Friday, June 10, 2022


 There is a budget deal between the Mayor and the City Council. Some details that may be of interest from Gotham Gazette:

Mayor Eric Adams and City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams on Friday announced their first budget agreement, a $101 billion spending deal for the 2023 fiscal year beginning July 1, reflecting an increase of about $2.3 billion over the budget that was adopted in June of last year. 

 School budget cuts are included:

The mayor conceded to several Council demands for new or additional funding in certain areas while moving ahead on some of his priorities that the Council opposed, like cuts to school budgets based on dropping student enrollment...

Further down:

Asked about those cuts -- which amount to roughly $215 million in the coming fiscal year -- at Friday’s budget agreement announcement, the mayor described them as necessary right-sizing. “We're not cutting, we are adjusting the amount based on the student population,” he said, though they will be felt by individual schools as budget cuts.

The mayor also pointed to the recent state approval of an extension of mayoral control of city schools that he was granted for two years, which came with mandates to reduce class sizes by 2027. The Adams administration is estimating that it will cost the city about $20 billion in capital funds and $500 million in expense funding, though those numbers have yet to be vetted and the mayor’s pushback against the new mandates has been refuted by state lawmakers, especially Senator John Liu, the chair of the Senate’s New York City Education Committee, who has pointed to additional state education aid on its way to the city.

There are higher than expected tax revenues coming in so the city was able to increase reserves to record levels:

Given the city’s strong fiscal position, both the mayor and the Council were able to invest in a variety of priorities and there were few fights to be had. The mayor conceded to several Council demands for new or additional funding in certain areas while moving ahead on some of his priorities that the Council opposed, like cuts to school budgets based on dropping student enrollment, and the Council beat back the mayor’s push for more funding at the NYPD and Department of Correction.

Record level Wall Street profits boosted the city’s personal income tax collections, with the city forecasting $3 billion in additional revenue for the current fiscal year and $1.5 billion more in the 2023 fiscal year compared to revenue predictions from April when the executive budget was released. The budget reflects $2.7 billion in savings across the current and next fiscal year, and projects another $4 billion in savings through fiscal year 2026.

With additional revenue, the mayor and Council added another $750 million each to the city’s rainy day fund and the Retiree Health Benefits Trust fund, and $500 million to the general reserves. Those additions bring city reserves to $8.3 billion, with $1.9 billion total in the rainy day fund, $4.5 billion in the RHBT, $1.6 billion in the general reserve, and $250 million in the capital stabilization reserve.

That's $8.3 billion in reserve if you missed it.

As for labor reserves:

The budget deal also sets aside an additional $3 billion over the course of four years in the labor reserve, bringing it to $4.7 billion as the city moves to negotiating expired labor contracts for the municipal workforce that are likely to prove costly.

We covered this in April:

According to the Citizens Budget Commission official we cited the other day, "Raises totaling 3% annually for city employees would cost about $1.5 billion in the first year, increasing to $4.3 billion in the third year."

This is a four-year total in the labor reserve.

I think we should look at Governor Hochul's budgeting for the state Civil Service Employees Association raises, which although not at all binding on NYC, puts us in the neighborhood where Mayor Adams is going on municipal contracts. This is from the Albany Times Union:

Workers in the union are proposed a five-year deal from April 2021 to March 2026. It includes 2 percent raises the first two years and then 3 percent annual raises the final three years of the tentative contract.

That's not going to be anywhere near keeping up with the 8.6% U.S. annual inflation rate announced today but at least we now have the information on what the city is budgeting for raises and what the state is planning for its workers.

For those who think we would be better off under the Republicans, Senator Rick Scott has a plan to privatize much of government operations if the Republicans win back power. 

My plan is for the UFT and AFT to be an organized force like the unions are in the United Kingdom. This is from the BBC:

Thousands of railway workers will walk out in a three-day national strike later this month which threatens major summer travel disruption across the UK.

The RMT Union said it will "shut down" the country's railway network on 21, 23 and 25 June after talks over pay and redundancies fell through.

But the Transport Secretary accused RMT of "jumping the gun" and said strikes could put off people using trains.

The action is being dubbed the "biggest rail strike in modern history".

More than 40,000 staff from Network Rail and 13 train operators are expected to take part.

On the first day of the planned strike on 21 June, London Underground RMT workers plan to walk out in a separate dispute over pensions and job losses, taking the total number of staff - along those from with Network Rail and the train companies - to more than 50,000.

