Friday, September 30, 2022


The city opened bargaining with DC 37 on their expired contract. These negotiations impact all government employees who work for NYC because of pattern bargaining. Once one union settles on a salary increase percentage, it sets a pattern. All other unions that follow receive basically the same raises that follow the pattern for the current round of bargaining.

The letter from DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido (see below) to DC 37 members makes it abundantly clear that healthcare givebacks are on the table for this round of collective bargaining. Even though the UFT Contract entitles UFTers to a choice of premium free healthcare plans, the umbrella group of municipal unions called the Municipal Labor Committee could give away a great deal in terms of our healthcare benefit choices for both active people and retirees. The UFT and DC 37 make up the bulk of the MLC's weighted votes.

Meanwhile, the UFT's 500 person Negotiation Committee met Wednesday to prepare for UFT contract negotiations with the City-Department of Education. I wonder if they had a discussion on possible healthcare givebacks or DC 37 setting a pattern the UFT will be stuck with. 


  1. Record breaking inflation and…The S&P 500 is down 23.6% in the first 187 trading days of 2022, the 4th worst start to a year in history. Good luck. 3 years, 6% total.

  2. I posted at 12:58. The first comment came at 1:00. Do you teach or just follow us all day and evening?

    1. Does it matter when the person posted? You should be honored people enjoy your insights.

  3. This is typical of the shit that goes on behind closed doors with our unions. DC 37 will agree to a shitty raise with a new crappy health plan and then ALL OF US will have to take it due to pattern bargaining. The other thing that sucks about this is if the UFT went first with a contract proposal, the shitty raise could have at least gotten rid of the extra Monday and Tuesday time. However, if DC 37 goes first what reason would Adams have to get rid of our Monday and Tuesday time? In other words, we are looking to get screwed. I hope both DC 37 and UFT rank and file members vote no if and when this comes to a ratification.

  4. Safety of our members, valnerable students and their families must be above all. For that reason, UFT members really need to stay strong in the fight against the virus that took the lives of millions.
    We now have science, and as educators need to lead by example implementing its latest developments in our work place, and continue to push for an annual vaccination requirements.
    Members deserve what they pushed for. And when one is protected by the vaccine - everything is better.

  5. Okay, so I want to ask (and please don’t chew me out on this because I genuinely don’t understand) why is it bad to switch to the Medicare? Is it because most doctors don’t take it? Or because it’s actually more expensive? Are they lying by saying it’s free?

    1. It is called the NYC Medicare Advantage Plan. Please look up and look up what an advantage plan is. Then you will understand what this really means for everyone.

  6. Why can’t we ban together with other unions and strike?! I’m sick of them playing us against each other! If we get the same low raise that’s set forth by other unions, then let’s work together to our advantage!

  7. DC-37 Should not accept anything less than a fair contractual wage that is aligned to the inflation circumstance working people are living through in these times and with absolutely NO Healthcare give back. Shame on them to expect their members to sacrifice when they gave so much during the pandemic. They were "Hero's" when the city needed their workers. Our Union should also not settle for any givebacks whatsoever!
    Why are hospitals and pharma allowed to charge whatever they please? I thought after Obama Care passed things would get better for all. This is not okay.

    Hope someone can explain to regular tax payers how this all came to be. Things were fine before all these doctors with private practices were practically forced to join hospital centers to relieve themselves of dealing with endless problems with billing and insurance companies, was just not worth it to get paid. Seems like hospitals and pharma got bigger and bolder when this started happening.

    Is it possible all this is due to half or more of the people in America get free healthcare everything, using emergency rooms as doctor offices so those of us who work and have insurance must collectively offset healthcare balance sheets? Someone needs to start talking about this because if this is the case, it needs to change.

    Most don't mind giving to help out those less fortunate but when the scale starts tipping in a way that hurts hard working people and senior citizens who have worked their whole lives and paid for their Medicare Coverage and Social Security so it would be there for them when their time came is just plain wrong.

  8. James @ 1:05. You sound just like Rudy Giuliani circa 1999 when he told protesting NYC teachers they should be home planning lessons. Track your own productivity. The teacher bashing on here comes from the left in case none of you noticed.

  9. With the @1:00 comment reply—which was just a few minutes after a topic posting—the blogger should be thrilled-instead of being sarcastic. Perhaps this person could have been a teacher on their lunch or prep and might share with colleagues -who follows this blog because there are worthwhile bits of information or viewpoints—that you will never get from the Mulgrew UFT.
    I would tend to think that most commenters do appreciate the honest discourse and there are many that are frustrated and just have things to get off their chest. Unfortunately, there are a few that are just plain rude with their nasty and disrespectful remarks that have nothing to do with the topics.

    And speaking of the topic—it will be interesting to see how Adams deals with DC37 since they were one of first major unions to endorse Adams. However, I thought that the city council had to first vote on changing city health care codes to initiate any significant changes with current city or retiree healthcare choice. It seems at this point—any salary raise will be connected to a cheaper and inferior healthcare benefit plan. After all, it was the MLC- that planted the seeds with the 2018 agreement on healthcare cost savings.

  10. Pattern bargaining is advantage, that, like so many other advantages we have as organized workers, has been given away so that now it often works against us. To win back this powerful advantage, the workers must unite. Can they? Can the UFT and DC37 unite and bargain for better wages, and keep our health care and pensions? Why not?

  11. The answer to your question Shelley is our union leaders do not want us to unite

  12. You think cops, FDNY, transit workers want to unite with defund the police teachers? Never.

    1. Nothing said has never been more true
      All the cop hating radical socialists teachers in my building, sorry former building.

  13. @1:05pm. Jan 6 rioters killed police. Those beasts climbed up and walked the halls like lunatics. I am sure you want them locked up. Right?

  14. 1:05 teachers as a whole want to defund the police? Where did you hear that?

  15. 6:58, that's a LIE that the teacher bashing comes from the left.

  16. Adams is garbage so is BanksSaturday, October 01, 2022 6:55:00 PM

    City workers-Have to show up in person to work in person, we have to endure exposure to diseases, public transportation, extra time commuting, child care expenses all while private industry can work from home and not deal with all of the above.

    Our thank you for working in person during a pandemic and after is to make us pay for our coverage or agree to worse coverage going forward and then maybe cost of living increases that still won't equal inflation. This is such a dead end job. We not only never get ahead we keep falling further behind.

    Young people run don't walk away from this terrible job it's no longer a profession it's a nightmare.

