Saturday, August 27, 2022


Sue Edelman got various kinds of reactions in her article on Bryant High School's not so teacher friendly Principal Namita Dwarka's promotion to Queens High School South Deputy Superindendent.

For example, Councilmember Robert Holden:

“It’s a new low for the DOE,” said City Councilman Robert Holden (DO-Queens), who has urged Chancellor David Banks to crack down on school culture that turns a blind eye to academic fraud in schemes to boost graduation rates. “She shouldn’t be working in the DOE, much less in a leadership role."

Also, our friend Sam Lazarus:

"She was the one willing to do the dirty work,” said Sam Lazarus, a former teacher and UFT chapter leader. “It was not a happy place.”

This is not your average Department of Education reassignment of a principal. The DOE is sending a strong message by promoting to a nearly $200,000 a year job someone who has been so open about giving teachers low ratings on observations and pressuring teachers to pass virtually everyone whether they do course work or not. They are telling teachers we are basically in the fourth Bloomberg term in education. Teachers are the villains. It feels a bit like 2009.

Promoting Dwarka following the made up budget crisis to expand the Absent Teacher Reserve pool, opposition to the lower class size bill in Albany that has overwhelming legislative support and no contract negotiations despite the fact that the UFT Contract expires in mid September and inflation is running high tells us we are not valued by this administration.

It is not just teachers who are being ignored as Michael Mulgrew reported on Monday that most municipal unions in NYC are working under expired contracts but there are no negotiations ongoing.

The unions are so weak in NYC that they can't even bring Mayor Adams to the bargaining table with expred contracts.We have no strike threat or even a major bad publicity threat so we are in for collective begging when Adams agrees to let us grovel.

Sue Edelman called me for a comment on the Dwarka story on Friday and I told her that Sam and Chapter Leader Georgia Lignou know more than me about Dwarka. I also stated for the record that in advancing Dwarka, Chancellor David Banks is sending a powerful anti-teacher, anti-labor message that the Mayor and Chancellor are so thoroughly opposed to the teachers they will promote someone who rated so many teacher observations so poorly and made so many lives miserable. Not surprisingly, my comment didn't make it into the Post piece. 

Expect the UFT excuses on why we can't do anything to get a decent on-time contract to be commencing soon.


  1. I guess James missed the town hall. The excuses were already given. City is broke, others expired, etc. Is this a surprise? But it would be worse if people didn’t pay dues.

    Mulgrew made $350K in 2019, so he must be closing in on $400K. And he gets his expenses paid for as well, like travel to conventions.

    He says all these things (DOE disrespects us, we have all these problems, they don't follow the contract, they won't give us a new contract, they say they're broke) like he is just a guy complaining, like I do. He is the UFT President. If it's too much work for him, he should quit.

  2. She is black and a Democrat. What more qualifications do you need for the DOE. Department of Empowerment! Hail to the Dumbocrats!

    She has ruined the careers of countless teachers, including young, male teachers who she went after when they refused to date her. She is a sociopath, and that has nothing to do with her skin color. Now, instead of having the ability to terrorize one building full of teachers, she will be allowed to terrorize the teachers and administrators in 30 schools. Does the DOE not understand that there is a teacher shortage? Oh wait, of course it does. The goal is to completely privatize the system, and people like this ensure the failure of the public system. Way to go, Adams and Banks.

    Public education in nyc is clown sow of DEMS ruining it.

  3. I wonder if any people ever filed complaints against Namita Dwarka with the NYS Education Department (NYSED).

    If the allegations of grade fixing and intimidation are true, then NYSED needs to do an appropriate investigation followed by appropriate action.

    The Commissioner of Education is Betty A. Rosa at

    The Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs is Daniel Morton-Bentley at

    Ms. Dwarka holds an English 7-12 Permanent Certificate and a School District Administrator Permanent Certificate from NYSED.

    Her certificates can be verified at Teacher Certification Lookup:

  4. The title is a very good way of putting it. It absolutely does let us know that they are not on the side of teachers. It's clear they don't care about the complaints and concerns of teachers, and therefore parents and students have to come forth before the DOE will listen to anything. But it's also clear that we cannot let Administration coerce us into doing anything that could jeopardize our jobs. They get promoted and we'll be out of job.

    1. @10:11 am. Parents and students should come forth. Let's start with teachers telling parents and students that in spite of not being prepared for promotion/graduation, the principal and DOE insist that we fool you. Speak up folks. And yes, Dwarka's promotion proves that she did a great job for the DOE.

