Thursday, August 18, 2022


The New York City Department of Education announced Tuesday this coming school year's COVID guidelines for the schools. For those who want to jump to the highlights, The vaccine mandate stays but the daily health screening is gone and masks are only required after one is .

Some details from the DOE:


Vaccination is the best way to reduce COVID-19 risk. Encourage up to date COVID-19 vaccination for everyone six months or older.

Vaccination Requirements:

  • Vaccination is still required for all visitors entering school buildings
  • Vaccination is still required for all DOE employees
  • Vaccination is still required for other individuals who work in DOE buildings
  • Vaccinations is still required to participate in high-risk extracurricular activities including high-risk PSAL sports 

Daily Health Screener:

  • No longer required to enter school buildings 
  • Stay home if sick: Students and staff should stay home if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses and get tested for COVID-19. 
  • Isolate if COVID-19 positive: Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days and can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving. They must wear mask until day 10 after symptom onset or date of positive test, whichever is earlier.

These cases should be reported to their school so they can be reported into the situation room for exposure notifications.

  • Get tested if exposed to COVID-19: Students and staff who are exposed to COVID-19 should get tested.
These individuals should receive home tests from their school and take two tests, at least 24 hours apart on day 4 and day 5 of their exposure. All exposed individuals should monitor for fever and other COVID-19 symptoms for 10 days after their exposure. If symptoms begin, they should not attend school and should isolate and get tested for COVID-19 again right away.

  • Starting the first day of school, schools will offer home test kits to those with a potential in-school exposure and those with symptoms
  • In addition, each staff and student will receive 4 tests per month to take home. These tests can be used by school families for testing due to symptoms, exposures, high-risk activity (such as travel and large gatherings) and can give staff and students immediate results.
In-school PCR surveillance testing will not be a part of the 2022-23 school year.
Situation Room:

  • Schools will be required to report positive cases of COVID-19 to the situation room.
The Situation Room will provide schools with standardized communications for their communities and will notify school communities of cases in their schools through daily email and the Daily COVID map. 

  • Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn when indoors. Masks will be made available at the school for all those who need/want them.
  • Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask when:
Returning to school on the sixth day after testing positive for COVID-19, through day 10 after symptom onset or date of positive test, whichever is earlier, including when traveling on a school bus.
Entering the school medical room, nurse’s office, or school-based health center.
Exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at school.

Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are strongly recommended to wear a mask:
  • When they were exposed to someone with COVID-19, whether the exposure occurred in school or outside of school. The person should wear a mask for 10 days after their last day of exposure and get tested at least 24 hours apart on day 4 and day 5 of their exposure.
  • When they are moderately-to-severely immunocompromised, and masking is recommended by their healthcare provider.
  • In crowded indoor settings 
There is much more including when schools will be closed because of COVID (limited because of everything the DOE is doing according to them).


  1. Lol. And you wonder why we get destroyed during every negotiation.

    Nothing about grade fraud or student behavior or a million other issues, says the left wing hack.

    Schools are facing a shortage of *300,000* teachers nationwide. AFT President
    says it’s not just because of the low-pay or pandemic challenges.

    “The politics. When you have a DeSantis smearing teachers all the time… the politics have made things toxic.”

    1. Yeah right it’s desantis fault

    2. There is no shortage of teachers in NYC.

  2. James--
    Thank you for this information.

    Other than this blog, what would you recommend is the best source to get updates on the contract as negotiations commence/continue?
    Mulgrew has a terrible habit of closing the door on the membership and our input and then popping out months later announcing a new contract/memoranda like he is some vainglorious champion returning from a quest.


  3. Good.

    Time to move on from covid! I’ve had it twice. It’s the flu now.

    Even fauci isn’t trying to scare people anymore.

    The damage of the fear has been worse than the virus itself.

    You want the vax? Great. You don’t. Cool.

    Don’t segregate anymore. Ridiculous.

  4. Long Covid. It ain't the flu.

    1. 1) did you weaken your immune system?
      2) did you ever experience the long flu?
      3) perhaps a v.side effect.