  17. Hey James great job letting most if not all of the posts through on your last article. 192 responses was great. People got a fair chance to voice their opinions. Even though few if any peoples minds were changed it was nice to see. You don’t have to post this. It just wanted you to know I appreciate your hard work especially when you don’t construct your own narrative

  18. We don't necessarily need the uniformed workers to join us in pattern bargaining. It would be great but if it's not practical we don't need it. We certainly don't need the "woke members" to stand in solidarity with the "fascist members" (the false and useless binary constructed in response to my question) in or across the unions. All we need is for our collective bargainers to cooperate in negotiations. Pattern bargaining is a method that workers across cities, states and industries developed to get better contracts for all workers. But it has become a corruption, a travesty of what is was and what it was developed to accomplish. It only works if we cooperate to get a better deal for other unions across the city and state but because our unions are so corrupt they have handed pattern bargaining to our employers. This is insane. Our unions are engaged in an upside down negotiation process. The pattern bargaining that should be ours belongs to the city. Our union is engaged in concession bargaining. Why? Again, concession bargaining is upside down. Concession bargaining is a method used to deal with a failing business or industry or in very rare instances a failed state or municipality. NY Sate is not failing. NYC is not going under. Why are we concession bargaining? We need to stop all talk of concessions immediately. We need to form solidarity with other unions to set a pattern that all workers need and deserve.

  19. wfs comment not censored lol. Nobody died that day . A cop died from heart attack next day. What do you care you want to defund the police anyways and you prop up George Floyd who is scum. Why were there FBI informants in the crowd?

    Fuck the Taylor Law we all need to rise up and strike it is enough with playing nice and expecting outcomes we know will not work in our favor.

    1. W4S was responding to a comment about uniform unions not supporting us 9:12. It was legitimate. Your response is up, even with the George Floyd remark that has nothing to do with this post and does absolutely nothing to bring UFTers together. Is it possible we could try uniting on securing a contract and protecting our medical benefits and stay away here from subjects that are surefire dividers?


    2. @9:12am. Lol. You can't win. Keep trying though. Jan 6 rioters didn't respect the police. Police were attacked and died. Do you think Jan 6 was a good day? Those beasts were raging against law and order. Crazy ass mf were taking pics like they were on a tour. Dumb sickos. I wouldn't be surprised if you were there. Stop the steal. Wtf

  20. Where’s my comment on the continued use of the work misinformation and debunked just when I thought you were growing a pair of balls you start censoring again
    By the way only 1 person died on Jan 6
    Check you grade A reliable sources
    You know the ones

    1. My response 9:50:


    3. Only one person died. Only one. Wtf. 950am is a real winner. Hey why don't you "grow a pair" and start your own blog?

    4. Thanks wfs for your reply. You never disappoint.
      Jan 6 rioters killed police.? That’s what you posted. No one said it’s was a good day. You were Wrong. Put on your big person pants an admit it. You are spreading untrue information but good try making this about me. I’ve been trying to grow my balls bigger. Any suggestions? Thanks for the civil discourse.

  21. Lol. They “walked the halls” like lunatics.

    1. Walking the halls like lunatics doesn’t equate to the accusations of cops/people dying on Jan 6. Only 1 person died and you guys know the truth stop spreading misleading info. Now let’s move on and discuss the posts James posted

  22. The COVID-19 discussion is closed and now off topic. Contract, pattern bargaining, DC 37 letter is the topic. I think it is clear.

    1. That’s fine but you had to get just one more shot posting about debunking misinformation
      You had 192 posts but now only 188 posts to do it but failed even with your grade A sources
      Move on james and stick to your strengths

  23. I understand you want to stay on topic but saying officers were killed when they clearly were not should not be left unchecked. This is easily verified information unlike COVID data, statistics etc which are cumbersome to navigate. Not one officer was killed by rioters or even died during the riot. It’s a democrat lie perpetuated on your blog. You posted the lie so you should let those of us with truth on our side counter it unless your sources also claim it’s true…. Do they? Something tells me they don’t or you would have already said so. You want Unity? Stop protecting your side when they fuck up with an outright lie. Let the liar or just woefully uninformed commenter have to sit with the resulting debunking and commentary for a day.

    1. @10:16 am doesn't take issue with racist comments. They say "let them through James. Don't censor. We're all adults" . Well where are those adults now? Now you want James to allow you to refute my statement? Whenever I refute your racist ass statements you get rattled. When he stated he will decide what is posted. You get your Depends in a bunch. You're as see thru as saran wrap. The walking dead raged on Jan 6th. Attacked and breached the capitol. They took pics. Lmao. Took pics of themselves. Stupid and sick. But hey they were stopping the steal. They showed zero respect for law and order. The tapes don't lie baby Bubba. Now Trumps chumps are against the FBI for doing their job. Jim Jones has nothing on Ttump. I hope they take kool-aid off the market and the Tang. Go take a nap because you sound tired

    2. Glad wfs has awaken from her hibernation. I personally don’t need James to refute or censor you or anyone else. You do a fine job explaining what goes on in that mind if yours. Keep it up I’m loving it. Can’t wait for more.

    3. I'd love to hear what 9:12 am/10:16 am has to say about 10:44 am comment.

    4. One of them probably is 10:44.

    5. I did but was censored

  24. James is a nigga lover so he blocks posts he doesn’t agree with. How’s those test scores for blacks and Hispanics?

    1. I apologize for posting 10:44's comment. Please see my reaction published at 11:54.

    2. Why are you apologizing
      Free speech is sometimes disgusting

  25. Let's go to what the medical examiner said:


    The Capitol Police had previously said that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” The Washington medical examiner later ruled that he had died of natural causes: multiple strokes that occurred hours after Officer Sicknick’s confrontation with the mob. The medical examiner added, however, that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”

    A bipartisan Senate report, released in June, found that the seven deaths were connected to the Capitol attack. But the report was issued a month before two Metropolitan Police officers — Gunther Hashida and Kyle DeFreytag — died by suicide in July.

  26. @1045am. Well there you go. I stand somewhat corrected. I will acknowledge that report. This is what open minded ADULTS do. "seven deaths (5) connected were connected to the capitol death" 5 too many.

  27. Everyone,

    I posted 10:44's racist, ugly and sick comment as an example of some of the disguisting comments I have to deal with. There are worse actually.

    This garbage commentary does not come from the left. These types of comments are usually mixed in with ultra right wing talking points comments.

    I am tremendously worried that this commenter or commenters actually teach NYC children. I ask all of you one more time to please stay on topic and respect the rules.

    As for 10:44, please get the help you need that I cannot provide. The UFT has a Member Assistance Program.

    1. That language is unacceptable for any civil discourse. 10:44 should be ashamed of themselves but shouldn’t stop people from posting opposing views on important union, political, social an economic issues.