Does the public support their right to strike? A poll on ITV's Good Morning Britain:

This is after 12 years of Conservative Party rule.

Okay, I am officially dreaming again thinking that unions could have that kind of pull here but a credible threat of a job action is the only way workers will come close to keeping up with the cost of living.


  1. But we pay dues. And there is a dem mayor, governor, president and congress…What more do you want?

  2. Corporate Democrats are almost as bad as Republicans.

    1. Thank God we have Democrats in charge, look at the great job they are doing. Best gas prices in decades, best inflation in decades, best border protection in decades , best foreign policy in decades, best job participation rates in decades, we have the best of everything these days. Should have switched to the Democrats years ago. Go Brandon!

    2. Oh crap, I forgot, best crime rates in decades. Makes me proud that I voted for the party that is more concerned about bathrooms, removing statues, white supremacy, biological male athletes competing against biological women, riots around the country that killed dozens and destroyed billions in property, not letting states decide laws ( you know that thing called federalism and the 10th Amendment) and all other examples of virtue signally .

  3. If teachers went on strike nationwide over guns, watch how fast there would be legislation. Instead, we March. Nobody goes a shit about marches.


  5. Eric Adams is unworthy and unfit to manage the NY City school system.

    Eric Adams appointment by the NY state legislature is equivalent to criminal act in light of the incredible damage and criminal mismanagement of the schools by the previous NY city mayors, Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio.

    The NY state legislature is a nothing less than den of thieves and criminals.

    Sheldon Silver, John Sampson, Dean Skelos and their ilk made
    the NY state legislature a unique habitat for their criminal friends and associates. Nothing has changed in Albany.

  6. Anything about actually making schools into schools? Like, stopping grade fraud? Like making sure schools aren’t the Wild, Wild West? This is really good for our minority population?

  7. James you’re dreaming in the sense that the UFT will never support the fiscal and working conditions priorities of the rank and file. They don’t care about members. They only care about their political party and power. Sadly the fact that only about 20% of UFT members bother to vote for UFT president shows us teachers don’t care either. Thanks for trying.

  8. 3:30: Exactly, those protests down at city hall are meaningless. The mayor probably has his headphones in and playing games on his cell phone if he's even there.

  9. The morons in charge allowed blm antifa rioters to cause 2 billion in “protest” damages. And blm and antifa still didn’t get them to defund the police. If those kind of protests don’t work, the non violent kind don’t either. Maybe we can get some more statues removed and some additional pronouns to appease the nyc masses. I constantly remind myself that nyc is full of foolish taxpayers. I use and abuse the nyc doe to make my life as comfortable as possible. I work the system created by fools. That’s my survival method. Bring on the hate. I’ll be too busy planning my ‘who’s the bigger victim, Jeopardy-like, group think social studies learning center’ to pay attention. My AP takes my woke silliness very seriously. I’m highly effective don’tcha know. Play them like a string quartet, people. You’ll be less stressed.

  10. Call Governor Hochul tomorrow.
    Express you outrage about Mayoral Control and the failure
    of previous and current mayors to manage the schools according to NY State law. Express your contempt for the criminal mismanagement of the NY city public schools by its mayors.

    Call Governor Hochul at 1-518-474-8390,

  11. Call to express your outrage about the budget cuts.

    Call the Speaker Adrienne Adams and leave a message:

  12. I don't give a shit about protests, guns, Ukraine, etc. I am too busy worrying my ass off about the contract negotiations. Anybody else with me on that?

  13. Today, we have Clueless Joe Biden, who is presiding over a collapsing economy in America. Is Joe doing that on purpose?

    Inflation is running white-hot at 8.3 percent, much more if you factor in gas and food prices.

    In addition, the stock market is melting down this June, home values are dropping in many places, and a scary recession seems inevitable.

    Yet, there was Clueless Joe telling a hapless Jimmy Kimmel that the U.S. economy is the strongest in the world.

  14. 10:35 is a one-trick pony. Still no substance to anything she writes, or has ever wrote. Still patting herself on the back for being a pathetic fraud.

    1. I don’t think he or she is a fraud. I think the system as a whole is fraudulent. There are so many corruption stories that the NY Post needs to clone Sue Edelman times 10.

      I just reported my principal to the Bronx DA’s office over not properly reporting an assault on himself and two other students. This same student got his ass stomped on after all was said and done.