  5. 11:11 James is not just like you, a guy complaining. James dedicates his time to bring attention to the issues and he and Camille made a real concerted effort to replace Mulgrew. They show up to town halls and other hearings and try and have their voices heard. To top it off he allows people like you to voice opposing view. Nope, he's not like you at all.

  6. For those of us who worked under the relentless quest for tyranny, this is a sick joke, and a nightmare. For those outside of her system, and even outside of the DOE, it is very easy to understand that it does not correlate to have such high graduation rates, and such low teacher ratings. You’d have to be a complete moron to not comprehend this. I will never, ever, trust anyone in this administration or a single word of what they say or do, after this despicable promotion.

    1. But the uft didn’t help? You called it tyranny. And they let this horrible person get such a powerful position? Strongest union in the country.

  7. 10:38 you worked under her?

    1. Yes, I was new and eventually I got out. It was very hard as an untenured educator to feel comfortable and I knew my plan was just to get out. I watched her make people ineffective and become discontinued. My plan worked, and I will never forget the experience.

  8. They did the same thing with Robert Zweig at Offsite Educational Services and then GED Plus. Promoted him to D79 Deputy Superintendent after being a yes man for Tim Lisante and the previous Superintendent from California. Completely trashed D79 and went after people he didn’t like, including people that exposed his adulterous ways with his AP.

    He got his in the end. Lost his position along with Tim in the latest shakeup. Tim and Bob couldn’t escape their skin color I guess! 😂😂😂


  9. It seems that the DOE rewards those who are corrupt. I guess they should add that to their requirements when recruiting employees. This week alone in the New York Post were two articles about this corruption- a principal who was accused of insurance fraud and now Ms. Dwarka gets a promotion. I’m sure there’s more to follow. This will not stop here. Stay tuned.

  10. Completely 100% agree with you @10:15. Thank you for saying it. Could not have said it better. I will add one thing, however, What are all you complainers doing besides complaining? Nothing, That’s what. If you dedicated your time like James (and Camille) do, instead of complaining, THAT would make.a huge difference. YOU are the reason nothing ever changes.

  11. Is the new hearing on the budget cuts really moved to September 29th? It was originally scheduled for August 29th, but I have read that it is now at the end of September from two different sources. I believe the Gothamist was one. They wrote an article saying how schools will start before the hearing. Is this true?

  12. 1248

    Well, anyone that complained about that skank Dwarka or her lackies (M Morales) got a 3020A and a fine...except for that gym teacher Maliarakis who got a $200K settlement.

    Hey're doing nothing!

  13. I really don't think I can go back to work in the fall and I'm not sure what to do. I think my anxiety about returning is causing me health issues. No job is worth getting sick over. It's too late for me to resign in good standing. What other options do I have?

    1. I don’t know. That’s a terrible position to be in. I know the UFT has people you can talk to, counselors and people who can advise about this. I would call first thing tomorrow morning . You may want to consider taking a leave, and if that can work out, you could then go from there, one way or the other. You may find that you just need a different perspective on it all. Coming here may not be the best thing.

  14. Wonder what chronie job Moises Morales and Huevos will get

  15. Wonder what chronie job Moises Morales and Huevos will get...

  16. We can turn this around and make it a positive. When we get in trouble for yelling at a student or doing something fraudulent, we can point out how she got promoted and yet had countless complaints against her. I would say don't tell me about rules when a corrupt principal like Dwarka can move ahead. I'm going to act just like her so I can get a promotion from the DOE too.

  17. Take a restoration of Health leave. Use all your days. Submit retirement letter 30 days b4 leaving. Or, feel better and go back.

  18. Being a teacher is like being a cop.

  19. I’ve been thinking about this as well. I want to resign, relocate or maybe choose a different career, but as a single parent I feel trapped. Lots of bills and other things that need tending to. My anxiety is through the roof. Not to mention the extreme guilt trips I get when I express this to family or colleagues.

  20. I had a co-worker leave on a day's notice. She sat down with the Principal and had to get chewed out for over 30 minutes. From what I heard she didn't even flinch, and then she was gone. I don't think it's going to affect your good standing to leave on short notice. Even people who don't work for DOE understand that it's quite the challenge working in NYC DOE schools. Do what Administration does on a daily basis and just come up with a lie on why you have to leave.