    2. Wow.
      10:44 is a sick and disgusting comment. I am sorry, James, that you have to comb through this kind of stuff. I do not think this person can get help: to do that, one must recognize there is a problem with it. I do want to wash my mouth after reading it.
      I am also disturbed that you automatically assigned it to a far right... unless Antifa is considered that. It absolutely sounds like a saboteur. And, unfortunately, there are ppl like this one among teachers. They thrive on the division, bcs it gives them power: they get pleasure from achieving the conditions under which groups are polarized and at each other throats. They will do it under ANYONE's banner, and will be thrilled to hear you attribute it to a "side".
      It is that kind of actors who are the true enemies of our nation, infiltrating all camps. So wise up, ppl. This kind of rhetoric is not about "left, right, R,D", it is anti our nation. Do not feed off of their "lead" - it makes one a COLLABORATOR in the distraction and harm it brings.
      It is psychopathic, and, quite frankly, is a well recognized psychological weapon.

  28. These kind of comments come in regularly, sadly.

    1. Some people have no idea how to have a civil discussion on the challenges facing union workers and our country.

  29. I will never be surprised by comments like that. People like 10:44 are ignorant and angry. We have no idea what line of work they are in therefore we must always be vigilant. Use your own judgment James. I'm not offended when you decide not to post. This is your blog. 1044 is soft.

  30. The same Jan. 6 rioters heard Trump’s recent words of ‘Death Wish” for McConnell. The Clown didn’t use the word, ‘hang’ this time like he did for Pence—but it sounds like marching orders for these same people once gain—while many Republicans haven’t responded to Trump's unhinged language—as usual.

    In the meantime, this DC37 letter about contract negotiations and ratifying a contract—how is their membership any different from the UFT members when it comes to actually challenging their union president and hierarchy?

  31. The racist 10:44 isn’t the one who countered the misinformation from Waiting4S. I don’t want Waiting censored. I’d like James to fact check her like he does others or stop the fact checking. Waiting was either misinformed or lied. Doesn’t matter. Bottom line she was wrong. I voted for Trump and have ALWAYS been against the FBI. They’ve been lying scum since J Edgar days. Bubba left the WH in 2001. I wouldn’t be surprised if Waiting lit the Molotov cocktails thrown at cops. If you’re going to make dumb ass comments expect the same back at ya, racist, homophobe, anti Semite.

    1. But you will walk your ass right back into a NYC school and collect a NYC check and continue damaging NYC students. Lmao. You remain uneducated about your own country. Huff and puff all you want, you are still a weak common everyday tool like a plastic straw--obsolete. Jan 6 rioters or shall I saw Tools for Trump tried to destroy democracy. Ewww. That's bad. Hey happy Sunday

    2. Oh, my.
      Waiting, you are either young or old, but arrogant.
      LMAO:"remain uneducated about your own country."
      True that.
      But I do not think you recognize it about yourself...hence your arrogance.

  32. 1044 is correct about those test scores. I thought we were teachers? Doesn't that mean we are failing just as those students did?

  33. 1st-You keep talking about the contact, and the same thing will happen...Bad deal, everybody votes for it.

    2nd-If January 6 was so bad (1 day)-This happens everyday in nyc, and everyone is silent. Nobody has bother to mention the 17 year old from Democracy Prep who was shot in the face asnd killed for no reason. I could give you the same numbers for Philly, Chicago, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.

    3rd-I assume the objection to 1044 was the N word. What do all of you do when you hear that word a million times per day in your school? Nobody does anything.

    1. @Davis from Brooklyn. "Nobody does anything" soooo are you bothered that James did something or are you bothered that he is bothered? Start a blog baby love. You can do it.

    2. @1209. Lol. My hibernation is called living life. I also don't check the blog everyday like you. Today is a day to educate the ignorant--that would be you and you lovelies. Now you still haven't shared your outrage or applause at what 1044 said. No clutching of grandma's cheap pearls? Unless it's you or your family. I wouldn't be surprised. Sigh.

    3. 4:17,
      You sound like 1044, but after sobering up.
      Yes, I expect you to burp something out in response.

    4. I did share my opinion guess you missed it. Thanks for educating an ignorant fool like myself. The doe could really use a person of your intellectual aptitude to help the many students who are stuck in a cycle of underachieving which in far too many cases leads to employment, financial and court system challenges. Stay well an unlike you I enjoy reading your posts. Where else can I read the opinions of someone who’s political ideology is vastly contrary to mine.

  34. I don’t think we are close to getting a good contract. With union leadership the way it is teachers are getting what they voted for. Teachers have no one to blame but themselves for voting again the Unity. Glad I retired but still concerned about union issues, especially healthcare and possible future pension and tda reductions.
    We can’t stop paying dues
    We can’t vote Unity out
    What are we to do?

  35. I can see the future. We will get a pitiful contract after waiting a long time. People will say to opt out. James will say he is pro union. People will ask why since we keep getting bad deals and people keep voting for the bad deals. James will hope for change. We will never get change. People, other than me, will keep paying $65 per check for a horrible union.

  36. I think that people may be annoyed that you focus on certain things and not others. Did you one single time post about cops being assaulted and killed unless it had to do with Jan 6? It happens daily, and not by Trump supporters. That seems very partisan. For someone who is a documented democrat, you choose to ignore crime when it fits your narrative. You act as if Jan 6 is the only day of the year, but ignore daily left wing crime that could be spoken about daily.

    You repeatedly have Trump or Q or J6 comments, which is fine, but then say the counters are off topic.

  37. I don't understand why teachers should be patterned with DC37 or other groups since, frankly, we are the overeducated group and most of DC37 are not (neither are most of the other unions). We have multiple degrees and should not be compared with them. I am not saying DC37 people do not work hard or deserve a healthy wage increase, but we aren't the same and shouldn't be patterned the same.

    Also, we should be getting the 1% extra bump the male dominated (police, fire, sanitation) get. We are in tiny classrooms with Covid covered kids and with all the school shootings across this country they think we are going to protect these kids. We earned that.

    And I am truly disgusted by these racist comments. I'm sorry that you have to read them when you are trying to give out information to the few teachers who seem to give a crap about teachers and their futures.

  38. Why would you expect the new contact to be any different? We will get a late 2% or so per year. And it will get 85% of the vote. With almost 10% inflation

    1044 used poor language. True. I hear that language daily in Erasmus Hall. Many times daily. Why no uproar when students say it?

    Do you think there is any double standard?

    Here is 10 of video==Dems being election deniers. Another double standard. Be fair.
    But we ignore that.