      When the said student asked for a safety transfer he was told that it was too late in the semester so he’d have to return back to school.

      Needless to say he’s been regularly absent.

      Did I mention there is a racial component in the mix? The student who assaulted the Gay and white principal is a budding Black Israelite, of Puerto Rican decent. He has pissed off a lot of the guidance staff with his rhetoric. His grade guidance counselor, a Dominican woman with an attitude, read in between the lines here, chose to be indifferent to his struggles, to which there are many in his personal life.

      Here comes the shocker, the students he assaulted are guess what? Albanian! Hmm. I could have seen that one coming if only someone at my school knew what the Black Israelites were.

      His guardians, an older brother and sisters, are involved in getting this student transferred, but as if the DoE hasn’t shown a complete lack of indifference, the office staff first offered to make time during Regents Week for the student to make up his work with the hope that a closed campus would provide some semblance of protection. Then after that didn’t work the office staff, you guessed it, called ACS on him and his guardians.

      All to say, this is a lather $35,000,000,000 stem that doesn’t give a shit about us or our students.

      Do you!

    2. Email the details of this to DOE’s General Counsel, Liz Vladeck, and send a copy to Chancellor Banks.

      Their email addresses are gov and

    3. I’m first submitting all the relevant paperwork and documents to Sue Edelman. I’ll be dropping my file off this afternoon at the NY Post headquarters on 6th at 4. Once I get that done. Tomorrow I’ll put packets together for the general counselor and chancellor. I expect a story to be published in the Post this coming Sunday. Hopefully front page.

    4. What’s your email?



  15. Attendance doesn’t matter, says Banks.

  16. 1:55.. inflation is a sign that the economy is too good, not collapsing. Home values are skyrocketing, not going down. Inflation is bad, but the larger picture is good in several ways

  17. The people on this blog are some of the worst humanity has to offer. Consider 1:54 who "doesn't give a shit" about the slaughter in Texas or the slaughter in Ukraine. He's too busy agonizing over the contract. What kind of a person expresses such selfish thoughts? Does he feel any shame? Incredible.

  18. Economy is good? Lol. From cnn… all time low.

  19. Teachers Lives Matter!

    @4:57 pm, that is what you are missing.

    Your idealism is just bullshit escapist narcissism.

    You missed the point. Teachers Lives Matter.

    With the UFT, Teachers lives do not matter.

  20. Cowards who will only show their true selves behind a keyboard. They are gaslighting themselves. Mask wearers for life. 1035 am is only doing the same thing that Mulgrew is doing: looking out for self--for less money. Meow

  21. Make tomorrow a go into your boss (principal) and ask for a raise day.
    Every teacher should do this and ask for a raise above the crappy UFT contract because of the high inflation rate this year.

    If we embarrass the DOE enough it will "soften" the ground for much larger pay increases which we deserve.

    Also, Adams should resign because he is unworthy of "controlling" the schools. Adams is unable to control the crime rate and the police force. So, he is also unable to control the schools.

    Adams is and Uncle Tom type of racist pretending to be anti-racist.
    He does the bidding of his wealthy hedge fund sponsors and throws
    poor African American youth under the bus.

    Adams is not an educator. Adams is self serving transactional politician.

    Banks is not an educator. Banks is Adams' stooge.

  22. The economy in the US is in bad shape. People having printed money does not mean that the economy is doing well. The fact is that printing billions of dollars without oversight or understanding is hurtful to everyone. A situation is created in which there is too much money and not enough goods. Home values are skyrocketing because the value of the dollar is decreasing. The cost of everything is skyrocketing for the same reason; too much printed money and not enough supply. This same situation has happened and is happening in several countries around the world. The thought of printing and giving away money willy-nilly has never improved the economy of a country.

    NYC and the DOE have plenty of money. My contention is in how the money is used. As long as we have self-serving, ill-educated, morally bankrupt people in charge e.g. the current politicians and school administrators, NYS and NYC will continue to go downhill.