  21. For you people here that wonder where the UFT is in all this, the answer is, in the tank. As for parents, don't expect them to come to the rescue either. First of all, when parents did try to protest Dwarka, she threatened to destroy their kids. Parents were kicked off the PTA & basically banned from the building. All with DOE approval. For every story that got out, there were dozens that didn't.

    As for the UFT, when parents protested he appointment & wanted her removed from the school, the reps for the UFT & DOE were laughing it up about the protest while it was going on. Amused by the whole situation. (side note: the CSA stayed out of it, because they represent both APs & staying out of it, they took sides)

    Everything you read about the school is true & so much more, but as for the grading controversy, that is system wide. Every school lives under that still existing "turnaround sword". Remember, to this day, Tweed & the DOE are run by Bloomberg toadies. The system is still run under those policies and no matter what the R&F say, the UFT & Unity refuse to use it's access and resources to expose this. Even a simple stand to take against the Fair Student Funding is too much for Mike Mulgrew & his lackeys. It is long past the point of no return, because no administration will be the one that saw the numbers collapse.

    The DOE is not interested in creating a better schools system. If they were, they would not continue to employee folks like Dwarka or her compatriot from one of her past stops, Howie Kwait, who had the DOE pay off four harassment lawsuits before promoting him.

    For the last 20+ years, the DOE & the anti-public school crowd have been allowed to take what was once the best public school system in the country (whatever warts it had & all) and turn it into just another system. Never forget the damage done by the one bipartisan issue that both political parties got behind (thanks for Gates, Coleman & Co), education reform. From NCLB & RttT, the damage done to the education system will likely never be repaired.

    1. Well put @ 9:05 pm. So what are the solutions? One solution is a unified "front line" ie teachers/counselors. Unified within their school, district and city. Be a pack. If one person is targeted in the building everyone follows suit. Stop passing students who don't deserve to be passed. Use the academic policy as your sword. Use emails and record record record. There is safety in numbers. The DOE has figured you out--they separate you from the pack and attack/retaliate/harass. You can do the same thing to them. You have the power.

    2. Uft is in the tank. But James said we need them. But 100% membership. But only 3 people out of 160k opted out. But but but

    3. Lol w4s. Stop passing people. Nobody in my school would ever do that. They pass people with sub 20% attendance.

    4. @1059am. We know this. They aren't alone. Being of poor character, low values and morals are rampant throughout this country.

  22. It wasn't until I started working in DOE that I saw that there are a lot of teachers on anti-anxiety, or high blood pressure medication. A friend of mine was the Union Rep for the school where Ayetiwa is the Principal, and there were so many cases that she almost died when she became so sick and was hospitalized. She caught a severe case of shingles brought on by stress and almost lost her eye. She never returned and retired after that. She commanded respect from the students and her peers, but Ayetiwa came in after a Principal's retirement and proceeded to destroy a lot of lives and careers.

    Our health should be number 1 priority so that we can live to fight another day for our own families. Not sure what it is about teaching but it is filled with toxicity, and turns administrators (at least some) into cold, callous, mean-spirited and vindictive beings. But it is in this toxic and swampy environment that these seeds, these children, are supposed to be cultivated to thrive and blossom into their best selves.

    What I try to do is remember that while I can't change the students or my Admin, I can change my thoughts so that I am not angry about the current conditions. I also try to project what I want to get back and that has helped me to not view the students as negatively as I once did and surprisingly they respond to that. That doesn't mean I'm not firm, just like parents know about their own children, they do best when there's consistency. Go for a massage, reike, anything that can help center you. I usually play nice soft music when students work independently, it helps to soothe them and me. I hope everyone makes out ok.

    1. Beautiful and kind @10;24, pm. Also find a colleague to laugh with. It's a job. Do your best and then leave the stress of it at the door when you leave in the afternoon. Finally im sure there is a funny student in the class or one who keeps to their self. They want to learn so always be prepared to give rigorous work. Do your best. Have a beautiful school year and remember to do your best and leave the bulls^it in the school building at the end of the work day. The DOE hired you for 7 hours. No more.

    2. Lol. Another happy member.

    3. Inappropriate 10:14

  23. For those of you that feel like leaving, get out. Teaching in NYC used to be really a joy when I started thirty years ago. Things made a marked change for the worse beginning around the time of Bloomberg. After that, it's been downhill from there. I'm not saying that things didn't need to change even way back when, but the state of teaching and learning in NYC now is pretty hopeless. I have zero hope of things turning around. You can't do anything to effect a change under these current circumstances, but it'll change you. It'll change you for the worse. Escape now with your health and sanity.