  5. On the comments:
    The person trying to post the source that comes from anonymous donors that couldn't come close to passing a rudimentary fact check should remember we are not posting sources that can't pass a fact check. I have been a bit lax this summer because I really want to relax with my family but I haven't forgotten the basic rules (see below) Say what you want and criticize me all you like but back up what you say with reliable sources that can pass a Media Bias Fact Check review.

    As for the bigot who tries to post repeated in-your-face racist remarks, those comments are why we have to moderate. The outright bigot seems to have given up temporarily. Thank God. Some of you think it is a free-for-all here in the comments because we let through a very wide range of opinions. You will have to trust me that it isn't anything goes.

    The simple rules are: Keep it on topic or at least try to be close; try to keep the personal attacks out of the conversation. I try not to get overly offended by anonymous personal attacks but some are a bit over the top. Finally, back up what you say with reliable sources that can pass a rudimentary fact check.

    1. James, can you please clarify which sources you consider appropriate?
      Please, give examples of sources that you have considered NOT appropriate.

  6. If you are positive, stay home. If not, go to work. The whole isolation part is ridiculous. We need to move on as a society.

  7. Where did you earn your degree in infectious disease control?

  8. James, are you still using mediamatters as your fact-checking source?

  9. 245,

    I would hate to have you in my corner when life gets challenging. Do you fold up shop and go home?

    Covid is here forever! No more isolation, mandates, remote learning etc.

    If you do not want to be an adult and reliable, that’s cool.

    Stay on the porch and let the adults who want to work and live life go and so just that!

    You will see the light one day!

    Until then, new listening to fauci

    1. 3:42 its ignorance like yours that got us into trouble in the first place. Im not afraid of it, never caught it, but I damn sure don't go around thinking I'm bigger, stronger, smarter than COVID after its killed millions worldwide. Thats just reckless

    2. Actually, 6:51, you sound ignorant in this dialog. And arrogant.
      You would do well in 1939 Germany.

    3. 10:17 What is your obsession with 1939 Germany and Fauci? First understand the meanings of the words arrogance and ignorance before you can even begin to speak on 1939 Germany. I said nothing about mandates or tried to encourage you to take the vaccine, and yet you knee jerk to Germany as you always do. Its old and stale, and quite stupid.

    4. 10:15 is both ignorant and arrogant. Deffinetly would do well in 1939 Germany.
      What a jerk.

  10. Maybe the 2:45’s should start living and stop watching the news.

    You’re much happier if you do that.

    I’ve had covid 3 times.

    It gets weaker each time and it forced me to have motivation to quit smoking.

    1. 3:47 you must have a jacked up immune system to have caught it three times. Wash your hands or sumthin

    2. 6:47, wash your mouth.

  11. 2:58, We never used Media Matters. We use Media Bias-Fact Check to check facts. They are pretty fair as far as I can tell.

    1. Do these fact checkers have high school graduates factchecking? I can not imagine true professionals doing this kind of work.

    2. We have trained (NYS mandated) professionals in the schools who teach this to teachers and students. Official title is library media specialist or your school librarian. There is a critical shortage of the specially trained teachers who do this work. Sounds like you are in a building denied these services so are unaware of what you are entitled to...and they are members of the Teachers chapter UFT.

  12. 347
    How did you catch Covid 3 times ?
    I am vaccinated and don’t wear a mask. I believe in the vaccine and living my life.
    Do you go to go to Trump supporting rallies and ask everyone to breathe on you ?
    Clorox shots all around if you get it once more !!

    1. 540
      Trump supporters. LMAO. I am double vaxxed. Worked the whole year-no time for any rallies. I do not see how it is funny to you that I still got covid 3 times.

  13. I have been vaccinated and had a booster.

    Had covid twice after booster.

    I live my life. Both times, it was like the flu.

    They call everything covid now.

    Don’t believe the hype. Over 99 percent of people that get covid are ok.

    Jeez. I would hate having some of you in my corner when life gets tough.

    Go hide under your beds.

  14. 10:18 hey you're the one getting sick three times from COVID. And didn't you say you were smoking. That's a filthy habit, so for sure you need to wash your mouth, not that it will help. That smoke stays on your clothes, comes through your pores. I don't think anyone needs any personal hygiene advice from you.

  15. 540
    Bad choice of words on my part. Trying to go for the laugh but I realize it was not right sorry you got Covid 3 times.
    Keep safe and be well.