    1. I taught at Erasmus from 1995-2007
      Bloomberg closed us down because kids were failing so it must have been the teachers fault. No seniority transfer anymore so we were all made atr’s. I made it the last 14 yrs or so traveling to different schools as an atr. Glad I retired after 27yrs. My classroom was on the 5th floor with a great view on the nyc skyline until 9-11. Stay well

  39. There is a difference between a mixed up kid's language and a teacher's. I want a double standard there although the kid should be dealt with. The adult needs real help.

    1. I think it’s more than a mixed up kid.

  40. Jonathan, None of those rioters you point to attacked the US Capitol building to try to stop the certification of an election. Big difference. I will bet that 10:44 is among the commenter that continues to spew right wing trash here.

    We need to come together to get decent working conditions. Hard to imagine that happening with people who are sick like 10:44.

  41. If you want to talk Trump's words, we can easily cite Biden, Watters, Schiff, Schumer, Holder, etc...The defund the police comments, the peaceful yet fiery riot comments, protests don't have to be peaceful...Justice K was almost murdered, GOP members were shot a a baseball practice...Ironically, or not, crime, murder, carjacking, robbery, is throught the roof in most places.

    1. Still can't find when they tried to take over the capitol. False equivalents

  42. What? They tried to overthrow the police force in many cities. And they killed many cops.

    The dems refused to certify the election.

    1. So, Jonathan, when exactly when did a bunch of Democrats breach Capitol security to try to storm the Congress to stop an election certification? And shout to hang the veep while they were storming the capitol?

      Stop already with the false equivalence. You are the reason we get nowhere with the city. Always dividing us.

    2. Yes, I’m the reason Mulgrew wins a landslide election every time and contracts pass with 80-90% every time. I’m also the reason teachers pass no shows and why our medical care gets worse and why the uft hasn’t done anything to fix any of our problems.

      I’m probably why 38% of grade 3-8 students passed the citywide math test and 48% passed the English test.

      I could ask when Republicans burned down buildings and police stations, said to defund the police, caused billions in damage while rioting and looting, and had widespread attacks on cops, tried to kill a SC Justice, shot elected officials in a baseball practice. You cite Jan 6, I can cite daily occurrence. Also, video shows many were waved in. Many were peaceful, and there were others who were not GOP. What is false? J6 vs blm riots. Blm caused more financial hardship and injuries and death.

    3. Lol. One guy is the reason. He and the 3 opt out guys. Some of you aren’t too smart. Good at making unity excuses that benefit Mulgrew making $400k for doing no work.

  43. The UFT is incapable of negotiating a fair and just contract.
    We were considered essential workers during the pandemic.
    We need and deserve increases that correct for our lost purchasing power due to Biden's inflation.

    Mulgrew has sold out. He is controlled by NY city and Ny state political bosses.

    1. Where were you when Mildew sold out the unvaxxed?
      Now you are crying 🤯

  44. We need to go on strike. We need to organize at the grass roots level and take back our union.

    1. On a strike against the Union - yes.
      But not against our students. So, no: not during a work week.
      Teachers ate already pretty much hated for bringing the WOKE-ism to schools, and for giving in to the mandates, which almost made it possible for the city to mandate it on children!

  45. Strike isn’t happening.
    Walkout isn’t.
    Opt out on a large scale isn’t. I get called a scab, yet everyone complains that the uft fails them.

    Kind of a ridiculous and repetitive argument which will accomplish nothing.

    But we have a 500 member team—which is meaningless as well.

  46. I can no longer afford to live in the NY city area because of high inflation without a contract to re-adjust my salary. My UFT salary is not a living wage. The cost of living in NY city is very high. I am not able to take a second job to pay for my family's groceries, rent and expenses because I need to spend time with my wife and children.

    I cannot afford to keep working as a teacher in NY city.
    I am giving up on the corrupt and dysfunctional UFT.

  47. How long will negotiations take?

  48. Any teachers who are without a raise caring about 10 trillion lost in the stock market recently? Would seem like an important thing for in service and retirees.

  49. Maybe the mayor realized that students aren’t learning anything and no shows pass classes do we don’t deserve a raise.

  50. @Jonathan. Why don't you start a "fair" blog. I'd love to comment on it. Otherwise take a seat and wait for your next orders. Happy Sunday.

  51. 408, what did James do? He said something about an anonymous blogger who use a bad word? So it's ok or it isn;t for students and adults to use the N word.

    Is that more important than the lagging in net worth, salary, edcuation, test scores? While leading in crime and single parent hosueholds? That's how to fix the problem. For some reason, nobody wants to mention it.

  52. So are you with that comment?

  53. "But you will walk your ass right back into a NYC school and collect a NYC check and continue damaging NYC students. Lmao."

    Says the person who did the exact same thing, for 30 years, to collect the same salary and pension I get. But she is the high and mighty who stands her ground against a horrible, racist and failing system, which by the way, is 82% minority, most of which are way below grade leve in every area. At what point did you walk away and give up the money and medical coverage because of the systemic fraud.

  54. If you mean the N word post, I tell students that nobody should use that word because it's demeaning. That doesn't stop them. Seems like another "Pick and Choose" what is ok, when it fits the narrative.

  55. so much for being essential workers....

  56. 2:09
    Read Jonathan's links. It will help to form educated opinions.
    Reading helps with writing, as well.

  57. There are certain words that shouldn't be said. I think that we all know this.

    James, I don't know how you didn't find out that IP address for the person who wrote that about you and your wife. You have a lot more class than I do. I would have went to war with anyone who comes after my family. You are a stand-up individual. Thank you for being the only source that I get information from which is reliable, helpful, and hopeful for a Union that is better than what we have now.

    1. Not if he censors based on political narrative. Which he does, regularly.

      His idea about hoping for uft change also has failed, by a lot. Another Mulgrew election. Another contract late. But pay dues.

  58. Back on topic.

    The city is broke so we will wait years for a tiny raise.

    Mayor Eric Adams’ makeshift migrant tent city being built at the Orchard Beach parking lot in the Bronx NY. Adam’s says he’s preparing to house upwards around 75k. Then, we will feed them and clothe them and give them a free education and give free medical. The dem pres caused this outrageous cost. Good luck in the October 13 negotiation. There will be no money left for us.

    1. Money for illegal immigrants but no money for hard working union members
      Tax base leaving the state by the thousands and being replaced my less
      earning/taxed individuals
      The rubber is going to hit the road very soon
      Florida,Texas, Carolina’s tax revenues are increasing dramatically.
      These topics should be a concern to union workers who deserve to keep/increase their hard weaned benefits

  59. I wonder what the UFT and other city unions will do if members stopped paying union dues because they might have to use that money to cover more healthcare costs for themselves and their families since healthcare give backs appear to be on the table in the bargaining?