  24. Congratulation to the teachers at Bryant high school. You will now have a new principal in September.

  25. There is an attorney, Samuel J. Finnessey, Jr., at the NYS Education Department at He is the Director of the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability (OSPRA):

    OSPRA has a complaint form:

    OSPRA generally takes complaints seriously and doesn't sweep them under the carpet.

  26. Unfortunately it is moments like this one where you start to see the true colors of an Administration. Eric Adams and David Banks really had a chance to make some huge changes after we just endured the worst Mayor in the history of New York City. The best thing one can do in this system is to keep their head down, stay out of the limelight, and go about your daily business. This Administration will not support you. They will promote people who have been horrible influences and figures. I believe this is the second promotion of this type in the past few weeks.

    James, I honestly hope you and the advocates that won to represent Secondary Education break off from the UFT and form your own Middle School/High School Union. Maybe then we can have "United Change" on Elementary Level and Secondary Education. Maybe I am wrong on this but I just never see any positive change for our educators. It's just become so disappointing. This new contract needs to come through before the end of 2022. No more back pay without interest.

    1. Well, Bloomberg, worst for Ed, De Blasio overall

  27. Happiness is having zero expectations...or

    Mind over matter..if you dont mind it dont matter

    take care of your health ..the DOE DOEsnt care

  28. I was bamboozled by Adams and Banks. I thought that we finally had leaders who would address the corruption of the DOE; instead they have added to it. The malfeasance is unbelievable, partially because there is no effort to disguise it.

    Why not hold the DOE responsible to improve their own schools? If the DOE schools imposed the discipline that the charter schools employ, that would dramatically improve the DOE schools.

    How are Adams and Banks not mortified, humiliated, and repentant of their behavior and decisions when seeing the awful state of NYC and the schools under their leadership? How many sociopaths do we have leading NYC and the DOE? I feel incredible despair living in NYC and being a teacher.

    I know nothing will change for the better. I just hope I live long enough to have a long happy retirement, (in few years), and move out of NY.

    1. @741am. They are politicians. Some politicians are good. Some are not good. The system keeps on churning. I do know one thing--the system feeds off willing people to keep it running.

  29. It was the parents who drove the revisiting of the smaller class sizes, and it is parents all over the country to are leading the drive to ban books (not that I support that at all). In both cases they have the backing of community leaders (or in the case of the book bans political leaders). Dwarka banning them means nothing. It's like going to the fox to ask him to stop attacking the chickens. Even with DOE approval. The DOE is not much different than any other organization that you go to them with a problem, think they're going to help you, and next thing you know, you're the target because their goal, which I found out through first hand experience, is to protect their own interests. In the DOE that would mean making it seem that the teachers acted on their own with the grade fraud so that they don't get their asses sued or taken over by the State.

    The media is on it, but they're got other important things to do so the idea would be to keep the pressure on while the iron is hot and the best way to do that is pressure from the parents. They can take it to the media, or local representative, or the State. There's obviously more than one way to attack this, but whatever is happening now isn't working.

    You can't change the system (and that's actually one of the first things they told us in our teaching fellow training, and now I know why), but we can change things in our little corner of the world. Or we can admit defeat and stay and be miserable, or leave and worry about how we'll pay our bills but those are not the only two choices. It's a lot of work for sure, but there are teachers in some of the most challenging schools, who are content and not feeling abused. Organize a trip with the students, go to and get donations to get some really cool stuff for your room. You really don't have to be miserable even if we work in one of the most challenging environments I've worked in, in my life.

  30. Differs by district and school, but overall I agree, since Bloomberg the directives, micromanagement and additional tasks have gotten increasingly worse or rather increasingly compounded, and making people who care, work hard and are good at what they do roll dice year after year over whether they will be able to properly support their families . . . For many the job only makes sense as a career that provides a decent retirement plan.

    But keep in mind things have been in flux, APPR keeps getting waived and probably won’t be significantly competitive again for another year or two. Most schools will still be including some degree of Online learning, perhaps indefinitely now. The last thing before the pandemic the Board of Regents was considering involved changing or ditching the Regents exams. And the country is aware of the teacher shortage. Virginia was just offering $10,000 bonuses for teachers to
    work there. Don’t do it. That speaks for itself.

