you didn't have 12 administrators in one school building. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

    1. Those indians need a chief... Maybe not 12 but they need supervision for sure.

    2. As low as the number of teachers may go, no building ever loses an administrator. The high schools have been overrun for years. I recall years of visiting a large academic high school for workshops. After it was reorganized into four schools there was over twenty names in the lobby list. This compared to a dozen when it was one very large building. It had way fewer student seats with four schools. Many classrooms were cut into spaces for administrative uses duplicated four times over. On top of that it came with four different UFT chapters which diluted efforts to deal with universal problems. One of my friends worked in a campus of 4 administrations that ate each other for breakfast each day The DOE assigned a permanent superprincipal to keep them from killing each other. What a waste!

  2. Who needs laws when NY politicians don't follow them anyway?
    No wonder NY city is the hot mess that it is.

  3. Mayor Adams is not a serious mayor on education issues.
    Adams is just an Uncle Tom's type of mayor.

    1. "Serious mayor on education issues"?
      Why? Are there any issues he is serious on (except on fashions and party-going)?

  4. Can’t wait to see how us ATRs are treated next year. Oh wait, there are no more ATRs right?

  5. Welcome to Uncle Tom's NY City School System!
    Mayor Adam's is doing the bidding of his charter school patrons.

  6. Too many chiefs is right!!
    Layers of administrators have to go.

  7. PREDICTION: Adams/UFT work out a tentative contract over the summer and send it to the Delegate Assembly for a special session vote. Only Unity goons show up to vote at the DA and it passes. At the end of the summer the tentative contract gets sent to the rank and file to vote. Tentative contract has a one time bonus of $1,000 but with a longer day and 2% raises. Mulgrew firmly tells us, "This is the best we can do". Then the rank and file which consists of many young teachers who want the $1,000 vote yes to it. The contract gets ratified with 55% of voters saying yes. Then we are screwed till Adams is gone. WE MUST VOTE NO TO ANY GIVEBACKS!

  8. I may be one of the few teachers who thinks the DOE has too much money. The DOE has very little to show for wasting one-third of the total NYC budget. My issue with politicians and administrators is that they always threaten to cut teachers instead of cutting the bloat and waste.

    The list would be a quite long if teachers were asked to list the wasteful spending from central down to their school. We know that the politicians and school administrators will never ask the teachers and never cut the waste. Cutting the bloat and waste would be contrary to their corruption, their beliefs, and their pockets.

    1. Ha-ha.
      DOE needs ALL that money to pay penalties to people they UNCONSTITUTIONALLY fired.
      Or, and by the way, MAJORITY of ppl they fired are: a) pupil service providers (ot, pt, speech, language, nurses, paras, sp.ed). I guess, because ATRs could do their jobs just as well; 2) minorities.

  9. All a game! Adams will now say that bc the UFT needs a new contract is why they are withholding money. Sadly, mulgrew not opposing and lobbying against mayoral control hurts us again.

    People think mulgrew is corrupt. He’s not. He’s not smart enough to realize city hall is not a friend of ten UFT and to not treat them as an ally.

    City hall always screws the UFT!

    1. Milgrew is not corrupt?
      How did he manage to play on the same team as Weingarten? You know, the team that made a load $ht of $$$ on the vaccines mandated to their constituents? Experimental vaccines. Includinge the Comirnaty which, according to this week CDC's announcement, will never be produced. Corminaty that they had told you, back in September '21, had a full Authorization....

  10. Adams is not making "threats" about the budget cuts, he is actually going to push them through. Next year is gonna be a shit show.

    1. "Shit show" is a definition doe nyc lives up to.

  11. 6:33: Agree one principal per building is enough. It's all these small schools that is the issue that costs so much money. A lot of big schools would be less expensive than a whole lot of small schools. Teachers in small schools are much easier to micro manage. And yes the DOE wastes money daily. The ATR pool existed for over 15 years with teachers just covering classes and these were good teachers. Also the renewal program and all the other programs and consultants sent to the schools. Whenever the DOE says it has no money, I know they are lying.

    1. Small school deffinetly have their advantage, when ppl working in them treat is as a community.

  12. Stop whining and complaining. Work towards putting in your time- at least 22 years. Put on the dog and pony show and don't raise any red flags. Reach the kids you can and tolerate the ones you can't. Understand you can't change the system.
    Be grateful for a decent pension and life long health care. Contribute as much as you can to your TDA. Guaranteed 7% in fixed fund is amazing these days! If you're young enough put some in stock market fund. Also if you can afford to contribute to the NYC DCP Plan. Talk to your accountant on that one.
    It's June, start smiling and preparing to enjoy the sunshine and 2 1/2 months off!