    1. Great idea, but the people won’t do it, and James will call them names.

  60. Poverty time.

    The number of down weeks for the S&P 500 as a percentage of the year is nearing 64%, second only to 1931.

    The number of down weeks for long duration Treasuries as a percentage of the year is nearly 70%, the worst since 1961.

    This is the worst path behavior in history.

    1. Union workers deserve a raise comparable or higher to the rise in inflation but the bigger picture is the amount of money we have lost from our retirement nest eggs. Stocks down 30-40% with trillions lost and we are begging for 6% raises. This loss of spending power will ruin our country and if we survive we will look back and think of all the time and brain power we wasted arguing about less important matters.

  61. Let's get back to the common cause. We need to be paid for all that we do. We should not have to pay for medical. No more extended Mondays and Tuesdays. Cost of living increase should equal inflation.

    Mulgrew needs to go. Adams and Banks too.

  62. Check out the link below to read the letter from 2014 from the Office of Labor Relations to the head of the MLC. Item #6 explains possible ways the unions and city can affect the healthcare for both in-service people and retirees. There are lots of ways we can get screwed on the issue.,period%20up%20to%20and%20including%20fiscal%20year%202018%29.

  63. all those retired people out there who got slammed by the Biden economies destruction of the stock market are the ones to blame. It’s all their fault, not the guy who’s president and who has both houses of Congress. Great take. Go with it.

  64. You’re delusional if you think a bunch of unarmed rioters thought they could take over the country. They were rioters destroying property except for peaceful people waved into the building by Capitol Police. Rioters should be treated like rioters. Meaning no bail and released immediately as per democrat standards. Seriously. Rioting is a crime. Treat all rioters equally but this idea that a handful of unarmed citizens were anywhere near overthrowing the government is laughable. Let’s say they succeeded in burning the Capitol to the ground. It’s a building. The US government doesn’t disappear with it. I have more empathy for the small business owners whose buildings were burned and looted than for Congress who at worst would have had to find temporary office space that we would pay for. Are you guys even aware of the violent attack on the White House while Trump was in office? I don’t see the Jan 6th rioters any differently except Jan 6th rioters were prosecuted.

  65. Thank you Jonathan. I appreciate your commentary.

  66. Oil futures up 5%. No money for us. Billions for Ukraine and illegals and to eliminate student debt that people agreed to repay.

  67. Skimmed through most of the comments, I have been there many times before. No easy solutions.
    I have three comments:
    First, for true parity, in-service teachers should receive twenty and out like the uniformed services enjoy.
    Second, when you are offered a "contract" make sure all your delegates are instructed to vote your wishes at the DA, not what MM wants. Be especially vigilant if your reps are aligned with Unity.
    Third, when that ballot for a new contract arrives in your mailbox you have the option to vote "yes" or "no" on it. "No" is a valid option. Use it. I have. Many times. Years ago enough members voted "no" and the UFT Pres had to go back and fix it. S/he is supposed to be working for us. We deserve it! Make her/him do the right thing, and earn those big bucks, too!

  68. So glad we have a master negotiator.

    Recessions happen fast.


    That $65 per check is really getting us far.

  69. 5:20. It’s not a lie. The democrat voters bash teachers on here all the time.
    Two quotes from above.
    4:02pm "But you will walk your ass right back into a NYC school and collect a NYC check and continue damaging NYC students. Lmao." …. Not directed at anyone in particular.
    1:05 pm “ Do you teach or just follow us all day and evening?” …. Directed at s particular commenter.

    Find me a right winger on here demanding teachers be investigated and fired. Lib teachers went from don’t trust authority, let’s stick together to snitch bitches for Management.
    Every teacher in every school, except me and mine, should be fully investigated and stripped of their pension after a thorough investigation. OSI and SCI are fair and legit. If they determine the UFT member is guilty, the UFT member must be guilty. Am I right? Who’s with me? Fuck the contract negotiations, we need more teachers fired ASAP.
    They don’t teach enough and they damage kids…. Democrat voters said this.

  70. This comes directly from the Office of Labor Relations website about health benefits for city workers:

    “Through collective bargaining agreements, the City of New York and the Municipal Unions have cooperated in choosing health plans and designing the benefits for the City’s Health Benefits Program.

    These benefits are intended to provide you and your eligible dependents with the fullest possible protection that can be purchased with the available funding.”

    I think the “available funding” words are worrisome. If the city and unions have depleted the funding source for healthcare that could mean more healthcare costs for us.

  71. 10:35 I agree that some teachers SHOULD be fired. Why should teachers, who brag about damaging children and say that they won't care until parents can organize a march, even though they're collecting a paycheck to do their job, not be fired. You want Democrats to go along with that? WFS is absolutely correct. I've seen right wingers come on here and insult teachers, their mothers, their children, the entire population of people of color, the constant taunt about wokeness, the attacks on teachers who they claim didn't do enough for those who chose not to vaccinate. So spare us the righteous indignation.

  72. Everyone's trying to act like a dimwit on the first comment posted. Or maybe it's not an act. I presume that James doesn't care about someone posting so soon after he did. But why is the poser coming to this blog to post about record breaking inflation during contract negotiations and why would teachers think that's a good idea? Way to go making Adams' argument for him. Bravo.

    "Economists remain sharply divided on whether the surge in inflation is temporary as a result of pandemic disruptions and the war in the Ukraine, oil companies price gouging or a more enduring trend — uncertainty that could leave Adams in a jam if he makes the wrong move.

    “Locking yourself into a long term contract with fixed wage increases could be risky,” said Joshua Freeman, a labor historian at the City University of New York"

  73. James - you posted 10:44's comment so that we can see what comes through but why leave it up? Would you let a swastika remain to prove a point? The post is disgusting and highly inappropriate. He didn't just attack you, the vile racist also attacked people of color. And yet there's many posts saying that "Dems attack teachers". Yeah, because if that slime is a teacher he should be nowhere near children of color. If 10:44 is not vaccinated, we should join together to ensure he gets his job back? He's a whiney little bitch who is mad that some of his garbage hasn't been posted, so he lashes out at people of color. I was called the actual N-word which you did not censor (because you were mad that I wasn't bashing Mulgrew) and then denied that you ever saw it. Do you see it now?

  74. 10:35 some teachers should be investigated and fired. Like 10:44, don't you agree? That doesn't make one a snitch bitch. Do your fucking job, and if you don't like children of color go work somewhere else. Most of what you wrote is nonsense. Where has anyone said that OSI is legit or "fuck the contract". Maybe a troll. How the hell do you know it's a "Democrat voter". Get real.