  31. Dont worry, you can oust Mulgrew in 2025. Remember, if you’d pay dues, you can vote.

  32. In my early 20s and long before I thought of becoming a teacher I dated someone who worked in Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability (OMRDD). One of his job responsibilities was to respond to the concerns to a woman named Goody. Originally he was supposed to keep her in check but they became allies. I met her when we traveled to Albany for a legislators' conference. Goody was a petite black woman. She was loud, obnoxious, low income, didn't dress well, and was not well spoken. She was traveling with us all expenses paid to an annual Legislator's Conference in Albany, and I wasn't happy that she was in our circle at all. She was the parent of a severely disabled young woman. The severely disabled weren't tended to properly and Goody took it upon herself to effect change for her daughter, but also the disabled community in general. She shared some of her escapades like the time she made it to the office of a legislator and locked herself in with a soiled diaper that hadn't been changed by a facility. It wasn't just those antics, she made calls, wrote letters, showed up, and it took years and change came slowly, but it did come. I'm sure her name is not included in those changes anywhere. Going back home I had a newfound respect for her and it was such a privilege to be in her presence. We traveled by train because of weather conditions and on the way back home a someone recognized my friend and approached him about a situation with their own daughter. She was desperate and was sharing her story when my friend in the good suit pointed to Goody and told her that Goody would be a better resource and contact for her. She looked Goody up and down, and turned back to my friend. I learned a couple of really important lessons on that trip: don't judge a book by it's cover, and even though she didn't fight alone, never underestimate a determined individual's ability to effect change.

    1. @11:15am. What a beautiful story. I might add that if you look a little longer at your students you will find "Goodies" wink wink. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Yes, one unrelenting advocate can do a lot. But the change being discussed is largely within or just beyond the job description.

  34. Corruption, dishonesty, and qbusiveness pays off in the DOE of NYC.

  35. Less than minimum wage.

    Re: new teachers- see below. How is our union permitting this? Is this new?
    “New Teacher Week will begin with a central in-person event at Kings Theatre, featuring remarks from Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks, followed by two days of professional learning where new teachers report to schools around the city to attend and complete various modules on Zoom and platform called WeLearnNYC.
    The problem? New DOE teachers will receive a paltry $51.70 for attending each full day of training.
    Each of the three days of training will be from 8:30am – 3:30pm, with a 50 minute lunch. That’s 420 minutes per day inclusive of lunch and 370 minutes without lunch.”

  36. LOL. But it would be worse if we didn;t have mulgrew.

  37. 12:35 what do you mean "within or beyond job description"? There are several issues that are part of this discussion, include school wide grade fraud, holding Dwarka responsible for the damage she's caused, abuse in general.

  38. 2:03 they should take that up with the union. That's another issue that teachers have, thinking that every issue is something to be upset about.

  39. waitingforsupport @8:01. Agreed. We don't have a united front when some are trying to pander to Admin to stay on their good side. That is classic divide and conquer and yet it's bragged about. It's interesting that you use the term "be a pack", because that's exactly what they do, and by they I speaking of Admin and students. They close ranks to meet their goals (with students it could be to get away with getting nothing done during that class). Listening to some of these stories I guess I should thank my lucky stars. If I was working in some of these environments that are so stressful, I would go through hell and high water to find another, more suitable environment. That would have been my job for the summer, finding something else.

  40. Any news about the court case to restore funds?

  41. 10:14 your comment of "another happy member" is very curious. So you enjoy feeling hopeless and miserable? People can't simply quit a job, so should they not try and find coping skills to get through the day? Very weird that you think it's cute to mock a post that is not written in misery. Its certainly not written for people like you just want to complain and stay in your unhappy state. It bothers you when people are not disgruntled because it throws a wrench into your "but pay dues" and "quit now because there's no hope" mindset which is all you've got. Its no wonder people have such high anxiety.

  42. Good news!

    Eric Adams is at the us open instead of giving us a tiny raise. Thank you Mulgrew.

  43. So there was no hearing today?

    1. Hearing on funding lawsuit not until late September now

  44. Randi is a radical who cruelly forced school shutdowns and hurt millions of children.

    You think she cares about teachers?

  45. I guess mm doesn’t realize a nyc house is $700k plus. Contract?

  46. Why is Mulgrew not saying anything about a principal who committed fraud, a lot of corruption, and has abused basically the whole staff?