  23. Country Last Previous
    Argentina 58 55.1
    Australia 5.1 3.5
    Brazil 11.73 12.13
    Canada 6.8 6.7
    China 2.1 2.1
    Euro Area 8.1 7.4
    France 5.2 4.8
    Germany 7.9 7.4
    India 7.79 6.95
    Indonesia 3.55 3.47
    Italy 6.9 6
    Japan 2.5 1.2
    Mexico 7.65 7.68
    Netherlands 8.8 9.6
    Russia 17.1 17.8
    Saudi Arabia 2.3 2
    Singapore 5.4 5.4
    South Africa 5.9 5.9
    South Korea 5.4 4.8
    Spain 8.7 8.3
    Switzerland 2.9 2.5
    Turkey 73.5 69.97
    United Kingdom 9 7
    United States 8.6

    Trading gives inflation rates across G 20. It is all Biden's fault. Stupid commenters.

  24. Biden must be the President of Turkey too.

    1. So inflation going from 1.4 to almost 10 is good.

    2. No 6:34. Inflation is going up all over. The Fed pumped all that money into the system at the same time there was fiscal stimulus from the government. Trump and Biden and Congress needed to give people money to survive in 2020. No need to give the bankers money too. Zero interest rates and buying securities was in retrospect pretty foolish. I am making an intellectual argument. The right wing idiots, please come up with an intelligent rebuttal or don't bother.

    3. I don't think 6:34 even knows what the Fed is.

  25. Those commies in China are doing pretty well combating inflation.

    1. You either know nothing about it, or do not want to know.

  26. I'm a narcissist and an idealist because I think saying you don't care about mass murder is shameful. Just proves my point. Awful people on this blog.

  27. Let's blame James for letting them rant and rave...

  28. 7:02 made the smartest comment.

  29. I love how people keep complaining about inflation yet casinos are all packed, people keep going to amusement parks and waterparks, restaurants and I see department and electronic stores are still doing well. So I don't see how inflation is having such a bad effect on people.

    1. Perhaps those people get welfare and I don’t.

    2. Maybe you cushy teacher salary blinds you.
      Maybe you need to compare apples to apples.

  30. A good conservative country like Saudi Arabia has inflation down at 2%. Maybe the conservatives here would like to copy their system. Probably not much crime there either.

    1. What does it have to do with anything?
      Should they just continue what we have here now?
      I'd rather have SA order here, then Sodom and Gomorrah.

  31. Congress should be holding hearings about the virus, where did it come from? Did we do good to fight it? The pandemic hearings should be going on right now but no congress is putting on a pony show for the peoples eyes..nicky eyes from goodfellas

    1. Congress should also be looking at 200+ nightly riots in 2020.

  32. No standards.

  33. Gas is $8 a gallon in Canada. Last I checked, Joe Biden wasn’t President there. So tell me how high gas prices are all his fault.

    1. He openly OK-ed a "small excursion" into Ukraine, and let his VP welcome Ukraine into NATO while speaking on a world stage.
      By the weay, in Canada gas prices almost always were higher than in USA. Let's compare apples to apples. Canada is not the one who closed the american rigs.

      ...and while you are at it, check out the World Economic Forum agenda on oil.

  34. the former dopehead mayor's idiotic response to covid, along with the ufts support I might add, has led to this drop in enrollment we're seeing. This in turn will either layoffs or a drop in hiring. There just maybe a lost generation that may never come back. The mismanagement of schools by that moron of a former mayor , along with the full support of his lapdog Mulgrew, is evidence enough why mayoral control is BAD POLICY

    1. Well said... Couldn't agree with you more. It will be interesting to see how many generations it will take for this to clean out.

    2. And yet, he gets the mayoral control all over again. It is almost as 8f the governor (unelected) and all the dopes (to keep it "clean") have a shared aspiration of destroying this institution.

    3. I am thinking: after the Common Core there will be a struggle to find math teachers who know the subject.
      Education is a matter of national security. I never understood why this was not taken as a fact....

  35. He killed American pipeline. That’s how.

  36. America First conservatives believe in freedom of and from religion. Saudi’s want to behead you if you bash their god. See the difference?

    1. Freedom " from" religion?
      Freedom of religion implies that you are free to be, among all religions, an agnostic, or atheist.

  37. I Don't hear you Ameeica Firsters talking about Bill Barr saying the Dominion Voting machine hacking claims were "bullshit." Can't wait to hear new bullshit that Biden caused world inflation. It must be because of Hunter Biden's laptop.

    1. Oh, you are right: it is all Russia Russia Russia.

  38. Freedom for corporations to rip you off.

  39. Just saw the video of Bill Barr saying if Trump believed in the election fraud, he was detached from reality. Ivanka Trump too. This is so funny. Now the big ripoff on getting gullible fools like the people who comment here to give money to Trump.