  75. 10:58 Who decides who gets fired? Principals like Dwarka? The superintendent that protected her or the 2 or 3 chancellors that protected dwarka and the superintendent? Or maybe OSI, SCI investigators should have the last word. Probably. Let’s have them investigate every teacher in every school to be sure teachers like 10:58 describes are fired. Who wants to volunteer for their school going first? If you’re a good teacher OSI, SCI shouldn’t be a problem for you. Think of all the brownie points you’ll score pointing your finger at your fellow union members in your own school. Attacks on teachers come from the left on this blog. Not insults and name calling. Attacks that teachers don’t work hard enough or should be fired. Always a lefty saying these things. You even want to fire teachers for following the woke bullshit Management is pushing. Woke bullshit in place of real standards but let’s fire the teacher instead of the progressive democrats running the school system into the ground who want the woke bullshit. Glad I’ll never be in a Fox hole with you people. Unifying is James’ dream. The left is a cancer.

  76. I consider myself to be left of center on most, not all, issues. When did I ever call for teachers to be fired? If I had to be in a foxhole, there are people from the left, center, right and apolitical who would have my back and I would have theirs. We need to unite as working people if we are to move ahead. Left has that issue totally right.

    1. My comment please! Thanks
      Oh by the way the dems have left you sitting at your self proclaimed left of center. They’ve moved a few dozen clicks left. Wake up James this is not fdr. Lbj, wjc or bho’s Democratic Party. Thanks for posting my opinion

  77. You are funny. Center left? That’s a good one.
    Our union and it members had a chance to unite around fellow union workers who refused to get a experimental vaccine for a virus that the science was…. Wait for it changing/evolving. Those teachers were fired!!! Because of nonsense.

    Now you call for members to unite. You should have called for teachers to unite to help other teachers who didn’t want to take an experimental vaccine. I don’t even think it’s a vaccine. What the hell is this covid shoot anyway?
    Keep thinking you are center left but if you look around your once center left party has moved much more left than you imagine.

  78. The left are not the unifiers they are the dividers like the left media. Never called but you stood foer vaccinations like an SS guard so to the thousands that did not want or the thousands that did not get it you were fine with them being out of a job.

    The left only accepts their own, if you were UFC you would want a republican mayor or republican governor etc to go with the dems. Everything is dem this country is dem now we are damned to hell like this wke blog.

  79. Who has crime right, James?

  80. Wall Street: U.S. housing market to see the second-biggest home price decline since the Great Depression
    Not only is there a building consensus on Wall Street that we’ve entered into a period of falling home prices, but there’s also a consensus it will be the second-sharpest home price decline since the Great Depression.

  81. The Adams argument is simple...

    1. Students can pass classes without atending (no need for a teacher) (teachers allow this)

    2. Work can be done online (teachers allow this)

    3. On the most recent 3-8 grade test, 38% passed math and 49% passed English(clearly teachers are failing)

  82. Hold the presses, James is a self proclaimed left of center.
    Late term abortion?
    Open borders?
    Cashless bail?
    Voter ID?
    Covid origins.
    Vaccine or whatever that is mandates?
    Firing union workers for refusing government violation to the 4th amendment?

    Etc.. re-evaluate you political positions

  83. @1058. I give zero... about what 10:44 and her rank mama toss out. That's why I say my piece and keep it moving. You have to laugh at folks who have all of these standards for everybody else--but none for themselves. Remember the descendants of indentured servants are angry.

  84. 11:31 for all of your ranting and raving you never answered the question "some teachers should be investigated and fired. Like 10:44, don't you agree?" Dwarka is ONE Principal. Are you suggesting that racist, loser teachers like 10:44, (and you) should never be fired?

    You said "Let’s have them investigate every teacher in every school to be sure teachers like 10:58 describes are fired." That's a strawman, and a lame one at that. Cry us a fucking river, people like YOU say you don't do any work. You brag about it. Clearly some of you despise children of color. But you think people like that should continue to teach (if it can even be called teaching) in NYC schools. Well, too bad if you think it's harsh, or an attack that other's think people like that should just be fired. People like YOU are the cancer to NYC schools but nice try at projecting.

  85. Comments like this don't unite us. My biggest failure here is not convincing some of you (left and right) that we have common interests. Please stop attacking each other. It isn't helpful.

  86. Your biggest failure as a self proclaimed union activist is not protecting union members when they refused to be forced to get an experimental vaccine or whatever it was because of “evolving science” your words not mine. You have forever tarnished a well earned reputation of helping union members. It’s astonishing you can’t see that.

  87. I guess James, that ship has sailed. I am not interested in the least in unifying with some of these folks. It would be like unifying with the devil for a few pieces of silver. They are vile, racist, lazy and uninspired. They have insulted people's mothers, children, used the n-word. They're still crying over people not supporting the unvaccinated when they have not said a word about the use of the n-word on this blog. I have ZERO interest in unifying with them. I don't care what's on the table.

    1. @9:25pm. I hear you. You know the gaslighters are disturbed. Lol. Why haven't these teachers walked out in solidarity with their unvaccinated peers? They want parents to March. Why don't they put their feet where their mouth is--in the gutter. Say your piece and keep it moving. These cowards don't know how to stand up in public. They only have suggestions for how others should behave. You can't have any real convo with them. It's just hit it and quit it. Stay strong friend

  88. I see your point 9:25 but divided working people are easily conquered.

    1. What point is that James?
      Insults fly both ways my friend.
      Would you like me to list them all?
      In regards to not responding to the use of the n word. I’ve personally posted several posts condemning the use. Maybe you should fact check that
      Someday, maybe not for a few years but that day will come when the government is going force union workers to comply with a new directive that many of the current pro vaccine advocates will be against. I hope your remember that day when you wouldn’t support the anti experimental evolving science shot or vaccine or what ever the hell it is.
      First they came for the anti vaxxers. I did nothing but vilify them
      Next them came for….
      Karma is a ….

    2. These posts now get hundreds of comments sometimes. Many are just overly repetitive. I know you don't like the vaccine mandate, 10:12. We get it. I don't like that COVID deaths in Republican huge majority counties are through the roof compared to Democratic majority counties since the vaccine came out. Taking a vaccine shouldn't be a political statement. Novavax uses traditional vaccine platform, not MRNA, so no experimental vaccine argument.

      Maybe some of you are right and there is no common ground we can all respect.

      I am getting tired of killing my days reading some ugly comments and many that are just plain repetitive.

      I don't have the time to moderate comments all day and all of the night. I leave the phone for a while and the inbox fills up fast. I am a victim of this blog's success at attracting readers of varying opinions.

      I am at the point where I am ready to kill the comment section or maybe take a break from it for a while.
      This is a totally unpaid gig. If it isn't giving a buzz any longer, I need to pull back.