  13. The Stevenson HS campus in the Bronx has 8 (Eight) schools inside the building. Stevenson was once a classic comprehensive high school but now there are 8 schools inside the building. That means there are 8 principals at 175K per year - that is 1.4 million dollars for a "Chief" or should I say Chiefs - not to mention all the fake administrators that waddle around these so called CHiefs.

  14. 1) Fake austerity
    2) Contract negotiation by threat of budget cuts and austerity.
    3) Uncle Tom's mayor doing the bidding of his charter school patrons.
    4) UFT is clueless

  15. 6:13: it's a figure of speech. It's an old adage. Don't get all woke.

  16. How exactly does the school budget work? Is there some place that explains how money is allocated and why? Meaning does a principal have to give a certain amount of money to each department each year? When a principal misspends school funds, how can teachers fight back to make sure school funds are used properly?

    1. So your budget is posted in info hub. The fsf line is where your staff spending is. The other lines are specific and need to be spent a specific way. The staffing costs is determined by your average teacher salary.. So if you looked at all your teachers and their salaries. And took the average.. That's the doe charges you per teacher. Say you get 3 Million in fsf and your average teacher salary is 100k, if you have 25 teachers, that's 2.5 mil spent and now you have 500k left to figure out how to spend. Do you hire another teacher? 1? 2?do you hire paras? Do you move money to per session lines so you can create clubs and stuff? Do you hire aids? Etc
      So prinicpals have flexibility on how to staff the school. That's why it's very important your chapter leader looks at the budget and tries to hold the admin accountable

  17. NYC is a hot mess under Mayor Adams.

    Things are about to heat up much more this summer.

    Don't be surprised. Duck when it hits the fans.

  18. All a warmup for contract talks...

  19. The DOE is a crime scene of fraud and criminal mismanagement.

    1. Amen, partner.
      And teachers played their role on hurting their own.

  20. Uncle Tom's mayor Adams is doing the bidding of his charter school sponsors.

  21. Here’s how to save a lot of money - put the large campus building together again and get rid of all the redundant positions. Mr. Banks eagle academies are very large buildings and they haven’t been broken up into numerous little schools with 15 to 20 principals and aps. They have one principal and one AP. Get rid of the three tiers of bureaucrats that were hired under the mariachi chancellor and the ones before him. Review all the contracts that we have with organizations that are in fact stealing money from the city, companies like Bloomberg favorite Pearson. The list goes on and on. I’d call the DOE a whorehouse but that would be an insult a whorehouses and teachers. Hey Mayor Swagger - Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy.

  22. And yet again another racist leftist uses a racial slur “Uncle Tom” to denigrate a black man in authority. James why is Uncle Tom ok against a black man? Why can one racist say Uncle Tom but another racist can’t call Adams the n word? Is it because the leftists use Uncle Tom? You’re all a bunch of racists who can’t handle having black men run the city and its school system. Your deep seeded fear of educated black men in power is why you must use racial slurs against them to try to tear them down. And enablers of that racism allow you to do it right here on this blog. Go to church, racists. Redeem yourselves. God loves us all equally.

    1. Who wants to place bets that 8:32 is the same anonymous commenter that posted the anonymous "Uncle Tom" comments?

    2. Uncle Tome is ok for the same reason the "Indian chiefs" are.
      But it is good you are pointing out the real meaning of their rhetoric.
      I am SO sick and tiref of these young simple-minded lefties who get triggered so easily and speak in poster-phrases, hiding what theiy really mean.

  23. Cory Booker, Mondaire Jones, Juumanne Williams, Kamala Harris are also a bunch of a uncle Toms. The white plantation ghosts are laughing in their graves. They got you to enthusiastically put uncle Toms in charge. 2 more minutes of brainwashing and you’ll all be begging David Duke to run again, erecting Robert Byrd statues and tossing the uncle Toms to the hounds.

    1. Uncle Toms have a right to their opinions, you have yours.

  24. Can we wrap up the Uncle Tom discussion, please?

    Here is an excerpt from a piece in The Conversation:
    Today, we do not necessarily think of novels as shaping national identity. However, in 19th-century America, Stowe’s vision of Uncle Tom constructed a form of Black manhood that deeply impacted the nation. Despite being ripped from his wife and children, chained and sent off in a coffle with other enslaved men and women, let down by even a “good master,” and beaten, finally to death, Uncle Tom does not ever speak ill of anyone. He is loyal, passive in the midst of white violence and dies as a martyr.

    Since then, various Black men have been called “Uncle Toms.” From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to former president Barack Obama, at some point, they were accused of being too passive or a sell-out to the race.

  25. The link: https://theconversation.com/how-uncle-tom-still-impacts-racial-politics-152201


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