  16. 7:57 where has anyone said they're afraid of anything? I know one thing, when life gets tough I need people around me who are strong and healthy. Mentally and physically.

  17. 1017 what specifically in 651's post suggests that they would do well in 1939 Germany?

    "There’s an internet law, now more than 20 years old, known as Godwin’s Law of Nazi analogies. “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches.” The law perhaps ought to be introduced into everyday life. The phenomenon of the absurd, exaggerated comparison"

  18. 11:13 yep. when all else fails they'll throw in Nazi Germany. Its very lame

  19. James @10:23. Even though it's offensive I would have like to see the bigot's "in your face racist comments". Anytime someone points out that there are racist comments they're hold they're making it up or it's all in their head. It doesn't have to be "in your face", most of the time it's innuendos that they think people can't see through, or they simply don't care if you can see through it, because why say it at all. It just gives them an excuse to claim it wasn't racist when we know otherwise.

  20. Email me and I we can figure this out if you are really that interested.

  21. Figure what out? I wanted it posted so that it can be public. I don't need any convincing, I know there are blatant in your face racists on this board. The same ones who want people to stand by them as "fellow union members" with this mandate fiasco. Oh sure, I want them coming back to work. But maybe not them exactly, seems like they didn't hold firm on their principles, and took the shot anyway, and are now mad as hell about it. Lol.

  22. It’s funny how personal some of the commenters on here take everything.

    Take everything w a grain of salt and wish everyone well.

    We all don’t have to agree. Learn how to have dialogue.

    Like I said, I would hate having some of you in my corner when times get challenging.

    Then again, a lot of teachers still want to be remote rather than toughen up and go to work in a building. Haha.

    I’m sure that comment will get some people all raged up. Can’t wait to read the insults!

  23. 4:57 people in general prefer working remotely and not necessarily because of COVID. The price of gas, commute time, not dealing with students' behavior. Many reasons that don't have to do with COVID. And you talk dialogues while you take your own potshots.

  24. 9:45, except you couldn't and can't find one comment that would line up with your ridiculous comment. Go ahead let's see it fool, comment and timestamp. You wear your ignorance on your sleeve. Actually on your forehead like a flashing red light. Aren't you a Trump supporter and didn't he say he wanted your allegiance like they had in 1939 Germany. You're a dope. You're so mad at the mandate and blaming everyone around you even anonymous people online. Lol.

  25. The ignorance in the comments at 9:45 and scattered throughout are exactly why I don't feel one bit guilty for not supporting the "anti-mandaters". I couldn't give a damn how much they whine and wail and how many insults they throw I would not support their coming back. Not that they have given any specifics on what this support would look like. Maybe they just want people to declare it on this board because that would change what exactly? Does anyone even know. Lol.

    Unfortunately for all of their howling I would bet money that they took the vaccine just like most other people and now are just mad and pretending they stood on principle. They didn't. They say if Camille changes her mind, they'll reconsider supporting her. As if she cares one bit. Unlike them, Camille stands on principle and is not going to change her mind on a whim or to get their stinky little vote. LOL.

  26. It has been the most profound experience of my life to watch people I thought were capable for critical thought line up to take the shots, and then shoot up their children, and then treat me like a lunatic without listening or looking into any of my objections.

    Profound and devastating, but at least I know where I stand.

    Keep making excuses for your ignorance and cowardice.

  27. "shoot up their children". Oh yeah, that sounds rational. Why should anyone care about your objections. Do you harass people about their choices in real life too? No wonder they treat you like a lunatic. So I guess we won't have to hear you complaining about how your day is going since you won't have a job at a NYC school right? Finally some good news around here. You're the coward, you made a decision and haven't stopped griping about it yet. Oh yeah, real brave.

  28. @8:21 Oh, the drama queen. "Profound and devastating". It's a frigging vaccine. You want people to respect your choices while you call people ignorant and coward for theirs? Is that how it works? There's a reason people who know you call you a lunatic and don't want to listen to you. Who are you that anyone has to listen to your objections? How do you know what they've researched on their own? You assume you're the Grand Poobah of vaccines? Maybe it's because you don't make any sense and are regurgitating hysterical propaganda.

  29. Vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. Why are our union brothers and sisters still fired?

  30. 1236,

    We don’t work a job meant to be remote…ever!