    Yeah Biden sucks but you guys need to find a new hero.

  40. The party of peace.

    1. We are running the risk of a civil war, but if the gop does not win.

    2. Knowing the squad, they are not "warning", they are planning it.
      Which totally makes sense:so many traitors will try to avoid jail, and having a civil war may be their 9nly way "out". After all, they have recruited so many
      Useful Idiots.

  41. America First means just that. Put America First. Trump or no Trump. Trump v. Biden? Gotta go with Trump. Biden is awful. He can’t get a handle on anything. Obama was right. Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. Never gave a dime to Trump or any Republican. Trump’s no hero but he’s better than Biden/Harris. Keep believing we’re fooled by him all you want. He’s just better than what democrats have to offer is why he’ll still get votes…. Even if he’s a delusional dick. My take on election integrity! Watch Scott Adams. I agree with him.

    1. 101pm and company. America First is a euphemism for Christian Nationalism. It has been around for over 80 years. There have been high profile associations between the America First campaigns and the American Nazi Party.

    2. 245
      Where do you get your info?
      "Christian Nationalism"
      Not everything with the word "nationalism" is associated with "nazism".
      Christian nationalism sounds much less threatening than Social Nationalism, which is a new phenomenon and =mix of Communism and Fascism. It is called sophistry.
      So...we can argue about what is called what and what is not, finding no agreement and avoiding the talk about Real problems. This government is working against its people and it HAS GOT TO GO!.

    3. For 7:34 on Christian Nationalism..

      Not all forms of nationalism are associated with nazism. Christian Nationalism and America First are. On those associations:

      Communism and Fascism do not mix. One seeks the elimination of capitalism, while the other seeks to protect it from elimination. And yes, this government is working against its people and it has to go.

  42. The fact of the matter is kameela harris is running the show and now we have the US replicating California where she is from ..see not too much hard work to understand DC

    1. Kameela is running the show....hmmm
      All clues point to obammma

  43. Unfortunately for democrats polling shows voters blame Biden and that will cost democrats big time in Nov. Adams not doing right by schools! But he’s a democrat. You are surely lying. He’s doing great as all democrats do,

  44. And the covert nazis in at the World economic forum.

  45. Yeh.
    The ones who brought us...
    Wait for it....
    The vaxxines!

  46. If we could just tax the rich more and have them pay their fair share all of our economic problems would go away.

  47. Even the New York Times is finally beginning to question bidens mental capacity at this stage in his life. We need leadership, I wonder who is filling the void in the white house, it’s definitely not the wonderful Kamala, could it be Obama?

  48. Whoever is running the show is a democrat and the show sucks.
    Tax the rich? What really needs to happen is…. Close the loopholes that allow the rich to borrow against their holdings and pay no taxes on what’s borrowed. Tax the rich to democrat progressives means that when you inherit anything other than cash from your parents you no longer inherit at market value. Your cost basis changes. Meaning you pay more taxes when you sell. Tax the rich to progressives means look out for the welfare crowd above everyone else. If the democrats were serious they’d make things fair by eliminating the loopholes and not keep spewing some tax the rich scheme that results in screwing the middle class. Start reading what democrat progressives proposed we do to our tax codes and you won’t be progressive anymore.

  49. Mayra Flores, an America First candidate, was born in Mexico. She just won her district by 7%. The same district Biden won by 4%. Someone better tell Mexican-American Mayra she’s a Nazi. You democrats lost Texan Hispanics when you called them latinx and told them their sons might really be daughters. Texans drive to work. Gas prices matter a lot to them. Illegals crossing the border into their towns matters to them too. Get out of your bubble ny elitists.

  50. Sarcasm@6:50am
    My comment on taxing the rich was my poor attempt at sarcasm. Only an idiot would think that’s a good idea

  51. Texas 34th an 84% Hispanic district elected an America First female Hispanic. Who knew Mexico produced so many Nazis. Want that wall now? America First has nothing to do with anything other than putting America and Americans first. Stop watching cnn.

    1. 712. 831. Learn some history. It isn't hard. You are already in your web browser.

  52. The nazi party are the dems, mandates and coersion , TRump has jewish family and grandkids, idiots here call him nazi.

    @9:16 utter moron and anyone who thinks this election was fair, 1/2 Biden's twitter are bots more than 1/2 ballots are fake.

    @8:59 is a sarcastic prick, hunter biden laptop has pics of him with little kids. The same sick fuck who slept with his dead brothers wife.

