Thursday, March 09, 2023


The Municipal Labor Committee roll call vote of the City unions shows that there were many dissenting unions who voted against Aetna's privatized Medicare Advantage (Mulgrewcare) for City retirees who are Medicare eligible. 25 NO votes plus 10 abstentions, and 14 no shows. Michael Mulgrew needed the UFT's weighted vote to push this through. Our sources tell us the unions voted without seeing the Aetna contract.

Updated list with Yes-No columns

No shock to see the UFT voting in favor nor the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) opposed but I was rather surprised to see the Council of Supervisors and Administrators voting no. 

Go to AM New York for more coverage.


  1. Sooo, will Mulgoon now tell us that since he sold out the retirees that we are next? I have never been more ashamed of the UFT till today and I have been a member since 1995.

  2. I just read the Daily News article and if I understand this correctly, medicare, that is available to any Joe Schmo -even one who never had the wondrous opportunity to join a union, is denied to Uft members? What if we want to pay for it, is that still an option? My wife is not a teacher - can she get Medicare, or is she stuck with the same lousy plan that Mulgrew stuck up our collective asses? How can this be? How are we allowing Mulgrew to decide this for us? Is he the UFT or are members the UFT? Can somebody who is against charter schools logically be for privatized healthcare? There’s something missing from all this because it doesn’t make any sense. How can a union president, regardless of how unfit he is for the position, do something like this?! Am I missing something here? I know there are many retirees that will not go gently into that good night until they get vindication and their pound of flesh off Mulgrew’s hide. What’s next? I’m sure he’ll try to lift the right for retirees to vote (or he’ll leave pronto for the AFT, like Randi).

    1. what's missing here are kickbacks and conflicts of interest

  3. What’s missing here is you telling us how important union dues are at this time.

    Another victory.

  4. You voted for Mulgrew. You are still paying dues to Mulgrew's UFT.
    You got what you wanted.

    If you want to keep voting for Mulgrew and keep paying UFT dues, you will get more of this from Mulgrew. Nothing to be shocked about.

  5. Of course , this is another great victory for our UFT members according to Mulgrew.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anti uft teacher,

    I don’t pay dues, haven’t since 2018.

    I was tired of getting the “we agree but we can’t help” answer from sill, Amy and janella.

    I guess people are finally seeing why.

    The only thing that keeps the doe afloat is the fact that it’s taxpayer funded and not a private business.

    Education where almost nobody gets educated.

    Grade fraud city.

    A union that isn’t a union.

  8. Anti uft teacher,

    I don’t pay dues, haven’t since 2018.

    I was tired of getting the “we agree but we can’t help” answer from sill, Amy and janella.

    I guess people are finally seeing why.

    The only thing that keeps the doe afloat is the fact that it’s taxpayer funded and not a private business.

    Education where almost nobody gets educated.

    Grade fraud city.

    A union that isn’t a union.

    Bronx ate,

    I was referring to another response. I 100% agree with the “I can’t look myself in the mirror.”

  9. The goal of this blog has been to give information, convince UFTers they are being misrepresented by the UFT leadership, and hopefully light a spark to organize and build for something better. In spite of some commenters, I haven't given up.

    I can look myself in the mirror and say I am doing my best to change the UFT.

  10. The City is not broke. I didn't say they were.

  11. No change for retirees under 65.
    I know as much as you do about the contract negotiations.

    Thanks for linking to Gothamist.

  12. We must all file unfair labor complaints against the UFT, MLC and NY City for collusion on this disgraceful criminal betrayal. None of us should accept this sellout!

  13. Nobody seems to fully get it. Money is everything. Do you think 50,000 UFT members who pull dues won't get Mugrew's attention?

    I voted for Camille in spite of how terrible her Politics is. Going on China News network. James and Camille for 3 years went insane for over mandates and vaccines. Now the new data has come to debunk everything, James does not want to cover it. He can still look himself in the mirror knowing he was wrong there, wrong on how he voted for our mayor wrong about how the dems are the better party for education etc etc.

    Money follows the child! Time to have competition for schools, you want to teach 1619 go ahead, want to teach CRT great. Parents who do not want that education go elsewhere with the money.

    1. 50,000 people pulling dues just makes the UFT even weaker.

      Vaccines saved many lives. See the differences between deaths in Republican as opposed to Democratic counties since 2021. Covid vaccines prevent severe disease and death. There is plenty of science on that holding up. However, once it was fairly clear vaccines slowed transmission but were not going to stop variants, people should have been allowed to work.,compared%20to%20four%20infections%20per

      In addition, the exemptions were too narrowly applied.

      Money following the child is just a scam to defund public schools and rob education money for education profiteers and then leave us with the most at risk students who we must accept.

      Glad you voted for us. Our 7 HS Exec Bd people are doing great work to represent UFTers. We would represent all UFTers much better than Unity has if we won the entire election as we are strong trade unionists, not career unionists.

    2. Sorry, Teacher mom you got deleted by accident. Here is your comment.


      It was crystal clear from the very beginning that the corona virus vaccination did not stop transmission. The basis for the mandate for teachers was tied squarely to the vaccine preventing transmission. Teachers like me were terminated based on a lie. Do not take my word for it, read the actual mandate.

  14. I have a question about the union due:
    On UFT website, it says retirees pay "Union dues for members of the Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC) are 0.4 of 1% based on their retirement allowance.".

    Is "0.4 of 1%" the same as 0.4%? If so, is it only about $300 per year?
    I am about to retire, I want to continue my UFT membership in my retirement.

    Thanks very much.

  15. “50,000 people pulling dues just makes the UFT even weaker.”

    That’s the exact same thing as Amy, sill and Goldberg telling teachers who are getting abused and tortured…It’s better than nothing.

    Dear atrs…You are lucky to have a job.

  16. People pulling together to achieve better wages and working conditions are what make unions strong. People taking it apart, unless they build something more united and better, do nothing but move us backwards. Said it here 500 times.

  17. I don't believe in telling people being abused you are lucky to have a job.

  18. Mulgrew has betrayed all NY city municipal retirees.

    Does anyone know what the NY organization of Public Service Retirees (Marianne Pizzitola) is planning to do to stop this collusion/betrayal?

    Is there anything that can be done (through the courts) to stop this breach of promise?

  19. Stay tuned. Marianne is planning much more. I don't believe anything can be done in court until contract is finalized.

  20. Michael Mulgrew sold us out in the 2018 contract and then again when he allowed the city to fire tenured employees without due process because they (we) wanted bodily autonomy. Which in the end proved we were right to not get the shot to begin with. And now this giveback to the city and private healthcare company. Mulgrew like Randy are bought and paid for. Keep voting for UNity keep voting for the Democratic party this will continue to happen. FYI if you want to stop paying union dues the small 2 week window begins from June 15-30 that's your only chance for this year or you'll have to wait until next year.


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