    3. These posts now get hundreds of comments sometimes. Many are just overly repetitive. I know you don't like the vaccine mandate, 10:12. We get it. I don't like that COVID deaths in Republican huge majority counties are through the roof compared to Democratic majority counties since the vaccine came out. Taking a vaccine shouldn't be a political statement. Novavax uses traditional vaccine platform, not MRNA, so no experimental vaccine argument.

      Maybe some of you are right and there is no common ground we can all respect.

      I am getting tired of killing my days reading some ugly comments and many that are just plain repetitive.

      I don't have the time to moderate comments all day and all of the night. I leave the phone for a while and the inbox fills up fast. I am a victim of this blog's success at attracting readers of varying opinions.

      I am at the point where I am ready to kill the comment section or maybe take a break from it for a while.
      This is a totally unpaid gig. If it isn't giving a buzz any longer, I need to pull back.

  89. Should this teacher fired? Or only ones you don’t agree with?

  90. You had no problem posting all about Cavan until I said that she said that crime was imagined and one in a million on the subway. That, you censored.

  91. Long before that poster said the vaunted n word, we got the 2005 and 2014 contracts and Mulgrew getting 90% every time. Nice try.

  92. It is such a racist word that is used literally every minute in almost every school in nyc and not a single person would dare tel them to stop. Wait, I did tell them to stop. Wanna know what the response was? We use an a at the end of the word, not the er, so it’s fine. That’s how disgusting the word is. It’s so horrible that they call each other that word non stopped. Perhaps the fact the word is so vile should be relayed to the students, who it is supposed to offend.

  93. So just drop moderating, that’s the simple answer.

  94. If I drop moderating, then all of the racist filth gets published and then I get blamed for running a board that allows such garbage. You cannot win here. People want the information we provide but many just can't handle the comments and sometimes for good reasons so no dropping moderation is not a simple answer.

    1. That can’t handle comments?
      How did/do they survive teaching in nyc?
      And don’t forget James people have different opinions about what’s racists.
      Some think using the term illegal immigrants is racists while others like you think using the term china virus is racists. We all know both are not but our society has become overly sensitive.
      We all know using the n word is racist an if someone uses it again I think we are mature enough to ignore one stupid commentator

  95. 10:12 - it is only in that thick empty skull of yours that people "vilified" the anti-vaxxers. Noone vilified anybody. Mostly people cared about themselves, their jobs, staying well, adjusting to a new normal, and dealing with the rigors of one of the most challenging jobs in the world. The anti-vaxxers fought it through the courts, and that's just not enough for you unless the rest of the people did something that you and others can never quite explain what exactly it is that they should have done.

    1. As fellow union members:Understood the government shouldn’t have the legal authority to force adults to get a experimental vaccine for a virus and science that many including James and the cdc said is evolving. (is it a vaccine) as a requirement for employment. I thought the purpose of s vaccine was it prevent infection? I thought vaccines where to stop the spread?
      Union members could have supported other union members. It probably wouldn’t have help a hill of beans but that would have been solidarity! I took the shot or whatever it is but I supported those who refused. Experimental? Doesn’t that seem odd to you?
      I thank you for reading and hope to continue a civil discussion

  96. 10:43 well if you want to compare yourself, and put yourself on the same level as a bunch of unpolished, uncouth teenagers who use that word, go right ahead. But thank you for confirming that, as I said, you support the use of the SLUR on this teacher's blog. You think it's ok because kids in school use it, for an adult, an educator perhaps, calling someone a n***** lover, and then for the icing on the cake bringing up math and ela scores as a bonus.

  97. 10:36 waitingforsupport. You're absolutely correct. They can't speak to one single they've done to show support at all. All mouth, no action.

  98. James - not sure how the set-up for the blogging works but one way around it, as many other sites have done, and many have suggested, is require people to use a name. Or at a minimum a moniker. I used to frequent HuffPost back in the day. After they required people to use their name, or email account, it cut down on the filthy commments and lots of people just left altogether but it's not the cesspool it once was. Anonymous posters can, and do,, post several times giving the impression that their position has wide support. What a surprise that all of the "don't pay dues" posters always show up at the same time.

    Look at the poster with the axe to grind about people not supporting the anti-vaxxers. How many times are they going to post that? How many names and insults can they come up with for people who didn't walk out in support. Now they're comparing people to SS guards. It's so foul and vile and frankly, deranged. These anti-vaxx teachers didn't lose their license and there are many other places they can work. A couple that I worked with are in a much better place now but I should be the one angry about it, when they've moved on? That particular poster has absolutely nothing of substance to add to a discussion so they hop on the anti-vaxxer wagon each and every time to give them an excuse to attack their fellow teachers while accusing others of doing the same.

  99. Hey 8:40. The teacher that brags as you say is in YOUR school. He’s in the classroom next to you. The investigations need to start there. Calls to fire fellow union members once again from the left.
    Funny how every comment disagreed with must belong to a lazy, racist teacher.
    James you sided with MANAGEMENT. The unwashed unvaxed were fired. That’s the side you were and are on. And it was the wrong side. I disagree with James. Therefore he must be a lazy racist teacher. The left’s logic.

  100. Chaz was here your blog would not be as popular. Maybe you should not have spent 2-3 years pushing a vaccine mandate being on the wrong side of history while preaching united for change. Meanwhile, posting articles from CNN and then censoring people who have websites that are 100 times more reputable. You shot yourself in the foot.

    End of day government wants to divide and conquer whether its ace baiting, vax vs unvaxxed or 95% misinformation on Trump which brainwashed many pathetic people here.

  101. With all of the racist filth that does get published it's hard to imagine that there's much worse garbage that doesn't get published. You don't have to let them through, and frankly those whiney comments about how you're censoring, I'd block those too. You say you're 100% done with the union dues comments, yet, they're always posted. You've chosen quantity over quality.

  102. 11:27 that's not the answer.

  103. James, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to post some important articles where comments aren't allowed, they're just for viewing. There's nothing wrong with that.

  104. Jonathan @ 10:43, glad to see you get your advice on acceptable use of the n-word from teenagers in your room. Apparently if these stupid kids toss it around at each other, it's acceptable for a grown adult to call someone (and his wife actually) the same thing. Try that in real life and let us know, when you leave the hospital, how it all worked out for you.

    1. Typical answer. A word equals felony or deadly assault in response.

    2. 11:53 you sound incredibly naive if you think you can call people the n-word to their face and get away with it. Its like waving a swastika in a Jewish person's face. In that case you might just go to JAIL

    3. Students do it all day. And blacks of all ages do, actually. So words are now not covered by the 1st Amendment?

  105. 1036 pm, please give us the date, time and school you walked out of and either gave up your salary or lost 2 days for each 1 day you were out.