    1. @548pm. I think it's an old habit from his teaching days. It's a survival technique. He doesn't want to lose his job. Keep your mouth shut, head down and play the game.

  47. Adams and the political party that controls NYC won’t fix the schools or the streets. Voters gave DeBlasio 8 years to make things horrible and then elected a guy who has no interest in fixing anything but pretended he did. Snookered again, voters. Best NYC can hope for is the next mayor will be tough on crime but no mayor has ever made the schools better. Koch, Dinkins, Giuliani, Bloomberg, DeBlasio and Adams. None of them made the schools better but one of them got street crime under control. Rudy was horrible to teachers but the streets got safer. The UFT will once again offer up a subpar contract that 75% of teachers will agree to. Accept the inevitable continuation of deterioration, work the corrupt system for your benefit, move to the burbs. That’s how you find peace in your life.

  48. 7:27, if you were not a black male, I suppose Rudy was ok. For all the criminals and thugs who deserved to be arrested a lot of innocent black males got caught up in his profiling agenda. The newspapers ran with some pictures and we're not talking about young guys with sagging pants, and a swagger that says they might be up to something. I'm talking working men in slacks, hard shoes, and buttoned down shirts who looked like they were coming from work, who were also harassed and detained. Rudy is disgusting no matter how you slice it. I also don't forget how he led the riot on City Hall by cops who were angry at Dinkins, and they called him all sorts of N-words, held effigy's of monkeys, pushed black women walking on the sidewalk off the curb, and harassed a young black male on the subway by tripping him. When he pulled out a box cutter and sliced one of the cop's face they pummeled him and broke his jaw, and worse. Rudy supported and inspired all of that. He was despised in NY and then he got his second wind when the twin towers got hit and he was walking about with ash on his face because the control center was placed in one of the towers that was demolished. He had been advised against it because of a smaller prior attack, but he insisted. To the rest of the world he looked engaged and in charge and frankly he was only out there because his control center was demolished.

    Then after blindsiding his wife with a divorce announcement in the press, before she even knew about it, he went to court to try and have his mistress at the time, allowed into Gracie Mansion so that she could join him when he was having parties or whatever, even though his wife and children still lived there. All of that before he really went to the dark side, and off the deep end. He's a very disgusting human being.

  49. If things are this bad for teachers, what are they like for the end users? Teachers are a beatdown and bedraggled lot even before covid. What really can they impart on these kids? Think about it, cause that's what these kids are getting. And year after year, it's confirmed for us in the abysmal testing data. Nothing ever changes, the beat goes on.

    Get out while the gettin is good!

  50. Hmmm. Maybe we should all try that: Just do what we are paid to do. Great idea. So no more fake grades right @ 823am? Or does your friend add additional sugar to the blood before returning it to the body. You know, because hospital admin like school admin--said to do so?

  51. The result
    Giuliani and Bratton’s policy turned out to be more successful compared to even what the strongest optimists had hoped for. In the course of the 1990’s, the number of crimes involving violence went lower by 56% in New York (in the entire United States, there was a drop of 28%). Murder rate shrank by 70%, burglary by more than 65% and robbery by 67%.

    For the first time in decades, people could walk on the city’s street at night without becoming victims of a crime.

  52. Facts can be pesky.

  53. Racial profiling was deemed unconstitutional. Many innocent black men became victims of being accosted without cause. I suppose if it's not you, or your father, brother, or son, you can just look at it as a roaring success. Unless of course, you are a decent human being who cares about unlawful and unjust practices against an entire race of people.

  54. Washington Post
    "In every year, at least 80 percent and often 90 percent of those who were stopped were found not to have done anything wrong. When he was the city's public advocate, before being elected mayor, De Blasio released a report on the practice, finding that stops of whites were twice as likely to result in discovery of a weapon as a stop of a black person and that blacks were only two-thirds as likely as whites to be carrying something illegal. In other words: Most people were innocent, but whites who were stopped were more likely to be breaking laws regarding weapons or contraband.

    In 2013, a federal judge determined that the policy of stop-and-frisk in New York City was discriminatory and unconstitutional. The city challenged the ruling, but the transition to the new mayor in 2014 meant that the appeal was dropped. The practice is still viewed very negatively by communities of color in New York City."