  31. I thought masks didn't work anyway.

  32. 853 AM,

    Not according to the libs in my school. They put everything on google classroom so students didn't have to attend and can pass.

    Just had 6 weeks of summer school, I had to show up in person, students stayed home, didn't even bother to log in. AP said it's fine as long as they do the work.

    So much for a $38B budget.

  33. 907,

    A lot of the masks were proven not to work. Still, a lot of people wear them no matter what. Their choice.

    My issue is too many people just listen to fauci no matter what. Remember fauci said to double mask? Many people did. Fauci said take paxlovid. Many people did and got covid again.

    Trump was brutal for this country w covid, but fauci sucked, too! Haha.

  34. lol. Walensky said they fucked up. Birx said she repeatedly mislead Trump. They openly lied to the American people.

  35. @8:50 did you ask this question of Adams, or Hochul? Did you bother to call, write, or attend a town hall? I remember before the mandate was imposed, and before much was known about transmission rates,there was talk of having those who were not vaccinated tested and there was a big brouhaha about that. The unvaccinated didn't want to use their own time, they wanted to do it during the workday. Who was supposed to provide the coverage? It was about power and control. The evidence shows that the vaccine prevents serious illness and death. So if I were in charge of an organization, or a small business and there was a vaccine that would help to prevent serious illness to the WORKERS then yes, I would try and do what I could to minimize my damages and potential disruption to the workplace. Yes, we can both get sick, but the science shows that the unvaccinated will get sicker, for longer.

    The unvaccinated may not believe it, and they have a right to be profoundly devastated because people won't listen to them, but they don't have a right to tell others what to believe. They also have a choice to work someplace else.

  36. 10:05 Trump was lying way before Birx had his ear. I hope you're including Trump is your comment that "they lied". He admitted it to Bob Woodward and it's on tape.

  37. 8:50 they're only your "union brothers and sisters" when you can get something out of it. That's not how it works. Get lost.

  38. 9:30, if you can capture their attendance and give them the option that would only make it better for you. Isn't everyone always complaining about student behavior? There's your answer. In fact, I'm going to suggest it for my own classes. Some students love coming to school because that's where they see their friends. But the AP cannot force you to teach in person and also keep the work on Google Classroom. They don't pay you extra for that, but they should.

  39. Ok Big Brother @ 10:43. Im force sterilizing your son bc I hear he gets around and may spread disease or cause unwanted pregnancies. Im taking the car keys from pops at dusk because boomers have more accidents at night and your chubby grandkid never gets an ice cream cone. And after I shut down every bar, liquor store and Burger King I’m having every stray cat in the neighborhood shot bc the kid next door is allergic. Try minding your business.

  40. Nobody forced vaccinated you, least of all me. You sound irrational. And you wonder why your friends and family say you're nuts. Now I know why. ROFLMAO You say mind my business as if I care. You want me to care, I dont. A good friend doesn't vaccinate so she's homeschooling. She was so angry but she took the shot because she needs to work as a nurse. She doesn't blame her coworkers and beg them to fight her battles. Stop whining, grow up, stop bitching and stop blaming others. You have no power to force anything but keep fantasizing.. You would be the last person I'd call in to help. You can't even save your own ass on this issue.LOL

  41. @1148 are you ok? Do you need help? Tell us, who force vaccinated you?

  42. Folks, you’re anonymous. What’s the point of insulting each other? I could understand better if there were a malicious instigator and people would feel the need to defend their blog ID or actual name. This is such a waste.

  43. 11:25. Theyre only your friends if you can get something out of them. Look… Mind reading motives isn’t just your specialty. Anyone can do it. Still waiting for fired union brothers and sisters to be rehired after being fired for a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission. You still want them fired evidently.

    12:34 stop whining and crying like a wittle baby. Waaaaahhhh. No one forced you to read these comments. Anyone can say stupid shit like this too.

  44. The pandemic’s wrongest man, an occasional series (bye-bye Tony Fauci edition)

  45. 8:56 Except I'm not mind reading, your posts are there for all to see and you are fantasizing, or delusional.