    Trump deranged sickos here fact nobody is mad with Biden and you justify everything you would have screamed at trump about makes you truly pathetic and sick people.

    1. For 917.

    2. That’s funny thanks for the laugh, using the New Yorker, sage pub and my favorite the daily beast as your proof. Bless your heart my fellow American. You are worse than James who also using those ridiculous unbiased fact checkers. How gullible can smart guys like you be? First you fell for Russia Russia Russia, next you fell for Ukraine , next you fell for the virus wasn’t started in a lab, next you fell for mail in ballots wouldn’t cause election problems because of the huge chain of custody issue, now you guys are falling for inflation was caused by January 6th and joe Biden is up to the job.

    3. I can throw some more in for 1:54..

      Trump Org and redlining..

      a recent book on the subject..

      please do find some other sources too help you in your understanding of this history. there are many.

    4. You conveniently omitted Biden's connections to the Klan.
      Or the fact that democrats founded it.
      Or the fact that the klan was not in politics since....democrats had to shut it.
      Stop letting your TV brainwash you.
      Damn. Even a stupid lazy person got what we had in trump what we have now.
      You are the problem.

    5. Stop the presses, the Washington post, now you must correct. We all now how honest they are. You win, where do I sign up to be a democrat. Always revealing /entertaining James and for that I thank you

    6. 407, I could tell you do not read the originals. Specifically, if you actually find the copy of the newspaper that was placed in the beginning of that article (available via internet in the national archive) you will not find his father's name there...I did it back in 2020.

    7. 7:21. The topic we were discussing was the connection between America First and Christian Nationalism which bled into the Trump family and KKK ties. The parties flipped their Social ideologies during the 1930s. That is well known. The 30s saw the Social conservatives, that wanted nothing to do with the New Deal social programs, move over to the Republican party which was founded by socialists. Parties can and do change quite drastically! As for the Democrats now, and the Republicans now, they share the economic ideology of Liberalism. It is only their Social politics that ever so slightly separate them. It is mostly a rhetorical difference over Social programs and hollow pushes for diversity, as at the end of the day they both support the status quo and are both Capitalist parties. The Klan, of course, has for over 150 years had an influence in our politics, and in the justice system, and in law enforcement. Christian Nationalism has a long and highly influential history in the US.

    8. For 8:49

      the original is reprinted here in this Post article. you can also use the NY Times wayback machine to view it. Fred Trump, and his address, are printed in the original article.

    9. It clearly stated that he was released. Not arrearrested. Not Even "released on bail" .
      Just released. That is number one.
      Number two: we, african- americans have NO gripe with the 45th. Our life was better with him.
      3) do you know who prosecuted children for their parents' [perceived] crimes? Stalinists.
      So, try again.

    10. 10:01
      What the heck does the fact that "the parties reversed their ideologies" have to do with anything?
      Was it Democrats who created the KKK ? Yes.
      Was it the Democrats who incrntivised the breaking of black families and staying on government donations. Yes.
      Stop wasting everyone's time with your bs feeble "arguments.

  53. We have the benefit of a fixed 7%. Others are suffering because their 50/50 retirement portfolio is shit. Stocks are shit. Bonds are shit. You know what’s going to happen. Every retiree in NY with a falling IRA and every worker with a falling 401k is going to agree 7% is too much. The piss poor economy will hit teachers too when they come gunning for our TDA. Selfish shits we teachers are. Americans are suffering because of democrats and our union president works for them, not us.

  54. No no no, they aren’t called democrats they are called cooperate democrats, you see they tried to change the name so people wouldn’t blame the compassionate old school liberal democrats. You know like FDR, JFK, LBJ and Clinton. We have always seen through your liberal bull crap, and now Hispanic and African Americans are seeing through it also . Time to pack the court an abolish the electoral college before you are out of power

  55. 12:25 Learn some history. It isn't hard. You are already in your web browser. And stop watching cnn.

    1. 4:20 pm. News on television, what demographic watches cable television?