    Leadership Conference Education Fun:

    "In 1999, Blacks and Latinos made up 50 percent of New York’s population, but accounted for 84 percent of the city’s stops. Those statistics have changed little in more than a decade. According to the court’s opinion, between 2004 and 2012, the New York Police Department made 4.4 million stops under the citywide policy. More than 80 percent of those stopped were Black and Latino people. The likelihood a stop of an African-American New Yorker yielded a weapon was half that of White New Yorkers stopped, and the likelihood of finding contraband on an African American who was stopped was one-third that of White New Yorkers stopped."

  55. Topic is not Giuliani or Bloomberg and crime. This has been a sometimes thoughtful, even sourced discussionbut you guys have gone off the tracks again. One more rebuttal and then please back to Dwarka. Thanks.

  56. Dwarka, who's that? Lol.

  57. 2:22 I'd bet those people interviewed would be singing a different tune if they're the one put up against the wall and harassed for no other reason than walking while black. You know nothing about the black community so don't even try.

  58. To keep it related to Dwarka, I don't see how she's any worse than he who shall not be named, but people are still paying homage to his destructive policies. Oh well.

  59. Anyway. Who’s taking over mighty WCBHS then? Surely not an insider? There are plenty of Assistant Principals in the school who would do a better job but I wonder if the DOE already has found a replacement and they’re not sharing. Naughty.

  60. @3:10pm. I KNOW not. Don't let me bring up US History--the TRUE US history (you know the one some folks are losing their shit over it being taught). I will stay on topic buuuutttt

  61. 9:56. Wasn’t praising Rudy. Just stating fact. He decreased street crime. The others didn’t.

  62. 5:51 I stated other facts. Rudy's policies are like the joke "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

  63. Last warning, no more Rudy comments get through.

  64. The DOE is a nest of corruption.

  65. This is about Dwsrka and a corrupt administration who shouldn't be working for the DOE because of her incompetence.

  66. Getting back to Dwarka, OK, so there have been a number of complaints about her. But have they been referred to NYSED? Have affidavits been filed about her in support of such complaints? Is it expected that NYSED officials will read unsworn newspaper articles, blog articles, and comments, and then take action based on the proverb, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”?

    1. Alarming numbers of children are in school but not studying. And it’s not their fault.

      Education systems have been failing hundreds of millions of students even before COVID-19.

      From reading to maths, they are not grasping the foundations. Without urgent action, we face a catastrophe.

      Dwarka is part of what is wrong with the DOE she should be removed from the DDOE because of incompetence.

  67. Contact attorney Brian Glass he had foiled all the observation data from Dwarka from the DOE CLEARLY showing teachers at Bryant received the lowest rating in ALL Danielson components EVERY YEAR compared to ALL NYC HIGH SCHOOLS!!! How in God’s name has she not been held accountable?
    FOIL# F18,438

  68. Message: DoE is a game. You play the game regardless of ethics without blatantly and publicly breaking the law in a major way, you’re good. Scum R Us.

  69. What!?6:06pm. Your morals are your morals. Lol if you're scum that's on you. Ps. Issuing a false grade IS breaking the law. Just because you get away with it doesn't mean it's not illegal. You sound like you really need to ensure that your records are maintained for years. Permanent Transcripts last for years.

    1. ???
      That was about DoE’s excessive creativity (criminality), their response to Dwarka’s gamesmanship.

  70. @11:09. My bad. It read differently to me. Apologies

  71. This is the same corrupt anti-teacher DOE where it does not matter if students are learning or not. How can someone so corrupt get promoted?


  73. 8:03 Are you new to nyc? It happens all the time and has been going on for decades. It will NEVER CHANGE. Never ever. Besides some teachers who comment on blogs no one cares. They never have and they never will. Not caring is the key to normal blood pressure and happiness if you work for nyc.

  74. I think that was rhetorical.

  75. Some of these comments are very good news for Adams, Banks, and if one wants to believe Mulgrew is on it, add him to the mix. If they really want to do away with public education the best thing to do is convince people it's broken, not fixable, corrupt, tainted, no one cares. They don't have to actually say and do anything because the commenters here do it themselves, unless these commenters are paid by the folks who want to destroy public schools.

  76. It's the truth, James. Corrupt, broken and not fixable. There has been no significant citizen outrage and protests for public education in NYC. Not enough care enough to change a damn thing.

  77. Then why is everyone demonizing Adams for wanting to do away with the public school system (if that's even true)


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