    You're the one whining and waahing about not being supported. It's so embarrassing for a grown person to be publicly begging for support. What next, threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue? I'd pay money to see that. Not my problem that you don't like to read the responses to your stupid shit. I doubt you care anything about your "fellow union leaders". You just enjoy bitching and whining and I love laughing at you doing it. Poor widdle thing you, nobody's supporting you?

  46. With covid now being officially over, it’s biggest fear hyper dr fauci is now leaving ! Long overdue.

    Trump first, ow fauci! Two divisive people.

  47. 8:56 were you the one who posted that you were profoundly devastating, or some other nonsense because people didn't want to listen to your objections, and that they thought you were insane?

  48. Oh well, it's a wrap. Mulgrew confirms department of health does not rescind vaccine mandate. You lose again 8:56. Was looking forward to hearing you rant at Mulgrew about this but not a peep. Why not boo?

  49. Covid over?
    It may seem so, but 8 New York City residents a day would disagree with you:

    Percent positive 10.1% Decreasing
    Cases (daily average) 2,395 Decreasing
    Case rate (7-day rate per 100,000 people) 218.57
    Hospitalizations (daily average) 73 Decreasing
    Hospitalization rate (7-day rate per 100,000) 14.05
    Inpatient COVID bed occupancy (7-day average) 7.81%
    Deaths (daily average) 8 Decreasing
    Updated: August 22, 2022

  50. Covid over?
    It would seem so, but approximately 8 NYC residents a day would disagree with you.

    Percent positive 10.1% Decreasing
    Cases (daily average) 2,395 Decreasing
    Case rate (7-day rate per 100,000 people) 218.57
    Hospitalizations (daily average) 73 Decreasing
    Hospitalization rate (7-day rate per 100,000) 14.05
    Inpatient COVID bed occupancy (7-day average) 7.81%
    Deaths (daily average) 8 Decreasing

  51. lol Dawkins go wear 3 masks and chill out, wow 8 people a day. Thousands of kids were dying during flu season. How many boosters have you taken? Hope the immune system can handle the flu and other virsuses.

  52. Which is it? One minute someone posts "Covid is here forever! No more isolation, mandates, remote learning etc." The next time someone will post "With covid now being officially over".

    They can't both be true but I'd bet that both of these comments are made by those who are against the vaccine. You guys can't even make up your minds about this and people are supposed to listen to you?

    1. It’s will be here forever, as a cold or flu.

  53. Thank you 9:28 for agreeing with me that it's not over and for your well wishes regarding my health.
    The same to you and yours.

    Thank you 10:34 for your observation.

  54. Youtube updated its policies to no longer ban claims that masks do not play a role in preventing spread of COVID

    Essentially, you are now allowed to claim masks don't work

  55. 8:47 your source for that? I've heard it will be here forever, but not necessarily as a cold and a flu. There's still a lot of unknowns regarding potential unknowns. Thats what I've read. It could come back with a vengeance. Not saying we should live in fear, or mask up again. Im just saying, it is what it is.

  56. 9:28--
    Thank you agreeing with me that it's not over and for your well wishes regarding my health.
    Same to you.

    Thank you for your observation.

  57. typo @1:40: *unknowns regarding potential mutations.

  58. Still cheering at the firing of fellow union members in the comment section. Union traitor. That’s who you are. I wanted the vaccine, dipshit. Still have a job. The difference between us is that I give a shit about union members who were fired over a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission. I want them rehired. You don’t.

    1. 10:35 no, the difference is that you're a hypocrite and haven't answered as to what exactly you have done about it. Are you going to show an email that you wrote? We know that noone brought brought up the issue during the town hall. You're a fraud. On your soapbox casting stones and you haven't done a thing, and the icing on cake is you took the vaccine after calling people 1939 Germans for taking their shot. You're an idiot!

  59. 10:35 "waah, waah, waah", you poor thing. You went for "no sir, yes sir". I knew it. I didn't hear you put a question to Mulgrew about it. You could've have at least tried to "include it as contract negotiations". Nothing, eh. Just blowing smoke as usual. Lol. "I Want". That's what it's all about, eh. What you want. Nobody cares about what you want fool. What have you done about it? Nothing, that's what. Big fucking baby "I want, I want".