  56. 1:54 None so blind as those who stubbornly refuse to open their eyes. We all know Putin caused inflation ;)

  57. Another one:
    It is much easier to fool a person, than to convince one that he's been fooled.

  58. Current day America First has absolutely nothing to do with Christian Nationalism or being white. Weren’t the democrats the party in favor of slavery once? So by your logic they must still be a pro slavery party. Weren’t kkk members democrats. Your logic dictates that democrats wear a white hood and want to lynch black people. Stop the nonsense. Race baiting fear mongering has been so over played the effect is now an eye roll. America First means things like stop sending our money and soldiers to wage wars we have no business waging, secure our borders, incentivize American manufacturing, put Americans’needs above Ukrainians. A Mexican-American just flipped a majority Hispanic district in Texas red by running on an America First agenda. Hispanics are running toward America First because the democrats keep pandering to the insane progressives who thought Americans wanted to hear more about being queer, what color they are and who wins the victimhood crown. America First people don’t give a shit who you bang, what color you are or where your grandparents were born. I don’t practice any religion. Others I know practice different faiths. It ain’t a Christian thing. Your Marxist ideas are being rejected and every time you double down you send more people our way.

    1. 715 there is reading provided regarding America First and its ties to Christian nationalism. Democrats, Republicans, neither make a difference or present any challenge to the problems we face in the US. In response to pushing the conservative version of identity politics in regards to the election in Texas, I'd recommend looking into how it doesn't take White people to promote White nationalist ideas or to continue the historical trends established by the America First campaigns over the decades. The big contradiction, which i will point out, is right after saying America First people don't care about a collection of things, there is open rejection of an ideology that poses a challenge to Christian nationalism, that being Marxism, which is also oppositional towards Liberalism. Going after the Democratic party is meaningless as they share the common ideological goals as the Republican party, which is to keep capitalists in power. When buying into these faux social wars over identity, it is playing into the hands of the ruling class. Social conservatives are their pawns just as much as they say the "liberals" are. This is why nothing changes and why the working class continues to face the same struggles year after year. Garbage pay, vanishing pensions, and threats to social security. Class struggle is the only way out of this neverending loop, not the America First campaigns that represent the conservative wing of the ruling class and present absolutely no challenge to the status quo. I wish the working class luck in aligning against all the flanks of Liberalism present in the US, from Classical to Conservative. It is truly the only way. There is nothing further I will be engaging with on this comment section, but I do thank you for your responses. Discourse, even anonymous online discourse, is integral to uniting along class lines. Also, thank you James for allowing this lengthy detour.

    2. @12:11pm... too few will be able to see the forest through the trees. The ruling class water is strong and addictive.

  59. Good try trying to lump the current Republican Party with the radical liberal, cooperate , progressive or whatever you want to call the current Democratic Party. More liberal intellectual nonsense but I commend you for trying to deflect

  60. America First wants the opposite of what the ruling class wants. If you think we’re Nazis or Christian Nationalists, you’ve been drinking mainstream media kool aid. America First means put Americans first. In case you didn’t notice, Americans come in all different colors, races and religions. America First is not the conservative wing of the ruling class. That’s mainstream media propaganda. America First rejects progressives because they promote marxism, communism. Progressives believe the government knows what’s best for our children. They think it’s okay to tell children to keep secrets from their parents and join secret school clubs (see CA lawsuit. Attorney is Harmeet Dhillon) They think it’s ok to bring kids into a Dallas bar to stuff dollar bills into an adult’s panties. They think it’s ok to loot and burn down neighborhoods. They cheer on sending billions to fund a war in Ukraine that the ruling class will profit from. They tell black people they’re the face of white supremacy and they call Asians privileged and white adjacent. They tell white kids they must pay for the sins of slave owners even if that white kid’s great grandparents stepped off a boat in the 1920s. Progressive insanity turned Americans against democrats. It’s over for Progressives everywhere except big blue cities. America First vs GOP scumbags is the next battle. Many of you would actually agree with America First but you’ve been blinded by your hatred for Trump and you’ve believed every lie cnn or fox fed you.

  61. 7:35 I wasn't the author of whatever you're responding to, but would you say that the Democrats of today are akin to the Confederate Veterans? Because that's who started the KKK back then, and you would be laughed out of anywhere if you suggest that Democrats (of today) are aligned with the ideology of Confederates. I supposed that's what people mean when they say "the parties reversed their ideologies". It's as if Republicans are so ashamed of their past history and stance on things that they have to insist it was the Democrats, even as they embrace those same ideologies today. It's your argument that is feeble bs.

  62. 7:20 "we african americans have no gripe with the 45th"?? What?? He received a very small percentage of the vote, so speak for yourself. WTF. Maybe you like self-admitted racists to be in charge of policy.


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