Wednesday, October 05, 2022


 I have made a bloggers decision to disable anonymous comments. For now at least, you will need a Google account to comment. That should clear up somewhat who is who here.

Thanks to the commenter who suggested this. At least, you will have to take the time to come up with a pen name.

Let's give it a try and see how it goes. I can't spend most of my time moderating.


  1. Great idea. This blog continues to provide valuable information.

  2. your blog your rules. hope this helps you share opinions on important union issues from all political persuasions

  3. Finally some sanity. ICE from its very founding in late 2003 was a mostly left, progressive caucus - in some ways the most left in the UFT but open to anyone, even if on the right who wanted to fight the Unity machine. This blog was founded by Jeff Kaufman around the time of the battle for the 2005 contract. To read so many comments that are clearly right wing gives the impression that ICE supports right wing causes. James has been sensitive to the charges he is censoring people - well a blog has the right to present a certain point of view - but ICE has always been open to debate. In fact if any of the trolls on the right want to debate their points of view I and others are open to doing that - in person in our favorite diner where I can get my rice pudding. Just email James and we will set it up. But if you won't look us in the eyes and spew your racist comments then no dice.

  4. Thanks for the laugh ed notes, you never disappoint with your insight. Being the self proclaimed defender of the lefts horrible record on almost everything it must be a burden trying to defend the left these days. You would think someone of your vast intellect wouldnt need to resort to name calling but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. But as my father always said if you are going to be a troll make sure its a right wing troll. Thank you for the compliment.
    left wing (not trolls)
    wrong on
    1. border
    2. inflation
    3. energy
    4. crime
    5. abortion
    5. education
    6. china
    7. voter i.d
    etc.. fill in the blanks_______. _______. ______

    racists ed??? come on i thought you had more class than that.
    hopes this make it through. fair and balanced james
    right wing trolls?
    thanks for the name calling. i thought we were allowed to have different opinions in this country??? I thought we were taught to respect others opinions without name calling? i guess not!!! God Bless Ed

  5. Are you a NYC UFTer Sleepy Joe? If so, would you agree as Norm asked to debate us in a public setting? It could be online.

    Your side would kill public Ed as we know it to get rid of our relatively decent paying union jobs that have pensions and health benefits. Chile under Pinochet tried school choice. It didn't work. Obama went half way here. It didn't work. Let's debate education and labor policy.

  6. Not entirely for school choice you are probably thinking about
    Charter schools do have some benefits but they shouldnt be allowed pick and choose students,( i did my post grad thesis on charter schools way back 25 years ago. i was against them in 1997 still against them now)
    But something needs to be done with public education in the city
    Like i mentioned before why are many suburban schools having great success spending the same amount of money per student?
    Just because im not onboard with how charter schools are currently run, i still believe parents need a choice to the local failing public school. Either fix the local failing public school or allow the parents to send their kids some place else. Being held hostage to the doe provided public schools has had serve implications to the long term economic and social prospects of too many students.
    Thank you for the invite but this forum is sufficient enough for me to get my opinion out. i look forward to continuing our civil discourse and sharing our various opinions on issues that impact all americans.

    What about all the other topics/issues that are currently impacting our great nations union workers??? They impact union workers also!

    Oh by the way are we now allowed to name call again? i guess you over looked that in eds post.
    Stay well and thanks for the opportunity to share my beliefs

    1. I agree with many of 9:23 am's points. Why are suburban schools having success? I don't think it's SOLELY based on lack of parental input. I think there are other factors involved including the pass all/fail none policy of the DOE. Charter schools will always have a market because the vast majority the parents who enroll their children in the charters have seen the damage done by public schools. Educators are also a factor.

  7. sorry yes im a recently retired ufter
    27 yrs
    always paid my dues
    school closed/atr for a long time
    i know many of the people you know from jamaica/other schools
    had the pleasure as an atr to co teach with your wife 8 or so years ago. very nice person, you definitely married up. voted for her/ encouraged others to do the same
    stay well and thanks for allowing different opinions/ possible solutions to the same issues facing all of us

  8. Why are suburban schools having success? You can't compare public schools in nyc to the suburbs. They are too different worlds. One big factor is the students go to the high school in their community not one that is 2 hours away from where they live. Suburban schools don't have the immigrant population we have. Do they get SIFE students? Also, their parents are much more involved in their education. Also, in suburban school attendance is mandatory not optional. I went to public school. I was there before first period by 7:54 every morning and I left after 8th period unless I stayed after for activities. I could go on and on. Trust me it's not the teachers. I remember my Econdmics teacher. He would sit and read the newspaper and give the class an assignment out of the textbook. Yet we all came to class and did our work because we wanted a future and wanted to graduate. We didn't say we're not going to his class because he is boring.

  9. @ Holden. I agree about the importance of not having to travel 2 hrs for school. There is something to be said for attending school in your own community. I too attended public school in my community until 9th grade. It was only for hs did I take a test to attend school outside of my community. Attendance from elementary thru hs was mandatory. In short, rules had to be adhered to in order to graduate. Let's say parents are never involved, I still believe that a school district must do what it's supposed to do. The DOE is failing at its sole purpose.


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