  60. 10:35 Coming to a blog and repeating "why are our union brothers and sisters still not rehired" is not exactly back breaking work to get them rehired. When you go outside and march for them, then somebody will care. Lol.

  61. 10:35 you called people "good Germans" for taking the shot, and now you're saying you took the vaccine? Wow. ROFLMAO.

  62. 1035, where is the cheering, and where is anyone saying they don't want them rehired? Thanks

  63. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

  64. Still no answer on the cheering. Didnt think so.

  65. Very glad Covid health screenings and temp screenings are done. All ridiculous.

    No more masks. Let’s get back to doing what we do best and that is putting in a good effort and controlling what we can control.

    I’m going to get ripped for this, but all we can control is what we put forth. Be positive and do your best.

    If you do that, you can sleep well and it’s not a bad job.

    If a kid wants to learn, they will. If not, then you have it your best.

  66. 12:32 I agree, but some people don't put in a good effort and expect others to pick up the slack, like the fake and phony @ 12:00 who never lets a day go by without whining about something.

    Still you're right, it's not a bad job. Unfortunately some of the kids who don't want to learn spoil it for everyone else, because it's not as if they're just going to sit there quietly, or not come at all. And therein lies the challenge. Some like @12:00 just give up altogether while collecting a paycheck.

  67. typo @ 1:37 "who you think hasn't done shit."

  68. 4:40 who are you that you think you should insult anyone as if "union brothers and sisters" had anything to do with the Mayor's decision.

    You sound dumb as fuck calling the Nazi sympathizers "good Germans". Like I said the good Germans, and there were many, provided sanctuary. It just shows where your head is as far as who you think the good Germans were and are now embarrassed as you should be that it was pointed out, and as you usually do, blame others. LOL. You probably sound just as stupid in the classroom. You're exposed fool.

  69. 4:40 <----exposed for saying that those who sided with those who were rounding up people were the "good Germans". You said it, I didn't fool. Embarrassing!

  70. James why did you remove all of the posts? You left the responses and removed the posts that were responded to.

  71. 722 doesn’t know the term “good Germans” was coined long ago and for a specific reason. Learn some history, dumbazzzzz.

  72. Really? Because the posts at 12:00 and 4:40 were removed and one can't remove their own posts unless one uses a specific name.

  73. Posts went POOF, but nobody removed them. Sure.

  74. I normally don't have the time to remove things that are posted unless someone complains and then we review it. Show me what you are talking about.

  75. 8:53 you're the dumbazz. The term is usually used for those who remained silent. Not those who rounded people up or "cheered them on". And I'll tell you something else dummy, if anyone was to use that term when speaking of Germans who rounded people or actively worked against the jewish people it would be more decent to use quotation marks around the word "good". Keep making excuses for comparing NYC teacher to good germans who in your view rounded people up.

    "Good Germans is an ironic term — usually placed between single quotes such as 'Good Germans' — referring to German citizens during and after World War II who claimed not to have supported the Nazi regime, but remained silent and did not resist in a meaningful way."

    In a million fucking years I would never refer to nazi sympathizers as good germans. Moron. Did you ask that your foul posts be removed? Coward.

  76. Also, 8:53 despite your desperate attempts to make it seem that the dumbazz is the person who doesn't give you a pass on YOUR use of the term good Germans (without the quotes), it is STILL disgusting to compare NYC teachers to them because teachers chose to take a vaccine against a disease and are now just moving on with their lives and want to discuss how to manage in the year ahead. Teachers on this blog didn't "round up" their colleagues for the vaccine. Your thinking is extremely twisted.

    What have you done about bring teachers back, other than to lose your shit on this board, and rail against NYC teachers pretending you care so much about your "union brothers and sisters", so much that you've done, well, absolutely nothing. Still no email to show where you've written to Mulgrew, Adams, or DiBlasio before him. What happened to asking a question at the town hall, to inquire about including it in contract negotiations? Fucking Phony. Get a life.

  77. Moron, they’re good Germans because they allowed their fellow union members to be fired. Some even cheered for it. Not because they took a shot. You still want your colleagues unemployed. I don’t.

  78. 8:07 <---more moronic rants from the anti-semitic troll. Says teachers "allowed" the firing as if teachers had the authority to stop it. As if s/he stopped it. You're stuck on stupid and you like it there.

  79. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦


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