Friday, September 02, 2022


Unions are very popular with the public in 2022.

This is from Gallup:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Seventy-one percent of Americans now approve of labor unions. Although statistically similar to last year's 68%, it is up from 64% before the pandemic and is the highest Gallup has recorded on this measure since 1965.

New York City is a union town.

This was in The City:

New York City workers are joining labor unions at a rate far higher than their counterparts in other cities — and at 10 times the national average.

The annual State of the Unions report from the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies finds nearly half of the 17,000 workers who’ve joined a labor union in the five boroughs since the start of 2021 are employed by Amazon, where workers at a massive Staten Island fulfillment center became the first in the nation to unionize.

New York City private-sector workers are joining unions at nearly twice the rate as in the next most active city, Seattle, and at five times the rate as in San Francisco or Los Angeles, the study finds.

If unions are on offense in NYC, why are the UFT and many other Municipal Labor Committee unions still playing defense?


  1. They’d change their mind if they knew how Mulgrew and Randi run theirs.

  2. The leaders of the UFT and some of the leaders of the other Municipal Labor Unions have sold out. That is they are working against the values
    and interests of their membership.

    1. You want to show some proof? No proof=it did not happen.

  3. lol. Do you want a real answer?

    1. Rofl
      Real answers do not get through the Fact Checkers a.k.a. obidient,yet barely high school graduates. They are very trusted.

  4. Our union is corrupt. No other city union wears kneepads around the mayor like we do.

  5. Our union is corrupt. No other city union wears kneepads around the mayor like we do.

    The leaders of the UFT and some of the leaders of the other Municipal Labor Unions have sold out. That is they are working against the values
    and interests of their membership.

    But I pay $1600 per year to support this. The president gets 90% every election.
    Every contract passes, easily.

  6. Just got back from Costa Rica. Love jumping on this blog. Can't wait to get back to school next week after making my usual 10Kish per session summer school. Great story here on the union. We are so lucky to be part of such a wonderful union and all the benefits that come with it. Ahhhhh another year of maxing out my TDA. Got my 6th class all lined up. Actually reading the depressive comments on here is enjoyable. It makes me feel better. Enjoy the last weekend of the summer everyone!

  7. Ultimately, your job on this planet is to help people, of course including yourself, but that doesn’t imply gross indulgence.

  8. 625

    OK, you have Summer school and per session....maybe another 25K...but you're setting yourself up for a stroke.


  9. If 6:25 doesn’t sound chill to you, you’re oblivious. He’s demonstrated a strategy that allows you to work the DOE for your benefit and keep a sense of humor about it.

    1. Yep. The recent Post articles about disgraced principals demonstrate how far you can go with the "unattached" mindset.

  10. I don’t enjoy this job, but I know it’s easier than working a real job in private industry.

    Trust me. I’ve done it. Long days, same or less pay and a ton less time off.

    This job sucks with the afternoon commute, but it’s still better than private industry.

    The issue is some of you think this job is life or death. It’s not
    . Do your best and sleep well!

    You can’t make kids care who don’t care.

  11. I found the problem. Teachers gloating they are in school early for free, to plan. A sucker born every minute. Good luck with that contract which expires in 10 days.

    PS92 Queens
    Our MTSS team is hard at work planning instructional strategies for 2022-2023. #GoodForAllChildren #92Strong



  12. Once again, the adventure begins

  13. Agree with 7:39
    There is NO WAY i would do a 6th class, per session then summer school.
    Maybe 1 not all 3 .

    1. You gonna do what you are told to do. Do not fool yourself.

  14. How long until Mulgrew says that we’re off to a good start?

  15. 506, I'm not the poster, but some people do stand up for themselves. They can't force you to take a 6th class, or to work summer school. I can see having to do a per session activity now and again but one doesn't have to take a long-term per session assignment like Regents Academy or PM school if they don't want to. You let them bully you like that?

  16. 506,

    I’ve been asked to work summer school or Saturday academy and have politely declined.

    I feel for where you work if that’s the case.


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