    I'm waiting...

  106. No 8:51, no one is ignoring "one stupid racist" using the n-word. That word is vile and should not even be on the blog, certainly not a teacher's union blog.

    1. No one said it wasn’t vile. Most of us know it is. In my almost 60 yrs on the planet I’ve learned to ignore many things especially being told to suck my dick you old white mother fucker. Now I could have argued back, escalated the situation but sometime you need to ignore the ignorant. Most of the time they go away. I’m not condoning using this type of language but to pick our battles. That’s why I named my boat SMDYOWMF. God bless

  107. LOL @ 7:40's stupid and illogical rant. It's not the disagreeing that makes one a racist, it's the racist comments that are a definitely giveaway, you dolt. It's not the disagreeing that makes on lazy, people have actually said they do nothing all day but fake it. Lol. You concoct up the most ridiculous arguments, and then claim it's the "left's logic". Are you even a teacher, because you sound dumb ASF and you really can't follow a conversation. You think it was because of James that the "unwashed unvaxxed" were fired? See, this is where you get called a troll, because you can't possibly be that stupid.

    1. I hope calling people names is helping you cope.

    2. 12:17 I think comparing people to SS guards is far worse. Didnt see you chime in on how offensive that was.

  108. Not anti vax… anti govt mandate my friend
    Please get your story straight before you look…. U know

  109. I opted out. That’s what I did. And it’s odd that a retiree who has a guaranteed and large pension would tell in service people to give up salary and medical. Awfully hypocritical.

  110. 11:42 don't know if the 10:12pm post is yours and you just don't remember what you say from one post to the next, but the "anti-vaxxer" term is THEIR word on THEIR post. So perhaps it is YOU who should get your story straight before you look stupid. Oops, too late.

    But thanks for enlightening us that some are not opposed to the vaxx, they're just opposed to being required to take the vaccine. In other words it's just a power and control thing, which is what some of us already knew, but they want the rest of us to get behind that power struggle. No thanks.

    1. I’m 11:42 not 10:12
      Anti vax mandate not anti vax.
      Thanks buddy

    2. 11:42 again
      The power of government over in individual rights should be a concern of all of us. History is filled with evidence of the struggles from many cultures against government overreach and tyranny. If we accept one government mandate where does it end. Thanks again

    3. 12:39 I DONT CARE and I'm not your buddy. I was responding to the poster who used "anti-vaxxer" to attack others who didnt show support and you suggested I didn't know what I was talking about. There's a reason quotation marks were used around the term. Just shut up.

    4. GROW UP, vaccines have been mandated for DECADES. All of a sudden it becomes a sticking point to "own the libs" because the mandate happened under Democrats. Dont like it, find another job.

    5. Is it really a vaccine buddy
      No long term fda trials on effects

    6. For me it’s truly not about politics
      It’s about govt over reach and the long term consequences of that intrusiveness

    7. Sorry my old eyes didn’t see the quotation marks. Thanks for the advice but will continue to voice my opinion and I hope the same for you

  111. What retiree told people to give up salary and medical? Not all counties in NY state have vaccine mandates.

    1. Most school districts don’t have vaccine mandates. Can anyone name a school district outside nyc that has one? Probably not many.

    2. They're too lazy to look for another job. They want to dictate the conditions even though we were in the middle of a pandemic. We had ONE teacher leave and she had been filling the students with propaganda lies. We should walk out because of that kook?

    3. Lazy teachers? Is that your intellectual argument
      Money well spent on your college degree

  112. You opted out if vaccines? Whose fault is that? Other people should lose pay because of your choices? I think not.

  113. 12:43 as has already been mentioned, vaccines have been mandated for years except for private school, and even that has been changing because of friend of mine had to homeschool when the private school started asking for vaccine records and that was before COVID. Travel to certain countries requires vaccines. Working in a hospital. It was all politics and they ran with it. First it was because of this, and then it was because of that. There were legitimate exceptions and the DOE even allowed religious exemptions which I imagine would be hard to disprove.

    Regardless, I'm sure women want support for the right to choose, gays for the right to marry, trans, blacks, they would all like others others to join their fight and believe that their struggles should be a "concern to all of us". People pick and choose the battles they want to join. The "anti-vaxxers" want to shove their battle down everyone else's throat.


    Good morning Mr. Mulgrew.

    Yesterday I had a very productive, professional live interview with Randi Weingarten regarding vaccine mandates and fired educators. I greatly appreciate her time and the conversation we had. In light of this I would like to extend two invitations to you:

    1. I would like for you to be a guest on my show to discuss vaccine mandates and 1,950 fired NYC educators

    2. I invite you to stand with us on the steps of City Hall in support of fired NYC Educators on October 12 at 9 am

    The UFT has now gone on record saying if the private sector vaccine mandate is struck down in NYC the public sector mandate must be as well. Teachers for Choice appreciates this common sense position and we ask that you stand with us on the steps of City Hall on October 12 and help us fight to get back the livelihoods that were unfairly ripped away from us that we deserve back.

    It would be fantastic if you could also come on my show for us to have a conversation similar to the one I just had with Randi. You can watch the interview, or read about it, at the following link:

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Michael Kane

    1. Great job Mike. Thanks for your efforts

  115. 1. Not many so called legitimate/religious exemptions were granted
    2. This is not a vaccine, it’s an experimental something, what the heck is it? quickly approved without proper fda long term effects
    3. Vaccine mandates for adults is different
    4. Support the right choose, also support the right for federal and state legislatures ( elected representatives) to decide instead of life time appointed judges.
    5. Support others fights for equality through the democratic process. You know elected federal and state legislatures not judges.
    6. What other school districts in ny state mandated this so called vaccine?
    Thanks for the civil discourse

  116. Vaccine has full FDA approval.

    1. I thought it only had approval for emergency use.

    2. Your right it does and that might be the scariest/ alarming thing of all
      Thanks again

    3. Full FDA approval.

      On August 23, 2021, FDA announced the first approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the approved vaccine is marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 12 years of age and older.

      Comirnaty is a monovalent COVID-19 vaccine that is approved for use as a two-dose primary series for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 12 years of age and older

    4. Thanks for the info Full approval without proper long term trials on effects on the human body
      Very alarming
      As free adult citizens should the government have the authority to force its citizens to take an experimental vaccine without their consent?

  117. How are going to have long term studies on a disease that was identified in 2019? It is why it is called Covid-19. Plenty of long term studies on MRNA.

    Take the Novavax if you don't want MRNA.


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