Saturday, January 07, 2023


The City Council has scheduled committee hearings for Monday morning to hear testimony on changing Administrative Code 12-126 which would make it easier to impose Medicare Advantage (Mulgrewcare) on Medicare-eligible City worker retirees.

Michael Mulgrew will most likely be there with his paid staffers who all should be testifying live while the rank and file who oppose this change will be working. 

You can testify in-person or on Zoom. Sign up here, please.

The New York City Organization of Public Sector Retirees is organizing and along with other groups will be there at Monday's Civil Service and Labor Committee hearing. 

Here is Marianne Pizzitola's latest email:

Attention all EMPLOYEES/In-Service workers and RETIREES!

Updated Video Message from Marianne
Is attached, PLEASE WATCH!


We attached a historic video documentary on Victor Gotbaum in 1965 at the bargaining table. Watch!   Its exciting!   Near the end he explains why it is healthy to have dissenting opinions in the union.  I say this all the time...   Do your kids listen to you?   Let me help you here...  NO, they don't.   And so these kids today, who don't knw the difference between Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare with a Supplement are not listening to us tell them this is not the way.   It's like asking them to tell you the difference between a Cadillac and a Studbaker, and they tell you they are both the same. 
Monday we will all meet at City Hall by about 830AM to go through security and hold a press conference at 9 am.  We will proceed to City Hall and get ready for the hearing.   This will be an ALL DAY affair.   You may leave after you testify.   Please register here to to let us KNOW you will be there and also click the City Council link to register to testify 

Be prepared to be there all day. 
Bring a snacks, water and a small pillow if needed.  There are bathrooms and the building is handicap accessible. 

Bring 20 copies of your testimony for the council and have one for you to read.   Your spoken testimony will most likely be limited to 2 minutes, but your written testimony can be longer.  
Make sure you register with the City Council in the above link we provided and also on our link to tell us us you are coming.  Both links are in the Testimony Pledge.

Reserve your calendar for January 19th as well, as this will be the day the Council Votes if this passes the Committee.  You will need to be there as well. 

Target Dates

January 9th @ 830 AM to clear Security for the 9 AM press conference.
9:30 AM City Hall: Civil Service and Labor Committee Meeting **JOIN US AT THIS HEARING!!!

January 19th @ 1:30pm City Hall: Stated Meeting and Vote on the Bill **JOIN US AT THE VOTE

If you are on Twitter and Instagram, please comment and share our messages.
We also created an OPEN FaceBook Page

And Please send your donations in to continue this fight!
Listen to Victor Gotbaum debate the City in bargaining, and talk about dissenting opinion in the union as being NEEDED.   Just because you disagree with your union, doesn't make you anti union like they are trying to portray us. 



Your friends, and retirees in SOLIDARITY...

The NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees

The latest from CUNY Professional Staff Congress President James Davis concerning Monday:

The New York City Council needs to hear from you! As I wrote earlier in the week, the proposed Administrative Code change that would clear the path for the City to implement a Medicare Advantage plan and to charge monthly premiums of roughly $200/month to retirees who opt to remain enrolled in Senior Care was introduced this week. The City Council Civil Service and Labor Committee will hold a public hearing this Monday, January 9 starting at 9:30 AM

Please click this link and register if you can join us in person or give in-person testimony. Turning out to this hearing in force will demonstrate the breadth of opposition to this change. There are also options for remote participation if you are not able to attend in person.

The PSC continues to push for an alternative solution to the problem of rising health care costs, and the City Council needs to hear from PSC members that our proposal is worth supporting. It is important for City Council Members of the Civil Service and Labor Committee to hear from you on Monday, January 9, 2023.

Lastly, please click this link to send the updated Act Now letter to your Council Member and please click here for a script you can use to call your Council Member!

In solidarity, 

James Davis

PSC President


  1. From my understanding, the majority of City Council members are not in favor of changing the city code. Is that the case?

  2. This right now looks like it could go either way.

  3. Moose Here:

    We are in mid January almost. This is going on about 5 months since a Contract. What do you expect our future for a new contract prediction will be James? This retiree Healthcare nonsense is terrible for retirees, and holding up money for current employees.

  4. Daamnn! Been watching the City Council meeting live for a couple hours and it is awesome. Seeing all the different unions testifying against the change to healthcare has been great. The best part is seeing all the retired UFT teachers stating that Mulgrew never asked for their thoughts on changing healthcare. Now get this: Mulgrew had only 3 retired teachers out of dozens state that they are in favor of changing the city code. But it gets better, MULGREW DID NOT EVEN TESTIFY IN PERSON AND LEFT THE MEETING WHEN HE WAS DONE SPEAKING. He is a sellout, a coward, and a straight up scummy dude.


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